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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1938)
.J... PAGE FOUH T1IK DAILY NEKKASKAN, IIMI) AY. MAKC1T 11, lO.'ffl. 4 l J , J BY THE HAUXTEU BY THE 11AUNTUESS Jane Walcott has been "sling;- Just now theTpTecli department ing it for about three days now. is in the last roundup for "Eliza What w mean to convey is, that beth tlle Q"en" ami some of the She is wearing her loft am in I frs,.whil campus stars have come sling. It was her right arm that had a wicked fracture in high school and thru which aluminum spikes were driven. When con fronted with the task of telling people what ailed her appendage, she would concoct a different storv each time, because she really didn't quite know. Yesterday she found, with the aid of the school physician, that her shoulder had been dislocated for almost a week. The cause is still unknown, but the Kappa Mor tar Bo&rd sticks closely to the story that she slept on it wrong. Next Bath night brings the Storye Booke Balle with all its riggin's. The latest costume to reach our attention is a conglom erate of people who will garb themselves as the carrot eating goons of Popeye's comic strip. A few other costumes we will all be awaiting Saturday include Lady Godiva, Adam and Eve a la apple, Sally the Rand, the three bares, and the nude deal. Concerning the costume hoppe, queer things go on. Ruth Newell, Kappa, took Bob Ramcy. Tau cen ter, to the Key formal. Ramey escorted another to the prom and then there will be still another, Anne Hoffman, this Saturday. Last Monday Billic Suing and Marguerite Molovec, Kappa Delts, were talking over the statistics on their personal romances. Billie in formed Marg that she thoucht she would have a fraternity pin by the end of the week. The latter, in turn, declared the same. back and are really making some thing of the play I've heard. Vera aiae Peterson linger is the queen and playing opposite her, Dick Rider, who is posted up at Fort Crook this year. Art ball plays the part of the fool and does it per fectly, as only he could. During rehearsals Bill Weil brings his big car down and chauf feurs and buys cokes for people, and yesterday ne stopped Vera Mae on the stirway to tell her that his one ambition was to be her leading man so that he could get in on some of the better scenes all of which he sealed with a kiss, much to the surprise of innocent bystanders. Just a case of hero worship, no douht. Thursday, Jane Alvey brought Bob Johnson, the villain, a sweet pea which he carried about with him all uring the first act until people began to tease him. Bob says he can t remember his lines because there are so many pretty girls around him all the time. But anyway, you must come to the play starting Monday and see for yourself. We'll promise you there are some pretty rare scenes that you wouldn't want to miss. The Tri Delts are having Ideal Week for their pledges instead of Hell Week and the freshmen like it all right. But the actives have to revert to pledge days and an swer telephones and doorbells. Most of them arc pretty much im mune to bells by this time so it's port of hard to get in on their phone just now. Excitement reipned at 16th and Til bet you I get mine, before R"" '?C8 "1R.?L Mil ewt mr" tv.rrorori R,lli I""" """" 11 l"c ' L'US, ;. ,;, w t.u i but ftn accident at the intersection Jackson. The facts of the case are that Miss Molovec already was in pos session of Ray Cruise' Farm House badge, and did Miss Suing ever feel properly stifled when Marg passed sweets that same night: And as one of the passers-bv re marked, "It's only an accident. All those people you see are law stu dents trying to pick up their first case." 1 00 PREP PUPILS MENTORS ATTEND COAWCLII Schultc, Browne Preside Over Athletic Cram Session Thursday. j JJiglJicjih On the Slir 1 1 DIMINUTIVE, DYNAMIC AND ENEKGETIC Radio's, most popular news com mentator is Boakc Carter, diminu- About 100 Nebraska hleh school I tive. dynamic, and energetic athletic mentors and their pupils ! Columbia newscaster. Carter has