THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1938 FOUR llpl 0 (DixxsL (DaviA. C-3 A forward look now to Ihe big Pitt game week end... and the Crib packed on a Tuesday after noon... Avery Forke was doing big packing consecutively With Barbara Scott. Theta. Betty Jo Koehler, Delta Gamma, and Evelyn Leavitt, Pi Phi... while Pat Green, Delta, was elating the merits of a certain campus ta mousitc, he stood back of her, listen ing .. . Marjorie Runyan, Kappa, "cribbing," or "corning." or "coking, as before, with ATO John Ferguson ... Ralph Reed, DU, and Ksther Louise Iefflcr, winners of White Spot parly con test with "No squint, no stoop, to squat"... and Janie Austin, DG. also a winner. . .the pin hanging f f Ace Rawalt, Sig Kp. on Ruth Hol land, Pi Phi, pretty hidden 'til now... and the Sig Ep pin of "Hucy" Long on Mary Maxine Haney, last week... Sig Alph Homer Swartz, aroundalot with Barbara Dale, Chi O...Phi Mu's and Farm House planning an ex tra-special big exchange dinner this week. . .an expected visitor at the SDT house is Kdie Krasne. on Friday, who, if predictions prove right, will pass candy with Sam Dave Kavirh. . .F.lmer Matteson, not Madison, is the Phi Psi break-er-into-print ...Monday night soaking of DU Bob Hunt. . .voting for Nebraska ideal coed causing lines of people to the Rag nffice ...line your dates up so you can whip to every one of the b!g house parties. . .and look for the big fall fashion edition on Friday... Open houses after the game Sat urday will be at Alpha Chi, AOPi, Delta Gamma, and othen to be announced later. . . The pledge of DU are giving a party for the actives at the chap ter house Saturday night; they have a fine orchestra, and Its open . . . A Carnival is the theme of the Farm House party, also Saturday, for the actives by the pledges... An orchestra dance is Sam's bit for the social world Saturday night. .. Harlem Strutteri Ball, a Chi Phi vnt is Fridav nieht's high spot for entertainment, and it's open to all... Sigma Nu announces the pledg ing of Joe Wildhaber of Faibury, Alnha Dmieron Pi alumnae will meet for a 6:30 o'clock buffet sup per on Wednesday at the home ol Misses Helen and Elsie FitzGcrald Tho rvlerte-ps and actives will be - -' I o guests. Phi Mu alumnae will entertain at a 6:15 o'clock dinner tonight at the home of Mrs. M. Deutsch, hon oring Mrs. Allan Daugherty, of Baldwin, Kas., the new district president of the sorority who is the guest of the active chapter this week. Pi Beta Phi alumnae and actives Y.W. Hears Miss Howell on War Dramatics Teacher Reveals Experiences Telling of her arrest as a Ger mnnv snv in France, of her ex periences In a base hospital and In many otner piaces, uum.5 World war, Miss H. Alice Howell, chairman of the speech depart nnke at the reeular Y. W. C. A. vesper Bervice in Ellen Smith yesterday afternoon. "We had very thrilling work in the base hospitals," Miss Howell said; "the whole experience of serving in the war was the most profound I have ever had." Miss Howell was sent to France as an entertainer with the Red Cross, and was one of the first members of the Nebraska faculty to go over after America entered the war. The speaker was introduced by Jean Simmons, who gave Armis tice day devotions at the vesper service. Miss Esther Ostlund, Y. W. secretary, announced meetings in connection with the all campus religious week starting Nov. IS. The vesper choir provided special music. Religion-Life Week Brings Prominent Youth Workers Rev. Case, Dr. Bader Speak During Ssessions Experienced in leadership of the young people thru direction of Christian conferences for college- age youth are Harold C Case and Jesse Moran Bader, two of the prominent men in American religi ous life who will visit the Nebraska campus for a week beginning on next Sunday. Rev. Case is the pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Tope k a, Kas., and has held po sitions of worldwide scope for re ligious