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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1939)
THE DAILY NFBRASKAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1939 THREE HUSKERS UN LIMBER FOR K. U TILT SIPCKTT By Norman Harris Observer! of Nebraska high school basketball teams see a new state champion by the end of the season In Skip Palrang's Crelghton Prepsters from Omaha.Roaring thru all the competition they have met so far, which Includes Hastings, Grand Island, and Fremont, the Junior Jays look like the team to watch from here on out Ralph Bcechner's Lincoln High quuiiei is in ror anotner mediocre season, havlne- Inst Omaha Central, a team not figur ed 10 tie a power either in state circles or Omaha Intprritu Fremont licked Benson, which Is usually pretty pood by 38 to 10, and Palrang's boys knocked off liters i( 10 13 m a defensive contest. Here's the situntinn aimimn.l un Prep beat Hartings by a margin of neany inree to one, Hastings beat .iHCKwin m a close game, am Lincoln beat Grand Island by seven points, Prep's margin over O. I. was about the same as over Hastings, so we think Prep can take nil four into camp eas'ly. and I'rouHDiy aunn? the same week! Saturday is the big day! K. XT., already an Oklahoma victim, will appear on the col iseum court to do battle with Ne braska's Hollywood-teed , Huskers And Kansas is out for a revenge, not necessarily over Nebraska, as they Have nothing In the iine of basketball to revenge on the Huskers, but revenge for that loss to Oklahoma. The sooner they beat a major opponent, the better they'll like It and Nebraska If a major opponent. Husker fans will get a treat watching this Engleman-Ebling-Golay combination, alternating at forwards. The three sharp, shooters are probably the best trio on one team In this part of the country. Studded with stars and letter men. Big Six fans are surprised at the relatively poor showing made by the Jayhawkers so far this year. Rut they're ready to blow the lid off the conference race and game now, and would enjoy it Immensely if could be perched on that lid. Iowa State's 47 to 36 victon over K. Slate may be a warnn? to other Big Six teams that the Cyclone wil continue their foot ball surprises on the basketball court. Anything would be better however, than the game they played against the Cornhnsker here Inst year. Its slowness anc drnhnesa cut a crowd of 5 000 fan down to about 3.500 at halftime and there wasn't even a mob a the door when the game was over Minnesota, Big Tin contender and conquerer of Nebraska earlier this season dusted off a smar' Chicago quintet, 38 to 28 in theii conference opener. At the samr time, Illinois, Ohio State. Purdue and Wisconsin, were winning fits' conference games. Only three teams In the Big Ten, most writers agree, may be actually counted out of champ ionship figuring. .Iowa, Michi gan, and Chicago. Of the rest, Wisconsin seems to me the weakest. Purdue, Indiana, Illi nois, Ohio State appear bracket ed below Minnesota and Illinois ...the Gophers should cop the crown. Barbs Discuss Plans for Party Dinner Dance to Be Held in Union Feb. 25 Bids for the bsrb winter party Were issued to barb men yester day afternoon in the retrular hnrh council meeting. The party will bring Sternle Sternberg and his orchestra to the union ballroom Feb. 25. A dinner will preceed the dance. The council discussed plans for registration of barbs with a nomi nal payment by each barb to meet the expenses of the organization. TU True: The University of New Mexico student council has petitioned the library to remain open mora hours of the week! Three High tmmMhcUmi wmm&$mmik kdpmwf-w ;i-:-.-.::(.-, t 33V 8UNQ' F0RrtFHZ7 Pictured above are Phog Al len's three sterling forwards who comprise probably the best trio of alternating forwards on any one team in the middle west. Ebling is following snugly 9L by June Bierbower Oklahoma's easy victory over Kansas Just about puts it up to the Huskers to come through with a victory over the Jayhawks, if Coach Browne's boys expect to figure very noticeably In the Big Six race. The Sooners' impressive win, ac complished without the services of Roscoe Walker and Marvin Mesch, established Oklahoma as favorites to add the basketball crown to their football championship un less Oklahoma gets worse very fast or Kansas or some other team jets better Just as fast. The Huskers' west coast trip nought Nebraska a little added re spect from the rest of the Big Six, since the Huskers averaged learly 40 points a game even hough they won but two of five. Of course, none of the boys who "fear Nebraska" are saying any liing about how many points the opposition averaged, but who are we to give advice? Kansas will come with some Ire in their eyes because of Sat urday's licking from the Sooners. iut the Huskers don't need any thing to fire them up for Kansas. Nebraska might have won last year's game at Lincoln but for some sappo who tossed an apple core at I'hog Allen Just at the psychological tlme-for Kansas, that Is. and they have a lot more than nn outside chance to bowl over the Jays Saturday night. Reports from Los Angeles seem io indicate that U. C. L. A. will be the next school to Join the reform parrte, athletically speaking. They've already start ed. In fact, for last October, when 110 athletes had part tlm Jobs, SO were cut off tht pay roll before the California game. It all caused quite a ruckus, al though a "strike" was averted. Now 25 more have been handed the blue envelope, and as the U. C. L. A. grid team Is due in from Hawaii soon, the boys won't hav such a pleasant homecoming waiting for them. That Isn't all. Those remaining on the payroll had their wages sliced. Averaged "salary" Is about f30 per month, although some of the big wigs have been drawing about $50. It is reported further that the university Intends to eliminate the payment of tuition fees, lab fees, and cost of textlooks for its ath letes who have been receiving such benefits in the past. The aforesaid policy may go into effect at the beginning of next semester. Howard Weiss, Wisconsin star. Flying Jayhawk Forwards In the footsteps of his older brother, Ray, who