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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1938)
FOUR THE DAILY NERRASKAN, Vi EDNESDAV, ISOVEMKER 23, 1938 Debaters Face Drake Toniie Drake Debaters Open Neb raska Forensics Time Labels N. U. Grad'Trust-Buster' In Latest Issue i j "-T"' (bixisL (DaviL hI Florist Shop and the Daily Ne braskan will stape a formal style show in the Union ballroom. The main purpose of the style show is to show new formals for the ball, and the proper flowers to go with them. Shades of Thanksgiving spirit. . . elated by vacation anticipation. . . rally this morning; at 11 at the Sub. . .Sipma Delta Taus celebrat ing Monday night with a fake candy passing. . .Alpha Phi s Betty Lou Wentz and Ruth Winkler to spend their vacation in Norfolk ! S'i'V! Sant,alL while DU-si Sigma Kappas plan to spend Kd McDonnell and Avery Forke : Thanksgiving in various places, visa Johnny Adkins. . .many Sig ! Hollis Kf,pfrs and c,nevieve Eu. Alph s, ATO s and PL' s planning j bank wlU be wiln n,,, Olido ln to be at the Music Box in Omaha Omaha; several will spend vaca next Saturday night... Phi Psi , tion in Iowa wiln Emma Marie Bert ickery to have as his ruest i Schuttloffel and Betty Lehman; Woerner Bueh. exchange student j and GelTV Hubbard is off to Kan . . .Srmth Davis' poetry being i sas City visit one of ner names raved about in the Crib by ;ome 0f yesterday Tri Delta's. .Beta Nolle turning! Edith Houston is going home the heads of freshman girls as he vitn Marv Jane McMunjn, ch; 0 flashes thru the SUB...rhi Mu j sislc.r Bonnie Hubbard to spend her va- ! . . Sijma Phi Kpsilon annoiinces the initiation of Harold Mallo and Forrest Wilson. canon in toum uakota. . .Sigma Alpha Mu pledges taking all night pnd next day sneak .. .still unac counted for. . .Theta's wondering when and if Suzv Harrison will j return to pass the candy. . .Vir-i II imrp DfWDIIItC ginia Haney, Pi Phi. back in eir- LHUiLO DUUN HULLO culation again officially. . .Delta Gamma Helen "Duck-window" Davis wekoing Hunter Jim Stew art. Phi Delt. . .Nebraska's Date Bureau publicity in the week's Look... Ann Hustead. Kappa, practicing long and bard for iier part in the Kosmet Kiub phow Forensic Season Opens On "Funds" Question Competing in their first inter collegiate debate of the season, Nebraska debaters will face repre sentatives of Drake university to night in Andrews at 7:30 o'clock. The question will be, Re solved: "that the United States should cease to use public funds (including credit) for the purpose of stimulating business."' This topic is the national collegiate de bate question, for the year, as selected by Pi Kappa Delta, na tional honorary forensic fraternity. D r a k e's feminine affirmative speakers, Jane Gibson and Ruth Frisby, will be opposed by Sam Kirshenbaum and Harold Turkel. This argument will be held in room 126. Speaking for the affirmative for Nebraska, Hilton Gustafson and Donald Nemetz, will have as their opponents. John Simmons and William Wisdom. This debate, also at the same time, will be held in room 101. All Veterans. Members of the Nebraska group have all had training in debate work. Nemetz and Gustafson were members of the squad last season and both are members of Delta Sigma Rho, honor debate society. Nemetz was nn the championship district debate team during his high school career at Blair. Tur kel debated at Lincoln high school and won the Faulkner cup for ora torical ability as well as being a member of Ihe interclass cham- Pictured above is the Drake university debate team, which will meet the Nebraska squad tonight in Andrews at 7:30. They are, from left to right, William Wisdom, Jane Gibson, Ruth Frisby and John Simmons. playing Omega house with Phyllis Jensen and Helen Pascoe .. .Culver and Ted Brooks, Phi Delts. to journey Dallas-ward on accounta' a little heart interest. . .the Fireman's ball tonight to be biggest entertainment of a big evening . . .and do all have fun at your turkev dinners. . .and all that ... Mrs. Warren Day entertained the Delta Vpsilon mothers club at a 1 o'clock luncheon yesterday. The luncheon tab:e was decorated with chrysanthemums in bronze shades. Mrs. Herbert Brownell. former president, gave a rcnoit (Continued from Page 1.1 the waltz running a close