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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
it ,Jwt', A. - THE DAILY NF.RRASICAV DFCEMRER 6. 1W THREE SDK Grid Crown Goes to Lincoln High Pleven Other Nebroska Teams End I Grid Season Undefeated; 7 Untied BY DALE M. JOHNS. (1 17 mvlhicnl state cham 0tWt Tlu- smoke of more Pi0" t0 battles among some 350 thlin SChich whool elevens ha J Nebraf Tinooln high school ruled tmtH to "late prep football Uie,rine the 1938 season. eirCJe Sh Beorhner's Red and JStort thundered undo Black r'o; vson,alive 8ched- ' whl o Grand Inland. Be-tcam-' vaHi OIV and'Sioux City, ftn ' '(S W ".a of the state. I"wa- SI ' Vi nn 228 Points lo rents' 33 featuring wide open opponent , JJ . ks ac runnmn wd P t, blocking, sawn- u,,coins record- ,Omaha rV.nth.7 jlSt. i " , ...vDmnhn Tcch.ft """J-"til i.l'nd' IS niiih Cenl... f-4.f , jo-mil, lly ... 19s. illy '; .,Nr, illtt. JK-I""'"1 -.M-TolilL SS 11 Teams Unbeaten. Pushing Uncoln throughout the Json for the sfite prop throne .r? 11 other mrk'foalcd teams. ,,ven of which who also untied A,mn the IMS campaign, and .in strong as North Platte Sootlsblutf. Omaha Cen tral Alliance and Omaha South. The undefeit-l. untied elevens were Genoa, Bethany of Lincoln, Ord Oslikosii. Winnebago, Pilger and' Lincoln high. Unbeaten but tied were York, Columbus, Aurora, Hebron and Valentine. Twenty-fix teams won or shared 24 conference championships. Lincoln high ascended the Mis souri Valley throne, followed close ly by undefeated Sioux City East which suffered only a scoreless tie with Omaha Central in conference play. North Platte Wins Southwest. Central bagped the Omaha City league title, while Creighton Prep and Omaha Benson tied for Inter tate league honors. In the strong Southwest confer ence North Platte, tied by Gothen burg in loop arguments and beaten during the season only by Lincoln high, won a clear cut title. Curtis, defeated by the Platters, finished in the runnerup spot. Scottsbltiff again won the West em conference championship. Tied with Lincoln high last year for the mythical state title, the Bearcats dropped their opener to Greeley, Colo, then finished strong with only a tie by an inspired Bayard eleven to blemish their circuit rec ord. Alliance, another panhandle powerhouse, romped to runneruD t honors, being beaten only by scottsDlutr. Bethany, Greater Lincoln Champ. Bethany of Linioln, another un defeated team wiih a great record, won the Greater Lincoln league championship af(,-r a stiff battle Mth Jackson, which walked off ith the first title award in the lewly-formed Mul-Kast confer (Continued on Page 10.) Sigma Delta Chi Issue Fetes State Griddcrs Sigma Delta Chi, men's pro fessional Journalism fraternity, Is sponsor of today's special edition of the Daily Nebraskan In conjunction with the annual All-State Football Rally spon sored by the Lincoln Junior chamber of commerce. Besides its regular circulation among the University family, today's 12 page editon largest In, Sigma Delta Chi history will be distributed among the coaches and players from 55 Nebraska high schools. Members of the Nebraska chapter andpromincnt alumni in the sportswriting field, along with the regular staff of the Daily -Ncbraskan, have con tributed to this special edition dedicated to Nebraska's football players. PICKS ALL-STATE ROLL OF HONOR Cream of Gridiron Crop on Honor Roll THE VEATHfd Weather which causes you to be