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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1938)
THE DAILY M.nHVSKAN. Tl I SDVV. OCTOm'.K IK. . i-' '- lv- . .. , ... T- - t - ...... . . . r I 4- 4 1 4! 1 1 v I "2 Hastings' Harry Hopp Picks Up Ten Yards y - fij , K? kS, A-v iW5 Hopp Mtv u'vk Vf S 1 - x xr, - : ,4K - . i.w? Jones Evinces Satisfaction With Lineup Ssg Eps Rccch Finn's In TouchbcsH Phi Dclt-Beta Game Decides Other Finalist Biff Probably to Leave Indiana Setup Virtually Unchanged for Season Kor the first time this season NOTGEiT By Norman Harris Sundny morning quarterbscks invoke to the rralicutinn tht Ne braskn has more of chanre apainst Oklahoma th.m they hsd been giving the Huskers. The Sooner, fresh from victory over Rice, Texas, anil Kansas Major Biff Jones has hit upon , have born established by Azzira startlng lineup with his 1938 edi- t n1 olhrs s Mhe 'en Sundav .Inurnai and M Harpy Hopp was one of the Huskers' bc:t ground gainers against the Hoosiers. He picked up 10 yards on this play before being knocked out of bounds. Frank Smith, Indiana tackle, pushed the Husker sophomore out near the Husker bench; Sooncrs Call i i Line Tough Oklahoma, Undefeated, Plays First Heme Game When Nebraska's football eleven takes their second road trip of tho year down to Norman, Oklahoma, they will be meeting what is prob ably the toughest team in the Big: Six conference. Sooner fans have not had a chance to see their undefeated and untied football team in action this Ojl 9- Sssi 9L By June Bierbower Average :ie of Nebraska's slart i:i? line - a line that played lots of good football Saturday is ex actly 20 years, which makes it the youngest' the Huskers have had in quite a while. Baby of the seven is 18 year old Leonard Muskin, ex-Omaha Central, who was start- inc his first game for the Huskers. Nicholson their No. 7 showed promise of developing into a great player. He passes and runs, al though he isn't a punter, and a couple of his punt returns threw Husker fans into heebie-jeebies. Two of the Hoosiers' best soph backs Cobb Lewis and Joe Tofil, were out with injuries from the ! Sophomores Ray Proehaska and Ohio State game, and it may nave Forrest Eebm ai'e 19, Bill Iverson hindered their attack, although Ed is 20 Geoiee Scemann and Bob i Wibbcls and Rov Petsch wouldn't year, although the Sooncrs have I Mills are 21. while Charley Brock i have hurt the Huskers eitner. defeated Rice. Texas and Kansas , is the old man at 22. on successive Saturdays. Over 25.- inainna"s stalling forward wall 000 fans are expected. ! averaced exactly one year older- Boasting the toughest line in the 21 Archie Harris being the only ll i 1 ! I; Intramural touchfootball advan ced to the final stage yesterday afternoon when the Sig feated the Celts 26-0 to to the finals and the Phi Delts conquered the Sigma Chis 20-0 to earn the right to meet the Betas in the semifinals. The Beta-Phi Dolt tilt will be played tomorrow afternoon and the winner will meet the Sig Eps in the finals Thursday. There will also .be a playoff for third place Thursday. The Delts earned the right to meet the Sig Eps by downing the Sig Alpha M-6 in a game played last Eriday but could not cope Willi the Sig En passing attack which accounted for touchdowns in each quarter of yesterday's game. The Sia Eps also came thru with some ; tight defensive play which kept the Delts at bay thruout. Outstanding tion of Nebraska's football eleven There were no changes in the w -w'eBm that start- ,SV ';i and made f -A .vich marked lm- rovement In the ndiana contest. lineup thai p r o b a o 1 v p' tart tor tne re ? naindcr of sea- fc.Nvm are: Geoge . 1 esterday I Vfc 1 .ndia Eps de-i f Cry rn,e advance . - " hi Delts ! Z K . tart (ii kj- 1 1 ci o r t !lhe flanks. on Bob Big Six, Oklahoma is considered to have a fine chance oi taKin;; the Comhuskers and the confci ence title as well. The line aver ages 199 pounds. Also the line has 12 lcttermen back, so it cannot be called green and inexperience. 