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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1938)
FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 193B ; t 'i . ; . ' I Sa aaaa 4i asWi ii A aaV alia sfc f I society) y T T T T 'f W f ' 1M" Time drawing just too close for concentration on college . . . despite heaps of exams. . .preview of the fun-to-be at the matinee dance... Where something like a carload of blondes would help the stag line awfully. . .but various gals like Kappa Delt Alice Nemec, Buth Howley, Marjoric Stanb, Irene Kellenberger and Viola Vogt get ting a big rush... Beta Bill Gish there with Alpha Chi Betty Bach man. . .stag line brightened by Chi Phi "Hypo" Lyons, blonde Gerry LcGant. . . ATO Kent Tupper, Zeta Beta Tau Paul Krasne, Acacia Guy Williams. . .approaching rum ors of a "deal" between Phi Bev erly Sistek and "Smiling" Jimmy Jones, Sigma Nu... candy passing at the Tri Delta house of Dee-dee McCalland and Phi Gam Lewis Leigh... trip to Chicago planned over vacation by Beechnut Ed Steeves, SN, and riding along too, Sarah Louise (Sareyl Meyer, Al pha Phi. ..marriage during Christ mas vacation of Tom Hides, Aca cia, to Eleanor Greusel, Phi Mu, to take place in Omaha... Sig Alph pledge John Keating, coking in the drug with M;irg Randall, Alpha Phi... Bee Wayne, with Larry Clinton's orchestra, doing a good recording of "My Heart Belongs to Daddy," a request num ber at the tea dance. . ."I'm gonna' sliiily" the biggest promise for Vuciition plans. . . TTolon I"):iv of Lincoln, and Dr. A. Price Ileusner of Boston, Mass., will be married Dec. 27 at 4 o'clock at the First -Plymouth Con gregational church. Miss Day was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa, and Mortal Board. She is now a student in the graduate school of education at Harvard university. Dr. Heusner is a former Rhodes scholar, a graduate of Swath more where lie was a member of Phi Kappa Pal. Phi Cet3 Kappa, and Sigma XI. He was graduated with honors from the Harvard medical college where he was a member of Alpha Omega Alpha, medical honorary fraternity. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Is having a formal Friday evening at the Cornhusker hotel with Dave Haun's band furnishing the music. Quite noticeable will be the pres ence of Janet Lau, DG, with Web Mills, and Betty Ray, Kappa, with Len Jacobsen. New combinations will be Pat Prime, Phi, with Don Macey; Jean Humphrey, Kappa, with Jim DeWolf; and Betty O'Shea, Theta, and Joe Woods. Ray Smith is taking Ruth Chang strom from Omaha, and Joe Dye is taking Tri Delta Janie Allen. Sigma Phi Epsilon is holding its annual dinner dance at the Uni versity club Friday evening. Crested favors will be presented the girls. Wayne King, who is a Sig Ep, will be guest of honor at the dinner. Several couples pres ent will be: Verne Rawalt, with Pi Phi Ruth Holland; Julian Bors with Chi O Margie Munger; and Jimmy Taylor with DG Polly Perkins. Sigma Chi dinner dance Friday evening will be held at the Lin coln hotel, starting at 6:30 and favors will be given to the dates. Francis Coufal taking Jerry Wal lace, DG: Don Meyers, with Hope Drummond, Chi O; and Leonard ! Fast with Claire Hustead, Pi I Phi are some of the "not ex j pocted" couples who will be pres i cnt. Election of officers was held at the S.E house as follows: Bill Haney, president; Forrest Willie, vice president; Web Mills, secretary-treasurer: Jim DeWolf, re corder; and Bill Buchanan, social chairman. UNION ACTIVITIES Thursday. 12:00: Sinfonia, parlor Z. 12:15: Christian Science, room 313. 5:00: Gamma Alpha Chi, room 313. 6:30: Alpha Zeta, parlor Y, Z. 8:30: Theta Sigma Phi, par lor X. 7:00: Bridge Lesson, parlor C. J:0O: Graduate School of So cial Workers, room 313. 7:30: Extension Division, ballroom. Crchesis, Chorus Present- ReciJal Program rf Dancing, Music Set zr Tonight Christmas festivity in the form of a dance recital will be presented by the united forces of Orchesis. modern dancing organi zation, and the university chorus tonight at 7 o'clock in the dance studio of Morrill. The dance movements are planned to represent the biith of Christ, and were composed by Miss Shirley Bennett, director of Orchesis. George Anna Theobold who accompanies the group, has composed most of the music that will be used for them. No admis missinn will be charged for the affair, which is open to the public. The program includes: Pricsi.inar "For he nh.ilt be ureal In th il,:hl ill lh- Ixinl. S iirm A Chili' la Com In Bethlehem. Br' h Djnreri: The Nativity TheohnM ". .fur. hflnl1. I bring you K'od tiding! Of rr..