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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1938)
PAGE THREE Athletic Survey Makes N. U. Resemble Training Quarters E TIIE DAILY NEBRASKAN. TIIIHSD AY. MARCH 17. 1938. SCHULT APPEARS P!GS) FLIPS THRU oiqhe as PRACTICE PASSING JOHN BENTLEY yjon. fclwocdL fiandoL GLENN NOW HAS TIME TO RUN Glenn Cunningham of Kansas has always been something of a world's wonder ever since he started running the mile. After he turned in that astounding time of 4:04.4 for the mile, there has been a renewal x of the genuine interest people Stake in him. Now they want to find out what makes the great Kansan k and still eave the tick ing mechanism in one piece f I . m tic I U I 1 'Muscle' College Has Rush Season During Entire School Year. BY JOHN STUART. AHho the University of Nebras ka is considered to be an InstituJ tion of higher learning at which super athletes are developed, yet one-third of the students partici pate in athletics. Over 2,200 compete in sports of all kinds, lncludinJhe women registered for phySicalducation, as compared to 2,115 registered in the aits and science college last year, the largest college on the campus. In g college, 767 stu dents were registered last year and 19 buildings were devoted to their use, while four buildings were dedicated partially or in whole to athletics the stadium, coliseum, Grant Memorial, and the student activities building oiv the ag campus. Sport Galore. The variety of sports offered at this university is quite large. Here is a list of the sports and the ap proximate number of men in each r Lincoln Journal. BIFF JONES. Twenty-Eight Sports Draw Attention of More Than 2,200. Those who have examined him. I w'ho turn out, which is based on the number of baskets checked out from the dressing room, in which the clothes are kept. Nearly 80 men are competing in spring football, about 30 in baseball, and 100, of which 28 are varsity men, were jogging around the indoor trace. Eighty-three boys com peted in basketball, of which 11 weie on the varsity and 7 on the B team. Boxing claimed 15, gym 12, floor gym 45, wrestling 47. of which 32 were on the varsity, ten nis 21 with 6 on the varsity, fene casuallv or nie- KENN CUNNINGHAM 1 ' C ulouslv- 1 Linwin journal, ways ascribe some particular thing as being responsible for his record break ing runs. Paul L o c h n e r. steeplechaser from Oklahoma, back home from the east after training for a 3.000 meters race with Don Lash this weekend at the Butler indoor re lays at Indianapolis Saturday, says: "Last year and the year before, Glenn earned a full course at in? 5. and 111 were swimming. 75 New York university. He had to of which were registered for the j ball, boxing, wrestling, gym. swim study long and hard and couldn't i various classes, while 12 were var-1 minp and fencing are all going on concentrate on running. His doc-j sit y mermen. j at the same time. When these are tor's degree came first and the Other groups using the athletic j over the athlete can then choose running whenever he could find facilities are about 90 professors i between spring football, outdoor the time. and graduate students, none of i track, tennis or baseball. Athletes "But this year Cunningham has oompieiea nit ciast wor-t lor ine , . , n S d 1 degree and It doing research on Gregg MeBride inimnions (fflldlC bVOYlS on the hearts of athlete. It't right down hit alley and doetn't take whom is registered for classes, but work out during odd times of the day. About 15 high school bas ketballers from Teacher's high use the coliseum for playing space. Intramuralt, Too. Intramurals attract another large group of youngsters. If each of the 43 fraternities had six men on each of their basketball squads, that would make the siieable num ber of 258 fraternity men using athletic facilities. Twenty-nine in tramural Ft, O. T. C. teams have turned out which would swell the number by 174 more. Contrary to popular thought, there is very little duplication; as for instance, indoor track, basKei- in universities are specialists and very few carry over from one sport to another, but a notable ex ception