were in attendance at the Coaches' j held more jobs during his corn Clinic held under the supervision paratively short career than most of Coahces Browne and Schulte V ..... , in the coliseum and east stadium i mcn hold dunn& 8 1,fotimo' Brtake yesterday afternoon. jwas born in Baku, South Russia, From 2 to 3 o'clock, Browne the son of an English consul, and showed pictures of various bas- spent his youth traveling and gain- "tiumi gHIIlt'S HI1U HCUV1UCS. MC showed how activities between halves helped both to increase at tendance and to keep the specta tors quiet. During pictures of the Kansas and California games, he explained certain features of play of the Husker squad last season. Open Forum for Coaches. From 3 to 3:30 o'clock an open forum was held for the coaches in which the coaches' problems and recent prospective rule changes were discussed. Coach Schulte then took over the meeting in the cast stadium and discussed track work. Some of his pupils went through their show for the benefit of the coaches and the Huskers' "Grand Old Man of Track" imparted a few of his trade secrets that have garnered him the Big Six track laurels so often in his 39 years at this school. The following schedule has been arranged for the fifth annual coaches clinic, Friday in the "N club room, coliseum: welcome, frhnntf nf A tale goes Ed Weir's young son, who . . I rather not have the fact known, . . I as it might cut down on her datinc about concerning i ..,.,, ,,, t- t.P. wno runs inn r"iarw -Ain- k nn.. random at the stadium every once i perturbed with your hauntress. In a while. It seems his grand-1 father, who manages freshman Mary ManlcU ln commenting equipment In the department, gave : ab0ut tne pies who had to bor row a fraternity pin, said that she wouldn't mind at all. If you re- J"1 lP5es Leagws III and IV will go into wearing a ri K. A. pin but would tne 8econd round of the in.Prfra. ternity bowling at the Lincoln Bowling alley at 5 this afternoon. The schedule is as follows: League III. the youngest Weir a dime, which he promptly dumped into a 'fc'""fc ""'"": i mem oer correctiv, Marnv had a even stopping to get his weight, j Kappa Sig pin all last fall, which Ed was perturbed net only be- Une pent bark to the owner in cause his son had dropped a dime . California. Every time she goes ln a penny slot and had not got-1 home, she has to argue all over ten his weight, but also because j aCain about taking the jeweled those certain scales had been badge. So if she could Just borrow remedied to work without any someone else's pin, the fellow coin. The frosh mentor worked ! might be convinced. At Christmas for some minutes trying to re-j time, she took Don Anderson's trieve the silver, but finally gave Delt pin. What she'll do this sum up in disgust, taking his offspring tner is still another question. . nome in a nun. C-T.lMVTinS iaKe u rrom your or aunue Eden-y. If you no longer have Whom should I see over at compilable relation with a gal, I Cam's Cafe vesterdav but Eric then cancel all your dates with Thor and Dolores Bors. Conver-' Milkman's Fartv. ing an "international" education. He received his schooling at Tun bridge and Christ's college at Cam bridge. His work on the school paper proeurred a position for him on the London Daily Mail, which paid his space rates and gave him as a beat, "all of Europe." . During the Woild war, Carter flew with the Royal Coast Patrol squadron, and alter the war, he traveled to Mexico, to prospect for oil with his father. A short time after his prospecting work was ended, he went to work for the Philadelphia Bulletin, where he was a rewrite man in the day, and a "free-lance" writer at night. Later, when he was a columnist on the Philadelphia Daily News, he made his first try at radio, with his debut being broadcast over a small CBS chain studio. Start With Lindbergh Case. His work on the radio attracted Columbia's attention, and he was contracted to work for WCAU, Columbia's Philadelphia affiliate. His first big radio opportunity , i came with the Lindbergh kidnap- I'Mif, va.