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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1938)
Sigma Helta Chi Edition D Nebraskan AILY Z-408 F1VK CKNTS t nt ir- :he ion by for ?ry rk en- als ;ss .v Alii Of ,r!J i si nus I'.C-ull- t lie the (1 al r lliy dar- a son hta hich anJ ales o-)rs it 5 who Mr. (ie tion 3f eve, :ilist, at a I'KS- i the t ,t,.. it ' -Ili'W ' n.-i le j l an- NU.Extends Christmas Vacation Classes RcconjVflCnne3 Tuesday Noon Jan. i, iinli'dav Recess Alter i Ml n-f on University sw rhrislma8 vacation th' te Monday of the uniwi V ,ay noon 8ftemon ir hVSmptton of Jfln- S' the Christmas recess. claMM fter the had or, The university jn iny , ,. 2. The v "h W Sat Christmas VH' Huon unlay nm. IW- 'proved the 5SS5. !"'-'' Wf. thc ,i,.w as a holi- Nov. 11, "The oalen(1;.r shows that the J- BoLm of the i!39 summer f. ...... f,-, no,.n of June Ju,y. HV, V...1- will start on S 91 Willi tli.- previous two weUs Riven over to tests, regis tration ami oth.v prehmmar.ea. Z "neral, class., will "tart a "eok later next year than they did Una year. Rand to Practice Wednesdays, Fridays Beginning Wednesday, Dec. 7, all band men not in the sym phonic unit will meet on Wed nesday! and Fr.days at 5 o'clock for rehearsal In the band practice room. This pro cedure will be followed for the remainder of the semester. bill callihan I f7s I ff 1U ' sk-KDo00 I . Vl v THURSTON PHELPS i- .., - . I.JACK DOOO MILLS r bob Vv 1 v - j!SV. j V BILL WHORESON v ' VV X - f 1 CHARLES BROCK f "C r ibKMi .LLOYD GRIMM MARVIN PLOCK. All cula Lincoln Journal Prom Committee Filings Open Today Student Council to Make Choice Dec. 14 Filings for el'w pnsitifms or. t!i ' Prom comniittr-o ' this m'ifiiiig in I;.' tics office in tli.- . .!! cmtimi1 in.', ttwn at 5. Auloniati- :dly a WmniHeo by vii " jmunr pi . Tiioinas. Of t S . . - i Bi-riiS-iA-to-lK-, ;r 'n an Uv.i ; Wiling to (m.v ' n'.i, be cli'i.i' ii : OjiimI. All it(V . I"? to tk- C... ( bvl ue tl. 1' f-'nl pjiiiiniU,-.-Mle from tin- i r'nt goi-ini,!. ""ting on V. . 0-n--ia ui.iv, : foments t,,t;i:i Wei nmt li.nv w 27 htiius ,,f . prt-cciimj. ;. Uie time ol n;, to 1 regular , iiiW of th... of junior . ' no Irss tVm 69 cruM I", of the twelve .lunior-Senior nl S o'clock ' .i.iciit a- tivi- miii. Thoy 1 '; ; i.i v afler- -..11 I..T of the of his ticinj; ! is Oi ant ' i . : ; i : l K eleven b three "'VmsI, ac-,iovi- .. o .(Sale the 'i.iT 'hey be i must v il.-a.ilnie. 'ion will be -.4 !i;:l hy the v ;it i(M llcxt ; . I . 11. . : ilnl;ty re .... I. C'airli . .-.I iiily car- i i: i!iii inc the 'I., fill must .stanilmf; In a.l.titiou iirinent, all 'M.itti-e must i. that is, and no more T Che c'. . TSMIt v..,i 'oom :,,) , 1 'Uo-.k. jird p., trt.ta. '' t Tonight -;iy Ducats i this evening ' the Union at on Mortar ts will be Arts, Sciences Faculty to Dine - - - - Dr. Pfeilcr to Speok At Annual Dinner Faeully of the aits ami sciem es college will liol l i's annual din ner tonight at fi:lr in the lTnion The lian-m.-t will li. f.-.ituii-.l by an aiMivss by lr. W. K. l'I'. il'-r of ; tli; Grniianii s drpntm -nt , who; will tallt on, ' l-'a l s an 1 Kiel ion in and Ab oil Ci-nlial lair ,pe." i if C S Hon, h.-r will expl.iin In i. fly t the co'.l.-e fac ulty the ob' vtivi-s oi th - n-w j .state all unl Minvy le.cnUyi mtthotizcd hy th" I'liimuin biar.l and its i'.-!ati;uiliii t'l tlio I'tii- ver.sily long leini binl ling : Ri'm. I MombiTs of th- aits Coll ; facull v wli ) Invi- l--n a I I.