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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1938)
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NERRASKAN, THURSDAY. E.ABCH 10. 193ft Mirr fix Ll - X a 1 RY THE 11AUNTRESS ; " - RY THE HAUNTER This newly Installed creative thinking class is getting a bit out of hand, from what the grape vine channels tell us. First of all, was one suggestion hy Bob Dreibus, Sig Ep, who suggested a rubber hunting suit to shed the muck and moisture of a duck blind, further elaborated by Inflation to prevent drowning in case of a spill from the boat. Morris Lipp, SAM, advocated a black and white typewriter ribbon, the white portion of the type to be utilized for erasing of errors made in black. Tn a physics class this week, Fritz Almstead shed his coat, sat down in his chair, leaned back, emitted a strenuous stretch and yawn, and broke the back from his chair. Stunned, he looked about him for a moment. "Hmni. I must have been more tired than 1 thought," hcdrawled. Alpha Chi Omega pledges had a big evening Mont'ay as the y de serted the house early. Just as the actives were giving them up for gone, they returned and promptly immersed Theora Nye and Sally White for their lack of sweets, because of unrecognized engagements with Dick Fisher, Vi K A, and Bob King, Sigma Nu, respectively. Again we have that alliteration tieup Sigma Kappa and Kappa Sigma. This time it was an hour dance. The 60 minute fest found the gals a couple of leaps ahead of the H street boys. As each girl was introduced to her exchange danc ing partner, she was presented by her sister as "Gladys" So and So. She in turn would be known as "Gladys'' Some one else. Not until the evening was drawing nigh did the Kappa Sigs realize that the Sigma Kappa "glad eyes" were the result of the "Gladys" prank they had been pulling. As a mat ter of fact, Sigma Kappa has not even one "Gladys." When Ted Doyle, AGR gridder, proffered the traditional merchan dise with Harriet Stearns, Kye Owe, to their respective houses, the latter's house mother, Mrs. Prouty, was just one bound ahead of them. Following the candy circulation, the fond soror ity sponsor toted in a large wed ding cake, beset with miniature bride and groom. Did you notice Bob Gannon, Beta's best, out with DeLoris Bors, Alpha Chi and supposedly engaged, the other night? From a reliable source we learn that Bernie Johnston, Phi Psi, and Betty F.ay, of the Kappa Ray and Hay twins, will take a high dive into the sea of "steadiness" on March 26. Probably the date when the duplicate has her last dale. v Orval Hager, also Beta's best, Is now eligible to give a corre spondence course to Don Juan, for in rapid fire order a couple of days ago, a pair of queens, Mary Mullen and Alyce Blaufuss, claimed him as their own. Which it is, Hager has not admitted. JJiglifiglih On The truckin' that's been going on around this campus is getting terrific, and now we're no longer referring to that outmoded danc ing of last fall, but some of the transportation carried on by Evans laundry. Yes, one of our prominent Mortar Boards was delivered down town along with her laundry last Saturday via the back end of one of the shiny red Evans wagons. The driver, it happened, was a personal friend. Have heard ever so manv reo- ple remark what a fun party the Lambda Chi formal last Saturday night was. Their invitations were so clever and then Anna Mae Win burn's orchestra is a rare treat. Just found out, however, about a pin hanging deal that took place on that occasion. Tri Delt pledge, Ionian r;ooeris, and Jim Tisdale must have decided to strengthen their friendship with a jeweled Lambda Chi badge. Rumor has it that Kcnnie Teich, Chi Phi man n the uniform is about to pass the candy. It seems, that he has been trodding the wel come mat for some time now at some girl's house. Incidentally, we remarked about his uniform, be cause this girl is an army officer's daughter and is quite impressed with brass buttons, so Kennle spends just hours studying himself in the mirror in his monkey suit. This seems to be the season of the year for a dash of originality in parties. The Alpha Sigma Phi's sent around leis as invitations to their annual spring formal. ine bigma Chi pledges have something super cooked up. They're throwing a Bottle and Bucket Brawl Friday night, and all the girls are to wear very oldish clothes. But the big surprise will be the invitations which will be sent around by some mysterious method about a half hour before the escort arrives. A lot of things are going to happen this weekend, AGGRAVATIONS INGENUITY AWARD G racie Allen decided to make her own award to college students. While making "College Swing" for Para mount, she discovered that the smart students became Phi Beta Kappas and got all kinds of hon ors. She thought it was all wrong. Any smart boy can graduate from a university, she insisted, If his grades arc high enough. The de serving boy, in Graeic's opinion, is the ingenious one who gets his skin with low grades. So she Is award ing a bearskin as the Grade AHen Award for Ingenuity to the boy graduating with the lowest marks from an American college. MARTHA TILTON LITTLE RUT MIGHTY SOCIETY SPORTS NIGHT OF YEAR Mixed Groups Play Quoits, Pingpong, Volley Ball This