-.., nnu ma jm ij PliirtI IL.y Wrts insured as a result of his spectacu lar air reporting of the Haupt mann trial. Carter likes to cook, and paint portraits. He ha an aversion to parties and social gatherings. He is the father of three children and irainmt 0vvns three wire-haired terriers. We mentioned him as hrine Ommbft .1 ommrrce wi., liih and r diminutive, for he is only 5 feet, 8 :MM:n opm fnnthfn rrxiw f ih wenes tan, tipping the scales at io7 pounds. He bas brown hair, blue eyes, is a talking example of electric energy. Listen to him at 5:30 Monday thru Friday over KFAB. Today's Radio Highlights: KFAB. At 2:45 this afternoon, the Lincoln Cathedral Choir will in itiate its series of broadcasts to be given ever the Columbia Broadcasting System, network. For those of you who have never heard the choir and who have been following the edito rial campaign of the Daily Ne braskan, here's a pood oppor tunity for you to find how good the choir really is. 11:1 . n. Vi!tn C. Hill. ::4 p. tr.. MM Ol.X (ATlli nRll. CHOIR. ItrSIt p. m. Rtjili Cnrirr. :Wt p. m. Hhit 4ihnAn'l Hal.W hll Rmmd 1il. 1 :m p. m. HummnrtMn Mtifctr Hull. :JMt p. m. rirl hilman'n h"nr fea turing riwM Hal Smith. hn mill rntfnain the rn"l aiMliinr "Hh OiM'lav nl a linlr kn lal-nl. :fM! p. m. HnllswfMMI HntH. Mh V A wuril ii. K'thinwin and -Iti-Mn In a pr'- i-w nl IhHr ll-l pir lllf. Wikhl lav nl MtirrtVr.'' 1 :M-J:00 Awrmblf iwlinc. t :l-2 :l Knndarm-nlala by Rny l.vman. 2 :S-S:IMI Y.nA play by W. H. Brnmif. S:nfl-S:SO Kimriamrnlahi nl harkfirlo. by r.lnnii rwnHI. S:SC-4:MI Qnartrrharlilnr, fW mn thlp, and tram play hv Riff Jnnn. 4:f()-4:SO Mollnn plrtnre bltbllthtt of lant yrar'g ranvi. SatnHay. l:fl-lt:(WI Trnalmrnl nf alhlrlio ln- Jnrtna by lr. H. R. Shlrklfy, iz:im nnn Innrhnnn and protram aply tram at thr Madfnm nndrr Biff Jnnr, H. Brnwiif, Roy I.) man, ,k-na I'lrnnrll. TV0 LEAGUES ENTER 2ND POUND OF BOWLING MEET her. especially if you are a Bet. ; sation died before I came in ear- pledge and if one of your dates is ! shot but I have a hunch that it to the Stone Booke Balle Satur- concerned only themselves. Hirnim day. do you suppose we have some- There 'i a point behind this, S' thing there? help me. i Tis spring but Rex Brown's French Lp.aistS Censor i fanry did not turn to love, at least American Letters Frank ! nf,t en& if) HsrriPt Ec I reenwood. In fact she was having (Continued from Page l i i qujte a tjme ,-hasing him down fore, that every last one of our 48 ; Holdrepe strert. The moon was Kappa Sigma vs. Sigma Alpha MU. Beta Theta Pi vs. bye. Alpha Gamma Rho vs. Phi Del ta Theta. League IV. Delta Tau Delta vt. Xi Psi Phi. Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. bye. Farm House vs. Phi Kappa Psi. SOCIETY Tonight brings about the Alpha Sigma Thi party and the Sigma j Chi party. The Alpha Sig party! will be at the Comhuskcr ball-1 room from 9:00 to 12:00 p. m. j Everything will be decorated to ' carry out island theme. The Sig Chi party will be a closed party at the chapter house. given by the pledges. It will be The decora-; 1n:IHl p. m. ViM'tlp MHnriV. 10. U P. nl. Itmitly Koiitb mrhiMrn. hi (Hi. l!:t p. m. Smllrrrl Itmlurr. ,1tl p. m. .Mllh Amilvrrnnry f Bll aril nl IIIHK. p. m. OldflHd ' llullyniid Hlsh- lfl:IS p. m. linimy llnrnry' nrrhf'lra. llldll p. m. I.nlikn lilnvrj bonis Irnill I hlnlKit, hull.. tlSlI p. m. Di-ntli allry l)n. Ktliil p. ni. Tim itnd Irrnr. B:IHI p. in. Mnrrirr Mynliry, nr "tin hrird Mav llnor Tummy I iirr, on ndirr wnrtln, I'lirr-llnrr lisbl. ln:n p. in. Hnrarr Hrlilfn nrrhrnlra. 1 1 (III p. ni. IXItn Inr (illy limlmnlo, 11:30 p. m. Ditto Inr Kay Kjwr. WOW. ":0ll p. ni. I HlPd Sprv( cnni'crl. :( p. m. TniP Slnrlps. H:no p. m. Mrt NiRlitor. 