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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1938)
tout k 'I ...... nil, iuily INKHK SKAY, WEI)NKSI)Y. rVOVEMKER .'tO, NEWS OK TIIK WKKK. . ,fca turlnR Bob Crosby us the enter tainer. . .said to be one of tile bestest bands. . .among those there were .Sipmn Nil Xtcevcs and Theta Pledge Pat Woods... l' l'hl IVlc Horner and Alpha Tau Omega Hun Nichols, . .Louis Anderson, divert iiiK from his usual path and ink iiiK Tris Wicks, Tii Delta. . .Paul Amen, with DO Jerry Wallace, mid Frannie l; noldman with lieta Hip Oelrlch. . .Alyce. Bhiu l', beating it out with Kinia Nil Jack Cole. . .while her sinter Marlon Bowers was with Kappa SIR Mck Hitchcock. . , rumor has It that Chi OmeR.t Helen I'a.scoc Is going on the steady trek with Boh Klory, Kappa Sij; . . . that Thetii Mary McLaughlin is wear ing a .Sigma Nil pin, when qucs tioncd, giving out only "lee". . . Hi 'i t the DU's and the Alpha 1'lii's threw n fake, randy passing, as illd the Delta (lamina's and Phi l'sl's. . that Hetty Burgher, AOI'I Is wearing a Theta Chi pin at tlii;; point. . .that Jean Humphrey, an other AOI'I, thinks that lndcstnno Is a maggot instead of n magnet .. that Pi phi Charlotte Stahl Is the object of Hubert Monaky's Af fection. . .that Carl Sigma Chi Cleveland is still quite interested Alpha Chi way, h II rumors aside ...that fur coats are being nban iloned In favor of something a lit tle cooler. , .that today's nodal highlight is the tea Ua nee. . .come one, come all of you. . . Muriel White to Toik At Ag Freshman AWS The only Freahman A.W'.S. meet ing to bo held today will be at ng college und will be. addressed by Muriel White, president of the Y.W.C.A. .Short talks will also be given by various members on the Military ball and the Mortar Board patty to acquaint new students from out of town with them. Ben Alice day will act at president and Alice Folda as secretary. A new kind of nut cracker Is the latest, research development of a University of California scientist. It explodes the shell from the inside. All-Kirkpatrick Musicale Given Forum Hears Worki of Music School Heed Compositions of Director How aril Klrkpatrick of the University School of Music composed the program of the Musical Forum last night in the Union. Dr. Klrkpat rick, Grace Finch, First Preaby terlan organist, Carl Steckclberg, and numerous students played some of the director's best com positions which put into music some of the most beautiful verses of famous writers. The concert quartet was com posed of Altlmm Tullls, soprano; Mary Shockcy, alto; Keuben Walt, tenor, nnd Kd Boehmer bass. Music was also given by the string quartet of Margaret Por ter, Hist violin; Marjorio Smith second violin; Alice Blackstono, viola, ami Juno Meek, 'cello, in addition to duets nnd solos. Carl Steckelberg, violinist of the school of music, faculty, and Betty Zabriskie of the 'reilo de partment played an Introduction to one of the numbers of Klrkpat rlck's "Flrcworshlpperi" cycle. The program follows: Sparks of Love Will surely flash your way if you order the Corsage at EICHE'S 1311 N B6583 Orchids Violets Gardenias Sweet Peas Roses and other choice flowers Other Lovely Jlowers I il; il 11 I ih Mo My :. ,,,(,.,, ..... i1, A" "'"'I"". wilnill rt.nlri.lln mid ftiiiirmiu ilm-i l.a'r.'.'.h. ?rr1 "" """'" """Mr, nil riiilni'l lun n.xl iiimrtH: I nrl Mlrrhrl- iMTlt, Mo; I,,,,,. Mirk(,i Ill Mulid, .Nnnifi f ,.r (,, ...ri,. t-.n-iillil,., rroni "lu,.k inn, nr ... nlflnir imirlrt. ' Mlitl! Ilniiri.. ...I l Our lli.finr, iiiiurlil t.n"r"r,l,""1 1""r "'."r'' "" tu.u, tfiiur, A l'nnl Ihr Hurl, iiiiirt.. Ir,..i,i "" "'"'' - Tin. MuHir, iiuurlcl. Corn Cobs Postpone Tonight's Session Corn Cobs will not have their regular meeting tonight, an nounced George Jtosen, president Members of the Pep ,.h should' watch the Daily Nebraskan col umns for future announcements. According to oKsen, activities of Corn Cobs will continue right on thru the year with attendance at basketball games and a Corn Cob band now being planned. Florida .Southern College has es tablished a professorship of demo cracy i combat fascism, conimun i.Hin ami similar trends. n rrrwnl Oil, nil v llmr l. Irf Ihr rtrl uf tlx. f... FREE HEELS WITH EVERY HALF SOLE Our f.nti.ry repair melhrnls Hun shoes Inln really new