v ft
Till: DAILY Mlltlt Amv N. I I 1 USl)AV"l)K( :V.M l-'.K I, 1.5!5
ttnrv con-
Thr'h. vouK Mr. George
ta' 5!n u the MRMter who
will Ka." n.u,. S born
til"1- l.l a Httlp
when uwfs'r P;;
'.",,. cwhed at VVHrronsburg.
Allf" . . .v,r tnl.l Or Allpn
nd uoiayj mi'1"' ' , L-
m GMfle would be onc 0
Jones to Attend
Kearney Convention
Major Biff Jonos will he rupsI
speaker in Kenrney SHturdny
nfteinoon at the final Rpneial ses
sion of the third annual state con
vention of phygicul education
teachers. In charge of arrange
ments will be Coach Randall D.
Watklns. of Kearney State Tea
chers college. The convention is to
be held In Kearney from Pec. 2
to 3.
players some day.
Time marched hither and yon,
and Dr. Allen kicked himself up
to Kansas and national basket
ball coaching fame. Georgie
Golay went to high school,
ripped off three years of out
standing court work, culminated
In his selection as an all state
high school basketball flash . . .
then he followed his mama's
prophecy and hied to Lawrence
on the Kaw . . . where he'll ca
vort for Dr. Allen ... In fact
he's cavorted already, and will
PE0 3
4W C
i 7 7
i I V.. t
-.?Jj sc - J
r V:1ir - '
A-4UMyAL 111 Si I II III 1st I
"Where The Big Bands Play"
iJl:5lcJ on Bale at
Varsity Basketball Schedule
l'l"""'"t CiuiH'Sitc Dale I.M.stvr.
Ninth Diikdta St;,tc Lincoln D,T, in 44-'JS
I'olyti'di Lincoln Dec. IT ::t)-."0
Mniiii'stilii Lincoln Doc. 'Jl -JS.Ii'i
y.voiiiinir Lincoln Dec. 'J:!
''ilil't'i'iiiii licrklcy Dec. iii :is.:fj
I'nlitoniiii Berkley Dec.
L. A Los Allcle's Dec. -J!i
A Los Alleles Dee. oil
t ii ton I Palo Alto .Ian. H
K'.'insiis Lincoln .Ian. U K-.V)
Kansas Stale Man hall. 'in .Ian. IT . '."i-H
Missouri I'oluniliia Jan. 'Jl :;o.:is
U 1 ;i In n ri :i Norman .Ian. l! -IS-oii
lov;i State Lincoln Jan. :!u ."ill-'Jo
Kansas Slate Lincoln -Yh. U.:V2
Kansas Lawrence l-Yk II :::!-s
Missouri Lincoln hVli. II IS-'JT
IM';ml Lincoln Vvh. II .....
Iowa Slate mes I'eh. l'T X,.:V2
Oklahoma Lincoln .Mar. -I W2V1
Twenty Drill
For Cage
Team Posts
Browne, Lcwandowski ;
Put Candidates Thru I
Strenuous Practices !
Conches W. H. Browne and i
A.lolph Lewandovvski put 20 candi
dates for .WluasUa's 1P3S-39 has-;
ketl all teani thru strenuous drills
in hall handling, fast brPakinj;,
passing, and individual instruction.
A team composed of Bill Ko
vanda and f'.nint Thomas at for-
ward, Al Randall at center. Alton
Deck Tennis Completes
Fourth Round Monday
The third rounu in the intra
mural deck tennis tournament
must be completed hy this after-
noon at o o clock. The fourth
i round has begun and will he cnni
J pitted, by the same time or. next
! Monday.
Hard Season
Awaits N. U.
Four Eastern Meets
Open Mat Schedule
January 11-14
Nebraska wrestlers under the
tutoring of Coach Jerry Adams
are busy preparing for the hardest
schedule in many a year, w ltn tne
first match only six weeks off
Coach Adams is busy picking out
his matmen for the various divi
sions. The Husker eiamilers open their
Werner and l'on Fitz at guards, over the state, two more than the i season in the east meeting Lafav
Rally Assured
Big Turnout
Reservations from 40
High Schools Received
With reservations already re
ceived from foity Inch schools
be onc of the sparkplugs
Phog's machine this seson.
