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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
. "WV FOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1938 Before You Call Her 'Goon Just What Does It Mean? 'Life and E. C. Garcia, List Three Categories Perhaps often, you have heard the hashed-over phrase, "I've got a date with a 'goon'tonight," slung around by some Joe Kollege who feels that such phraseology adds much to his so-called sophistica tion. In this week's edition of LIFE, English Instructor E. C. Garcia of the university, tells the world of the true origin of the word "goon" whom most of us know as the hulky, hairy, feminine creature who darts in and out of the daily life of Segar's famous "Popeye." According to Garcia's letter to the editors, Segar did not invent the word "goon," but it was used as early as 1922 by the well known writer, Frederick Lewis Allen, who defined a "goon" as "a person with a heavy touch." Three Categories. Printed along with Garcia's let ter was an epistle from an oill worKcr, iar up in me desolate mils of California. He says, "The Hills are miserably devoid of the fami nlne sex. Can you picture the high emotional feeling, the 'life is . grand' attitude, that goes with the seldom sight of an attractive young lady neatly dressed in a velvety soft dress showing off a weaitn of womanly curves? "We just couldn't adopt any or dinary word which could approach the superlative meaning required so we developed a new word for such a highly desired but rarely available creature. "Thus the word 'goon" sprang up and spread like wildfire. The college students and labor unions' version is most distasteful. To us the word is sacred." So Joe, when you talk about that date with a "goon," put her m one or three categories: If she's bad, she's a Segar "goon," and if she's average, she's a Garcia "goon," but if she's "heaven on earth," she's an "oilman's goon." Whatever she is, be explicit. We're Bucks UNION PROGRAM 6:00 All State Football rally, ballroom. 6:00 Arts College faculty, par lors X, Y Z. 7:00 Hobby group, parlor C. 7:00 Sigma Eta Chi, room 313. 7:00 Tassels, room 316. 7:00 Phalanx, room 315. 7:00 Alpha Phi Omega, room 305. 7:00 Disc and Needle, parlor A. 7:00 League of Evangelical Students, room 209. Nominees Named For Towne Club Union Lincoln Girls Group to Pick Officers Nomination of officers was made at the dinner meeting Mon day evening, December 5, of the Towne club. Harriet Lewis, Ma rion Bcardsley, and Katherine Shawver were nominated for pres ident; for treasurer, Dorothy Faulkner, Rosanne Svoboda, and Jean Schuler. June Critchfield, Louise Monia, and Kathryn Rick erson are the nominees for sec retary, and Charlotte Snyder, Betty Hutchinson, Rosalind Lef ferdink were nominated for his torian. A formal banquet was decided to be held February 25, to pre cede the Barb-Council party at the Student Union. It was planned to have a banquet once each month that will be attended by boys in vited by the Barb council The program committee for the next meeting will include: June Critchfield, chairman, Mary Louise Speidell, and Katherine Kellison. Complete consolidation under one roof of all plant and animal sciences except dairy husbandry at the University of New Hampshire will be possible in June with com pletion of two 90-foot wings to Nesmith hall. With Congratulations to you and your 1938 Cornhusker edition These Lincoln firms take this opportunity to show their loyalty to Biff Jones and his Scarlet and Cream gridders: Coffee Shop (The Motm) Clarks Clothing Co. Grand Hotel Hotel Cornhusker (Under Srhimmet Direction) Hotel Lincoln (E. L. Wilbur, Manager) Hamp Brings Band From Radio City Mortar Boards Book Rockefeller Rhythm Billed by the Rockefeller Rain bow Room Grill, at Radio City as the "best host in New York," Johnny Hamp comes to Lincoln Friday night to play for the tra ditional vice versa party sponsored by Mortar Board, senior women's honorary.. The dance is the second major party on the campus social calendar and takes place in the university coliseum. Johnny Hamp's broadcasts from the Rainbow Grill over the NBC network were selected by a poll taken by major radio stations as having the biggest listening audi ence of any dance program. Hamp has a record of 12 years of broad casting from 11 parts of the country. The tops in tomfoolery, Hamp's specialty stunts seldom fail to click with collegiate audiences. A favorite trick is the impersonation