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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1938)
PACE FOUR THE DAILY NKBKASKW. Tlll'HSDAY. MAY .. 1 9.18 : YyY. YY - T , : - i - - i "A . r cr j 1 k1 a pooil Roing for their dinner tal)les, and Frank i Alplm Thet.i, Kappa Kappa Gam sent them right over to Phyllis I ma. Phi mil. Pi Beta Phi. Gamnu Jensen, Chi O. The Kappa Sir's ; Phi Beta, nnd Sisma Kappa, were more or less put out, and hid j DR. G. E. MCLEAN, it lti-iiist ! GREEKS COMPETE IN SING CONTESTS FOR LOVING CUPS (Continued f-om Page 1.) Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta I'p silon, Farm House, Fhi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, and BY THE HAl NTEK j EX-CHANCELLOR, DIES AT AGE 83 I (Continued from Page 1.) the United States bureau of edu cation and spent the next three years visiting colleges and uni versities in Great Britain and Ire land. He represented the United Sigma Thi Epsilon. Sinre filings Kappa Sigma and Sigma Alpha ,,, ',..., rommission BS r.psmm inie wumiimwi ine , diw.tor fo. universities and rol race. Beta Theta Pi was awarded j , in thp Unit(Mi KinR(om in first place on last Ivy day. 1918 ml lpl9 From 10,0 to 1923. he was director of the British divi sion of the American University The chirk it the Theta house or we should say chicks are growing to big to keep. Lucille Anderson nnd Pat Brott. the owners of the fowls are getting disgusted he cause of the smell. They s:iy they can't keep their room clean ar.y more. The stench is terrible. Is there anyone who would like to buy them for four bits. Get in touch with the Theta house. I helper who proves to be I dirt-digcer-upper. She is iikc a gopner alter mis s.uu. sj beware you evil doers for she is out to gt you. But maybe the she is a he. Who knows? You don't. SOCIETY Alpha Sigma Thi's pledge class of this year is having an anniver sary party for the active chapter on Friday night. It's the 25th year .... , , 011 this campus and the ilccora e have a couple of apologies, to make to some friends of ours if I tio"s will be along this line There they still are. Bill Pugslcy who we called a Beta is a Phi Psi and we wish to say it' wasn' out fault but fault but we were miss-informed. It has come bark to us that we have been panning the Pi Phis too much and the cracks have not been of the very best. to ourselves. How's that ' Rain. Rain. And means the skirts go up. The rain coats blow around and stuff and wet feet. It looks like Ivy Day is ; to be a dampish affair but let's hope it holds off for a while. ! Penorita Barbara Haffarker, DG and Dale Ganz. D U have de cided to steady it again for the second time. Maybe the third time will be a charm. will be an open house party also, and everyone is invited. Mr. Van den Bark, famed Fug-1 lish prof, receved quite a gift from his Saturday morning i:00 o'clock class. About 15 minutes after class j had started, a Western Union boy Now that is bad and we don't J "".""i ' u-rm.mii ami aumi wish to do anvone any harm, we thl,1R PaPp' ag. The sav again we "are very sorry and telegram which said. "Don t go ..01 t, t l, jiri rraeusiup i smoke. Light a Camel. "Your favorite class." After read- wind That 1 tnis- ne tol' lnonl ,1,cy should nave auucu, we nope. Anyway, to make a long story short, the educator was a little skeptical as to the contents of the bag. Finally, Dale Krcps, Sir Chi, lifted the contents out of the basket to find a stunning May basket which was really snazzy. Insides were two packages of Camels, his favorite brand, and all kinds of candy which he passed to the anticipating class. All in all, he appreciated it quite a hit. and who couid blame him, for wouldn't any teacher be Intersorority sing will start at 1:15 o'clock in the afternoon. Irene Sellers, chairman of the sing for the A. W. S. board, requests that all participants be there in time to line up for their numbers before the program opens. The 12 sorori ties entered will present their sorority songs in alphabetical order. The cup that has been awarded to the winner of the sing in for