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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1938)
0 TWO cr TIIE NEBRASKAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1938 The Nebraskan Station A. I int-ikln, Nltrafcii, m I A I. STI ll T VI BMC ATION IMKKSITV OK NKHRASKA l!tM8 Sl'MMI'lt SCIIOOI. sl SIO I MVKKM1 V OK M UltAvKA PnhlUhrd Tuesday and Thursday nmrn- lri durini; tin' summer s himl uuinn null rln ulatrd frco u Mtmnirr school vtudi nl ml family nirmhirs from barn In cam- -u huililiiics. IMrt-rtril hy StuuYnt riiMlriitinn Hoard Hring liens nnd mhrrtlsing to StiiuYnl t'nion. Room IN. STAFF: fo-Kdltors Marlnrlp ( lnirrhtll Kirharri dc It rem n Business Miiiuii'T Arthur Hill Getting Your Money's Worth We think it's a good invest ment. We think it's a very good Investment. We sat down and covered all the available scratch paper with facts and figures, wore down several pencils and vur one eraser ana n an aaaea i up to the same thing. The one lone dollar or $1.50 that summer students are putting into the Student Union is about to pay more dividends than any other dollar or $1.50 we've seen in vested for some time. In the first place we veterans of ether summers are remembering Vividly that beaten-down feeling that a combination of anatomy labs and 90 degrees in the shade can bring. And so this summer Ve're really going to lounge in the lounging room and browse in the browsing library. In fact, we'd like to register for a course in Georgian architecture, with the Union building for a laboratory, or for a series of field trips through its rooms. Do you swim? Flay tennis? Like to dance? Kenneth Van Sant, social director, is almost in a po sition to say, "Name it. We have it." Golf, tennis, baseball, chess, ping pong, bridge, music concerts, kcHiies. dances, movies they're all on the books for the summer rt creation program. Students are asked to fill out the questionnaires on activities preference, so the whole program, tournaments and all, can get under way. A Student Union sales talk? No, we feel that students have already been sold on the Union idea at any rate they've al ready paid their $1.00 or $1.50. We are inviting them now to cash in on, the investment. Or, as Prof. T. V. Smith, "The water of Student Union activi ties is fine. Come on in!" M. D. C. The world's largest animal, bahichitherium, is now on dipslay jn the University of Nebraska mu seum. Not the whole animal, but an artist's restoration of balu thitherium is exhibited on the first floor. The behemoth's bones were dis covered In Baluchistan, central Asia, several years ago by the cen tral Asiatic expedition of. the American Museum of Natural His tory. The University of Nebraska museum has just received a cast of the animal which gives an indica tion of how this pre-historic mon sted compared in size with a man. The cast shows that a six foot man reaches only slightly above the giant's knee. Baluchitehrium tow ers 17 feet 9 inches at the shoulder. News m Parade f by Leo Turkel 'm ?: ;:V;: . ,;.vv,.v.: - ... ,. , v., . , my - PIGSKIN LINEN We truly believe these ore the prettiest White shoes in town! So new ... so exocf right to weor with flaring pleated skirts... "Gibson Girl" frocks and smart sports things! We've "SKELETON" TYPES, new "WEDGES," PEEP TOES, OPEN-BACKS, SWING STRAPS, BROWN and WHITES ..vih high or cuban heels! Come in to see them now! KID CALF AND M.95 fc' . P, On the international front ten sion eased during the past week. England's rebuff to Hitler quieted that gentleman down to the extent that his Chechoslovakian ambitions have been stilled for the moment. An English crisis might provoke a more aggressive stand to the southeast by Hitler however as , occurred when a French cabinet ' crisis allowed him to march his troops across the Austrian border and peacefully annex that small defenseless nation to the reich. In China a Japanese air raid on Canton snuffed out 2,000 lives. This is about one-third the regular enrollment in the University of Nebraska. American and English official protests have been sent to Japan over these repeated raids, but evidently the Japanese feel that they are far enough away from these two powers and strong enough in their own sphere that such protests are mere words. It has become a reality today. itiradleDiiil LPnnflse Our Treeless Desert I had always thought a Student Impulse ' on the subject of our treeless campus would be absurd. There must be a law against it, or the place would be full of trees. Come Maytime of every school year the "old campus" becomes a scene of natural beauty. Com mon talk. Eut it is not the beauty of the old buildings enhanced with age. The dusty old brickpiles are not that sort of structure. It's the trees. The "new campus" is nearly an eyesore by comparison. Maybe it is intended as a symbol of a prairie state. If so it's a helluvanidea. Seriously, I have a theory'. Make money by planting trees and sav ing grass. Suppose you have a 10 o'clock in Pharmacy, and an 11 o'clock in Morrill. With grim pioneer determination you shun the walks and steer straight for Morrill. That is. if there are no trees. With trees the trackless (?) desert disappears, and you amble along the walks. Why not make the good old pasture beautiful, and do it cheaply. Nebraska boasts no really II REFLEXIONS and SURRENDER in world-famous fragrances in delightful form... for lavish daily uie. M.50 Ah available i OARDINIA IAUVAOI DOUX JASMIN CAMILIA DU MAROC CHIVALIIR Dl IA NUIT VIOLITTI D'AIOIR beautiful set of buildings, but any building is beautiful amidst a plentitude of trees. What about Pharmacy? Think of the money spent each year to encourage grass on the Mall and the Quadrangle, only to suffer defeat in the an nual anti-grass-and-pacifist cam paign of the R. O. T. C. Anyway think of the disappointment to thousands of earnest horses and cows. What say, Nebraskan? Stir it up. After all the spray of printers' ink on campus issues why not dig up the answer to this one. Do we have to keep a sacred desert be twen the Temple and the Coli seum? J. H. W. A Summer Students Send your garment clean ing to this old reliable firm that has served N. U. Students for more than 33 years. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVEK Call F2377 Service pecial Discounts on All Books for Summer Session Supplies for All Classes You are welcome to use our telephone Co -op Book Store 1229 R St. L-9302 SMART, NEW BY MU1VSIIVGWEAR I f I , " 'I'-W -i... -JP , ai n; ' , , 1 u wwmr SKIT SHIRTS or SHORTS in Colors and White 75c Aho Plain While at 50c IVE your spirits a lift and use color in your wardrobe. Munsingwear leads the field with these new muted greens, tans and blues in quality shirts and SKIT-shorts. Note the trim-fitting "Lastex" waistband and no-gap buttonless fly, f i. ' I i -MT