too hot when you wear your overcoat and too cold without your raglans will continue to day according t0 the weather man. The forecaster says It Ulnhii scnerally fair and slightly warmer. High School Stars to Fill Grid Gaps 1938 Freshman Squad Make Husker Prospects Bright for Future By June Bierbower. N. I'. Coed Sport Writer. In summing up Nebraska's IMS prospects, a freshman squad which includes a large number of play ers who received statewide men tion during their high school days, looks capable of furnishing able talent to help returning perform ers fill gaps left by graduation of the ten Husker seniors. From an exceptionally large end squad come Don Waddick, former Grftnd Island star; Bob Ludwick and Willard Bunker, Lincoln; Charlie Carper, Lincoln, who played at Culver; Jim Stransky, College View ball hawk; Fred Lindsteadt and Vernon Braasch, both from Norfolk, Jerry Dutcher, Omaha Benson's basketball and football ace; Dane Hines, Cozad; Harold Hunt, state pole vault rec ord holder from North Tlatte; Jerome Prochaska, Ulysses, ISO pound brother of Ray Prochaska, varsity end; Burdctte Wertmann. David City; Virgil Gausman, 185 pounder from Milford, and Ross Hoover, Trenton. 200 Pound Tackles. Tackles are big, fast and num erous, with Wayne Blue, Tecum seh's 205 pounder; Vic Schleich, 212 pound terror from Lincoln high; Francis Leik, 200. of Has tings; gridder sprinter George Abel, 200 pound Lincolnite who attended high school in San Diego; Don Ziegler, from Ashland's un defeated team; Chuck Davis, 205 pounds, from Falls City, who was with the Minnesota frosh last year; Jack Nelson, another Omaha Cen- Continued on Page 6.) Sigmisi Italia Chi lliXi School Honor Hull Kn,l.s: Phil Breen, North Platte; LaVcrne Clavhaiigh. Nelson; Don Lemmer. Falls City; Terry Flynn, South Sioux City; Jim i ll, r?' I?i,,yarJ'" 70,1 Ocene, York; Dean Jackson, Lincoln high; Lcs Ho, nloysky, Crete; Frank Rust, Alliance; Harold Sumner, OiMhNorth Va'"d Wcslorin8: malla Central; Max Zimmeilc, i!rCnIc"V, F:nest u'''lan. Lincoln high; Dale Bernhardt, wo folk; ."arley Brendal, Bayard; Kugcne DeMaranville. Aurora; Anion Knsl VVilher; Jerome Knight, Fremont; Art Lincoln, iNorlh llatte; John Lord. Valentine; Herb Von Goetz, North Platte. Guards: Nick Douvas, Hastings Al Gneta, Creighton Prep: Kugene Golden, Gothenburg; Dale Harvey, Lyons; Leo Hastings, Bethany of Lincoln; Kugene I rick, Lincoln high; Tom Journey, Kearney; Gerald Livingston, Nebraska City; Ted Ronnfeldt, North Platte; Norbert Voichahaske, Albion. Centers: Tom Brock, Columbus; Bob Dodd, Fairbury; Marlon Koticl Crete; Clarence Larson, Bridgeport; Loren Page, Pilger; Joe Partington, Lincoln high. Backs: Bill Arnot. Humboldt; Bill Beaslev, Schuyler; Leland Bordncr, Pilger; Dale Bradley. Bethany of 'Lincoln; Phil Carl son, Central City; Tyndall Dillman, Nelson; Howard Debus, Lin coln high; Kerwin Kisenhart, Culbertson; Marvin Fisher, Cur tis; Dick Grier, Superior; Darrell Gunn, Jackson of Lincoln; Kugene Grace, Neligh; Perry Harris, Omaha South; Don Han sen, Lincoln high; Harold Hunt, O'Neill; Richard Karthauser, Mccook; Bob Koontz. Fdgnr; Charles Keown, Ord; Boh Laugh lin, Grand Island: Ralph Langor, Ainsworth; Roy Long, Blair; Fred Metheny, Lincoln high; Ronald Morgan, Albion; Gerald Mollring, Holbrook; Harold Mooberry, Crete; Charles Murphy, Vicred Heart of Greeley; Sam Neeley, Scott sbluff; Jim Owen, Jackson of Lincoln; k,i Patton, Fairburv; Merlin