Brock Rated
on A. P. Team
ran thru offensive plavs while the
red of the squad looked on. Ran
dall and Kitz are sophomores and
the other three are li tterir.en from
last year.
Two Sophomores to Start.
When the capemen open this
season against South Dakota Dec.
10. two sophomores, Kitz and Ron-
The coaching clinic conducted
hy Allen and Tom Scott, Warrens
bui'K cage coach in Lawrence this
weekend includes demonstrations
of ball tipping, drill for enlarging
basket shooting range, defensive
and ol tensive lormatioiis, dribbling i
and pivoting drills, zone and man- i
to-man defense demonstrations. Lle Coinhusker to be selected
and basketball technique moving' . . t, ... ...
, ' 1 on the Associated Press Al Big
The following weekend. Nehras- Six f"'1 stnnS was senior center
ka will conduct a clinic similar to , Charley Brock. Herman Uohrig
is that these clinics aie darn
beneficial for all those high school
Rohrig, Dodd Listed on
Big Six Second Team
(..cneiHi opinion ; an,, j.)(.k V()i, Vi,KU;n Husk-T
Ln 1 .J,-h f,.o.ilrlin.fav!lilill
and Penn State in the period Jan.
Five Lettermen Return.
Onlv five lettermen are return-
i ing to the fold as five were lot
through graduation. The letter
I men returning include: Jim
Knight, Council Bluffs, la., who
grapples in the 128 pound class;
Bill Luke, Lincoln, 135 to 145;
Lee Claire, Lincoln. 145; Ray
Toes, Utica, 115 to 155; and Julius
Wittman. Lincoln who lettered in
and Wesleyan campuses, an eve- 1937 at 155. Others who competed
ning dinner and entertainment at last vear but who did not letter
the "Union, and, as the concluding are Bill Home, Omaha, 155. anl
feature, a smokei and program ! pai Fidler. a Wyoming bov, 165.
at the chamber of commerce. i Among the other candidates
Members of the University i who are showinir ni omise are
Pitcaithlcy chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. na- George Seeman, varsity footballer
uonai men a noie.ioiiHi join uai- ,.,! former all state heavyweight
.restlmg champ from Omaha Cen-
coaches and players thiit see them.
if these oh.-erveis lememher any
thing that goes on. The type of
basketball played in some of the
high schools all over the state
needs a little uplift. Omaha and
Lincoln ha.-ketall teams don't need
this insli urtioii as much a3 other
out state teams do, but they get
in on it just the same, seeking
every little hint there may he
toward making better squads.
Iytad in the football story pub
lished in the Kansas State Col
legian Monday:
"Nebraska's Cornhuskers beat
Elmer Hackney and company
for- 14 to 0. halftime lead, beat
him up in the fourth quarter to
prevent K-State from tying the
score, and took the final football
game of the season Thursday at
Lincoln, 14 to 7."
Dni the poor little Hackney get
be;it up? His conduct on the field
wasn't very nieritous of kisses and
backslaps. outside of his natural
ability. When once he swung hard
at B,U Cillihan. who had just j
tackled him a little too hard for
comfort, we thought his ejection j
would follow immediately, hut evi-
di ntly no referee or official was in ;
on the wallop. What does the j
State writer expect? Do many
men pound time and again into a
line as formidable as was the
Huskers' List Thursday without in
terference and come out fresh as j
daisies at eight in the morning ?
No sir. Not even Sain Francis j
or George Saucr were that strong.
And Hackney doesn't measure up ,
to them - vet. '
Gut ss little Pavey O Burn's
winning all the bouquets for out
standing piiyr of the year. His
generalship. pas:ng. pur.nr.g and
running cained Texas Christian
to the top ih:. year, right along
side Notre P.une and Duke.
40 to Enter
Wrestling Meet :
Entrants File
For All-Uni Matches
Kntrants for the annual all
University wrestling meet have
been received according to Jerry
j Adams, head wrestling coach. Vai-
Kity lettermen will officiate in the
: meet which will be held in the sub
basement of the coliseum,
j Names and weights of those
entered include: Armstronp. 148;
1 Cockle. 13; Bradley. 155; Steven
son. 155; McConneU. 135; Morri
'son. 14S; Willey, 168; Copple, 14S;
' McGrath. 14S.
