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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1938)
run from n I01 EBRASKAft Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL. XXXVlll.NO. 29 "LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 193ft Daily N is' . RSilitary BaBE honors Cornhuskcr Adopts New Queen Policy Men to Help Nominate Yearbook Beauties A new poin-y whch wl mfcke P'uibltf for mea as wel as 'men students to nominate can for Oirnhusker beauty iV'" adopted by the '" Comhusker. according to an ttnounrMni-rt made yesterday by t Uhr, -in or. Nominal ,,, under ew tj((, has been used exten wy t other universities, will " t(Ju-t.-.j the same a other 12 Mc"!'t "r the fact that this ir mtn a wwi as women's or J''1"""1" will be allowed to wT.'liif """ candidate for every y awHinl, sold u, member ' ii iim.tlon must be filed ,,i ( ",1',""'ker crffu-e by De- '' ;,r- , are non.l- tvl I "Ifaphed at the - of me Cornhusker and 1 final election. tWn ! h-u not Vpt ,,,,,n tn ,. ; 114 customary to name jV"lu;, ,r J)(b who u f "'""'"' ". artwt, or or' n ' r":,v b ''U'T barb 7"! H i t, ,. j, tll;,t duplicate nomina ,,. 1 a. murh aa pos- u ' i t- , '' ' n,ity purchased Mortar Boards o Broadcast r"P PrcTcnfj Skits Over KFORWcdnc$day '"'rnins Ui-ir iiumml r.r..:;1:,y km m tms n u.e l, 11"llv""''y q'wilcr-liour t ' "'"ly t-y th. mi.i-nt 1; ' , 1 ''"f llie'wlore U.eri f,.7 ''""'" .iTI'm will take the t-,j. 'I' pi Uiij vrlii bi( ' 'niriiitia didciiHHiiiff yrf. i''"lriK for Uip yearly "J.'iij) '"'HIi' n,? "rt wl" "how " fl fK'"r'1 meeting where i ucj,.."1 f"r Ul coming party "m. .Vy: WW t lii'ly u t "nR thl',r d,lli"''' c"r" I-m.. '"' '-"nveyanoe to the t.V ,' another will il-plrt liffl, ! " lhy receive the crca- w ber. of Mortar b-H.rd will tLl ,l0J ovp' broadcaat "X o tnu their akjt role. ', - V -( I -aw-f N - -' fir -.It V 10,000 Pack Coliseum As Gala Event Opens Husker Formal Season Ten thuuaand people Jammed every Inch of the university coli eum Friday night US open the forma aeason, to see Virginia Fleetwood presented as the 1938 version of honorary colonel, and to watch the 'army' swagger thru its annual Indoor dress parade. Cala premiere of the university formal season, the ball is the most colorful event of the year. Stepping from the center of a huge facsmile of a cannon, Miss Fleetwood, dressed In a white cadet uniform, was presented to the eager audience. As the uni versity symphony band strurK up the stirring "Colorado" march, 350 sabers slid from ss many sheaths flittered in the overhead lights at they formed the ercn, ana in grand march began. Crowd Packs Floor. lying before & T. the time ' for the Bifanince of the colonel all available places around th f l'Kr had M en filled. It wan a rexf leas crowd, anxious for things t' happen; It was nn appreciative audience as a battery of field nr tillerynien and the Perishing Kifle crack squad went thru their part of the program with dork hk' pierision; it was nn npprovinp audience as It tillered the ne honor my colonel. ( ho.'-n lit th"" fall election b f.tiiient vote, the new colonel! identity was kept a secret until her presentation. Muts Fleetwood th daughter of lr. and Mrs. K. J Fleetwood of Lincoln, is a senior in the ails and sciencei college a member f KT'P Alpha Tbeia student council. Mortar lKard. Ta- Mis. v. v. a., rid reiu nil and president of Coed Counselor bou I d. Dean Vpson Reported Showing Improvement Dear, I W. W'-n f fa-b uate coll-ri ' reported uv U Utter ud showing steady i n provement yctenlay by ho,,;ital attendants. He had wfferc.1 a heart attack early In the week. Degree, Certificate Candidates to File All students who are candi dates for degrees and certifi cates In January or June are asked to lilt their applications in th office of the reglitrsr, room In Administration, by Thursday, Dec. 8. The c if Ice will be open from I to S oelock each day. Filings Open For Prom Committee Council Will Select 12 Members of Group At Meeting on Dec. 14 