The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1938, FORMAL FASHION EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4
KOI It I'll K DAILY .NKBKASKAN. FRIDAY. XUKMIUU 11, 1938 Kappa Hopewell Stuns in Taffeta -.. 4 t ? " '.... . : i - x i -: r . 3? , 1 H' ?r, , . . i ":..v " ; ), v WSf , v If .., . . s 1 J . - ft r , , i Winter's Breezes Whip Furs, Cloth Coats Into Minds of Husker Coeds Those warm fall days will soon be past and winter winds will he here to make heavy furs and doth coats essential for the complete college wardrobe. Fvanny Williams from the Pi Phi house revives the wearing of the classic camel's hair coat but adds a beaver collar for variety. Lucky Gamma Phi Jean Russeil is sporting a rich brown marmot fur coat these days, wnne Genevieve Eubank is the envy of the Sigma Kappa pledge class when she dons her pale brown otter coat. Tf you want to see a girl who's pretty, take a peek at Betty Adair, i IVi'y hue Hopewell, Kappa Kappa Hamnia. looliny cas ually s!i;'ininu ami sophisticated in a black lal't'ela fitted for nrl. uiili -upeil iVoiii . . . imd an old fashioned plaid taffeta how lied i'i front al the neckline. Hetty Jane is inodelin- one of l!.e fonnals shown by Maude's . . . I'onnals of taffeta -'ii i 'i 1 cf'. 1 villi flower designs, moire, velvet, nel .-. . with .Mount trims, elet ribbons around the neck, the drop shoulder, 1 i i -U ' 1 waist fronts, colored velvet, bows , , . jind of course, hoops with the stiffer materials. JL n ii remmine Daii-Ljoers Dodge Bathtub Up-Do, Hairbrush Brows Delta Delta Delta, when she makes her appearance in a brown beaver. It is full length with boxy shoulders ami johnny colar. Then Alpha Phi Marlon Dobney has just added a mink coat to her wardrobe which is quite practical too as it may be worn three ways: Tuxedo styie, open or closed and as a plain box style. Striking is the word for Casey Campbell Ki'ppa whin she wears her Ocelot coat. Thela Helen Henrich has chosen a gray kid caracul, boxv and finger-tip length, and Pi Phi Beverly Sistek who de signs most of her clothes has de- mac k broad shoulders. But furs are not the choice of nil the coeds. Pat Slattery, A. O. Pi, has found a grand spice brown wool coat topped with a skunk collar. Reversible raincoats have been the discoveries of the year, and lucky are the who have Lhoni. Alpha Chi Carol Brown possesses a darby one in tan ind red plaid, and Mary Kline of Delta Gumma looks as darling as ever in her white raincoat crew hat to match. Wolf: this trims the popular teal blue coat owned by Betty Patrick from the Alpha Xi Delt's. Burgundy suede is cleverly worn by Janet Regnier of Tri Delt for an ideal campus coat. Bundling up in her brown "Mouton" jacket, Kappa Delt Alice Nemec looks very cozy when dashing around in the Xoveinber winds. Popular Lil lian Williamson, Phi Mu, appears ultra-sophisticated in a black alpaca coat and black accessories. It is said that Mary Rosborough from Theta purchased a fur coat while in Denver last summer, but is not telling what it is until she can wear it in the near future. Petit Alpha Phi Mary Lou Daly is tops in her princess style black nubby wool coat with gray caracul A.S.A.E. Hears Professor Smith Ag Engineer Discusses Research Possibilities Scientific research and its possi bilities was the theme of the ad dress given by Prof. C. W. Smith, of the department of agricultural engineering, before the meeting of the American Society of Agricul tural Engineers which was held last night at the Union. Speaking on the general topic of "Research," Professor Smith told of the preparatory training which young men entering the field must have. Professor Smith based his talk on his own experi ence at the University of Cali fornia, where he conducted exten sive research on Deisel fuels last year. Women's Phys Ed Head Sets Season Schedule Women's physical education :lasses will meet as scheduled for the first season until Wed nesday, Nov. 16, according to announcement by Miss Mabel Lee, physical edjcatlon director. comedy pantomime with Jim Riisness starrine as the V- ... V. -.',.;- : ,v"'"w in mc mi urn. x inn armistice ih program starts with a salut, 1 '""' with Adelaide Laux Crack Squad Presents Drill Palladiaru Plan Armistice Program The Pershing Rifle crack squad will present a manual of arms demonstration as a part of the Palladian program, centered around an Armistice Day theme, Friday night. The meeting will be held in the Temple building at 9 o'clock. "Pershing to the Front" Is a rim wi Bungs. ayne k.IW,, giving a piano solo of the 'Su and Stripes Forever," and !m Reedy, Harold