second. Yet a few persons called the j pjonship team. He won the long ballroom the "pitfall covered j debate trophy for freshmen last with flowers." !'f ar. Kirshenbaum was also a .. ... champion debater in high school The hostess w as responsible . , of thc ,ong d.bate the University de roloi'Tip. hartshorn, nnrl sails in Arabs, Walt Disney Make Requests of J. P. Guilford Kappa Sig-s Frank Kudra "and Bob i for ,ne complete comfort of all the ! trnphv awardcd at Finn, nkvi m,rW. .t it,. I P"'-s;s- Sne alw-ys '--pt eau I Hvo rears aeo. iiiunr. iui: isnurii, nnu sans m . Di ake debaters nave naa con- me jar.ies room lor cases ot University Psychologist Grants Unusual Favors Three unusual requests from dif ferent parts of the world have came to Dr. J. P, Giuford, pro fessor of psychology. One letter from the University of Iraq in Arabia asked permission to trans late his new textbook on psychol ogy into Arabic. No similar book in English has been translated into this language since a text published bark in 1921. Another letter from Hollywood, where the Walt Disney studios are located, asked Dr. Guilford to fur nish film technicians with- all his information on the psychological effects of color. Eecause of the room for case? sudden fainlncss. and in the gen tlemen's room a clothes brush and boot-jack. "The customary refreshments for a lfuge party are ice cream, lemonade and cake. One word of i hp nvf cpvpral lun wiinujii; in an, you can ; aur)jenceR never kiiuv, , w nen you pjacc wine j or brand v before your guests,: and are making nn cxtr n sn e tour Ivies with fourteen colleges and i rC " . -""'V -"""s ""'' universities and will give exhibi scliool Dr. Guilford has already agreed to teach psychology at the Univer sity of Southern California during the summer session of 1939. I i I 1; ( J W.A.A. Puts Out S.O.S. For Salesgirl Corps Salesgirls are needed for the football game Thursday. Any girl interested should go to the W. A. A. office In Crant Memo rial, room 200. Wendell Berge, who graduated from Nebraska in 1925, is now known as Trust-Buster Berge whose most recent attack was di rected at advertising, "the flossy handmaiden of Big Business," ac cording to this week's issue of Time. Berge, as executive Assistant to U. S. Assistant Attorney Gen eral Thurman Arnold, addressed the American Finance Conference last week, discussing the adver tising "consent decrees" of the Ford and General Motors compa nies. When a student at Nebraska, Berge was an Acacia affiliate, married a Nebraska coed, Laura Whelpley. belt Johnson, will meet tonight at 7:15, in room 303, Ag hall. The group will discuss the Epistle of John. Credit unions have been organ ized at Missouri's five state teach ers' colleges. Texas Delegation Visits Union Sunday Delegates from the University of Texas at Austin will be guests i of the Union Sunday when they stop in Lincoln to inspect ana study the building and the stu dent program. The Texas delegates will be on their way to Minneapolis Where the University of Minnesota is to be host to the convention of stu dent union managers and directors. The Texas union, which was studied and visitftd before the Ne braska union was built, is con sidered one of the best ttudent buildings in the country. Debates will start promptly at r x. ... ' . .OU U I il H h tlUU .-Lumii'.' ...... .... t.:n'Tn Journl. whom ynu may be tempting to j been symposium written by 12 out- n(.n,n-!3 mm if are inv utter ruin. Better . lar. to have a t d j1h t (.na,.pe. reputation as strict than to have the s.n upon your soul of having ' put poison before those who part-jFrosh Do Not Assemble took of your hospitality." i j- AUr TW.c AJoc-l Guests were warned against ' ui n.u " -'- ,-ited to at- ! r,iaileJ a ftract from one of the standing authorities in'the field of large publishing houses to edit a j abnormal social, child, clinical, in- textbook on fields of psychology. I dustrial, and the other special a publication which is to be a I branches of psychology. of her trip to the Henry Ford making any display of affection Greenfield village. Assisting Mrs. for even the dearest of friends. I . W'" " Day were Mrs. Raymond McCon- j Kissing in public was considered j this week but the nell, Mrs. Herbert Forke. and Mrs. : bad taste. While dining, gloves ! uUr "M'. be .,esiumn"1 Rex Bailey. and mittens worn at the table had i Lne ..l Jh'jnkspMng ' just gone out of styl. The proper Eeta Theta Pi held its annual material for a dress was silk or Thanksgiving dinner last night. ' thin material over silk trimmed According to reports, they had : with lace, flowers or ribbon. TurKey and dates. : Alpha Xi Delta and Chi Omega had their Thanksgiving dinners Monday evening. Both had guests. The tgain- day next after school Tuesday starts Beside the regular talks variouf girls in the club will give short de scriptions of the Military Eall and the Mortar Board party for the Bengtson Speaks At Vesper Hour Professor Discusses Latin-American People r STI'AHT L4ST Ml .' "If I Were King"' Starts Thuri.i ry 4 iMiprr Mrrl- OImtiiii In "The Cowboy and the Lady" r ji rm: hbim" And ' irniclit. Hlm-e snft Alitf.Mi In 1 rimhlr" STARTS THURS.! SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "Jut Aniunri thr .r'f" Pl'j Second Big Hit! I r (HIIEi:i'M Hurry'. . . . I. nut Hay'. Judy Garland Freddie Bartholomew "LISTEN DARLING "Detestable" Jewelry. "The Ladies Book of Etiquette" advised. "Eat your soup quietly. To make any noise in eating is simply disgusting. The knife is to cut your food with, and must never be used while eatins. To i Danielnon i munch or smack the lips are vul- j ; gar faults, ha are pouring coffee and tea into your saucer." The talanted young musician : never should make unnecessary . j movements at the piano such as: , I swinging the body to and fro. mov ing th" head, and rolling the eyes. I Wearing any jewelry in the i street was "detestable." While on ! the street a well-mannered girl never stopped to speak to a gentle ' man. She never dragged her skirts ! in the mud or raised lh m above the tops of her high-button shoes. j "Ignore Him."' I The traveling woman remem j tiered a calico bag in which she carried trai kern and sandwiches for long trips. "If you are so un fortunate while traveling on a I boat to suffer from aea-sickness. never leave home without a straw coveted bottle of brmdy. and an other of camphor, ln your carpet i hag. If a genilmian on deck sits near you and seems disponed In he inpertinerit, or ohlriiHive in his attentions or conversation, lower your veil and turn from him, either looking from thc window or i reading." 11- Ijt--, r. benefit of the girls, who are from ! . .. ' mimme in our at- out of town. ! UiY- toward our Latin-American ; neighbors, ' said Dr. Nels Bengtson ' of the Bengtson department. pie down beyond the Rio Grande. "They are' faithful and regular in their relationships, and the fact that they wear little or no cloth ing is not a sign of immorality," he declared. Mary Bullock presented the de votional meditation for Thanks giving meeting, with the Vesper choir inging "Come Ye Thankful People, Come." by Elvey. Men's Bible Class Will More than 1.700 trees on the , when he snoke at Vespers last! Meet in Aa Hal loniaht Connecticut State college campus might in Ellen Smith. In support I were destroyed in the recent east 1 of his statement be told of the The men's Bible discussion class, coast hurricane. high sense of morals of the peo- ! under the instruction of Rev. Al- I For the first six months of W'M. gilts to educational institutions de clined $rfc.5;K,lfc6 from tiie total yf a similar period of last year. ""1" 1 mm. . . S M VF SV ' PRESENTS ! f'' v Puzzled MONDAY, NOV. 28 ruiicapiK Mail Order and Advance Tickets on Sale at Danielnon Floral Co., 1306 N Str. Advance 83c Ea. Door Adm. (1.10 Ei. I -' STUDENTS Dancing Begins ot 8:30 for Your Convenience SUCH GOINGS ON! Have not been seen since the Indians enter tained the Pilgrim fathers back in the good old days. KOSMET KLUB FALL REVUE Spend half a dollar you'll whoop and holler it's a pow-wow of entertainment, no less 5 Frorernity Skits 5 SoToriry Skits Presentation of Nebraiko Sweetheort Thanksgiving Day 4 Curtoin Acts Presentation of Prince Kosmet Laughs for oil 9:00 A. M. STUART THEATER About What to Give for Christmas? The Daily Nebraskan for Featuring the Most Unusual Gifts in Lincoln Stores! A. f S; fv if you don't find what you're look ing for in the gift column, call the Rag business office and ask for the CHRISTMAS SHOPPER P. 5. Our Sen ire It Confidential j . V ;