of Major Bowes amateur hour and Hamp also likes to do his own Impression of Guy Lombardo with Johnny McAfee mimicking Car men Lombardo singing "Too Many Tears." With his orchestra, Johnny Hamp brings the "Kentucky Seren ade and Jayne Whitney, who was the featured vocalist of Buddy Rogers' band at the Roney-Plaza in Miami when Hamp signed her. Maestro a Composer. In addition to his work as maestro and imitator Hamp is also a composer, though he has done little recent work.. Two of his better-known songs are "I Fell Head Over Heels in Love" and "I Want ed To Sing and I Wanted To Dance." Hamp is under contract to Con solidated Radio Artists, Inc., and has played at the Cocoaunt Grove, the Ambassador hotel in Los An geles, the Edgewater Beach, the Hotel New Yorker, and many others and holds a record of a five year stay at the snooty West-chester-Biltmore Country club in Memphis. You Biff! COACH BIFF JONES Coed Collections Reveal Originality, Personality Hobby-Girls Gather Menus, Signs, 'Nelps' By Marian Bremers. Do gifts reveal snatches of their personality by the things they col lect? Fellows who make attempts at understanding women might find some help from the study of their collections. Anna Marie Ruth of Alpha XI Delta has spent time the ptst few years assembling "nelps." She ex plains that "nelps" are little wooly things found in the deepest depths of coat pockets, being especially desirable if in bright colors. Bracelets and necklaces are fa vored by "Gay" Gaden, who prizes one bracelet with many tinkling silver bells. Foreign Menus. Tiajuana and Caliente are two of the places where Sue Woodruff, Kappa, obtained menus, although she has many from Canada as well. Alpha Chi Betty Sue Myers amuses herself by collecting locks of hair. Around each lock she ties a ribbon and places them in a book. Signs are gathered by Dixie Davis of Chi Omega. She has 85 at the present time in her room, the favorite reads, "Don't leave room with tub running, it fills in two minutes." Alpha Phi Dorothy Askey might do well as the owner of a refer ence bureau, for since the Lind bergh flight she has saved news papers of all important events. Two of the better items are of the Hindenburg disaster and the Morro Castle fire at sea. To her friends' terror, Jane Cook, DG, takes surprise snapshots putting these "gems" away for safekeep ing. Donald Duck Fan. Donald Duck captured Pi Phi Marge Dirks' heart, for she has 25 Donalds today. One duck carved from wood is pushing a wheel barrow around with a petit pig in side; another Donald can walk by himself. Mep Wagner, Alpha Phi, has many perfume bottles, several brought to her from Paris last summer. If anyone has match fold ers, Barbara Dale of Chi Omega Turnpike Casino Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Long's College Book Store Townscnd Studio Woodman Accident Co. Union Fire Insurance Co. French Movie Shows School Language Department Schedules Film Dec. 10 Central figure in the French moving picture to be shown Dec. 10 is formidable, glass eyed Merlusse, most detested instructor in a French boys school. Second in the series of French movies sponsored this year by the depart ment of romance languages "Merlusse" is another picture abu.ii. children, for which France is famous. Ridiculed by the students whom he terrorizes, "Merlusse" is pa. thetically sensitive. In a few brief hours of Christmas eve, put in charge of the boys who could not go home for the holiday, he wins their admiration and respect with an unexpected Father Noel act, and the cynical young realists re spond with their homeliest, yet dearest, possessions. Accompanied by English sub titles for the benefit of beginning students in French, the show is 67 minutes long and will be screened three times, at 8, 9:30 and 11 o'clock on Saturday morning at the Kiva theater. A special discount has been made on tickets for the three re maining French movies to be shown this year, with all three tickets selling for 65 cents. Sin gle admissions are 25 cents, may be procured in the romance lan guages office in U hall, 108. would be happy to have them. Her collection already contains folders from Yellowstone, California, and New York. Betty Hillyer, Theta, has minia ture dogs. Her prize pet is a chubby Sealyham carved from wood with a bright red tongue. And Tri-Delt Dede McClelland chooses only bulldogs for her hobby, either sleek or smooth, while Alph Xi Lois Cooper likes any furry animals, the tinier the better.