Buston, and Diw Leask tooting as the potato trio This program is presented V, members of Palladian in the en neering and teacher's college win Harold Buxton as chairman a ! unaffiliated university btu'deni are welcome to attend. TYPEWRITER for Sale and Hvnt NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 1S0 No. 1h St. B31H LINCOLN, NEBR, " i.i,'U'il nnon a full lensith , ...I--. It..f,. ..l..A..t.J baby lamb with high imiioneu-up i noiero jiicKCL. juuwm arc nuuv.mi-u neck. When winds blow coldly! by Harper's and Elaine Pearson of across the campus. Annabel Lee' Gamma Phi has one to match hel of Sigma Kappa will weather the j beaver jacket. Pauline Schwartz, gale in a three-quarter black fur Sigma Delta Tau will appear in coat having squared lines and i her brown marmink swagger. by Betty Groth. ' "Tin-re's more to 1 his Mili tary Ball lliaii hair s'!''s, cosmetics, and row as. The sinait coed doesn't, forget tltal she needs a slim figttte to match the beauty of some strapless creation, that her face must have c:pi vs.-iu in order to enhance the colors of a well blended make-up, and that her new hairdo will look its best only when it rests on a well poised head." So advises Miss Agnes, state head of the Ne-ii'.-okM Cosmetologists Board of l-'xaiinners. '-Kvcry girl should take vantage of the sports classes s!'e has. and work hard in them so that her pliyisical condi tion Will be as we'd developed as her p;m avarice. Beauty conies from within, and a wise girl konws that " When asked the ever impor tant question, about our newly boosted hairstyles, Miss Agnes predicted that the extreme "up do's" would last for little more th, six months, but added that a modified styling of the up sv irq would last for a compara tively long time. The reason inort women spnrn the high mode is that they are too at tached to their long curls to have them cut., and as most heads have to be shaped and ' shingled a little before they are ! ready for the proper arrange- 1 ment of top curls, few women wear the new style successfully. 1 Miss Acnes advised that a com- ; binaJon of both, up and down , trends, would be the most prac tied thing to do for the Ball. Be Natural. ; Atal ai practically is one of tin four "musts" of cliie hair gi i- lie the cither three twine, sim plicity, individuality, pud fcminin. ity, l'.i-r suggestion is c o.l::.: ti-llt . , "Above fill," she rmphnsies. "don't i try to make yourself sophis'. waled I with ft new iiai.l.tylc. lie natural.' be your own sweet s-ii! If the j rurront styles don't flatter you -never Wear tN-m. Sacrifice noth ing for style, il the sacnlice isn I of benefit to "'ll." l-inir that is piled upon the head looking like the wearer expects to hop into a bathtub any minute .Isn't representative of CLASS, girls! If you will w?ar your hair up, have it set by an experienced hand, and none of this makeshift action on the part of thote who "just want to try it" and don't know how. Al so make sure that all straggly ends are caught cither by a pair of clippers, or by a wave that prevents its falling down Into the nape of the neck. No matter how beautiful the coif fure, straggly ends ruin the ef fect and lock like so much fuzz. Three Strategic Points. Page br.y bobs and hair that Winter and Formal Fashion Edition Editor HELEN J. K. SEVERA Associate Editor LOIS OWENS Assistants BETTY MEYER BETTY GROTH MARIAN BREMERS Fashion Reporters Mary Bullock. Alpha Chi Omega; Evelyn Paeper, Alpha Omicron Pi; Marian Bremers, Alpha Phi: Margery Manches ter, Alpha Xi Delta; Dixie Davis, Chi Omega; Catherine Dcurmyer, Delta Delta Delta: Margaret Krausc. Delt.i Gam ma; Maxinc Myers, Gamma Phi Beta: Ruth McMillan, Kappa Alpha Theta; Virginia Charnok, Kappa Delta: Betty Meyer, Kapna Kappa Gamma; Lillian Williamson, Phi Mu; Charlotte Stahl. Pi Beta Phi; Miriam Rubnit. Sigma Delta Tau. Engineers to Hear 'New China' Leader T. Z. Koo, of Shanghai, China, one of the leaders of the "New China" movement, will be Llie guest speaker at a convocation for all engineering students to be held next Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in the Temple theater. Mr. Ko?. who will be in Lin coln attending the Religion and Lite conference, is an authority on present day conditions in China. He has been an engineer in the administrative department of the Chinese railway service for the past nine years. All engineering classes will be dismissed at 11 o'clock for the convocation. for special occasions, natural col ors should hp used for every day wear. Eyebrows should not be plucked within 1 -36th of an inch of their lives. They should