0::(0 p. m. .liniiny Millrr. One way to write a song is this way: Phil Baker asserts that his latest song, "Crazy Rhumba" was writ ten entirely by accident. The Co lumbia comedian was seated at his piano one day, fiddling with the keys when he ran across a new melody. Anyway, he forgot about it, or' thought he did. About a year later, the melody began to run across his mind again and again when he was shaving, or dozing, or working. Finally, it troubled him so much that he sat down at the piano and started to play if, accompanying it with a rhumba beat with his left hand and immediately the thing took shape. Now, Tliil is pleased to re port that he is able to sleep and the pixies have left him. Since Bob Burns took to the air, the tourist business of Van Buren, Ark., has increased thous ands of dollars per year. Pic tures of Bob's home, the root beer floats that Bob advertises on his programs, and films to shoot pictures of the town have reached unknown heights in sales. k I ' MM 1 1 UWttt .'!( i ? r n NEWS PARADE tions will consist of milk and cows, and the boys will come dressed as milkmen. The girls are instructed ' to come dressed in old clothes. ! i Saturday brings on th Chi j Omega-Sigma Chi exchange dm-1 ner. After it the pledges of both I houses will return to the Chi O j house and dance. j Gamma Phi's are having their initiation banquet Saturday eve. The DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE A Good Tea:htri Aotncy 1918-133 C nmr in enii Sr l l Ml Stuurt Bid",. Lincoln, NJfbr. states and each section of France. ur,nf,r cimil. perhaps that ex-, nmg in tne garden room at the including iU copies, have Joined , h,s attitud. yTars !J Th"e Ne- i in the international fun. Farmer's Fair season is here at hrsska Campus" and the color I "From the start of his corns- , last. Bill Hartnell is ging around scheme will be brown and mode, j ondcnce, the student has acquired ,ho campus dressed in overalls and ! 'he sorority colors. Miss Sylvia I ... . . . 'old straw hut lhonr-h In fr i Prokes. a rharler memher r.f tKi. I a new inenn, one wno irom nis,,, . ,, .. V - . . , . , , , , of a tanking. Maybe., though, he chapter, will attend the banquet, point of View IS Cultivated "'! iitislriivinp ih ml i mm.! The Sip Alnha ur - inn, ..v ... lry Komeo on the make. she already possesses a lincuistir skill which the other member of ! Donna Hiatt has changed her the duo is struggling hard to mas- mind again and Tsui Fiddler ter. j scores this time. I wish she would Again, such a correspondence is ; make up her mind. It is rather i take place at the Cnrnhuskf r reany a mommy pacKape oi nerve racking to have her nearly I around nine bells. A great occa-! Kiamor, xravci. ana aaveniurc. imt pinnen io one man and then start ! sion for all those invited young frenchman writes as fol-' out all over again with another, lows: "Please be sure to make you How the times have changed! next letter very long! I cannot tell I At one time students went to 5'Oi how charming it is to write the library for reference work but a young girl from a distance .if j now thy go to the Stuart theater. 6.000 kilometers. In fact, would j Tommy FaiT and Vern Kerch you mind asking your room mate berger started bright and early If she would Join in by corres- for the city librsry Saturday ponding with my pal B. R.. whose . morning but 9 o'clock saw them : Sundav eveninr. Marcaret Rentiv address I m adding below ?- He in that theater seeing Snow White has a hand In makinp the i.Kt .r. u closed the letter "with a hearty i and the Seven Dwarfs. Must have r.urht tn . o--.h an... been looking for material on Walt I aging the country for about three Lhwy- I hours, and much the worse for ,," I 'er. they will return to the chap. Howard Krlz lost his way the j ter bouse to partake r.f food which other night. He was on his way to I the pledges have planned. Doyle's pin hanging, but got de- hardtime party at the chapter house. A local band will furnish the music. Among other things, that feted party, the Story Book Mull will Sunday afternoon, the Sigma Kappa's are having a tea for the Province president from S to 5. In the evening, Kappa Kappa Gamma is having a buffet supper at the chapter house.. The Chi O pledges are giving a Scavenger Hunt for the actives a mm mm w (it m mm r tAiimJe UNION SOPOCTBAj 5 handclasp.' An ingenious variant of the ex change plan will be projected this month by the Cercle Krsncais of Nebraska university. This group hopes to enter Into regular corres pondence with an Englinh club in some French school. Copies of each ethers' rrlniitea., programs, xnd speeches will lie sent by the correa ponding secretary if esch or .aniratlnn to the members of the -M:b in the t'ber country, and ex change art exhibits will be ar-rr-.rged. Oryanizril Union ttanil Herlt-4li;lllfth illHWin. XH'Jft m. i noun. mu Intin l.. 1 4,1 arll i tub llrrh till Sn tXlh . . I pilnrr. HI . TMih K'w.l miii. ti;r. r mi. . ntc: flaw Hmua, win n. Hih . H2ihii faea ajrlaru, ;iHI U M . frt'HMH. Mi'JH llm lrhnla. 