Rtackhouse, Oshkosh; Bob Toof. Aurora; Krnie VVeekes, Omaha Central; Delomar Woods, Alliance. HONORABLE MENTION Knd: x.lln h,.n. Klwmd: Byron Carlson. Litchfield; Ronton! Tilmln, inmlnm; Dnlr I lh. Oxford; ArdVn I1lhl, Srottshlnff : lliinw, Silver I rooki rrnnrln HiikIi.'x, J.,rkm of Lincoln; Harold Xln-on, KBrcn( ; I'nink NllKitkl, ninnlnre; Kd Nydrn, ollpj-r h of l.lnroln; f-rnld I'fnnd. Norfolk; Jn-k . ,nn,,l, '"VI Mln, Mrftxik; Jurk Storitwrll, llartlnutnn; WIIBllr iMHI. lM-nver. WlnnrbHKo; OrHllc Yooum, llimiholdl ; Mll( mt. Hnrviird, T(irklp: Omm Andvrxon, Klnood: f.llhort Kukri-, Oninh Tech: Mnr Binv, Trknmnh; .Hrk onklln. Mlmliirr; lvr Cnnltrr, Jixrknon of Lincoln; fluxion tiKrr. Hrldronorl; Kn.1 firornllrf, lUilnn,; Knlph HHly, ;rnnd I'.lnnd; llr Kln, l.lnroln tilth; Frnct Lnnnom, nlr; Rndv Mntnlk, oiihi Hoiith; NVLon, (nrti; Clydr Richards. l-lnjton; John Bllry, Wll hlll: HoMitrd Mrhornhercrr, Omnha fVutral; Bob lannrr, Oxford; h Thomp win, sM.rlor. rmnrda: Chnrira Rmsh. Vork; Kranrfh Holler. Hrhron; Olln rampnll. Trrnm.-I: Rny IVan, VtaltMII: NMIiixn Ltmnn. HlmlMlt; I'anl Kvimi. M fiMtk; Krn 4nhnxin, 'oliimkiiR; R. Johnwon, SnrKrnt ; Dixie Nrwxhnni, Awklandi Rob mtrlck, Alllnnrr; Hnrold 1'hllllr.non, Hnlhrook; Nnnrlo romldorn, Omaha f'rntral; Vernon KtM-wn, Blair; Brn Srxlon, Aurora; Raymond Tatlow, Ord; Bob William, O'Nrlll. i'rntrrn: Jack Briltrnham. York: Roy ftodwfn, fothcobnnt; rank HohMi frrlt, rail flly; Boh Merrill, Kdar; Dale Mitchell. Sootla; lVeralcl Nvhu. Arapahor: Dirk O Nelll, Bayard; Lmene I'eterwn, Kearney; Richard Shani way, Lyon; Sid Whltfin, Nemaha. Bark: Marx In Alhey, Viannrta: Jnnlor Raker, Alma: Clinton Barr. RAM He; Zark Bonchn. Randolph; Bill Brock. x'ohimhQx; Bernard Bmwer, 1 Geneva ; lon f'annon, Hebron; Warren f'anellan. Rnx'enna; Bobby rmper, Omaha North: Walter 1'remnii. fiark: f'hnhhy lexth, Maon f'lty; r;mmet1 frJdward, f air hnry; Fegley, Weirt Totnt; Ken Oreenwood, f'nrtl; Inxle fjrttz, Anhfirn; Boyd f;nw, lionp City: Stanley Rarrl. Cliapnell; Miio Haxranrk, Wllher; Boh Henry, Crawford; Boh 4amo. North I'latte; lion .lame. Fall City; Harry Jnhanne, Syracuse; Jerry Kathol. Hartlncton; le Kin. Lincoln hltrh;' lo Knx. hanaen. Mitchell; ( Initde Lnkaa, lanrel; R. i.nndberK, Sidney; Hen MeCtnre, Hax-rlork of Lincoln: I eo Met. Inn, relghton I'rep; Glenn Meier, 0hkoh; Richard MMey, Omaha Tech; Charkt O'Neill, Ravenna; Harold Prl-a, Wy more; Ronald Rehal, I laltmooth; fieorire Redfern, HnldreKr: lfl R. I, Nelltii; Warren Roblnann. Axhland; Joe Ryan, Tllden; llarrell Sa, Bloom field: Mike Shada, Kmey: Bob Smith, tor ad: Ixntl St. Cjt. VMnneharo; Stephen o, Valrfleld: fierald Steffy. Orlean; Keith stolldorf. Wvmore: Jack Sttirkey, llnton: Trvln snnn, Bertrand; Willi Well, l'mtork; Richard WIImb, Valentine; Wlt, t:hadron; Allen Zlkmond, Ord. SIX UNI STUDENTS ENTER BOXING MEET Six university students are en tered in the city amateur boxing tournament to be held in the Y.M.C.A. tonight. Those entered are Roger Van Buskirk, Nebraska basketball player, light-heavyweight; Bob Clark and Lynn Miller, middle weights; Roger Anawalt, light weight; Morris Jennison and Ar thur Prestia, featherweights. HOLIDAY GIFTS c Girls' Snow and Ski Shoes Fleece Lined, Fur Top Ski Pants, All Wool All Colors, Lined, All Styles.. W-Wool Hockey Knit Skating Caps, All Colors ladies' Eidin ; and Hiking Boots. El ick and Brown ladies Hikin- Breeches and Jodphurs. All Colors , Wies' Leather Jackets. M Styles, All Colors , 1.98 2.95 49c 3.95 1.98 4.95 Comph-to Line of (.Iwhtom Krerythinfi in Ltippapc Men's Riding and Hiking Breeches. All Colors Men's Riding: Boots. Black and Brown. Special Men's Hi-Cut Lace Boots. Oil Tan Special Men's Plaid All Wool Jackets ; and Makinaws . Men's Leather and Suede J Zipper Jackets n Men's Suede and Plaid Shirts. All Colors .1.98 6.95 3.95 .95 up 95 up 89c (Vistx, Crips and I Julie Coses for I'seful Christmas Cijts LINCOLN ARMY STORE Seventy Prepsters Chosen From 6,500 BY DALE M. JOHNS. Seventy outstanding Nebraska high school football players weia elected to the annual Sigma Delta Chi Honor Roll Monday. Recruited from an army of 6,500 performers on more than 350 prep elevens thruout the state, Sigma Delta Chi national profesional Jour nalism fraternity at the University of Nebraska, presents these young men not as the only prep grid great J In Nebraskaa, but as tho cream of a fine crop of football plavers whose feats gained them statewide recognition. They are the stars of a season dominated by individual brilliance, a season during which only 12 teams, the smallest number in years, escaped defeat, a season which saw more wide open foot ball, more night games and greater attendance than ever be fore. Taken at random, here is what the critics had to say about a few of the 70: Howard Debus, Lincoln high fullback: Praised as much by enemy coaches as by Red and Black fans, Debus was the passing wizard whose brilliant aerials played a big part in bringing state titular honors to Lincoln high. Time after time this smiling jun ior fired touchdown strikes when it looked like Lincoln undefeated streak had come to an end. He also did a fine job of punting for the Links and made many long runs. Another Brock. Tom Brock, Columbus center: Tom, a young brother of Corn husker Charley, was the main spring of a fine Columbus line. Like his big brother, Tom plays a roving game at center. His ac curate snapbacks, his line back ing, pass defense and his blocking earned him all state recognition three straight years. Eugene Grace, Neligh fullback: This lad has every ability a great fullback should have. He's a ter rific line smasher, a deadly blocker and tackier, an accurate passer and punter and a threat at broken field running. Herb von Goetz, North Platte tackle: Captain of one of the strongest teams in the state. Herb was another player who was tops in his department. He was fast on his feet, and a smashing blocker and tackier. Sam Neeley, Scottsbluff quarter (Continued on Page 10.) M l a e Mi n Christmas Time and we want you to have free a copy of "My Calen dar Of Memory." In this little book you can list the names of all the friends to whom you wish to send Christmas greeting's. Ask for your copy at our store. M'liY also be a pleasure to hare you tee our rery large selection of a mstmas (greeting Claris In addition to our selection of boxes and packets from 19c to $1.00, we have Special Greeting's for every member of the family for Sweetheart, Neigh bor, Minister, Doctor, Nurse, Convalescent, Sympa thy, Employer, Overseas, Birthday. Many greeting's in the French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish languages. A large selection of Religious and Special Friend ship numbers. EASTMAN KODAK STORES, Inc. I W k ft' 4 i 11 1: i: i i-'il v,i rt) c S 'V, Corner 11th and N 1212 "O" 6t. Lincoln. r 2Um " 1 U 1 22 So. lhh St.