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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1938)
THREE Varsity Swati Steamrollers Yearlings ( THE DAILY NF.BIUSKAN. TIll'RSmY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1938 " "a-T"irniiif jiiirm-iiiwhiniftrtwi MtMia-MiaitaiiiiSfrvwniii'iiiinf UNIVERSITY tiwcsiw -j v"? if I p:': '.i I v. . J j V r w T 'star' ; S" First row Kinnamon, Lin coln; Zinn, Beatrice; McNulty, Wymore; Zajicek, Wilber; Blue, Tecumseh; Ely, Auburn; De Fruiter, Lexington; Mgr. Prime, Seward; Assistant Coach "Chilli" Armstrong, Head Coach A. J. Lewandowski; Assistant Coach Harold Petz; Assistant Coach Bob Mehring; Hoover, Trenton; Wrede, Lincoln; Mack, Milwaukee, Wis.; Fuenning, Lin coln; Haynes, Curtis; Hudson, Curtis; Luther, Cambridge; Nel DUTCH AUCTION OF USED CAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES KRETSCHMER'S 116 So. 13th St. B4024 FACU NAME. BLDC. I ROOM $1.00 OF NEBRASKA FRESHMAN SQUAD NUMBERS 128 son, Omaha; Thomas, Morrill; Callan, Odell. Second row Thomson, Min den; Smith, Big Springs; Stocker, Fairbury; Hartley, Kansas City, Mo.; B. Wertmann, David City; Preuss, Madison; Braasch, Norfolk; Adams, Hick man; Estomin, Toms River, N. J.; Osborn, McCook; Stearns, North Platte; Allen, Grand Island; Stransky, Lincoln; Nan nen, Lincoln; Dunbar, Lincoln; Shubert, Omaha; Rumbolz, Lin REiYT-CAUS ftxd, tlcan tnd tvailabl it ill hmirj. Rates reasonable. Conven int location. Alai ern. 20 years in huainew MOTOR OUT COMPANY 1120 P St. B6819 eres and department assistants who want subscriptions to the Daily Nebraskan may secure them. You may have them de livered to your office by filling out this coupon and sending it along with $1.00 to the Daily Nebraskan office in the Union building through the campus mail. COUPON for the school x. ii rr" -Vr'" iw-virjt"iirfrtirruMr."-jii.-''iWL . i" " coln; Moran, Omaha; Ross, Lin coln; Searle, Beilevue; Seberg, El wood; VanCleave, Callaway; Fate, Kansas City, Mo.; Clark, Stratton. Third row Gehlker, Nor wood, O.; Pahl, Wilsonvllle; Waddick, Grand Island; Bordy, Silver Creek; Zorn, Dalton; Purtzer, Madison; Ziegler, Ash land; Buell, Bassett; Feaster, Lincoln; Tyrrell, Lincoln; Bunker, Lincoln; E. Schwartz kopf, Lincoln; Ludwick, Lincoln; SPECIAL STUDENT RATES On Rentals of All Makes of Typewriters , Service Supplies TRI-STATE TYPEWRITER CO. 240 N. n3th Phone B-2txi ere year -eA w!jylicfc Schieich, Lincoln; Carper, Lin coin; Abel, Lincoln; Bindernagel, Beatrice; Gausman, Milforri; Benson, Pender. Fourth row Mulliken, Fre mont; Rohn, Fremont; Burger, Grand Island; Debban, Elwood; Kelly, Grand Island; Dutcher, Omaha; Miller, Omaha; Grote, Omaha; Hunt, North Platte; J. Prochaska, Ulysses; Vincent, O'Neill; Bowers, Council Bluffs, la.; Lewis, Anselmo; Biffar, Blair; Brown, Arlington; Flan- By Norman Harris In an effort to provide sports fans with a more intimate knowl edge of Cornhusker football stars. the Daily Nebraskan Sports Staff ; has added another feature to its' i department. Jean Wolf, junior, : possessing a rare acquaintance j with an unusual number of pi id- 1 ; sters will begin work on a daily I i fpntnrA trt hA Inftu'n lis 'RiffMc" I in which Mr. Wolf will present the i more unusual features about the trials and problems of Nebraska's ! gridders. The feature promises to be one of the most interesting fea tures of the page. . . first of the series is in today's paper. , For once and for all time, any procrastinations stated the Ne braska University athletic depart , ment, concerning recruitment of I players from other states in order ! to develop giant and brawny foot i ball teams had better be stopped, j The talk and writings of writers iWho have assailed the University I for its importations Is nothing short of slander, for ho! we find that on a squad of almost 60 men, only four hail from out of Ne braska's boundary lines. Only one man among the 22 members of the Biffer's first two elevens hails from foreign soil He is Paul Goetowski, who certainly thinks there are things more valuable in this world than football. He loves the game, it is true, but his main interest in Nebraska University is medicine, and will continue to' be, Welcome Siudenfs to the Campus Beaute Shop Special for Mon., Tues., Wed. Shampoo and Wave 40c Across from Ag Campus M15S1 CHICAGO GREAT SpecLl Train TO MINNEAPOLIS NEBRASKA-MINNESOTA GAME OCT. 1 '"Foir COACH FARE SPECIAL ROUNDTRIP From Lincoln. $11.00 From Omaha. .