Ionium; "lies. IJefi.ll' Juil spellil llionry fur lieu- (.lies el l Mdl.w Villi llnv little il Will cunt tn Imve iliour- uhl i'ii"i ri'liiiili. Ve Kiiiiriiiiler HHllsfur tlini on every iieie i. wmk. United Shoe Repair 108 No. 13th St. if I Wlsm! yoit Can. SOIL $td A Complete TUXED Outfit.... fan. Only. O 9 75 If all items were bought icparately would cosf 2155 Tuxedo Suit 18.50 Handiomely tailored In black or midnlghl blue. Single or double breasted atI. Arrow Dress Shirt 2.50 Formal Tie .55 Studs and Links 1.00 Jet black or Btan gray. Black Hose .25 Wing Collar 25 Suspenders 50 Black and white... clip or leather ends. Total 23.55 COLD'S Mrn't Store tllh SI. Formal Shoes To Complefe Your Correct Attire! Roo Plain So Drfrt HHinrt mhMm . - M . , ........ ,.ui,i iimoui manuractureri toe atyle In dull black Russia Calf. Leather heel I nn, i n u,. nnT inu . . , . . . . . - ' "' vunuoruoiB irom ine ttarti Come in and try on t pair. You'll agree that here'. th buy for you I GOLD'S Men'a Store 11th St. It was predicted some time ago In this column, more new books are now being devoted to discus .long of the current international difficulties than to any other sub Ject. .. .Timely is Dorothy Thomp son's "Refugees," a discussion of the attempts to resettle the Jewish rcrugees, and a review of tho re suits of the Kvlan conference..., 'While England Slept" a current best seller by the dynamic British conservative, Winston Churchill, tells the tale of the Kngllsh failure 10 meet me demands of a new Germany, mid predicts a result disastrous to the Kngllsh civiliza tion. "Twilight in Vienna" Is Willie Fiischauer's conception of what happened during the last hectic hours before iiltletian annexation of Austria. .. .James Truslow Adams, renowned for his "Kplc of America" spins now the yarn of "Hulldlng the Iirltlsh Kmplre." Kemal Ataturli, the late dictator of Turkey, along with .Stalin, Hit ler, and nil the rest of Kurope's big men, is seen thru the eyes of for eign correspondent Issue: Marcos son, In his new book, "Turbulent Years" Hruee I.ockhart, inter national traveler, likewise sees Eu rope, hut. from a different angle, "(luns and Hutter" takes the reader right thru from the mad ness of the Austrian nazis to the defiant, but pitilessly abandoned, Czechs, . . . And so the list grows larger 'la.V by day, as each observer cashes in on the huge American demand for foreign hooks Anschluss, Munich, Canton, Paris, Jerusalem, Uma-an Incessant, un ceasing torrent of events, com municated to interested people faster than ever before, and like wise Interpreted, to n frenzied, yet somehow indifferent, world,... MUSIC BOOKS. llie important letteis of I'ade- icwsKi, the gerat pianist, have neen gathered by Mary Lawton, In the "Padercwski Memoirs" Lawrence Oilman, author of "Wagners Operas" has just com pleted a biography of Toscanlni, uie prince of music;" the hook Is .something more than n biography, in. luding a discussion of the great ; composers, thus introducing to the casual bystander the greater of the classical symphonies Like wise new is "The Art of Singing," a study in singing style and music .technique, by William Henderson I Daniel Mason, somewhat of a ! musician himself, reviews great music, of the hist half century, In his recent "Music in my Time nnd Other Reminiscences". . , , I Pessimism Is displayed by Andre Malraux, the great "novelist of ! revolutions," in his book "Man's i Mite," and Katov, who makes the I supreme, sacrifice, is deserted by I the author, left to his fate, a hor I nbly painful nnd torturous death, j Yet from the pen of this dynamic ! author comes a ray of hope, a he , lief, a conviction, that out from I the regimented chaos, wlTich is , Fascism, will evolve nn order i which is fit for men. Malraux is . revolutionist himself, lighting, living In the most degrading con ditions, working against the most passionate of human emotions, in order that an ideal might survive His new book, "Man's Hope," an swers somehow the question which was evaded in the former .and pre sents more over an appeal to fight, not against something, hut for something. Vivid, shocking, melo dramatic, "Man's Hope" is perhaps the best piece of literature to emerge from the Spanish fracas out of the fight of "democracy against dictatorship" Dartmouth College Is one of the few U. S. colleges that has nn of ficially recognized student fire department. Classified ADVERTISING 10 PER LINE FOR RAI.KTux, ulrr 7 with Khlrt. Ex 'llnt rnnditlnn, h ,M). ph. 4. .13:111. FOR RAI.K-T Tiixlo nulin ilh vests. Oiip biiihII tlip other nieilnim size. Both In very good cinUtkn. Plume KIHS2. KUR SALK-K11II Pies unit Tux.