to this is Elmer Dohrmann. who has won letters in football, basketball, track and baseball. Furthermore, a fraternity man cannot compete in the R. O. T. C. Intramurals and varsity lettermen are barred from all intramural athletics. Tennis is the most popular with the women, 253 taking it last se mester, and rhythm fundamentals next with 231 participants, of a variety of sports including base' ball, modern- dancing, folk danc ing, hockey, rhythm fundamentals, sports fundamentals, soccer, swim ming, tennis, body mechanics, archery, basketball, bowling, golf, gymnastics, tap, volley ball and Nebraska ball. Women's gym does not produce great names for the sport page here at Nebraska and in fact only eight girls are major ing In phys ed. The instructors in athletics are better known here at the univer sity and all over the state than those from any other department, due to the fact that their products are continually on exhibition. Football has as its staff Major Lawrence Jones, assisted by W. H Browne, Hoy Lyman, Ed Weir Bob Mehring and Adolph Lewan dowski: basketball headed by W H. Browne and the freshmen bas keteers under Lewandowski; track udor Henry F. Schulte assisted bv Ed Weir, Harold Petz and Stout; cross country by Schulte; boxing under Harold Matthews; wrestling taken care of by Jerry Adams; swimming by Pete Hage lin: tennis. Gregg McBride: fenc ing. R. G. Clapp: gymnastics, Charles Miller; baseball. Wilbur Knight: and Harold G. Petz takes taket care of intramural sports. SPORTS PROGRAM Track Mentor Opens Series To Be Broadcast at 10 Every Wednesday. 'Biffer' Orders Scrimmage, Running Drills Despite Soggy Ground. Tennis Squad Applicants Gregg McBride, tennis coach. request that returning varsi'y i men and others interested in play-! Ing tennis please report to him in j much time, to he hat plenty of time for running." Lochner claims, too, that the Kansas Flyer is unbeatable be-,ne trophy room in the coliseum cause of his invaluable experience. , FYi,cay afternoon at 2 o'clock. He knows how to run the inside Arrangement of practice hours, of the track, how to take the I gchHules with other universities, curves, how to woik himself out and checking out equipment will of a box in the first curve. Altho i bussed. he is a clean runner, Lochner j states. Cunningham knows how to take care of himself in traffic. After several laps around the track he is seldom bothered with the traffic problem, however. It hat been our pleasure to tee Cunningham run several timet and alwayt one thing wa ttamped in our memory. That wat that Glenn believed in plenty of limbering up Scribe Attempts 'Opinion Giving1 BY JUNE BIERPOWER. I T4mv miiii th. ftrsi vpntarr lata aala 'ton rHtnc. ir "r-nlamnatlnn" ay th mm-1 thorvM. If yo 4ao'i affr, , aa. brraaM liar Jnarnal I ' may he wrwu." and play a heavy schedule every winter. Such notables as Wilkin son. Widseth. Roscoe. LeVoir, Metheny, and Thompson, have I made the Gallopers a strong team. ' I T" .tn.lnCT Stilt tf riUIII irUUB lulling vm. ... Hebron, all the Nebraskans need for a powerful team is a few more games. Sooner Pitchers 4 Average'' in Eyes Some of the eastern writers who ! persist in calling every Nebraska team "giant," even tho it may have an 180 pound line as did the great 1933 team, will do well to A'-fldy Shows Pill In Transit Down Digestive Tract Pill-tester F. S. Bukey of the Pharmacy department ts now in search for some new adjectives to ! vestigating the enteric efficiency iff J(in HnSKPlI ' practice weights mean anything. " i Altho a good old Nebraska ium- 16 What r w'11 PrbaMy ahrink the boyt of four commercial tablet coatings This comparative study is being made of ammonium chloride salts 1 manufactured by Upjohn. Abbott, VADll I V If L. ', niT.v" . ! Ka"h.ii: little, the line at present aver- Parke-Davia and Lilly companies, university of Oklahoma ba-iehall , 1 k.i,,. He it teen on the track an nour , fans thought was the classiest , . ,,!, hv ..wir lhe nilli mMb tima fnr hit Cr.r nit-Kin t- t K noct : ... o - Track Mentor Henry Schulte ap peared on John Bentley'a sports program last night in the first of a series of broadcasts, which