1. Watch, J'nrr, Ten, Id-pairing rw Krw.A- ihpt., Court S. Mullen JEWELER ' 141 North 13th Strcpt Oppotite Stuart Theatre Lincoln 1 only 10 years old. Harris, however, doesn't seem to be especially stunted by his age, being 6 feet .3 inches 'tall, ami weighing 207. I Incidentally, he, as a freshman, was the best shot putter and dis cus man at Indiana ihsi year. Once more the Hoosiers have that old cosmopolitan touch, 20 of 49 being from states other than Indiana. Five of them are Pennsyl vanians. while five of the starting lineup arc from out of the state. Indiana didn't show any Vernon Huffman or Corby Davis, but Joe 0 X I 1 V w Hairy! . Tonilr! "FOUR'S A CROWD" Romance of the Liniberlost" One Gardner in the New York Journal American had the right idea about Saturday's Tear Bowl Special we lifted that one from the INS, he picked it to be a scoreless tie. Vic and Morrie Kohler of Sut ton were in Oregon State's start ing lineup as Lonnie Stiner's boys beat Washington . . . Ernie Lain fans were glad to hear that the big boy had a great day against Tulane, although the Owls lost again. . . . One Bronco Brunner of the Green Wave had quite a bit to do with that . . . Saturday's game between the Huskers and Oklahoma should be quite a get together, with four Irishmen in the two backfields Callihan and Dodd of the Huskers against Mc Cullough and McCarty of the Sooners. Jones Boy JEAN A. WOLF. H is the strong Red and White Oklahoma team that is the big barrier in the way of Nebraska's last chance to hold onto the Big Six title. Oklahoma's best chance for victory depends ( )-i ' t upon the power- R ' lj ful Sooner line, t'r i.jf 1 & . ,- . 1- 1 'I in 1 io isic t.v lineup were duu r..- liott, whose passes to Langenberg 1 squad due to and Osland. ends, were very effec- i his fine show' tive. The blocking of Eynon, back, ing in the tew also stood out. For the Delts, Don minutes he -as Wilson and Doug Hudson looked in Sa t u r d a y b st Paul Goetowski The Phi Delts. in defeating Sig- and Theos ma Chi 20-0, again impressed and Thompson were served notice that they are out to also moved up win. Abe Ryan and Herb Stewart I to the seconds were the mainstays of the Phi A team com- Dclt lineun. which gave xecellent posed of sec ( 'support by their blocking besides ond and third j 'bottling up the Sigma Chi offen-1 string men had : sive r.ttack. Stewart, playing in the a few minutes ' 1 backf ield. completed touchdown scrimmage I 'passes to Fox in the second quar ' ter, Abel in the third, and Owen in f the fourth. For the Sig Chis, Grant D j Thomas turned in his usual stellar .-.i performance. """"" Touchfootball standings are as follows: I 1 (,1 K I. Won 4 j Aipiin .Hn ST'- ;" M wm W HrtB ThitH Tl riii (.hmiih'i icim I'l Ki'pnn lMii Alplm (.HnmiM Rim l.l.AOl I. Al'lH'lM MK'im Alilm Mil It K vitfim riii i:iiv;Imi WEDNESDAY! What a Rumpus On the Campus When a Ga-Ga Governor Takes OvcrN. U.! He rounds up the best football team money can buy . . . puts in a female fullback . . . chases votes and sparks and larks as the Suzy cuties and cutter-uppers sing and swing and truck on down! Against Texas. M 1 however, Okla- ft , i Vsi vm I homa's running Q "Iff' -j !itn'" 1 and passing at- ,, rJ '4 ue,y T ,: may I- ..