institutions, representing the Methodist church at the World Conference on Adult Education at Cambridge, England, in 1929. A graduate of Baker university with work at Harvard and North western, Rev. Case has also been Dean of the Lake Geneva Learue Institute, and is well known for his deliberations on "The Meaning of unnsuan taitn." Dr. Jesse Moren Bader has Ag Y Freshman Council Hears Dr. O. H. Werner Members of the Ag Y freshman council held their last meeting of the year last night when they ns sembled to hear an address by Dr. O. H. Werner on the subject of Sex and Personal Responsibil ity." met at the home of Miss Anne Stuart to honor the province vice A r-,;, ufln, president and the pledges, inci- Ag Engineers to Hear dentally, the vice presioeni 13 KrOeSSOf l. W. jmiin Betty Roach s cousin. Alpha Xi Delta alumnae will meet tonicht at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dale Schilling. As sisting hostesses will be Mrs. Vel ma Hodder and Mrs. Gordon Baker. t Alpha Sigma Phi Lincoln moth ers entertained the Omaha moth ers at a luncheon Tuesday at the chapter house. About twenty-five were present. The Farm House auxiliary will meet Friday from 2 until 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Anton Frolik. Assisting: hostesses will be Mrs. Robin Sienc and Mrs. Elton Lux. The affair is for all wives and mothers of Farm House fraternity men. Sigma Alpha Iota alumnae met at the home of Miss Maricl Jones. The program was presented by Mrs. R. M. Anderson and Mrs. Paul Gillen, vocalists; Miss Whll- ma Anderson and Mrs. Louis Baest, pianists, and Mrs. David Jacobs, violinist. "Research" will be discussed by Prof. C. W. Smith of the uni versitv at a meetinz of the A. S, A. E., engineers society, ai r.u tomorrow night in the Student Union. since 1931 been the National tt rector of the University Christian Mission and Executive secretary of the Department of Evangelism of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Dr. Bader has done much of hii work abroad, serving 133 monthi overseas in the World war In tha Y. M. C. A., and attending both the Oxford and Edinburgh confer ences in the summer of 1937. Ia July and August of 1938 he vis ited the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand and Australia, speaking at a number of Important inter-denominational meetings in all three countries and in Australia partici pating in the World Christian En deavor program at Melbourne. A Kansas and Drake graduate, Dr. Bader organized the World Convention of the Disciples of Christ in 1930, becoming its first president. In the next World Con vention, which 42 countries will at tend in 1940. he will fill the office which he now holds as its General Secretary. Student Chemists to Hear Johns-Mansfield Engineer Mr. Charles Dietz, chemical en gineer in Filtration division of the Johns-Manfield Co. will discuss "Filtration" at a joint meeting of the student branch of the Amer ican Institute of Chemical Engi neers and the American Chemical society Tuesday, Nov. 15 in Avery lab. After the talk which is sched uled for 7:30 there will be a short business meeting in room 102 to elect a chairman and a secretary treasurer for engineers night. Wot- Wool Y Girls! . . VS you ( Spanish Students To Present Play Cast Gives Drama For Le Club Espanol Students of Spanish will present 1 a plan for the inemners 01 L.C 1110 I.p:;nol ton.ght at 7:30 in gallery , E of Morrill. The play, written by Quintero brothers, U called "Es grima y Amor." Taking part are Betty Wolfers, as Ohdulia: Scott Greenwood as Fedenco; Donald Munson. Salva dor; Jerry Bernd, Don Amadeo and Floise Met7gcr as Prudencia. Following the play group sing ing of Spanish songs will be led by Harry Tourtelot. All students interested in Spanish are invited to attend. Yearbook Editor Lahr Talks to A.W.S. Today Pat Lahr. editor of the Corn- huslter, wiU talk at the meetings of the Freshman A. W. S. today on the duties