will be presented each week thruout the track season. The broadcasts can be heard each Wednesday night at 10 p. m. over station KFAB. Bentlev and Schulte opened the program with a discussion of the possibilities of a four minute nine. Schulte went on record as believ ing that such a performance !s possible. He says that the man, to do it will probably be some "long geared frea swinging man like Pittsburgh's John Woodruff." He also said that Glenn Cunningham, present king of mllers, had all the requirements for a four minute mile, and that he may be the first man to turn the trick. Discuss Shot Put Errors. The rest of the ten minute pro gram was spent in pointing out the errors common in young nhot putters, and the prerequisites for good putting. Schulte has been one of the nation's most successful coaches in turning out shot men. His best product has been Sam Francis. Other standouts have been Hugh Rhea and now Boh Mills, who has done as hUh as 49 feet in practice. In the broadcast next week. Schulte will discus the fine points of some other event. The Hu&ker tiacksters Will put on a special exhibition perform ance this noon before the mem bers of the Lions club. Before the exhibition, the Huskers will be guests of the club in a luncheon in the stadium. Track Dries Fatt. The track dried fast after Tues day's rain, and Schulte moved his entire squad outdoors. Special at tention was given in yesterday's drill to work on the discus and javelin, as this was the first time this vear that there has been any chance to work on these events. Four track men from Havelock high worked out with the Nebras ka team vesterdav. The boys re port that their school will send a large squad out to take advantage of the special Friday and Saturday afternoon workouts. On these two days, from 2:30 on in the after noon, the services of all Huaker coaches and varsity men will be at the disposal of the high school athletes. Va Hofinito atimnte can be made yet of the turnout for these t special practice, but judging from I last year, there will be a large After heaving the pigskin through the ozone for the past several weeks in workouts, the Jonesmen opened up in f jrimmage last night and flipped a few vxy- & m. 1HURSTON PHELPS' Lincoln Journal. through the airways against the green shirt ed defense. T h urston Phelps. Rov "Cowboy" Petsch, George Porter, George "Bus'' Knight and Bill Andre son, as the main stays of the aerial at tack, are be coming quite accurate in placing: the spheroid into the waiting arms of the receiver. To date, only spot "isses over the line have been tried, but are wing- j hour of sehiniiiuige during the drill yesterday, and the slippery footing caused some plays to fall through. Major Jones continued to stress fundamentals ot block ing and sought perfection of the timing to the nth degree. Those standing the attack of the various offensive squads running in alter nating plays against them were George Seeman and Jack Ashhui n. ends; Roylne Boschult and Herb Knickrehm, tackles: Warren Ali son and Bill Herman, guards; Fred Meier, center; Roy Petsch. Bud Cather, Edsel Wibbels und Vike Francis, backs. Coach W. H. Browne Iihs been drilling the very life out of the ends on footwork. Believing that hip action and fancy stepping arc necessary for the wings, Browne has them stiff arming., whirling around and sidestepping the dozen odd uprights with cross arms, rep resenting the reach of the mythi cal tackier, situated at the very west end of the practice field. While the backfield has been rehashing strong and weak side smashes, single, double and fake reverses, and laterals, the line has been working overtime on that factor which makes a great power ing farther out a spring practice ! u,lvulf " """-""""K "" your continues. Slippery Footing. A soggy field hampered to some drills, Forrest Anderson and Paul Getowski. tackles, were having little trouble in submerging Char- degree the efforts of the offensive lie Brock, this year's mainstay of against the greenshirts in the half 1 the line. is said to have turned snowballs ! natural scientist who has expci i- and ice into fire to cook breakfast for