1111 t mi. Ml- 1nl Vnln. :M4fl V.tlli 1IKIII M Mhrffrrl, t'.tt tfrnt t1m,t i Oft TW? mm railed and wound up in a girl's i? noarung house on Ifith street. He i' retraced his weps and arrived in time to se bis fraternity brothers ' ieamg. haya he: "I don t mind getting In the wrong house but I sure hated to miss kissing the a. i i - VLiLLQl-IJULE better, cooler, cleaner. rr ' buret or -Artian conk Kn r I 53 bo,Uinl bowl bolally 4ry. I Ckrd "h honey. At deakrt' now. T ft CT tATfST DISCOVERY ft Announcing Opening of Kctering to Kollege Kids Cam rtATuniKO BING MILLER AND Hit 11-PIECE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA ous I Club 1128 P St. o r ii ! I ' li ' ' l I': II ' I't (' , l( I' . II i Dancing Tuetday, Thunday, Safurday Marjorie Churchill f &8iiiJ mtiri ..,..,.i:. .. : MJt'i " .,r 1 lira in Hound mid Round It Govs Fiance again is in the throes of a cabinet upset. Chautenips' cabinet resigns after seven weeks and two days in office, because their own followers in the popular j front coalition will not grant them ' full powers over finance. j And now I.eon Blum is back, ' trying his hand again at the al most impossible task of forming a French cabinet which will meet the demands of the popular front. Only a short seven weeks and two days ago he was resigning, nnd Chauptemps was taking over the post. And now m the vicious circle of French politics the premiership again fulls to him, to make of it what he can. 'Vie Eternal Triangle. The eternal triangle enteis into the Russian mass eliminations. Henry Yagoda, former secret po lice chief, is on trial for his lif". along with 20 other bolshevik Iceaders. And in the course of the trial the sctory conies out that Y'agoda ordered the "liquidation" of Maxim Tcslikov, son of Maxim Gerky, because he was in love with rrshkov's pretty movie ac tress wife. And all the lime the government has believed that Peshkov was killed because plot ters thought his death would make it easier to liquidate his father. What's the Charge? Elimination of suspects has been made recently on every type of trumped-up charge, from treason to murder. But so far no chaiga lias been mnde ot murder brought about by a clandestine love affair. Russian ingenuity, it semi, la ml it less and their "never-a-dull-mo-inont" policy promises a pepping up of the monotonous court rou tine of a charge sentence -exe-cut ion. THE MOGUL BARBERS Haircut 127 North 12th STEAKS cut from gv. trnment Inspected CORN '; FED bf. Reanonahly priced. WHITE HOUSE. N. E. on 77. j; Open AM Winter Wrm Inside ;; JllSL JHOTEL LINCOLN Ci dickL (Bhdbvdtloiv jjosh ous m .- E. L. Wilbur, Manager. Saturday . , . Pi Eeta Phi Gamma Phi Beta Siffnia Delta Tau The Qualify )Y EESi ore of Lincoln' ft IMS i arm mm a WfiT their FITTING their STYLING their TAILORING their FABRICS the SELECTION Then YOU'LL know why we say... there's extra value in MAGEE'S new 1151 o.ara.1 spun suits VIM J x 2 1 50 s25 S2Q50 "Plus valuel" . . . that's the big story about Hardispun suits. You pay no more (and probably less), and yet you get so many EXTRA features you don't find in other clothes. Magee's reputation for sell ing only quality clothes stands 'be hind these fine suits. So if YOU are looking for the utmost in value, wo urge that you see these Hardispun Suits tomorrow! with fine Earl-Glo Linings We promise that you'll be glad youtook time to see these suits Buy a Hardispun on a Magee's Credit Account Welcome High School Cagers to Lincoln