-t Juv . Him-prs: Joy to the World, Hnndel p-inrem: 1I.II.1. TIWioM "And when Ih-v mw tlie itnr they re Jolfel with exceeding ureil Joy." Hinge- and llincera; Jenus Christ II B"'i . . Traditional. Fmcera- .'sru!. Those participating in the chorus are: Al'i'e Rilnum Betty llenell K'sKi-nlT t'llve I)i k Knle Hnrel i:'e Dick J. .una Ger-v Kopf Ruth Indwlek KU.yd Mom. Ilon.tlry Bndfort Cyril Smdlort Cyril Hliirklllt Wilms Hlult Pile Tlivrman German Students Give Xmas Play Dr. Wagner Directs 'Nativity' Production Presenting the spirit of Christ mas to the campus in the German language, the annual German Christmas play, "Ein Deutsches Weihnachtsspiel aus dem 18. Jahr- hundert," will be given tonight at 8 o'clock in Social Science audito rium. With Dr. Lydia E. Wagner di recting the production, which tell the story of The Nativity, students taking German will play the parts of the Holy Family and supporting cast. The role of Maria will be played by Olga Marek; that of Jo scph by William Weiershcuser. Carl Slobbe will appear as der Wirt," Beulah Hilblink as "die Wirtin,'" John Loos as Gabriel. Clyde Martz, Walter Rundin and Joseph Strnad as "die Hirten, and Otto Woener, Ronald Broder- ick and Herman Ilohrig as "die Koenige. Nine girls acting as "die Enger' are Magdalen Strieker. Alma Kriz, Elizabeth Ann Davis, Natalie Burn, Maxine Maxey, Mary Ko kahr, Marian Niemann, Jean Sim mons and Ruth Cook. A men's vocal quartet, and flute and accordion soloists will con tribute to the music for the oc casion which also features group singing of German Christmas carols. Wurrrn Temnletnei. director. Hrliy Joe Janksun. aecorapanteat. The d.incers are: TnMlle Fleer FnTM.-e lll-ilny Woolie Campbell H'irt"pne I'.iAtdy RobiM'tte Citon Iinrothv 1'iuik Ftrvu lie U.i'i'.itct IViton Ixiravne Kilcke linn fi'uxtmm al.'i'Mvn Hirrier i!inliy Ile'inetl. (tnrotby Jennings Kteanor Jones Jane J irdan r'dilh Knii'ht Belly Mueller lluth Mae Postal Pit Poiie K-tthrnne Rlckcrson t;r:ire Turner Kithryn Werner Helen Yowilt director. Oeortfe Anna Theobold. areorapanleat. Townwnd Studio is offering several attractive style photo graphs at unusual prices for Christinas delivery if ordered by Dec. 10. Adv. FREE MOVE TICKETS Kt'iutMr Leaded Bronze Gasoline free Moyl TlrkeU Holms. 14th at W Cercle Sponsors Party Tonight French Student Hear Xmas Music Program Meeting for the last time before the new year, members of Le Cercle Francaia will participate In a holiday program of Christmas music tonight at 7:30 in room Z19 of Morrill. Charles Parnell, graduate stu dent in the French department, will present a talk on "The French Theater." Farm House Receives Cup Scholarship Award Goes To Group for Sixth Time For the sixth time during the seven yeais that it has been pre sented, the Inter Fraternity schol arship cup was awarded to the Farm House, social fraternity, at the ag school honors convocation, yesterday i morning. Presentation of the clip was made by Dwan Green, president of the Inter- Fraternity council. Led by Harold Benn, president, the fraternity made a general av erage of almost 80. The Farm House is not given over entirely to members of the agricultural college. A number of the students have made outstanding grades in colleges on the city campus. The presentation of the cup to the Farm House decided a con troversy between that fraternity and the Chi Phi house as to who had the highest average for the preceding year. At one time, it was announced that the Chi Phi fraternity had won the award. A final checkup revealed the Farm House as winner by two-tenths of a point. The only other fraternity to ever hold the cup was Sigma Al pha Mu. whose average for the '37-'38 school year topped that made by any other fraternity on the campus. The cup is presented annually and each year the name of the winner is engraved on the front Miss Piazza Stars In Spanish Play Club Espognol Holds Annual Xmas Party As a browbeating general's wife. Katherine Piazza provided the bulk of an hours hilarious laugh ter in the Spanish play, "The Blonde Mustache," given last night for a meeting of El Club Espa ffnol. Students and faculty of the ) mance languages department made up the cast of six, in which Jon Aston, Louise Wilke and Wil liam Albrecht also starred. Fol lowing the dramatic presentation Harry Tourtelot led the entire group in singing Christmas carols in Spanish. Classified ADVERTISING 10 pR UNE TO PKKHON who accidentally acquired Silver Napkin Bins at Bigma Kappa house on Nov 12: Ownar of ring values It highly and would appreciate its turn. King trtfravrd Q. K. K. Call B-S413. !" CO JyOU WILL FIND NEW YORK aV CHICAGO'S CAIETY THIS WEEK AT TURNPIKE n The 25th anniversary of tW founding of Wesley foundation work for Methodist students in , state educational Institutions was celebrated in October. The move ment was started at the University, of Illinois. ' RENT-CAHS Good, clean and available at all hours. Kate reasonable. Conven ient locution. Always open. 30 years in business. MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P St B6819 A Heater la Eras Cm FRIDAY, DEC. 16 V I L..JI WAYNE KING Composer ( JONRI'HINr'1 SAT. DEC. 17 '.rfv.'.TVVB K V'"' ? n HENRY BUSSE Orlftnafcir at "HOT UPS" Mall order and advanct tlckati 1.10 aa. for alther band ri fl at Daniels . Floial Co., 130 N Itr. Atfm. It SOWi 1.S5. Li U Question: WHAT GIFT WILL HE MOST APPRECIATE? Answer: MANHATTAN SHIRTS WHY worry end frst about what to v 4h mon oa your Ustf Qlvs tksm ths aUt fltsy want and ITJm most. . . .MANHAT TAN SHIRTS. For (Urty-tlx years Moom's hart fsarursd Manhattans as ths Idsal atft for msn. . . .youU not want to miss ths arsat sslsctlon of new pat. Issm and fabrics In Manhattan Shirts lot Christmas 1938. $2 ,o ?35D Beautifully Gift Wrapped To Suit A Uan't Tastt siii , ... T n ajsji i i i i i i i , i i i i i . Thoughtiul Gifts for Men, Women and Boys. 'si I a i in i M