I Names without weights include:
; Kgley, Piestia, Zable, Salinro.
Smolik, lux, vtegner, jmiiucv.
Curry. Walsett, P o e n t h a k,
Adams, Klien, Selzer. Iwry,
Green, Williams. Harnley. Parry.
Terry. Schleusenei , Casten. Alexis.
Bodie. Kssman, R. Miller. C. Miller
and Sandusky.
300 Expected
At Cage Clinic
High School Coaches to
Discuss Rules, Teams
Nebraska high chool coaches
and officials are making prepara
tions to attend the Nebraska prep
basketball clinic on the campus
December 9 and 10.
More than three hundred are
expected to be In Lincoln for the
program which begins Kriday eve
ning with a dinner and rules in-
half barks throughout the season
were Ixith accorded second team
The APs first two teams:
First Eleven.
End Roland Young, Oklahoma,
End Charles Hcileman, Iowa
TaCKle Gilford Duggan, Okla
homa. Tackle Clyde Shugart. Iowa
Guard Edward Bock, Iowa
Guard Ferrel Anderson, Kan
sas, i
Center Charley Brock, Ne- 1
Quarter Everett Kischer, Iowa
Half Hugh McCullough, Okla
homa. Half Paul Christman. Missouri.
Fullback Elmer Hackney, Kan-
sas State.
Second Eleven.
End Don Crumbaker, Kansas
End John Shirk. Kansas.
Tackle Shirley Davis, Kansas
Tackle Justin Bowers, Okla
homa. !
Guard James Thomas, Okla
homa. I
Guard Ralphs Stevenson, Okla- I
Center Jack Kinnison, Mis
souri. Quarter Earl Crowder, Okla
homa. Half Herman Rohrig, Ht-
braska. .
Half Jack Dodd, Nebraska. !
Fullback Henry Wilder, Iowa '
State. J
First in the conferente. "kU-'
noma's count of eight men on th
two teams together beats Iowa
State's five, even thoutih th'
Cyclones placed four on the first
string to the Sonreis' three.
terpretation meeting in the Union
building at 6:3'". Parke Carroll of
Kansas City. B k Six roi.trri'ia e
official; Coat h W. H. Browi e of
the Huskers: (1. L. Webb. Ne
braska High School Athletic asso
ciation secretary, and 1 'it k I'ulliam
of Grand Island, a prominent offi
cial in Nibiaska. will discu.-s the
Nebraska's freshman basket hall
squad will demonstrate funda
mentals of the game anil various
types of defense and oflense un
der the direction of Coach Browne
and his assistants in the momir.g.
while Coach Carl 1 Fub" Hoy of
South Dakota will discuss team
play that afternoon with the frosh
again demonstrating. Coaches and
officials will attend the Nebraska
South Dakota game Saturday eve
ning as guests of the arsity.
total number last yrar. iccord at
tendance is assured for the third
annual all state high school foot
ball rally sponsored by the Lincoln
junior chamber of commerce
Dec. 6.
Lawrence Pike, director of the
University news and feature serv
ice, has charge of the program for
dall will probably be in the start-1 the affair which will include
; ing lmcup. Two other sophomores, , luncheon at the chamber of corn
Jimmy Taylor and Harry Pitcaith- j meree, sightseeing bus tours of the
j l-y will piobahly see lots of action ' city, a visit and demonstration at
i along side of Frank Tallman and both the University of Nebraska
; Bob Elliot both minor lettermen.
Coach Chili Armstrong nn
i bounced that the "B" team will
; play Luther college Saturday Hnd
that all men who have not lettered
; in basket b il will be eligible. Fitz.
Taylor. P.andall and
will probably not play
Most of the time between now
and Dc. HI will be spent in pol-i.-hing
up thv of ft use and working
d.i'feivr.t combination!! together in
order to place a smooth and well
balanced team on the floor.
i 12,000 Reserve
Grid Tickets .
I Selleck Reports Rush
j For '38 Season Books
I The rush of season book leser
; vations into Bu.-ine.-s Manager
! John K. Selleck's office is excellent
1 evidence that the loyalty of Corn
i husker suppoiteis was not dimmed
' by the mediocre early season
showing of the Starlet and Cream
this fall.
