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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1938)
THE NEBIttSKAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1938. PAGE THREE Stars and Stuff lf dean pohleni CLIPPINGS: Variety, beet of the trade papers see Waiter Win- ghell will appear on the cover of fftme la a fortnight in full color. JDan't help wondering if it'll be yellow. . .Dorothy Wertz, local gal singer, is considering, it Is ru mored, an offer with a rube outfit. If she takes it she'll havta abandon homelife and the kids if any. . . FILM FARE: Stuart is doing Three Comrades with Bonny Bob by Taylor, Margaret Sullavan, Franchot Tone and Robert Young. A weepie . . . Dorothy Lamour lowers her too-long lashes at Ray Milland in Her Jungle Love at the Lincoln .Cofeature is Olympe (O-Lamp) Bra'dna in Stolen Hea ven. Tip-Off girls are making things hot at Vie Orpheum while " STARTS WEDNESDAY! CI iampsidsLl OF THRII.I S AND ADVENTl RE! Hurry 1 End! Wednesday! 'HER JUNGLE LOVE' In Technicolor with Dorothy Lamour plus "STOLEN HEAVEN' ' with Gene Raymond JJuVt&dat! Read What Your Friends Are Saying About This The Most Important Picture Of 1938! Mr. E. J. Rraurivaf;-: Bountifully Pnnr, Rnp All l.lnroln N-e It! Mr. E. J. Miller: A Very itootfl IMrtarr, Hfflry Frmriii's Bent 1 tftxlph I Keeder: Itarinf and Gmt Mr. Olio Hiirlintanr A Mnrvrk I4rturf Hhonld IV Shown Everywhere ! (Mr. C. M. iNeelyi A Wondrrfnl rirturr! iMr. J. J. Marx NrinulM rirlnrr Everyone Should Fr tl! Mr. and Mrs. Roper VI'. Thompson: fwh A Wonderful Picture ItewrvM Kerord Attendance! Mm. V. A. Randall: Exceptional 1 Mr. (k'orKe Triimh: One Of The Ppt Ikturrt I Have tfernl Mr. Dwifjit KirM-li: Very Well Done! Mi. J. J. Carroll: FVerynne Phoald Sre "Morkarie"! PICTURE OF THE WEEK! Henry Fonda Madeleine Carroll And Leo Carrillo Extra! Second Hit! Their first feature In a year . . . and worth waiting fori LAUREL and HARDV "SWISS MISS" Always A Seat For 25c "ELEPHANTS l BOY" 11 I By RUDYARD KIPLING lQc J0r JANE ' W DARWELL V EAlCilMNG V JT"l " I V GcograpKy Department Holds Weekly Meetings Regular weekly luncheon for the Btudenta and faculty members of the geography department are being planned for the summer ses sion, The luncheon hour will be de voted mainly to informal discus sion. N. U. Graduate Leaves For Charleston Post Joe J. Vanden Brink, graduate student, left this week for Charles ton, West Virginia, where he will teach geography in the twelve week session of the Morris Harvey college. Gladys Swarthout and John Boles warble thru Romance in the Dark. TRY THESE ON YOUR VIC TROLA: Some of the better wax ings lately are Tommy Dorsey's Now It Can Be Told and My Walking Stick. Both sweet. Top vocal is Connie Boswell's I'm Glad For Your Sake and I'm Away From It All . . .Steel guitar fans will tear their hair over Roy Smeck's Cathedral in the Pines and Let Me Whisper. Both get my vote for the week's topflight tunes. Better Business Note: Tony Miccio's burlesque ship Yankee will hire five new strippers within the week. ....Just like you n' me note: Ginger Rogers was surrounded by three smart young men at a reecnt screening and any one of them would have been only too happy to whisk the glamorous gal any place she wanted to go.... But Ginger's mother uttered "No." And so to bed. .Ellis Island which among other moon pitcher people boasts bogus Prince Mike Roman aoff, is doing these cays without the services of Gladys George, brilliant canary. .. .Seems she de tracted from Arlee Whelan, stardom-bound 20th Century lass. . . . MILLS TEACHERS AGENCY S. E. MILLS, Manager STTART M'lI.niNG Teachers Needed Right New Phone B37ftft Lincoln, Nebr. WARNING! Don't Pick Up Thi Girl! She'a A Menace to Every Man That Drivet A Car SEE AMERICA'S A LATEST RACKET EXPOSED! "..Him" TODAY! ORPHEUM ENDS Robert Donat THURS. Elissa Landi id JL "" WARNER DARTER Jffdci tfaijm y w wUmuj&J a i II in i I u pi... test m iiKilFA M fc? with Hln VINSON Miacha AUtHf Aln MOWBRAY . Trom COWAN V BMoB'd thru UNITED ARTISTS VARSITY S THURS. 