- I within the last . ;ii in.i win li ive ; the rank of nisi mi lor or above: will be inlr.i.lii. I at the dmni-r. , Pean C. H. Ol.lfa'lK-l, of the ol legu of aits an. I si ii mvs. will pre side. Frosh A.W.S. to Hcor YWCA President Freshmen A.W.S. ni'vtintjs will be ivsuini d tomorrow ut the l'.r.u lar time of 5 o i l x k in Kll.-n Snulh. Mm i l Whit.-, piesideiit of the Y.W.C.A., will i-in at her talk of last w.vk ;.t the A A eoll.-e 1 li the ( ilv m. t tini,'. 'ay Di-iii myer ! will pn-side nt the i,.",-tinT mi l 1 Jiitiiee Iac Morns-mi will act as secretai V. I Ann t'ii .-sib, pnri.l -nl "f the nf ext-ciilive b.i.'ii d, v. ill talk to tin a(j riici-tmi;. Alii o 1' .Ma and Jean JJurr w II serve n fi .si-3-i,t and I secretary rcs;ic.;tiv ly. THK LINCOLN JIMOR (IIAMBKR K (OMMkKI K Uncoln, NehraHkft t1i1ki) all statk iik;m school foot- HALL liALLY ruo(;iLM 0:W . m. K-cittrrttton ft H rwU Urcrtl rwttin ( liatn-bi-r of i omiiw rcr. nn -lti"tr (immbr of omi-fiu-rrc M iiilx rtliip h- htin.lwr of iMiiniiTW, Mux F.itr, ir.i,ltitt, l.liifv.lii tiiil .r t H ti Itcr ft ( oiiifin rrr, rf Hl'lini:. litirrtlv f N't-rsUt I.I.k thil dr-l.d ' Wnt. . Tni'lh'l. C.inh(tm ni iff, I nivr- lr..'1'i t it liv I tMi tl i..i.inr Kit if, .-si'-v- nn I ff v- rti , in(ri dur .1 I'X ''" Kl- Tin. I'r. .-jtl iImmi of (rt d itili t ,i ri (mi r- II v Hl-'t4 "I i;nn nn 1 I itritn ltiro.lii' It 'ii nf '.tir S r f II, ,i !ri)k :IH5 l" P i- ''"t totir thnmch I nf N hriisl.a 1 ulli'Cf of AirrlMtKurf to -l ui nurimAy for pkritii. S 1ft ft. II t. mi (M.-tir pnttr.ini al I iiii-ri(v f V-tir-H-I.A n- hi't tii k tr U. nwii'imlui:. ImM mini k vmtiH-lM h. Illnii'-r HI Ktuti'itl Inltn. .liilMtMii iiriiiirnm (if tiHiiiitint; iini ft in-i Im Unrk mi ttw riiUH, ionuil i ir, rtr., h (h 1 n fr uit i.f NritrHtlM rliiun- lUn MMItH. iki-l" Ut llUMitHT if I oMiiiM-n. ItiMiMnU, ln i tic and hrirticf. p, in. 1 o'ttliHlt ru'i in p. tn. I fi nl wtlh hno ii I Ivliili nkii , Ni'Mtil, Nehru rf -Ml I III;. Jt.-Hm m m m "A-Ltttn." Atjj,: lan Ormtft "T"- bt tUiH." Atnlin Omlrrftn I'l Itnt' U ttttit h. H:00 p. m. T:mi p. ni. fl lft p. m. ADMlt KN Nu-Meds to Hear Hompes Phy Expe sician to Relate riences in India As R1(st of honor at a Nu-Med dinner to be held tomorrow hifiht at 6:15 in the Union parlors X and Y, Hr. J. J. Hompes, Lincoln physician will speak on his expe riences in India. I'r. Hompes dining his two months' tour of the far Mast de voted bis time to studying the e. 0:101:11c an 1 social conditions of the iiutlyin" ri fiions of India. Com- ln.'iil on-ine conuiiions in;; Hum., ul the enlue count ly, Pr. I loupes sai l, "Kthics of rue lieinc and tin t i-.o ls of ndniimsti atinfi it are v- iy crude as a whole, how ever, m llu- more i ivilized legions con,l,lion.'i are usually pood." 'llu- noted physiiMau's le.ture will be illusli. te.'l by films taken (lining Ins slay in India. Of par ticular interest to pic-me I htu denls will be films of operations be made there. l-.,llowine the program, annual el. clion ol nH', eis will be held, ace miiii", to Kus si II ("ashen, president. AH members who plan to At tend must make reservations in the office of Pr. Olis Wade, fac ulty advisor, before Wednesday. Teaching Candidates Convene Wednesday All new candidates for teach ing positions for the school year of 1939-39 will meet with R. D. Moritr, director of teacher placements, Wednesday, Dec. 7, in social science auditorium at 4o'clock. According to Mr. Moritr, stu dents who have classes that hour will be excused for thc meeting, which is highly im