some hungry travelers. The greatest of all of his mir acles was his riddance of vene- mous reptiles from the island. He rendered the soil poison by beat ing loudly on a drum. Not long after he died at 21 years of age on the 17th of March. me.nted with the herb. H seems that he brought six snakes into Ireland and set them free mar St. Patrick's burial place When the folk that lived there found one of them dead they decided thut the patron saint's spell still woiked. In several days three more of them were found dead. Some went ko tar to think that it was a rngn The shamrock, the symbol of of the approaching millenuin St, Patrick t day. is a common htrb in Ireland. Once as St. Pat rick was preaching out of doors he held up a three leaved sham rock and used it as a symbol of the Holy Trinity and the country people began to think it a sacred plant Interesting is the theory of a ot'r.tis ihat the dreaded choleia n.o.bus was coming. But the naturalist states th a the shamrock, greatly resembl.s trefoil, which grows on a soil snakes never inhabit. It is h. theory that the shamrock, not St. Patrick, drove the snak's out "f Ireland. or ...-.c - " " pounds to a man more than the ' and reporting for X-ray pictures. race. First h. Umber, up teg and : decade is just an average outfit Minnesota i The films show the progreta of body mutclet before doing any . t0 Coach UwTence "Jap ' Haskell l vourtelf: the tablet. U.rough the alimentary running at all. Then, with h . , who in the salty language of the ' .... ..... ,lfi. ' tvw L.n.l and the efficiency of ri ...... ft j.. I. m immmm a AUOl .CicmnnjC Hurikjl hi tiiitlffl mm . incil u v v.i, i r - utoniviiu i ' . " . . . .... . '20 warmed up ' quite a bit he then , scone practice, .tart, and iprintt down practice field: the track a thort dittance. Before : "Verlon Zolth's bad arm it com Brock, 202; Pfeiff. vrTfne1-' eve from the football spring ; . , ' ... J,,, i " ' Gnmm. 1&9. Altho the ttartin number of high .chool men out f. each day. eacn race, v,unn,nBn.m .. , nf r, n. i.a oui oi - - of Camhan 203: Fran- i cinal aid. in the treatment "P'"-""" 206: Rohrig. over 19S. and weight, go.tre, sexual and other the enteric coating which is de-1 signed to break up onlv after the starting . pill ha entered the small intestine, j backfield is a b.t on the tquirty I PilU coMted with an entenc film ; tize tin tire, not ability), a quar- j are offered commercially aj n.edi-' .. . i . . ... . . ih.t ..rv muscle : ...k.i. -uinff ih. it loose and flexible. Oil company last year. He looks Between meets the fcunllower gjyyj anj nf working hard. May-, state special is not as regular with , too hard. I hear he'i not only i hit workout, as one would think, (ioin' his own runnin' but Dillard ; H takes it easy. On Monday and Jackson's too. j Tuesday. Lochner confides. Glenn i Jaekton 6. K. just warm. up. He striae ttu on Wednedav then tuyt away from 208. would fair amount of heft. r C 1A O . I.I. rnl!rnnnl ' r provide a duturbancet. The pillt used in the JO, I tu Vi urn w--ovu..i i i! "I t'vl-i To See Nebraska Maple While all thit bucket-booming for All American basketball can didate, i. In Mttion, thit corner Stars in 1937-38. putt In one hearty vote for Mr. "Jackson it coming O. K. His.wilbert Kautz, Loyola unlvertity. -t. . . . ii v,.. Ctiirriav "!' arm 1 K1I1K1I1K (JUL. nc p;ui niCIOO, III. sptmng iimpiy, . i v. that he doe". of Rood experience out at Elk I Kautz it the best player I've teen night. Lochner mi ithat he X , ,m fxlm pimXy on , in three year, of watching Nebr..- ,JmL rn.rnlr" Lochner 1 'he ball now but still dont know ; kl game, with Big Six team.. Ohio "ei ... JHr h. nm.'huT mile hre if. goin.' Tliev tell me he : state. Minnetota and Indiana of continues. 'After he runs His roue , t . nay Durine the seaaon Jutt clowl. 53.140 cu.stomei. crowded thru the he goe. 