mer years has been given to the Thetas who have received it six times in the past H years. This year a new trophy will be awarded and the winner will have us name ; first on the list. Sororities competing are: Alpha j Chi Omega, Alpha Obirron Fi. Al pha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa union in Europe. The picture accompany this news story is a reproduction of a portrait of Dr. MacLean painted by Lady Gollancz of London and presented to the University of Iowa when its former president retired as director of the univer sity union. It now hangs in Old Capital hall on the Iowa City campus. THATSIT, WHATSIT SPOOK- ULATING ON DEAR, DE PARTED IVY PLANTS (Continued from Page 1.) of specters. G.I. P. 24 We are, Thatsit. We G.T.P. 24 -I've got the creeps are both. G.l.P. 17 Who's that you were spooking to, Whatsit? G.l.P. 24 That's Boh Wadhams. ! Thatsit. He will pull the strings, j G.l.P. 17 It doesn't seem he ' can do all that, does It, Whatsit? 1 G.l.P. 24 No, Thatsit, it doesn't seem. He's going to broadcast this over a ghost-to-ghost network. G.l.P. 17 What time being is it, Whatsit? G.l.P. 24 It's almost. Thatsit. G.l.P. 17 Tempos fugit, Whats it. On with the haunt! G.l.P. 24 That's the spirit, Thatsit. That's the spirit! Act II. (Same scene, second verse.) G.l.P. 17 Whatsit! G.l.P. 24 Yes, Thatsit! G.l.P. 17 I've never seen such a display of school spirits before. This place is crowded. G.l.P. 24 Those red suits look like the devil, Thatsit. G.l.P. 17 Who are all those women, Whatsit? G.l.P. 24 They are the Order of the Black Masque, Thatsit. G.l.P. 17 Is that Johnny Howell ot the Ghost Writers Agency? G.l.P. 21 Yes, Thatsit. He's been haunting the D. G. house, telling Black Masque Jane Bar-1 hour that "whither thou ghost I j will qho.-t." j G.l.P. 17 Look at those shade j under that other tree. Whatsit. There's "Ha'nt" Rosalie, "Ha'nt" Martie, and "Ha'nt" Maxine. I want to stretch my shadows Whatsit. We've been hovering here a long time. I'm chilled to the roots. G.l.P 24-That's Web Mills. Thatsit. Do you remember last year how he wandered around like a lost soul? But they got him. Thatsit. I heard Oberndorf say when he tackled him, "Let's get "down to earth, Web." G.l.P. 17 Who is that grave- looking Innocent, Whatsit? G.l.P. 24 Thai's Ed Murray, Thatsit. He's very fond of spirits, but he's never tapped an Innocent before. G.l.P. 17 What time being Is it now, Whatsit? G.l.P. 24 It's already, Thatsit. G.l.P. 17 Tempus still fugits, Whatsit. On with the show! HURRY! ENDS TONITE! "TOM SAWYER' Starts FRIDAY! ANOTHER FIRST-RUN HIT! A plsdge yelled out of the tt-inHnir nf tllo fVirnl fllil pnt A rtrfe for the 14th with Eob Ramev 1 P'1"' ' nave such a thoughtful A T O. We know of one Kappa steady ing; it with Ernie A T O White. How does she do it ? Who wonders. We know a joke about Bob Gan non and Olive Speith. Tri Delt and a queen. Curious people should look up the old spooK. This column has taken on a new A ro thle kill. er . . a (none in radium . . . turned tin h piul 1 a 1 a ma (innate . . ef terror::: "The Patient in Room 18" i:k Ann Sheridan Patric Kncwlet PLUS , TIM M COY In "TWO-GUN JUSTICE" I. Bit. LDIblEIRW Al ieat lr class ?Then on top of all that, most of the class got down siips from him that day which !idn t even take the joy out of life for it was such a good idea. For that we hold responsible a Kappa Sig of the Flank's clothes. Inns they were slightly delayed before arriving at the opening last night. Phyliss couldn't decide whether to return the flowers and have Frank on time, or to keep rtie posies and leave Frank to his own resources. Sh? finally decided on the latter, house of Heiser. and Mr. Cain, Phi Delta Theta. Jeanie Parkinson, Pi Phi, had her finger in the pic too. Sigma Alpha Epsilon is using the University club to advantage Saturday evening from 7:15 till wnenever they decide to call it quits. This will be their annual spring' party in the form of a din ner dance that promises to be a big success. ! Mr. Eiche of the floral F.iches sent Frank Kudrna. waiter at the Kappa S:g house some flowers I K -6 ! W mm ! s TO THE ELECTRICAL QUIZ I J The shortert time element in enjinwing ii probably that encountered in thort wave radio tube dign an allowance of 1 600.000,000 econd Jar an electron to travel a fraction of an inch. 2. A Wtttmghouse iteel mill motor of thi type can be " reveraed from full ahead to full back in 5 econd. 