remain natural, and as such will add much more character to the face. "Oi course." she added, "by that I don't mean that the brows should look like miniature brushes." If the girl is preparing for the Ball or any girl, for that matter, there is no longer such a word as "homely," that every one has good features which can be ac centuated, she will be much wiser and happier girl. She will be the girl who strikes you with her good grooming, charming personality, and an attractive ness that you just can't put your finger on. And she'll be the belle lege of enginering will address "Copying one book is plagiarism; , delegates attending the 52nd an eopving three books is research." j nual meeting of the assoeaition of Prof. V. P. Rapport of Connecticut j land grant coleges and universities State college points out what he i at Chicago, Nov. 14 on the subject, considers a discrepancy in ternii-I "Some Aspects of Budgets of Land nology. I Grant Coleges of Engineering. sweeps t'ne shoulo. -i .s j, i-r- nbso lulely tabooed! Smart girls allow a space between their hair line and dress line, to give the general appearance aiound the face for a neater ,,1. The i,U-a of doffing long lot Ks will hurt the pride of ninny a fair lady, but when you stop lo think about It, hair does look wry mussel and in the way. when it falls over and around ones slioiilileis, fur collars and such. As the picture of feminine loveliness isn't complete if the picture has ( ish water hands, pencil line eyebrows and Im properly painted fingernails, we asked Miss Agnes what she thought should be clone about it. She said the hands should have simple, but consistent care. Washing them well many times . during the day, and applying hand lotion religiously after each washing. (An upward massaging movement to aid circulation in the hands, also helps to keep them whiter and firmer. Nails should be. trimmed, and cleaned if nothing else, The Belle. And filtho l-vivht polish is met CorrelFs Beaute balon Permanent Waving inimitably designed to harmonize with your features FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND FORMAL AFFAIRS LOOK DEVASTATINGLY POISED WITH CORRELL S EXPERT GROOMING OF HAIR-NAILS-MAKEUP 228 No. 13th St. CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS B2936 ARCADE RENT CARS FORDS and CHEVROLET Phone B1647 1011 N St. H Investigate the Special TUXEDO ENSEMBLE $25.00 i2&pste. ELLINGER'S hspsh. Will You Be Missing? From Your Fraternity or Sorority-or the Junior or Senior Section It is imperative that you are represented in your organiza tion's section your picture must be taken by Nov. 25th. Every Junior and Senior should be representee in his respective class section your picture must be taken by Nov. the 30th. Have Your Pictures Token ot TOWNSENDS NOW! The 1939 Cornhuskcr :!!:': MAGEE'S From the Military Ball to the Junior-Senior Prom. 1 ! i Y 4 I ,i y To make HER lovlier . . . Gorgeous FORMALS Ready for a shining social season . Magee's formal la.shions . . to fill your (k)nights with romance and surround you with a g!amour rh it who knows might make history. There's magic in the air in our formal drets rection. S995 ()thrt $16.05 to $39.)5 Evening WRAPS- Elegance is the keynote of our new wrap selection, fill the charm of the past century has bean poured into this year's fashions . . . everything to make each eve ning an added jewel in YOUR crown. H9 95 Othert $16.95 lo $. WAS SHEER HOSIERY.... $1.15 JEWELRY $1 to $3.50 'KERCHIEFS. .50c to $2.95 FORMAL BAGS $1 to $7.50 GIRDLE and BRA.... $4.50 To make HIM handsome... Full Dress SUITS- Venture forth to the ball invincibly correct in a full dresi suit of mid night Hue. Smarter than ever in the new British Blade model with athletic shoulders to contrast with slenderer n waistlines. Tailored In the exacting Magee'i manner. $2750 Olhert at $35 and $45 TUXEDOES- The trend to midnight blue in tuxpdos is now an established fact. They should be double breasted with gro-grain lapels . . . broader rhouldera . , . narrower waistlines. You know you're correctly dressed in a nw Magee'a tuxedo. $25 Other! 120 and $30 ARROW SHIRTS $2.50 to $3.50 FORMAL VESTS $4 to $6.50 OPERA HATS $10 DARK HOMBURGS..$3.50 FORMAL SHOES $6 iiiliH: liiiiiii n rr i n Hi 111 V J. . I ' VI .... f 1 Ore Or USUI Oil jor irerr unu, vv ftAGEES omen liiiiiii !iii:!:!:!!!!ili!:::i:!i:!!!!!i!!:ii!i!!!!i!!!i!i!:Ti:i!r!!!:t:!!!v ,.....,.....,.....,1......,:.,,;.,.,:,..mmm, iii!:tH;i;;;i;;ii;i;!;;ii;i;;i:iia!;;i; liiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiim !liiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii:ii&