portant to all interested in teaching next year. Students are psked to come prepared ta take notes. Prep Gridders Plan Busy Day at Rally Jay-Sees Fete N.U., Wesleyan Senior Men; Honor 300 Grid Stars Entertainment in carloads Is in store for the 300 or more high school senior footballers from 55 Nebraska high schools who will be guests of the Lincoln junior chamber of commerce at the third annual nil state football rally to day, j-lonorcd along with them will be Nebraska's ten senior grid ders and ten seniors who have played their last football game for Nebraska Wesleyan. Beginning the day, the guests will attend a general reception in the chamber of commerce rooms, followed by a luncheon. Presiding over the noon affair will be Max Roper, president of the junior chamber. Songs by the university glee club, introduction of Nebraska and Nebraska Wesleyan coaching staffs, certificate awards to the college seniors being honored and introduction of Jeanne Newell, Nebraska Sweetheart, are sched uled for this luncheon. All Sports Demonstration. A trip to Nebraska Wesleyan's campus will follow the luncheon with a surprise program in store for the 300 guests. The latter part of the afternoon will be spent in the Husker coliseum, with swim ming, wrestling, boxing, basket ball and gymnastics exhibitions on tap. A track demonstration Will 'be staged in the stadium. Six o'clock will find guests and all others interested in the rally dining in the Student Union ball room. An exhibition program of tumbling and special work on rings and horizontal bars by Ne braska's champion gymnasts will follow the dinner. After the dinner and gymnastic exhibition, the rally will adjourn to the chamber of commerce rooms for a smoker, where bil liards, ping pong, and bridge will occupy those present. At 7:30, football movies will be shown, to be followed by threo Kosmet Klub skits. A dutch lunch at 9:45 o'clock will conclude the rally. Barb Queen Will Reign Unaffiliates Lay Plans For February Party A P.arb queen elected by the voles of all Paib men will be pre sented t ) the campus at the Pu b Winter Frolic February 2f, memb ers of the Parb Union decidcl in their regular Monday inrelin". Sternie Sternberg will brine, his eleven piece orchestra, to the Student Union for the occasion. Katinj; conditions, social affairs, athletic program and tie national convention were also discussed at the meeting. The group voted definite action on l lie sni'.i esieo hiuueni lunon Hoarding flub. The weekly hour d nice was announced for Satur day evening from 7 to 8::!1 o'clock with the girls in charge of the atranj-errn-nlH A parly in co operation with the Parhs on Ag campus working through the AC'PC club and Paldwin hall was suggested aud the group voted to join the Town (Jills club for even ing meal once a month, the. series to bein January 9. A wie: -time toiiriiemetit to begin I immediately following Christ mas vac-alam was propose,! an I aciion will he talon in the Parb mass meeting 1 Vo-mlx-r 12. Knt ries for the basketball tournament winch will bej-in January !l are ri-ipiii ' 1 to b.- into the hit 1. llama! before va-atmn. '1 lie Nat lo'ial Co' v. .on Indep.-n i id. Stud, nt i Ass,,, ial announced for p, ei ,.l,. r and 17 at th- University of I'm at Lafayette, lro. , a. Th Union r.l'ler.'d to pay the rc, (CYwitinued on Page 12.) ,,t , ,u 10 ) Holiday RccitaL J sioil yesterday. He I inmmii'MM i linimt fal l state bee i)j w.-ek, being "pen every nfter- j :--j--'" . i m T m y MiVVl)ll i I'l 1 1