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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
THE DAILY NKBRASKAN, TUESDAY. nrrrMirn 6, 19,,j, SEVEN Wesleyan JLoses ervices of Ten Seniors 8 v j. t w 1 nr: ". .J . Si," ....'An. 1 r 'V ( . 1 , ! ' , f I f s 1 1 s , ! v f: V 11 r 6 I f I jtdl wri.KV. HltASll. VAN LI.LS. IIAHONKK, I'HHK, IJnroln JournaL 1.AV. Ten Plainsmen Quit Grid After 'Breaking' Broncos Cooch Thomas Loses 0 Gridiron Warriors By GLENN TRUMP. when Coach WW Thon18 S'wm be t,n W-sloyan Brid- ,n "'m,,i mbM!d WonK th. miin!. nearly 1 full !..! lc,,t t,v O.o K.a...t.on . wh Thomas will e hard o fin l r "hu. iHH.ts for the g men who' 11 N- .,..,.Mfll next 1 ?i tn siv "now wlH'ri 1 was on J& W-..,,van football 'TcLled in list re all Jenoe nomiiwli''"" Martin Sch -1 Kloy.l HHln along . in).n Lav, J'ln Vi,n Klls' rl Bmhs...,.n(...o, Neil pavLaml LaVam. lM,.i-, men of the "do or die" I"nt- , . Brasch, one ot the moat Im proved men in the confomjce was T fine scrapper, while Kalston, former Orleans are. was a bril iant defensive leader. Kalston cme to the fore against Uoane when he ginelehamiedly knocked the opponent's offensive off gear and forced the Teta to take to the dir. , ,,, . . Raleigh Riph y was I lie "Handy" of the sc..a.l. He played equally well at end or guard nntf was an alert forward. Cardner, who tipped the Faiilanks at 261, was amazingly aple and pave the plainsmen plenty of power at the right tackle spot. Lay and Van Ells developed rapidly and Were Invaluable to Thomas. Burroughs, Otto, Davis and Puce formed a brilliant barkfietd. Burroughs and Otto, both light but iptedy, were always dangerous. They did a majority of the passing and had a fine receiver in Price, six foot three. Trice, who formerly performed with Kearney, wasn't particular in which manner he caught passes but always man aged to come thru. Davis was the "unsung" hero. It was his bril liant blocking that enabled the other backs to travel far and he also stood out on pass defense. Uni Grappling Meet Begins Rosenthal Decisions Osborn in Thriller Two former state high school diampions. Ilcil, Rosenthal of Council Bluffs, la., anil Hus Os tern, MeConk, wi.-llmj; In the 155 Kurnl cla, state, a ii.ii.H nc bat- to trfore I'.oji. nil. al won an extra Inoi! decision as the all unlver My championships under way nine coliseum .M.. inlay afternoon sixteen pieiiiniiiaiv and first find bouts weie In Id. Semifinals w finals are s. h. ,luln for Tues toy afternoon. Two other state . Iiamninna an fred in 128 i,nim, Units. Ram rno, former Omaha South nppier and Nebraska title hold . P'nned Harold I'.arner, Stan- Kn, in 3 minutes 51 seconds w Milton Kuska, ex-Kansas wmpion from Colby, dropped I Maun to Oeorce Cm klc, Omaha ""7 Auam, Nebiaska u. wres tling coach, is in charge of the tourney. Summaries: 121 mnnlN: IHrk Terry, Lincoln, d- rlMlonrd DwlK'.t rtun.ry, llartii.Ktf.n. 128 poiin1: Hani Salfmn, Orealui, pinitt-.l Humid Hunter, NlH.ilrlon In :t:M nilh fin nnn hofik h.i.1 h'Hly lurk; ll.'oriK. t'lirhle, Oii.Hha, dreOUtinrri KiinI.h, 4'H.y. 1911 MitinriN: l.vle 4'lnrk. Slrtti,n, mm hy uvrr (Mtu Miimlik, Ontalui; nei onnell, Lincoln, dt-i'l-.nnrtl Mnrol.l Aleniii. Lincoln: Ken Miller, Lincoln, I'lnnfd Hill C.rrrn, Kilkiir, In :i :Aft with I. h.flf nelM4in Imr Mmi; t'.H-lile Wnjnr Smiley, Mlllor.l, In 11:10 Kill, n ftniue vll.: Hnd b.Nl Utk. MS rNiunila: lla Mctlrath, Lincoln, rt, elNloneil Fill Am.wtn.nic: N-wton t'oiiple. Inc., In. l.iniinl llnrrv Hlvrtt, l.nirrlnl In 4::t7 with ft'r nclMin iinil bar Firm: One Heck, l.aylon, ., dialoneil Jim Helirr, Kcolllilulf. lfln Pound: Kftv