'nttnh' gM'c; City altho ne Mill goes after a tain t'.mt, and California. Z . JLrt on .e New inde ball like a farm br,y : Ebng and Fred Pr.lle of K.r ion euro Iti., ... An then come y' "Lefty Morris, our junior hook- is faster and improved. He dre. Indiana, Martin Rolek of Minne.ota, and ether, are certaln- but my rious businea. concern break up at ditferent times. ! The ammonium chloride tablets are opaque to X-ray. and so can be seen in X-rav pictures although '"" . , u, 1. T most pills are not visible. ! me turnsU e. to watch the Hus- . L ' jker haiketball team in action, and I in so doing set up a new home at- 1 tendance record. The attendance f wa for ten home games. The pre-, viout record of 39.191 w at tl lt ( year for nine games. ! r The five conference game, drew j jr 29.061, and the five non conference r game. 24.079. Biggest crowd i CJiC J m ' " ' - tvi Ilk .u'. n tuinri . ... . th home attendance and thaf of 1 OKLAHOMA GOLF COACH SOLVES LINKS PUZZLER ". Sooner Mentor Brnce Drake " . facet UTer-onppjy Of Tee-Toppen. NORMAX, March 1 With 13 icjK3iA, jnarcn in. nun a ; " ""'" -...v.... . , . nifty foUer. out for practice. 10 , other conference tchooU follow.: ,1 hark and do 50.2 in the relay al- ; w. k. j -..rii hit nath arm. throurh a big erw'd of handicap . pitched laat tummer for the Tulsa y fine ba.ketb.ll pl.y.r. tnroi-gn a wg crcri ou,rt. Saiewav.. Lookin' at him from the Kauti ha. them all beaten in opponent, a i 1A varrl 1ir. I d CV tie', rot aa Me had mDmtd (Jlftntlv rn ,.m- ""' . .Lv rz:""1' V '"'rr.ZZri: Iveuran. rirht off the fairway. I hopei it geu weu oeiore i una n ma zt enougn to m car. - t-iv.;. H".a .-t OUu 1 n I mac n . n c mw .u pin. - w - ' Benton Had Stiff Arm help hi. .peed on the of them precocious sophomore who art threatening to blast the "Hix-ik Benton ? Yc-ah. he', had vjre arm- too. altho nurt of hi serene. i above hi. shoulders, r.e J'"!: Vk. ; ty of Oklahoma has at least ftj !the Hu.ker. without -'hogging the J f a; ball, and averaged around II , or ' CaWorni. FUTUILE FARMERS WILL JUDGE DAIRY PRODUCTS TODAY i Continued from Page 1.' . i . .. .. i K Znd Tn-iTg a. dehverV'. cmnin aJong pretty Carl Hubbell may be .portdom'. rh.i.' of he wnSit I food tho. He', a wphomore avJUth- original "meal ticket" but he chairman of the coniesx. s .,.v,-h t th. tnt shrink, in omparUon wjtb wiairmiui t . - - -; r ,vr.mni,h. i.-t -ummer. J Whitter White. the nouncea inai im cwnW - . ,.hlir 17 point, for every gam he played a Kanaaa OKtaieim Kanaaa .'a't At Llnrola iT I HI ia t kM mH J :i r Mt t' XT 1 ClT i in : t. ... t,t..t t,nt nrevioiulr a! "Jimmy Craddocn, m.mrir of the university Judging : on our 1934 aquad, freahtian I dream man. Colorado The Boulder ay hool To'a! 7 Ml li Ml The- total number of witnesae. of next month. 'the m-ZH CornbutKer macnine - . ...I k a n ij Ifa "The w hole Sooner wuad will waa hmi. recoro i.jr j f go to UK.&noma ciiy over uit sulr. '" r week end of April . 10 nd 11 and P'" attendance record for all J. plv 72 holes of meual, 36 over the game.: Okiahoma Oty Twin Hill, courae , r?. "ZS and M over the Oklahoma i. back in really should vote White a pennon j Counlry tJub Thf four i ' ""N ,n"'- b. W4 ; limi '', 4 M, : I I a- - -.... 4 . A k . r.Hln tw t .vc.,m A ivAil tiA V.Mai team He indicated that ftuaeni ; tcnooi. ne r .-.. i " - ; 0i -.ipiayer. wan u oeav acorea ww M . .... .. r,t.rtr,r are considered as posw-'tion and aomething on iu curve , u, u. qualify for the California trip," tbe w. ik'i jb "'""T . MtadiSSe ? for the ver.lty ' ball too. Not a b-rt hitter. Played j rnoney. but Whirter I. a wurra of ' h bounce ! : - W bi, candidate, for tne u y TuUt gaie-' J' Mewinga for a multitude of Th 0kJlhom, Uam wU1 rUv;on: 2tS. oa.ahur ,mv, team. ... Iwnni H not onlv ia th fair- .. I.:. Minxiun m: Kanaaa 'a' !,. The winner of the contest win wy. hairl v fr Oi c rarlo'. football a'"" ,l wraeiey on pm i. Ioli, u m. an!lt , M. hav. hi name encraved on the "I -Ul ay they've got a fine haired boy for Colorado . football, Sulor(1 lt palo AJt0 on Xprli :9I riven cond and trura piac. wi-,c. ".""'I.'