$9.55 ar ar Sana ay Ar. Lincoln 1 (Kia.m. Srcara Urktta anl Pullman rr.trvatloni at C. B ft Q rlly ar treat llratt alllr. Phena Bim; ar Brill. i, H. Cummingt, D. W. Quick General Agent Asst. Cenl. Freight Agent 301 Grain Exchingt Bldg., Omaha THIS YEAR I Idncuin Joutuai. nigan, Stuart; Newman, Pender; Benger, Callaway. Fifth row Walker, Talmage. Hoemann, Adair, la.; Hines, Cozad; Varner, Lincoln; Kerber, Lincoln; J. Griffith, Omaha; P. Griffith, Omaha; Clawson, Lin coln; Mackey, Ansley; Foster, Lincoln; Hamilton, Lincoln; Leik, Hastings; Rochlitz, Big Springs; Whitehead, Minatare; Rubottom, Gering; Thompson, Mitchell; Harris, Norfolk; Sch warz, Sutton; Kiddoo, Omaha; Monsky, Omaha. Yearlings Scrimmage Frosh Gridders Prep For Saturday's Game vuiwu..v.o - up into three teams of about 33)nice interception' made bv men yesterday afternoon and were D(,b, fl.0, Rohri given their first taste of scrim- j akied in the fjlsl S(()le wm, a len mage against me varsuy. e-uai-m : Lewandowski. Petz and Mehring drilled their teams in defense, sin- i gle and double wingbnek and punt formation. . . as there are good men on each team. Teams are divided into blue, green and white. Saturday the frosh will play the varsity, so the coaches are work ing overtime to perfect the run ning and passing plays of the raw material. After workouts this week and Saturdays game the squad should be in line to have its first two or three teams picked. In last nights scrimmage Henry Rohn. of Fremont. Hub Monsky, of j Omaha. Vic Schleigh and Bob Lud- I wick of Lincoln and Phil Bordy of i Omaha looked the best for the starting team. no matter how good he may turn out to be. The other three men, one a full back from Kansas: another a guard from Iowa: and the last, a back from Denver, would not con stitute basis for insinuations of commercialization, even if they had come to Nebraska to play football ...and thev didn't come for that! resson. To the next wise guv in the east or south, (perhaps Alabamai who makes a public statement about Nebraska's commercialization .... an invitation to meet me in the back allev with the Cornfed beef that makes up Nebraska's football squad... pick on Alabama . .maybe you'll have better lurk. Frosh footballers will probably be more afraid of the varsity team Saturday thHn they were when they faced fraternity actives' pad dles last Monday night, that is, those are in that fraternity which still wields the board... but the big red shirts aren't out for blood I ...they mean to scare the year- lings. That game Saturday will be worth watching. Several potential I stars will perform for the frosh, and it wouldn't be a great surprise to see that bunch turn in some fine bits of play. The outcome of the I game Is certain, but the chance to I see next year's sophomores is worth the admission price. WESTERN R. R. Special Pares the 7Yom" Ttirnugli erh trm Mneolfi 1 Mlnnnpiilli via r. B. Q.-C. . R. It. K rbangt f car r tftpnlft at Omaha. Pallmani Ln( Dlnini tan. Caarhra Iram Omaha. L. Iran m.Srpl.Mi.C IUQ Ar, Omaha I.v. Omaha p:0op.m. Kama ftatlaa Ar. Minnrapalia 1 a m. Lt. Minntaaalla ( lop m allhar Satur- Backs Run Ends Slice 0 Tackle For Seven Tallies Callihan, Dodd, Hopp, Rohrig Show Up Well In Backfield Spots Looking probably tiie best they have looked since practice opened, varsity footballers ran all over Adolph Lewamloski's frosh ch.nges in an hour offensive scrimmage yesterday after- runni ng ends and going over tackles for pains of 10 to 40 yards almost at will. However, many errors and niisplays were obvious to the observer. Blocking at times, especial ly in the open JACK DOOD ; field, looked pietty poor, while linemen failed on numerous oc- ! casions to take out the rtRht men. j All in all. the squad was far ahead of last Saturday's condition, and fundamentals and dummy plays should snap into good form. Dodd Looks Good. To start the scrimmage off right. Jack Dodd alternated with Harry Hopp, carrying the ball for runs of fl. 15, and 4 yards, with Hopp scontin? 