Filings for the twelve places on the Junior-Senior Prom committee will open Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock in the student activities of fice in the coliseum and close Fri day afternoon at 5 o'clock, accord ing to dates set by the Student Council. Of the twelve members of the committee, there ran be not more than three women and two men from outside the Council. The jun ior class president. Grant Thomas, automatically becomes a memler of the committee. All candidates must file in the activities office before the Friday deadline, whether fnm the student body or the Council. Must Be Juniors. Final selection of the committee will be made from the filing list by the student governing body at their next meeti",g on Wednesday. Dee. 11. Kuli-s of eligibility which ir.-:''. be met by all candidates s;" ify that committee members have no less than 62 and no more than Ml credit hours, (that is. jun ior Handing). Candidates must al-o meet the general I'niversity requirements which call for their having successfully carried 27 hous dining the two previous se mesters and also be carrying 12 hous in good standing at the time of filing. As one of the University's fore most social functions and the tra ditional closing party for the for mal season, the planning and management of the prom is gen erally considered to be of valuable experience to students sspiring to activities honors. Committee elec tion is held early in order to allow members ample time to make sat isfactory arrangements for the af fair. Including the signing of a na tionally known dance orchestra and working out a suitable pre sentation Idea for the Prom GirL 0. J. Ferguson Receives Honor College Association Names Dean to Post Dean O. J. Ferguson of the ndlcre of engineering received Aord that he has been named on the executive committee of the lunciation of Land Crant Col leges and Universities. This com mittee Is the policy forming agency for 01 member Institu t uins. Previous to this appointment le:in Ferguson has held several other ports In the association, having been chairman of the en gineering division, heal of the (omrnlltee on costs of engineering education and chairman of Hi: committee on englnccrim; educa tion. He will wiye a four year term on the executive committee, icicceeding I). M. Inland, dean of l he engineering college at the University of Minnesota. Oldest Greek Frafernitv Observes Anniversary Today PROCTOR, GAMBLE INTERVIEW SENIORS A company official of Procter S- Camhln rom;!inv of Ivorvdile, Ohio, will Interview senior chemi cal, electrical, and nv hanical en gineers tomoirow ut 2 p. m. In Mechanical 1 ingineci lug building. Room 200, for Jobs in the com pany's manufacturing plants. Of ficials of the company sought I" r mlsslon by telegraph lust week for this project. Individuals will not only lie In terviewed but will bo required to solve various tcsU In mathematics and the science which is expected to cover a two nour penou. sen iors desiring to take the examina tion will tie excused from claaacs during this period. Permission blanks may be secured at Dean O, i. Ferguson's office. Mortar Hoards Sago for tys5c Of Johnny OOannp Boarding Club Takes First At Fun Show Cafeteria, Farm House, Loomis Hall Skits Also Win Judges' Approve! Ag college boarding club won first place among full stage acts at the tenth annual Coll-Agri-Fun show presented last night. The club's skit was entitled "Th TWo Fall Review," and portrayed a ladies style show with male models. Second place went to loomis hall for their skit "Bout a Quar ter to Nine." The net featured a pantomime contrast between the boudoir of a la-iy of today and her sister of the gay nineties. The Cafeteria club walked off with fiist honors among curtain acts. presenting w hen v e Marry." a pantomime version of mntrimonv Second clace among the shorter skits was won by Farm House with their presentation oi "The Creation," featuring a read ing by Fat Bcacncl, oi me .t; version of the earth's