.. .V.. " Z. i bov. u-ho ataee uch thirr. a v. "...T. ". Zrt ..." V:lMj lrila Lv t ' i - - - - - - i lrOTT Sh iS Tn ' r'loTof aM plenty of , and bketbal, t,um. Judging different breed.. ru'T ' " I Think i- ri 1 r.ntet. wora-a u. The contest will ''thit they wUl preant thU year. the four cow claa. The claae to be judged will be averted from the rejireaentative breed. In the unlvertity herd. Fifteen minute, will be allowed for the placing of D. U.'a. Joyce Ayree ia aaturur.g will x ajiowea lor me v"'h " Ithe A T. O.'a, Mr. Stuart the nil each claaa, and two minute will i ji,' William Terr.pcl the te devoted to reaaona. IVC"'"'" j gjnna Nu'a. Any other organira wiU be given immediately after iri wh0 Jniy outilde help the plac ing of all the tlasae. Com-1 ihouJ(J Roaroet Klub. of hew many '.Hare White ha. brought Into the Ci-:ltsm raoo money sag, in Tooioan -. M . . ... aj takl afkjl John Itosborourh ia providing , , .... . .. help for the Phi Pirf a and Beta u CotUm B,w 0r.,Urt in pieparing for Ue Sing, pr. n- Co,0rjdo k,w the T.aan. Bturdevant u aiding Sif Ep a and . - whiner. Colo- year, lost off last year' Oklahoma team, competition tfcn aeajion 1 keen it than ever for plate on the mittee member .aid the conteat win be over by noon. Englund. in announcing detail of the contest, urged Uitt ail atudenta interested in dairy tatU Judging work participate in th variou. event. He pointed out that engaging ia the contest will be valuable experience, and that the pnaea offered will be well worth winning. 11 IXATERKmiS TILE ENTRIES TOR K0SMET KLUB IVY S0N0TEST (Continued from Pg 1 forced away from traditional afm;, and only two entrant have announced definitely the .election Twe Dlvleion. In this year'i competition, a lightly different procedure la to bt louowea. tnim vi au wuun competing for the one ailver cup, they will be equally divided by th Klub according to ie of the fra ternity, and a separate trophy be awarded th winner in each greup. The KIup iopi to thla way to attract more fraurnlUea of rela tively amaljer meniberihlpi lnt entering the ling. In paat year only one cup baa been given, and in 1987 wa won by the Beta'a. If the earn group win. th Stag three year In uc eeirm. the cup become that fra ternity' permanent poaeion. rado played In the national Invlta tional basketball tournament thi week, not e much becauat they were co-champs of th Big Seven, formerly the Rocky Mountain con ference, but because New Toric fan. arc willing te pay a nice price to eee the All American-Rhode Scholar. On ba.ketball merit alone, Utah' oo-champlont had Jutt at much claim to a place In the tournament, but poor Utah juet didn't have a Whluef. If too U4 the Nebraska All Star and the Galloping Gophety can't ret together for a baaketball game. The AU-Stara won their firt and orJy gam of the aeaaon recently againat Hebron, with Bemie Brherer, John Richardaon. Ernie White, Ram FY anna and Johnny Howell In the lineup. The Gallopu.g Gopher are former Minnesota football stars and have had a team for two cr three year U'rfntling Department Poetponr F'rukh Mat Mi-rt Until April 10, 11 The date for the freshman nu meral wrectluig meet Ka been changed from Friday April 6 to Monday and Tuesday, April 10 and 1L Numeral sweater will be awarded to the winner of the eight divialon which will be en tered. Two day will be uaed for the meet because of the large number of expected entrie. Th division which will be entered are 121, 129, 138. 148, 158, 1S8, 178, and heavyweight rnin Alpha 2t. Ag honorary, wtll hold It annual eprtng frolic thia FYioay at th Student Actlvitie Building. Rua Gibson and hi or chestra will play. According to Don Magdant. chairman in charge, the party will begin at J:00 and the admiwuon will be 30 and 20 cents. TIME COMES TO WEAR GREEN 'Continued from Page l.i the Druid priest. Another time he The DAYIS SCHOOL SERVICE "A Oeed Teacher Agency" 1118-1138 Come fa ") See V Ml Stuart tldg. Lincoln, Neer. I I V ' FOR SAIADS THAT PLEASE Crtimta COTTAGE CHEESE I !E IP- Km Wig-Son ij i i j .1 3 J J J f yes! A little bird told us that 'Ili .Spring Kaiion edition of the Daily Nebraska!! vill har tlie lal-r-l tjle net and pirtttrrts from r it")- hre. Lincoln'- leading tnerrhant are offering their nenefct and niartel warefc -and are they honey. And tie yhal "Hie weather man aj Friday will he a well day." N in with the hirdie and hold everythinp till Friday Mjle edition. .Watch FRID For It i J J j J J J J 1 1 J 3 J J J u J J 3 3 1 J 3 l .1 3 j J J i .1 3