made cage history at K. U. Golay is lead ing the Jayhawk scorers In games played so far this year; Engleman bids fair to become California Cage Play, Girls, Scenery Intrsgue Huskers Basketeers Describe Experiences of Trip "When they were hot they were unbeatable; when they were cold he had a chance and we beat 'em" So said Coach Browne Monday when questioned about the Cali fornia basketball team whom the Huskers defeated once on the coast only to turn around and lose in a second encounter. He attri buted this to the fact that the Bears used a long range follow in type of play which was unstop pable when they were hitting, but ineffective other wise. Players, especially Grant Thom as and Don Fitz, questioned con cerning the holiday Jaunt, were unanimous in their approval of the feminine crop in evidence on coast campuses and in the Hollywood studios. Rose Bowl Game. The Rose Bowl game and the Tournament of Roses parade were next on the players interest list. These appealed most to Irvin Yaf fce and Grant Thomas, Grant be ing struck by the peculiarity of flowers being in bloom on New Years. Browne voiced his opinion on the scenic beauty of the San Fran cisco buy region and the trip home through the Royal Gorge and Feather River canyon. Jack Jack son was particularly interested in the Golden gate bridge because of Its architectural beauty and work manship. Battleships In Bay. Harry Pltcaithley was struck by wants only $10,000 to play football with the Detroit Lions . . . that's about what Far! "Dutch" Clark received as the Lions' coach last year . . . U. C. L. A.'s two point victory over the Huskers was the Bruins' first major win of the year . . . they didn't turn in a single victory in the Pacific Coast basketball race last year . . Ralph Miller got Into a few minutes f the Kansas-Oklahoma game, and sank a lone shot, although he is still hobbling because of the bad , knee Injury he received in foot- ! Dan . . . Virginia Military Insti tute's starting basketball lineup Includes five football men . . only two of the eleven Southern Cal players who were in the game as the Trojans beat Duke will be lost to next year's team. Your Drug Store Camera Shooting Now Cfceap. Films Developed and Printed 17c. THE OWL PHARMACY P SL at 14th Phona B10M FREE DELIVERY HOWARD EtlGLEMM one of the greatest forwards ever produced in the conference. He's only a sophomore, and rang up 17 of the Allenmen's 31 points against Oklahoma last Saturday night the ocean and the immensity of the battleshins which wer nn. chored in the bay. The extremely uuormai areas oi me male con tincent of the western fnmnnpa seen mostly in blue denim nnnts nr corduroys, absorber most of Bob T : . . . . . . , juEiiens opinion or uie inp. me girls, according to Bob, dress Just oppositely, coming to school in their best regalia. He also was struck by the beauty of Holly wood as was Al Randall, who took in as much as possible of the scenery or me hills around San Francisco. California weather stood up to par as far as the Huskers were concerned, for all of the travelers talked of the pleasant weather which they enjoyed in the Sun shine state. Most of the fellows spoke of the loose oinctaiing, which is char acteristic in coast bask! hall rir cles, as compared to comparatively close foul calling in the midwest ana easi. Freshman Caps Discarded by Omaha U. Frosh Freshman ccps are a thing the Past at Omaha imivritu the precedent established by John Knud:ien, freshman class presi dent, is continued. Instead of the traditional cans, the freshmen win wear celluloid buttons done In red and hlack, the school colors. How can freshmen get awa with such audacity? The secret lies In the fact that the class numbers 572- more than half the student body. Ao Ottiet Pipe Jlike Tklil Btriiirf ur ha ... ..... . ini nu uiHtK m mrrra V n :imi i uriuuiiiiii-jj i iuui tiiin f -aI- Jg Browne Sends Cagers Thru Stiff Practice Thomas May Start at Forward as Scarlet Open Big Six Race Prcpping for their first Big Six cpencr against the defending champions, the K. U. Jayhawkers Saturday night, Husker basket- ballers unlimbered rubbery travel logs and banged frosh opponents all over the floor in scrim mage yester day. Not anv too pleased with their showing. Coach W. H. Browne halted the contact work every few moments to-- make correc- ? tions on both 1 offensive and defensive play. GRANT THOMAS Lincoln Journal. Grant Thorn as, slim forward, whose nlav shone against opponent during the nonoay inp, wiu probably get the starting' call 'at one of the for ward jobs against K. IT. ThA rest of the first string lineup at pres ent is composed or itoyanaa op posite Thomas at the other for ward, Randall at center, Fitz and Werner at guards. Hope for a win over the Jay hawks has bounded from nnwWp into an actuality as a result of is.ansans' defeat at the hands of Oklahoma's powerful Sooners last Saturday night, A comparatively good showing on the coast along with the Kan sas defeat seen is enough to Husk er fans for bolstering hope. Allen's quintet is not to be fig ured anywhere near a soft touch. The K. U. crop of forwards is as good a bunch as can be found on any team in the nation. Engle man, Golay, Reid, Allen, and Eb ling are all tall, rangy, fast and dead-eyes. Dick Harp at guard is expected to assume the role the great Pralle played the past two years for Phog, that of inspirational leader and defensive "quarter back." A win over K. U., however, would stamp the Huskers as more than the dark-horse they have been considered hitherto. Badminton Play Pairings Posted Teams Must Arrange Time to Play Games Pairings for the badminton tournament have been made and are posted in the girls' gym. Teams should contact each other and then arrange for a time to play. The office must be notified of that time so that a net will be up and a referee ready. Times can only be arranged after 5 o'clock. The first round must be completed by Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 6 o'clock, and there will positively be no ex tentlons of time, it was an nounced. rm THAT 15 mtCnANICAUT VNM fcaatau mmd S. awt mm Dr. m . Hwr'w tmn 4 mttltm ha Ht Snt Mfiwrei.1! I'll mu wrmn J