20, then shootinp two 20 yard passes to Dodd with a result - ing first touchdown. Mixed in with this Of. touchdown man i nan was a tnnrhdmvn mrirr h tjl yard scamper 'through the middle. After I thp ns inter- ! ception, the vai - sity was given ji Ashburn on the line. Given the the ball on their t'r.. f ball on the 30, thev used ten plavs own 35. and to score, with little Bud Cather used exactly 4 k cairying the ball over from the four plays to three. Cather aggregated 38 yards "ore. n 've tries with the ball, Rohrig Scores. -X'' J f with Simmons and Knight contrlb- Given the ball ' "st uting the other yardage, again, varsity . ' ' This preview to the varsity frosh half Rohrig fol- t: . 't .1 pame Saturday showed a lot of lowed his inter- spur.k in the yearling defense. Al feronte for 15 L - 1 tho they were up against the big yards around BILL CALLIHAN ! K,.st ni)lis they probably ever end, llopp connected with DoJd for have to face on a football field, a 15 yard pass gam. then the they did come thru with enough Hastings l.y l an end for 25, Dodd ran end lor ten a:ai Rohrig hied thru the center i the line for the remaining one yard to the goal. Just five plays fur that one. Get ting bad. The next note tame on two plays. . .during which the varsity first string looked smoother than polished marble. Dodd ran the end, following Callihan, and Adna Dob son for 35 yards, then Herm Rohrig snaked yards over tackle and ' thru a maze of frosh backs to soore his second six pointer That was enough for the first stringers and Biff sent them to Dr. Derri( k Norman Lehmer. "1. alumnus of the University of Nebraska, I Tuesday. died in Beikeley, Calif., He was awarded an ! honorary degree of doctor of ! science by the university in June, 1932. ' Y t:ii" 'r-N'rM'"" r,rtn " N : I the showers, apparently more sat ! isfied than he was after Satur ' day's scrimmage. Rohrig, Hopp, Callihan and Dodd 1 composed the backfield on the first I string with Kahler and Grimm at I ends. Mills and Behm at tackles, I Dobson and Pfeiff at guards, ! BroQk at center. Seconds Continue. Vrrwh lAnkincr onfi inrliidnH RaK n 0 0 n. j,, n. ,.'.hi'stubbs' back!!: Phi Boidv, guard; i, ry Dutcher. end: Hubert Mon- sky. centei, and Schleigh, tackle. Second st ling varsity had ease scoring their points, with Luther galloping 00 yards thru a broken field tor one touchdown, five thru the middle of the line for anotner, and Porter making one on a 12 yard oft tackle plunge. Luther, Portei, Wibbe'.s and tetsch car ried the mail for the seconds, while kojl. and were .Muskin. Hermann, Schwartz-(.Jo'How.'-ki. Btirruss, Seeman S h i n d 0 on the ln T n e first tout-hiiown re suited alter a soi ies of exart ly ten plays, in which frosh L u d w i ck and and Kiddoo slushed thru varsity linemen twice to bring runners down behind the line. Before Poit"r's ; t o u c h d o w n H. Knhrii. Ludwick broke thru and made a beautiful tackle, judged perfectly, to down Porter nine yards back of scrimmage. Burruss' high center pas.-es bothered second backs no little. Still another vaisity lineup saw service. Cather, Andreson, Knight and Simmons were in the back field, with Meier. Klum. Lomas, Hitchcock, Neprud. Prochaska and : good plays to earn themselves some praise Yell Kings Vie Aspirants Try Out at 5 Before East Stadium A call for all men interested in trying out for cheer leader po sitions has been issued for this aft ernoon at 5 o'clock in front of th east stadium. These tryouls will be for the old hands to get In shape as well as to teach the new aspirants the yells and antics. The final tryouU will be held at the freshman gam Saturday afternoon. All who are Interested ar in vited to try out whether they have , signed up previously or noL The experinced men are urged to b present. FRIDAY SEPT. 23 rURHPl.E Kerrnl Surer,,,,! trntaftmrmU Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago; Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukat; Prabody Hotel, Memohli, and acoret of other theattri & College roTii. r , J AT :4 Double Barreled Ent.rtalnmant, Comedy. Gle Club Slnglna wth Sweet Swing Rhythm Admalen at th Deer Ladnt JO, Tat aald Man TM T', ' " I '' 4 4 :. r-