C'nmfnrd. AlllKnlv, innrd Md HleplH-nnin In :2K w'lh ft ball nrlM.n and ImhIv lock : Herb KiiNenthal, 4'nunrll Hindu, la., derlakined Hlla Oaborn, Mrtook, In ftn rxtrft pthmi. Inn iMinnda: Tom Hoillr. Lincoln, pinned Harlan Oj.alKctt, Newman llnne, In I :S with a double bar ami kick and ra Irvine. Heavwexbt: Hhellev t'onilon, Lincoln, pinned Vic Kchlelcb. Lincoln, In 0:04 Willi ft reverse bar arm and half nelMin. Referem: Ted Kr..ella I. anil Hill llke, Netira.ka. Classified ADVERTISING 10 PtR LINE I K t J -.v if $ ' - v mff"' ft- A I Nebraska Wesleyan Ends Season Witii Win li.irroi.Kl.s, t bnrlin; back. l.avU. Nell: hark Oiirilm-r, tiemlil: tackle.. Lay, John; tackle Otto, Hon: hack l'rk-e, luiV'at.n; back ... it:nHa., l-lo.Ml; iinard Hlpley, Hiililiih: luard .. an LIU. Julin; tiickle DWIGHT P. THOMAS Lincoln Journal. Brooklyn Polytechnic institute students recently cornered the fac ulty experts with student-written technical questions in a program of the "Information Please' va riety. Methodists End Grid Corecrs With Victory NFIIItASKA WLSI.HAN SLMOHM, BrHRch, Martin; ccnler Ka 5 with the sensational DIAKOKD-BRAKD KEAO f IATURCIi DoubU-Kilo Duutioad Drand ihitlng hnd thai ftiM boih long n4 tho-t liild if)oN M a Mid . . . lrnllii la f I'ti froiii tht Mart , , , M n4le InitifaraiM flf jnlo aiotol . . . aiirjwJtt tnnil. In cm, tit. in mn M rnrc Trial OMerl Vt Ihla rmt Rand t'lo Kharar M dart. II at tht eno al thl. tlm yam r not aatMIrd returft II, Vl don't loa pinny. main ll.-n.rlce Linccln . . .Lincoln Attnen Aurora Lincoln I.rlcaim Si.ri.iKA h-w Milwaukee, WIh. BY LAWRENCE D. GRIFFING. Ten Nebraska Weslevan seniors closed their collegiate football ca reers in triumph Thanksirivinc dav when thel linderdoir Plainsmen played the Broncos of Hastings rollege to a scoreless deadlock to itethione their most bitter rivals in the N. C. A. C. championship race. Mad the Broncos won they would have shared the title with Donne and Midland. H was these Wesleyan seniors who, having an offensive advan tage most of the game despite their inability to put the ball across the final chalklines, rose to the heights in stopping a de termined Hastings drive in the final quarter. It was a finish for which they will be remembered in Wesleyan annals. The late season was the second for Coach Dwight Thomas, former Hastings high mentor, at Wes leyan and the record indicates that he is building well. His 1937 team won only two games and tied an other in eight starts while the 1938 team was victorious in four games and tied Hastings which is regarded by Wesleyanites as a heroic feat anytime. While most of the 1 rr8 starters were seniors, the reserves got plenty of expe rience and several of the freshmen gave notice that they will be ready novt fall Twin nr. beaten bv Midland, and Midland, beaten by Hastings, tied for the N. C. A. V. championship while Hastings was third, followed bv Weslevun ana yoik in xnai order. The Wesleyan record: Scot, uri Weilevan 0 at 20 ao Wiflivan 14 York 0 Oct. 7 Welevnn 12 Maryv.lle 21 14 WoKleyan 8 Kearney 0 21 Open. 2s Wcsievnn 0 nt Milliard 1 Nov.' 4 Wcsievnn 6 Moane 1 11 Werlevan ft l'cnt 0 is WcsOevan 7 at TnrKlo 0 21 Wolernn 0 nt HaBllnKs 0 .... Nov. Sept. .Hhrillup up up u pup (pkcuuL iwl wWv cl jKlousscosit ZIPPER ami wrap around styles, in Holitl rotors and combinations. S 'fv'K-u-jf i !A 5.95 to fl W Fin RAYON SATIN HOUSECOATS Dninly paMtls anil dark shades. Zipper and wrap around Myler. Sizes 12 to 20. 595 to $29 lloaaMOftl Second Floor. mwai,vj wi' , K V . 4 J s 4 d B'l ed nil it- eJ In. er rii Pi lie v. i m 5H Rortfi!-':,, r, Pont, for Ml van DtauaiVi