2 BIG FEATURES 2 JOE LOUIS World't Heavyweight Champion -ln- "SPIRIT OF YOUTH" MEMBERS OF FACULTY ADDRESS BOYS' STATE Today's Program Features Study of Unicameral Legislature. County government, schools, and the unicameral legislature will oc cupy the attention of the Corn- husker Boys' State today on the agricultural college campus. Dr. R. V. Shumate will deliver a lecture on county government thi3 morning, to be followed by a talk on schools by Prof. W. H. Morton, chairman of the department of sec ondary education. This afternoon, Dr. J. P. Senning, chairman of the political science department, will discuss the new unicameral legis lature. Over 250 Engaged. More than 250 boys from 160 Nebraska towns are engaged in this practical study of state gov ernment sponsored by the Ne braska department of the Ameri can Legion. Yesterday the boys elected the officials of this 49th state, following the regular pro cedure of party conventions and nominations. The two parties are known as the Nationals and the Federals. Tomorrow Earl Cline, Lincoln lawyer, will explain the working of the courts, including the rela tionship between the courts and the legislature. Max Towle, Lan caster county attorney, will talk on law enforcement, and an ad dress by the student governor will climax the day's activities. To Close Saturday. This initial effort at applied civics will close Saturday, after running for eight days. Each of the two parties will publish a news paper under the direction of Joyce Ayres and Bill Newens. Visits will also be made to the capitol, hourt house, and city hall. Directors of the various de partments include Franz Radke, state executive officers; Donald E. Devries, county government; Trev. Gillaspie, city government; Guy E. Chambers, courts; Lester L. Dunn, unicameral legislature and legislative council; Max Towle, law enforcement; Prof. W. H. Mor ton, chairman of the department of secondary education; Robert C. Simmons, primaries and general elections. T. W. Metcalfe of Om aha is departmental commander of the Nebraska American Legion. Officers of the Cornhusker state include Major Jones, president; Vincent C. Hascall, Omaha, vice president; the Rev. Fritsche, vice president; R. C. ratterson, secre tary; and L. E. Gunderson, finance secretary of the board of regents, treasurer. The museum's pheasant collec tion has been enhanced by the ad dition of two rare birds, a white crested kalegle pheasant which is common to Tibet, Burma and southern China and a silver phea sant, also of southern China. in "Count of Monte Cristo" STARTING FRIDAY JOAN BENNETT Or iNTEcumcoion the famous WAITER WANGER MODELS "RENFREW of Royol Mounted" ith JAMES NEWELL CAROL HUGHES SUED MOVIES FEATURE FHYSICSJflJSiC TODAY Series to Continue in Social Science Auditorium Until Friday. Sound movie3 on physics and music wil be shown today from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock in social sci ence auditorium, the second group in a series of educational pictures being screened this week by a representative of the Erpi Class room Films Inc. The series is open to all who care to attend. The complete library of films in cludes pictures of more than 60 subjects. Shown yesterday were films on elementary geography and plant biology. Wednesday's group includes films on astronomy and elementary science; on Thurs day "films on primary work and animal biology will be shown, and on Friday, films on chemistry and geology. OFFICERS ISSUE TAGS TO TRAFFIC VIOLATORS Regular university traffic regu lations hold good thruout the sun mer as well as the winter session, Sergeant L. C. Regler warns, in commenting on the number of warning tickets issued since the end of the winter term. Parking areas reserved for fac ulty include the spaces behind the School of Music and behind Brace laboratory, pnd also the section of the mall between 12th and 14th streets on the south. Parking where the curb is mark ed with red paint is prohibited, and parking in white-marked areas is subject to restriction. Tickets will also be left on cars parked in the middle of the street, or which block driveways on the campus. The speed limit on university prop erty has been set at 20 miles per hour, and cars are expected to come to a full stop at all stop signs, FATHER'S DAY r i X v Qwe jbad a Matched SHIRT AND PA J AM A SET FOR 24-HOUR SMARTNESS Here is high style, night and day ! Both shirt and pajamas are tailored of the same fine combed broadcloth. Workmanship that reflects the years of experience behind one of America's oldest and largest shirt makers. Contrasting pin Stripes on blue, tan, grey, green and oyster grounds. 35 THE SHIRT Servings Shop Hurry! Ends Thursdayl Robert TAYLOR Margaret SULLAVAN Franchot TONE Robert YOUNG In "THREE COMRADES' Alwayi A 6eat For 25 FRIDAY! A SWELL HEART PICTURE OF 14 Men . . . A Girl .... And A Kid! lEBEOflDDf with Fred MacMurray Harriet Hilliard Yacht Club Boys Ben Blue Billy Lee Harry Owens and his Royal Hawaiian Orchestra (Composer of "Sweet Leilani") SUNDAY, JUNE 19th BROAD LANE ENSEMBLE 65 THE PAJAMAS BBBuE TruVal's AIR -flex collar has been tested and approved by the American Institute of Laundering. . . . Downstairs at