3 The Wrrtins'iouse-equipped streamliner ' City of San Franci&ro" ii one of the two most powerful Diev! -electric locomotjvei in use at tfcu mr-.ting 500 hecarpower. Three yeart ago, the most powerful train of tha type wai powered by a 1200 H P. unit. The purchase and development of the Gaulard & G:bbs transformer patent! by Geo. Westinjhoiise in 1R? 5 led to our present widespread u- of alternate current, the foundation of eiecUicity't universal variability. The lumens per watt of vsrius tyr-t of tWUir l-(;ht " are es Wows: al Mazda lamp, 0') ( t:m J3 ? lu-Tier.i per watt; lb) merniry lTip '250 waf'sire) 30 lumen per watt; r) Neon Umo, ' averse tube and gau approximate' 19 lumens per watt. The "De-ion"' pr:ntrf i one wtii'h braks arc ir'o " tment by pasur.g them through fret of grids. It bat cornp'ee!y revol utionized the r'.T.tru'i:on of ijch arc -carrying device at l.ghtn.r.g ar-estert. circuit breaker, motor starters, and taJety twitcbet. J The "De-ion" principle vai discovered ar.d pat intt ' practu-e by Dr. Joieph SJepian of the Westir.ghouie Research Laboratorie. g The "Spencer Due" it a type of taermottat whi'h artt on the bi metallic eipns:on ni contract :on principle to give a rifle-like make and brealt m elec trical contacts. It it an eidi'ive Wettir.ybouse eierrric iron feature, and it also used to prote't Westinghouae moti from heat damage. Tbe initiaJt "P.C.C." in connection with the nr " ttreamlirwd streetcar aland for "Presidents' Con ference Comnuttet," a cwrjinttee appointed by tbe Ameriran Trant:t Arsooation to i'.i-n the c:r'.. By inviUtion. Weitixigli'AJSe erjgir.eT w'jrked With thi committee, and more thi:n half of tbe tart f t thi tyj now in use aue completely equipped with Westinghouae electrical apjaratu. JJ Tbe ujtial KDKA. rejeen':ng the Westinglaoutc " pioneer taton at Pittsburgh, Vm, tncin "broadtast tcg" in the .ma tongue. Watch for another interesting "Electrit al QiU'' in i commg issue of your coUcge puolicatjun. Elertr.oty 1 the greatert tingle force in thi modern age. Learn more about it and about the corr.panirt, like WuUftiboutc, that put it to dcr'jg the world' work. WesCJighouae lUectnc k llfg. Co. Pittabutgh, Pa. X"r23tiiighouse ...QndW, Martha vocal cord! C.'s a riot! one vast Dorothy Lamour Well ! Must we say More? W.C. FIELDS with MARTHA RAYE DOROTHY LAMOUR And BEN BLUE BOB HOPE LYNNE OVERMAN SHEP FIELDS ORCHESTRA ,) "LINCOLN'S OWN NEWS KEEL' (flr and PORKY CARTOON ORPHEUiV. ? JmY JHOTEL LINCOLN 'Jlosls Dins WcrL lo i K. L. Wilbur. Manager. Thursday Innocents Today at 1 P.M.! The thrilling; saga of men who risk their lives , . . women who pray for their return . . . and love caught in the few precious moments that they can call their own! '-vf,'- . Always " a seat for 11 ' a ' a -s a v ' ? w 20c till 6 EVE. 25c LST MIVLTE . NEWS DIRECT i FROM THE NEWS ROOM OF KFOR on every prosram filly Symphony In co'or i 'Wynke.-. Blynen, ana B chard Hinibf and H'S QrcKestra Paramount News ft. A LIONEL BARRYMORE YCW LOOK KIDS! 7 100 Model Airplane Kits will be given away XTm, free while they last SATURDAY AFTERNOON! STUART tA(WJ tV"-V A I --v;:f .. ; i X y 1 ' 1 1 1 if 1 -r, fm Chesterfield and Andre more pleasure to millions ...real pleasure. ..carefree pleasure! You enjoy it in Chesterfield's refresh ing mildness and better taste . . . that "extra something" that makes you stick to Chesterfields. Chesterfields are made of the world's best cigarette ingredients. . . mild ripe tobaccos. . . homegrown and aromatic Turkish.. . and pure cigarrt:e paper. When y;u light a Chesterfield you're smoki.'i lie i z.;rUe that Satisfies. Yt.v W vr' 5- ' h Chesfe ds will give you MORE PLEASURE than any cigarette you ever smoked tT?-tH Iw.iTTIrMrmTosaccoCOi