-cl.i in perfrrt emiilllliin. Siz 3il. Ilmne Aililrrsa i24 F St. Your Drug Store HrlHivn rlaawii or hrn llrrit mil lr- lll In mir (itunlnln. A rukr nr Hhllman hut rhiimlatr will put ih-h W Inlo ynu. THE OWL PHARMACY P St. at 14th Phone B1068 FREE DELIVERY LAST DAY! i nnnov and the Latlv" STIAHT Starts Thuri.'. "The Great Waltz' With Fernnnd (irnvrl l.ouio Ituincr .Milin koijiiH f LAST IIAV! I "Jul Aronml lite Corner Ll OL.N Starlt limn.! Joan ( raf(inl Mary SiilliiMin Itolierl Voiiiik nlelvn Dohi-Iiik r 'The Shining' Hour' LAST BAY! OF A KIND'' J OEII'IIKI'M .Sfnria Thurs.! "CAMPUS CONFESSIONS" IMlh llenny (.rnlilr ' llnnk l.iiinelli Union Activities Wednesday. 5;00 Beta Gamma Sigma, par- lort X, Y. 5:00 Student Council, roomi 313, 30S. 5:00 Sigma Alpha lota, room 313. 5:00 Mu Phi Epillon, room 316. 7:00 Reading club, parlor A. 7.00 Knitting club, room 209. 7:30 Delta Sigma PI, room 316. 7:30 Corn Cobi, room 313. Boftorf Requests Frosh Sweater Sizes All freshman footballers are re quested to turn In their sweater sizes to Floyd Rottorf, football equipment manager, before the end of the week. After tho six weeks' eligibility standings come out the coaches will decide who arc to receive the freshman numeral sweaters. Cornhusker Battery Drills Tonight at 6:30 The Cornhusker F'leld Battery, which has a major part In the military ball ceremonies, will have a rehearsal drill this evening nnd Thursday from 0:30 to 7: In o'clock in the coliseum, according MnJ, VV. 11. Philip. Werner Addresses Graduate Teachers Dr. O. H. Werner of the Teach ers' college faculty spoko on the subject, "Some Trends In Educa tion of Teachers," at the first graduate scholarship lecture of the year Monday evening at the Union. The group attended dinner before the lecture. Committee In charge was com posed of Professors L. V. Garey, Flugene A. Gllmore, J. E. Weaver, and H. A. White. Orchesis to Present Christmas Recital Orchesis, modern dance group, will present a Christmas program consisting of both vocal and dance numbers, Thursday, December 15, at Grant Memorial. There will be no admission charge and the pub lic is invited. The club will hold a meeting for both old nnd newly-elected members tonight at seven o'clock. Lutheran Bible Class Conducts Session Lutheran students will niwt with Kev. Kick for the rej.inMr Bible hour Bt 5 o'clock Thuimhiy In loom 203 of the Temple, The discussion will relate to the topic "What does the Bible say aloiit the Christian and the state," and tho question, "What is a counti-v's best asset?" fk l.nrl,.r..Hlurf,,l Tib. iH.. ..." "A $7 Permanent for $Ca Wonderful for All lUir "TjJV SOAPLE55 Oil. Shampoo r'lnf rr Wne l.mllM or Mm' llHlrrulft t'lnirr Wve l.lrrnafd Onrratori Only. Standard Oil. I'KKM A I'l Prrm. All nl Ihnr 1'rlrM llal. of Thla Week. CDTC 8Mk I0", rowdrri, Co.. 1 a matin. llh Permananla I.FADI.H HF.AI TK SAM)N Vft No. I Kvrnlnc AnpH. Alia B.MIS idiMdbdidbdiiaiiiaiiJSHSdidSffiiadsewij 35c 25e Personalized, Corsages Iverson's Flower Shop B1310 228 So. 12th 9 ft ipti want io b&. "Jtinq, 0$. tho. Sail!' Be Sure Your Clothes Are Correct in Every Detail FULL DRESS SUITS High waisted, trimly tailored "tails" in midnight blue. . .perfectly tai.ored in every detail. . .$27.50 $35 $45 I 14 fi lit LJz? -A F y NEW TUXEDOS- YES r If o i J I WAG rr Double breasted, midnight blue tuxcdoi ...full drape chest and trim waistline... pleated trousers. $20 $25 $20 OPERA HATS- The correct headwear with "white tie and tails"... In collapseable opera style . . . all sizes . . . $10. ARROW SHIRTS- The new short bosom shirts by Arrow... ideal ffor the new high waisted trousers ...$2.50 $3 $3.50 SWANK JEWELRY- White jeweled studs and nnKs lor -tailcoats ...da colors for tuxedo wear. ?1 $1.50 $2 $3.50 HOMBURGS Midnight blue In fine felt... the correct headwear with your tuxedo... $3.50 $5 $7.50 FORMAL SHOES Patent leather or gunmetal finish for mal shoes. . .Correctlv fitted to insure dancing comfort... $0 and $8.7$ , l I. a 1 1 zZ nm. I Hi 1