-f fact ,- -Via' . Morrill Displays K.U. Textile Design Exhibit A display along the third floor corridor of Morrill which is at tracting considerable student in terest is the exhibition of textile designs representing the work of art at the University of Kansas. Under the direction of Rosemary Ketcham. head of the department of design at Kansas, students have prepared SI different mounts j tack defin clicked. One surmise the then, that Okla homa has one of : the s t r o n g e st ' ; teams in the Eic fc- Six circuit this .i.",rni. year. i.nv The Eiffel is planning on metl ing the Oklahoma squad with a powerful defense. Working a good share of the time is Bill Iverson. Because of an oversupply of back field candidates this year, the Major shifted Bill from the back field into the line. Jveison has two years of com- litm OmrliH I iirm Himimi I" li Mioim Knppii iA-lH IfeMH 'I au I Kit. I I. Hi-Ma Inn K-lls miciiih Alplm Ijisllun kuppit Mkiiim I'lil KlIfipH hi Hil r-t. 1 .mm ..Mm ..MM) .Mm 1 imiii .i.iiti ..t .win l.lHMl .51111 .Mill .3."," .:mi 'Mills and Forrest Rehm at tacKle.s. Charles irock at guards, and Lincoln Journal. Charley Brock at center. The same backfield tnat went great guns against Indiana, of Bill Callihan, Hermie Rohrig. Jack Dodd and Harry Hopp will work together. Bus Kn i g h t p was promoted . to the second r " " ! fc- ti : : . l.lolll.t kMi.HT Lincoln Journal. with the freshmen against Okla homa plays and formations. Roy Petsch and Marv Plock ran well, with Thurston Phelps doing fine passing. In the line Dobson and Schwartzkoff looked better than before. With the exception of Georgf Porter, all the injured men, Marv Plock, Roy Petsch, Leo Hann and Bill Phieff, were on hand for prac- tice. Porter is still in the infirm ary with internal injuries received in the Iowa State contest. This week the Major will direct his attention to offense, in an effort to crack a tough Oklahoma forward wall. Bill Callihan, who blossomed out into a bell carrier against the Hoosiers will probanlv receive special attention along best in the country, while Ne braska reposes restlessly on a shelf way down low in the ratings. But Nebraska showed them selves to be superior to Indiana in all departments of the game. The Huskers were clearly a more powerful eleven than Iowa State, yet they tied the former and lost to the latter. Their luck Is due, probably this week. Oklahoma met little opposi tion in Kansas, beaten two weeks before by Notre Dame, 52 to 0. It is doubtful whether or not the Irish could run that score up on the Huskers. Ar kansas smothered Texas 42 to 6 while the Sooners turned out 13 against Dana Bible's boys. Rice was licked by Louisiana by one touchdown, Oklahoma conquered Ernie Lain and company by one kick after touchdown. The Biffer has finally found his first combination. This week, he will work in an effort to inject a scoring punch into the boys. Blocking has improved, defens ively the line is a darb. offensively, still a little weak when the going is tough. The punling is good, passing Is fair, and running is all that can be expected. Nebraska seems to be rounding into form now, having taken the longest period of time to do so in the past five years of football here. This column is making no pre dictions of the Oklahoma game this early. Last week, it picked the Indiana tie, luckily, because it couldn't see either team win ning. That's the natural thing to do in a case tike that Michigan, after a few year's lapse, has again worked itself into a position with the nation's class football teams. Outplaying Bernie Bierman's Gophers, the Wolver ines were sadly sent home with a one point reverse I l linn 1 I .Mill ' .IMI I .0110 I .1MI 1 .1 Ml .2. Ml .2.MI with Harry Hoppe, who will work on passing and kicking . The blocking of the line, which has improved some, will take the attention of Line Coach Link Ly man. They defensive worries of the line seem to be about over as they held the Hoosiers outside the S2 yard line, and by concentration will be put on speed. which are mostly designs for tex- petition remaining. His first year tiles, and which may be used for 0f competition was spe nt at Doanc a variety of purposes including dress materials, drapes. A few are wallpaper designs. A Yell of a Laugh-Hit! Stai ring Mar j one Weaver George Murphy John Barrymore Joan Davis Jack Haley Columbia university is fostering the "International point of view'' thru a newly organized Council of International Publications. University of Michigan astron omers have taken pictures of cal cium names snoouiiR ovu.uuu nines above the surface of the sun. yon siiouig! . . at your Favorrile Theater! Alwyi 6't for 26c f.'rpryoBP Snyi '7l'l a hnorkoul" DEANN A DURBIN In "THAT CERTAIN AGE" with MELVYN DOUGLAS STUART If your puis nmr this stii'll show ut llio Stuart the other night ask them how the hauls lark up! Plus! Second Hit! . . . They Rnk Their Necln for Newil "Time Out for Murder" Michael Whalen Gloria Stuart i Always a Slat lor 25, LINCOLNF HELD OVER! cl)rflAa' Own Great Motion I'ittuirl SPENCER TRACY MICKEY ROONEY "BOYS TOWN" ORPHEUM college, playing for the urrnne Owls. One of the outstanding full backs In the N.C. A C. confer ence last year, Bill played his best game against Nebraska Wcsleyan university, In Lincoln. Bill comes from Hcmingfoid. Nebr.. where he played four years of football and basketball and let tered in track. He earned North west Nebraska conference honors as a ball carrier. William George Iverson was born at Alliance, Nebr.. Sept. 17, 1918, and is now 20 years old. as p i r7ngr7f LEM I N TRYOUT OCT. 26 A second Pershing Rifle tryout will be held Oct. 26 at 5:00, in Ne braska hall, room 20". This tryout is for the benefit of those students who were unable to attend the previous one. The military depart ment urges all basic students who are interested, to attend the try out. No previous military training is required for these men. Major Horan, the new sponsor. will address the new men at this time. All members are also quested to attend as it will be the first turnout for tne crack squaa. !Ping Pongers Must- Speed Up Players to Complete Round 3 by Wednesday I Because the ping pong tourna- : ! mer.t is not progressing last i ', enough the names of all content-; junta who fail to finish plaving their second and third round j ' matches by 10.30 Wednesday night will be struck from the pairing list, according to Mrs. Yinger, di- i roctor of the contest. The contest is arousing so m irh interest and keen competition ina' it is planned to stage the final round of the top flight as an ex hibition match to which the public will be invited. vor this match the ping pong tables will be set up in the ballroom. Pairings for flight two wer- mislaid and have had to be redone ' It is therefore urgent that all j flight two players check the .ist ; to sec if their pairings have heen 1 changed. The list of pairings may j be obtained at the Student Union . check room. Tun Great Fraturvi! JOE PENNER la "Go Chase Yourself" pim "CRIME RING" LIBERTY MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT I Average attendance at all col-1 lege football gimes over a nine- week season is 16,000,000 people. And they pay about $20,000,000 j for their tickets! : A majority of Rollins college re- students and faculty members have voted to abolish football as an intercollegiate sport. "BECAUSE OF ITS PATENTED FILTER I NEVER (IAD TO BREAK IN MY NEW SHAPES & FINISHES V Smok eon't bit tongu or causa row mouth, at It must pas through pat'd. filter cembin-Ingcollophont-exterior and cooling 66 baffle screen interior. Baffles break up smoke stream, automatically breaking In pipe. 9 Thi is Notional Arrow W.kl High time you hopped off the wagon and treated yourself to Arrow's best in shirts, collars, tics, handkerchiefs and underwear. If you want to be first on the campus to wear what everyone else will be wearing six months bence, see an Arrow dealer todays between classes, and scoop up some Arrows. blouas and iboucrt 25c up V'hilts, Itripes mi ibtiii . . . iZ up .mm Tit out on... Si, $1,50 A teat full of tomjorl 65c up WIO WALTON Collar correctness 25c it hain't an Arrow label, it it n't Arrow Alwayt A Complete Selection of Arrow Shitts and Accessories. V sv V I. l"'