beginning. Three Judges. Th dvu was iudeed bv Mrs. Charles Sutherland, Mrs. Nora Os- born and the Rev. Kay num. mnu other noteworthy acts included the following: Tht Alpha Gamma Rho skit, "Hitler and Bust." centered rnuiil th finerience of an ag college professor in Germany dur ing a period of nasi coniroi wier the death of Hitler. All action dur ing the play was accompanied by appropriate popular songs. The farm House, with a Show centering around a search for the best cow in the world provided mini m imieh for the audience when the three potential candi . . .. . .. j .i ..i dates for tne line coimpwu "" taneously during the last moments of the skiU The Cafeteria's slapstick treat mi nt r.f football eame which fi nally ends with the entire cast doing a c horus version or me can can'' proved Ui be one of Uie high apois or trie evening. Curtain Acts. Among the curtain arts was that ol the Jiarb uuw. .-ix guw up ican d on the stage as nu n and tlnn about faced and became women and In this manner, pre st riled a fcong and dance adapta tion of the fcoiif, lUruben, KeUbiri." Un." After the show, there was danc ing in the niain b.illioom of the nuivjtif building to the music of Wayne Ktim and lit) band. Phi Dcta Koppa Bcqan In Tavern, Dec. 5, 1776 One hondic I rind sixty-two years ago tomorrow, on lcc 5, 1 7VU. five men sat down to;:ther around a laid,. In the Anoll'i r'om of Raleigh Tavern t Williamsburg. Vs.. and founded the fnat Greek letter organization In America. Those men were students of the College of William and Mary, and the organization they founded was Phi l'.ela Kappa, national scholar- shin society. The formal orginlrallon of PRK reallv was done at three meetings. At the first, on Dec. 5, Informal Initial discussions were held by the five men present, and the design of the medal was adopted. JDcse (Cold Inijc'l on Pop," 3.) Coeds Must Foot Bills At Leap Year Affair In Coliseum Friday Ilirrct from a long1 en r.i se men! in the Rainbow Grill atop Radio "it y, Johnny Hanip and his orchestra will play Friday night in Ihe coliseum for the ft " 'e"fc V ' JOHNNY HAMP traditional Mortar Board Leap Year party. The party is the only event on the university social cal endar where the coed acts as es cort and pays the bills. Preceding hi booking at the Rainbow Grill where his music was broadcast nightly over the NBC network, Johnny Hamp played a the Rdgewater Beach hotel, the Drake hotel and the Black Hawk In Chicago, at the Cocoanut Grove and the Ambas sador in Los Angeles, at the Kit Kat club in Ixmdon and the Hotel New Yorker in New York. His record on the air has been a consistent stretch of 12 years of broadcasting from 11 parts of Die (Continued on Page S.) Arts College Faculty Dines Pfcilcr, Boucher Talk At Annual Banquet Arts and sciences college faculty will hold its annual dinner lues day evening at fi l.'i In the I'm in. Dr. W. K. Pfeibi of the deyirt. merit ut Germanics will deliver the principal iiMm -'h of th evening. espealiing oil tie- subjert, "'acta and Fiction in ii..d Aliiil Ccntril Kurope." Chancellor C. S. Rouchcr will talk briefly on the new state clu rational survey rcritly author ized by the planning board, ex plaining Us objectives and rel.i- tioncbip to a long l rm I'nr.-ersity building pro," nirn. New members of Ihe atls col lege faculty who bine Hie r-'rik of Inatruc'iir or abnc will be n Irodueeil ut t''c di rr i vei i ll Dean '. II. f(!dfa"i'-i will pn ! ! The affair ia ojn n only l rri'-ni-hers of th" foileg'! la ully and their liiirnc'li i'e 1 uiii i s. Meter Stolen Frsm Electrical Building A burglar gained entiain e to li e cleclrli al engilii (Tin;: bi'lHIng sometime between 0 o i lock Friday evening and H o'clock Sal uni ty morning, and stole an A. C. am meter, accoidlng to Hg.t. Ii"glel ol the campus police. The Intruder gained entrance b the building by crawling thru window, and used a glass cutter Ir securing thj meter from the taw In which It stood. The losa U es timated at 131.20. V J ...X,