of her office, and some of the general plans for this year's book. Ag campus meeting win oe held at 4 o clocfe in tne nome eco nomlcs building and the city meet ing in Ellen Smith at 5 o clock. Lois RJ;Jgs and Peggy Beyl will act as president and secretary re spectively at the ag meeting. Those same positions will be filled by Es ther Louise Lefler and Marian Moffett at the city meeting. Clatonia Garden Club Hears Dr. R. J. Pool "Wild Gardens of Western America," will be the topic of an illustrated lecture to be given by Prof. R. J. Pool, chairman of the department of botany, tonight be fore the Garden club of Clatonia. Colored pictures made from or iginals taken by Pool will be Known in conn.-ctlon with the talk. How would like to be In Nancy's shoetT Three men are after her heart, but which one did she love? ... She just couldn't make up her mind! Insurance Companies To Give Sales Tests Seniors and Juniors who are scheduled to take the aptitude test for sales work are asked to remember that it will be given Thursday, Nov. 10, in S. S. 30S. An executive of one of the best known insurance companies in the country will have charge of the examination and the consultations that will follow. Orchesis Holds Last Open Meeting Tonight Orchesis, dancing club, will hold Its last open meeting ami training class for girls aspiring to mem bership tonight from 7 to 7:45 o'clock at Grant Memorial. Try outs for the organization will be held next Wednesday, Nov. 16. At the meeting tonight the ac tive members will plan dance rou tines to be included in a Christmas program to be held next month. Classified ADVERTISING1 1 OC PR LINE Boys! . . . Meet Nancy! She can cuddle, kiss and cook . . . and how she can cook! Here's Love in High Gear . . . and Laughs by the Load! Janet- Gaynor "NANCY" IN 'THREE LOVES HAS NANCY" WITH Robt. Montgomery , Fracshot Tone Hun! ...2nd Hit! WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN" STARTS THURSDAY iruv. f,,r aluilents Ixiva. If not ttfiml where located, call L-7906. Hot water, warm rooms, home cooked meal. All hnme privllepea LOST Garmt locket, heart nhad. day of Ncb.-Mo. (tame. REWARD. Ketum to Room 2oA, Union Bldg. CLINTON Art., IW'9 P at. Attractive one room, kitchenette and bath, ult- ablo for two men atuilenta. Frlg- Idalr. I2R.0O month. P-xm. LOST Chi Omena aororlty pin, set In pearls and enprraved. Mary Kay Rigger. Call B-10I8 LOST Bust colored purge near Carrio Bull llavmond. llu In It concert ticket with name Margaret Mead on It Reward Call H-4or,2. 1 wvJ3V--J- Z I Hurry 1 End Thursday! MICKEY ROONEY WALLACE BEERY In "STABLEMATES See It Today I FRIDAY The First Great Aviation Picture Ever Filmed Completely In Techni color I 7P A r l 1 BJL 1 1 av -JM 'r- ilk Kred MacMurray Ray Milland-Loulea Campbell 3: 0WI It'e a Two-Fleted atory f Men Who Fight Your Flgl.te Against Ruthleat Racketeeral h, w n-Vw- w STUDENTS Whof Your Choice for llie N. U. All-Amerlcan Girl? Write her name here Fill to your choice t clip out! and drop In the bellot bx at the Nebraekan efftce befora noon thuraday, Nov. 10. When William (aged 20) amVti at Virginia Military Inetinne b vaen't exactly a ooe-man army. While other fellow gleefully called each other 'Brother Rat? they called" Willlm juit pW Dopey and made him the butt f all their tokea. m am 1 m 1 0 AMir 0 But, one day, the other ItUcnn made William a 'Brother Rat to became oh well, juM beciuir and no be wink at ftl lalutei general! and jutt hat peachy fun. generally peVing. Prof. Alexis to Speak at' Vocational Dinner Professor Joseph Alexis, chair man of the department of Ger manic languages, will speak at 6 p. m. today at a Vocational Edu cational dinner for ag students In the Union. Included on the schedule will be a musical program for the din ner. Tickets are sold at 50c each, J WARNER BROS.' feowDaf y.wlia Priscilla Lane kyneMorris ARTS THURSDAY HURRYI ENDS TODAY! Edw. 0. Robinson ... . 1 nu "I AM THE LAYT -' !