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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1939)
"FOUR TIIE DULY NEBRASKAN, FKIDAY, JANUARY 6. 1939 ti OClCii And how do your exams comet i . . all at once or spread out so you can't go home? . . . daily that threatening: siege becomes more real . . . but for the moment we think In a lighter vein of what goes on here . . . local favorite of new sob songs is now "Get Out of Town" . . . pretty old expression, this sheriffs song . , . one of the latest steady eases arises between Kappa ple.lge Marlon Cramer ami Ted Welton, Itet.i ... a case which went on the no-go list over vaca tion is that of SOT Hetty Sllver blatt and Zeta Met Tan Stewart undoy Lough Session F ratnnng A VARIETY SHOW S.rl Atlr.rtl.m) n6chargb SUNDAY4 P. M. 1 Student Union fff, See the Sundoy Lough i 1 Ganz . . . Stewart's only regret la that he sat by the fire New Yean eve while Betty dated somebody else . . . AOPi Ruth Yourd now wears a maltose cross locket Riven her by Bill Davis, ATO of course . , , however, Pat Prime is not wearing a Thl T'si pin next to her Phi pin anymore . , . Kappa Mary Austin now wears a diamond plus the Delt pin of Eddie George . . . Sig Alph Jim DeWolf is velly up set about the squeak In his sporty new shoes . , . among other big plans for the week end, don't for got the Gamma Phi formal. Beta formal, and also the Alpha I'ht, PtJ too . . . and have a big time whatever you do , . . Rae Krebaach was formally in itiated into Chi Phi fraternity on Monday night. Chi Omega announces the pledg ing of Roberta Liters and Mary Sohrieker, both of Lincoln. Week's Entertainment. Tonight brings around the Gamma Phi Beta formal at the Student Union and Alpha Chi for mal at the Comhusker ballroom Saturday evening is the D. U. formal. The band has been Im ported from Chicago and is being kept a secret. The classes are going to have dinner separately. Beta Theta Pi is having their annual dinner dance at the Lin coln hotel Saturday evening. -HOTEL LINCOLN CL ?icbl c (DhLuvdiojL JJo.sli ZJlih WccL . E. U WILBUPv, Manager SATl'KDAV KVI'.MXtJ Beta Theta Pi Dinner Dance Publications Filings Open Positions Available on Nebraskan, Awgwan Applications for appointment to positions on the student publica tions will be received by the stu dent publication board until Sat urday noon, Jan. 14, according to announcement by Prof. Gaylc C. Walker, chairman of the board. The following positions are open: The Daily Nebraskan. Editorial: Editor in chief. Two managing editors. Six news editors. Business: Business manager. Three assistant business mana gers. The Awgwan: Editor. Business manager. Two assistant business mana gers (unpaid). Application blanks may be ob tained at the office of the School of Journalism, University hall 104. Material already on file need not be duplicated. Baptist Student Group to Discuss Germany "Foundations of the Present Germany" is to be the subject of the Sunday night Roger Wil liams club meeting at the First Baptist church. Mr. Earl Fort man who was bom in Germany and spent a great part of his life there, will lead the discussion. The mooting will begin at seven preceded by a social hour with Ben Graham in charge of entertain ment and Marie Pinltcrt in charge of food. Clarence Summers, president of the group last year, will be a guest at the monthly cabinet breakfast of the group, which will bo held Sunday morning at the Baptist student house, 1110 y. Grad Fellowships OfferedBy K.K.G. Three $500 Awards Available to Women Kappa Kuppa Ganimu 1ms en nounced that application blanks for their three $500 graduate fel lowships may be obtained from Dean Harper. These fellowships are offered to women graduates regardless of fraternity or non fraternity membership on cam puses where there is a Kappa chapter. Since their introduction four years ago, three have been award ed non-fraternity members, and ti See the 1 i Sundoy 7 Session jj Including I "WESTBOUND LIMITED" J tllia Burnt M.lnrlr.a NOCHARGE Student Union 5 V See the Sunday Laugh Session Inrtntling a DANCE TEAM NO CHARGE SUNDAY 4 P. M. Student Union two awarded to members ot wom en's Pahellenio fraternities. Any questions concerning them may b addressed to Kappa's chairman of fellowkhlpa, Mrs. R. I George ot 6233 N. E. 35th at. Seattle, Washington. Come a Runnin' . . i 7. ; x fellows and bring your gala to the Hotel Capital Coffee Lounge Sunday nile for supper and . . . free theater tickets, good at the Varsity for practically whenever you wantto go . . . you and the girl friend . . . step right up, one and all, and be the first to draw a lucky num ber for your theater tickets . . . from 6 to 9 Sunday nite, be there to get In on the 4 pairs . . . we'll even give you a little publicity if you're the lucky one . . . as usual, the service and food are nothing but the best and you'll have fun with the rest of the crowd . , . see you Sunday nite for supper at the Coffee lounge! o o o o HOTEL CAPITAL - , ' t 11 o x-- . -- . -- 7 x jaw. r f- -a. - 'K Mwcric(f V 0 .anew year iv st new smokats PLEASURE Make Chesterfield your New Year's resolution ...they'll give you more plea sure than any cigarette you ever smoked. Chesterfields are better be cause of what they give you refreshing mildness, better taste and aroma. Chesterfields are the right combination of mild ripe American and aromaticTurk ish tobaccos rolled in pure cigarette paper. When you try them you will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more smoiing pleasure... why TI IEV SATISFY. id . . the blend that can't be copied . . . a HAPPY COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos Bbpr'S'a rst,tcTT ft ICrm Tcacco Co.