"About 12. DUO seats already
j have b''cn placed on reservation"
said Mr. Selleck Wednesday."' and
from all indications t'H'ie will be
i just as gtent a rush for reswved
sats this coming season as there
has been in the past."
' There wi'l be only four gaim-s
: plavi-d in Mi-mom al Stadium nxt
year in ontia"r with five home
' games in the last frw seasons, and
as a result the price rl the season
! books will be reduced. This is
caused by the fa't that we play
I Indiana nt Bloomirgton next yrar
instead of here as we have the
' past three years.
Stiner Accepts
New Contract
! Former N.U. Grid Star ;
j To Remcin at Oregon
jn Stiner. v. ho rrade b'otball
history for .Wbiaska in the
tv.er.tK-s on i is no v h'-ad coach
at Oregon State. w,i given a new
time year con'iad a', an increase
in salary, avoiding t" reports re
ceived V' stei.tay.
Stiner s s:i!T'! i-mg s a ees- in tie
(eating ri o-t of the favoicd con
ference fains this year was in
strumental in the offering of the
three year cr.tit tact whieh replaces
the old V' a: to year at 1 -ar.gi rr.er.t
tii.der uhiih Stim-r has been
oachxg t r 1 n e ye n s.
A It h St met salaty i:irteas(
was not Mvealed. he now draws
$.Y.Vn a year. The m.ctease will
be e!fectie Jan. 1. ltOH
1 ti al : Shelley Condon, Omaha; Bill
1 Sanduskey, Seward, 175; Duane
' Willey, Sidney. 165: Herb Rosen
thai. Council Bluffs, la.; Tori
Bodie and Paul Bradley. Lincoln,
! 155; Dean McGrath, Lincoln and
I Otto Smolik. Omaha. 135; Jim Sel
zer, Seottsbluif, 12S: Milton Kus-
and Dick Terry,
Cyclones Complete
ism fraternity, will publish a spe
cial edition of the Daily Nebraskan !
on the day of the tally, featuring;
special sports artiiles.
Kimball high school holds the
honor of being the most distant .
i institution to send in a reservation.
' Coach Walden of that town has j
; notified the chamber of his mten-
1 tion to nring un.-e hoys to Lincoln , 1 Colbv, Kas
for the affair. Seniots of the Ne- j Lincoln, 121.
braska anil wesirvan varsity tool-
. ball squads, coaches, superintend-
. 111;-, i'iiiii.- .iiiii ni. i(iji'iij.(
! players of the various high schools j ieOSCn With DCtnqUetS
j will be the guests of the organiza- Completion of a nine game
I tion for the day. If reservations ! schedule does not mark the" fin
continue to come in at the rate ish of the Iowa State football ea
! maintained to date, more than son. Members of the Cyclone
fifty institutions should be repre- I coaching staff and squad, second
1 seiited. . in the Big Six conference, will
participate in 40 Iowa high school
football banquets before Christ
mas. Jim Y eager, head coach, has IS
speaking engagements within a
month. He is booked for three
solid weeks during December. Le-
Union Schedules
Bingo Games Friday
Buigo games will be held Friday
night in the Union for those who
are not going to the Military ball.
The games have been arranged be- j Koy Timm. backfield coach: Harry
cause of the huge in cess of those
during vacation. Five cent cou
pons on the Corn Crib will be
awarded as prizes. No dances will
be held in the Union Friday night.
Schmidt, line coach; Ray Donels,
freshman mentor, and George l-
Yeenker. athletic director, will
also speak at banquets in all corn
ets ot the state.
Sale anil Ilvnt
130 No. 12-h St BJ'67
I- Doublebreosred
filfe' ) Midni
. J
or the BALL
ght Blue
Reg. to 25.00
133 So. 13th
Your Drug Store
If !' I ou'ek d'uj itort Htm
you nffd, juit phont and w'tl do
tht rut.
p St. at 14th Phone B1068
II '1
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,w MrM( x-Dk-
; : A)
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Smart and Lovely
are the Corsages
Frey & Frey
''oral Co. 1306 N,
Price 85o.
1338 O St.
Phone B6928
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Admittion at
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