Evening. "Fun for one, fun for all" is the slogan of the W. A. A. all-campus sports night to be held in Grant Memorial this evening from 7 to 8:30 o'clock. All members of the W. A. A., whether active or not, are invited j to attend the affair and bring I dates. It is not required that mem bers come in couples however since entertainment will be prranged in both single and group participa tion. Play Ping Pong, Quoits. All available floor space in the gym will be given over to games in which mixed groups and in dividuals will compete. Pingpong. volleyball, quoits and shuffle board are only a few of the games to be offered. Members of the W. A. A. council and sports board will as sist in running off the games. At the close of the sports events refreshments will be served to all attending. This is the first campus sport night to be held this year but in past years they have proved very successful. If the Fun night to night is successful several others will be scheduled later in the spring, according to Marie Ko touc, president of the W. A. A. General warning! Merle Peter son is on the loose with a hand ful of tickets for the Engineers spring party which is to be held next Friday night Anyone get ting in his path is advised to run at once because "Petey" is a super super salesman. New evidence has sprung up to confirm the old partnership of Beerman and Lickliter. At least they tiid not deny it when accused of going it co-operatively. 'Twas all said before witnesses too. Quite a stir was caused in bac teriology laboratory yesterday when Gertrude Blakcr announced the discovery of some new kind of bacteria. Her bid to fame soon disappeared when the professor wiped the finger prints off the lens of her microscope and told her to try again. What a shame. This college could use a little pub licity. Harly Dodd is rather worried about a date for the A. G. R. spring party, it is still over a i month away but you never can tell. So Harly is out prospecting for a date. Do't be alarmed it you see him in a new necktie or something. It is just additional bait to lure some hapless co-ed. Some of us were wondering why Tom Aitkin was driving a load of sheep around the campus the other day. We took a second look and saw that the one under the hat was Innocent Hedlund. Was Tom getting even or something? Something new to freshman and sophomores, (providing they are not sixth semester sophs is the A. T. O. Story Book Ball to be held Saturday night at the Corn husker ballroom. It will be the seventh one, the tradition starting in 1926. They first had the idea of having it every year, but then to make it more effective it was decided to give it once every two years. In 1926 the plate for the bids was made and it has been used ever since. That first year the bids were delivered in the same manner as this year, with the trumpeters going around from house to house in costume to present them. This custom gradu ally died out, and one year a freshman dressed in armor rode around on a motorcycle delivering them. However, since the revival of the trumpeters this year, the A. T. O's plan to keep this method. They first started off having decorations around the orchestra and then conceived the idea of the drapes for the walls of the ball room. The drapes which are eighty-two feet long were outlined by an artist and the members filled in the outlines with paint. The set of hangings depict story book scenes and characters. In 1932 there was a slide from the top of the stairs down to the floor which everyone had to go down in order to reach the ball room. It seems that Lawrence Elv, ...Martha Tilton, Benny Good man's sweetheart of swing woighs 90 pounds, is 5 feet l"s inches tall, and says she can swing with Benny Goodman 24 hours a day . . . Martha is a blond, and has blue eyes... and makes a pretty little eyeful . . . She is only 22 years old, and is one of the most popular feminine singers on the air today. ..started her singing career four years ago, "when a manager of a coast radio station discovered her at a small private party and con tracted her for several weeks... after this try at radio, she sang for a year at the Cocoanut Grove, from whence she went with Hal Grayson's band. . .Next Jack Oakie invited her to join his Camel Cara van program, with the result, she joined Goodman's band... ...Martha can play her own ac companiments on the piano, she is an execellcnt high diver, and swims like the proverbial fish: she likes Italian food, goes horseback riding every morning, always car ries a candid camera, plays a good game of golf, and she believes that swing is the only real expression of American music. Highlights on the air today: KKAB. 11 :IS fl. m. frxluln ('. Mill. :SO p. m. Amrriran ehot nf the air (1:90 p. m. Kraikr larter. 6:8U p. m. We the IMS, pie, featuring liny Whitney, Mippnefly n home M'lln New tjiKland phllnAnpher, n ynilnc man ivho 1 faeed with ttlln(lneK within three yearn. who nmhltlnn 1k to beronte an opera Kinirer. 1:119 p. m. Kute Mmllh'a prneram featur ing Jon Hall. Mar itf "Hnrrt rune,' In a radio version nf thr film. :0i p. m. Major Howe amateur hour. 10:110 p. in. I'octie melodies. KI'OK. 12:111 p. m. Squirrel llotlrer. 4:4o p. m. I nlyerslty il .Nebrn'-Ua pro gram. fill" p. m. Hollywood lllghllchta. 1:0 p. m. Sammy Kaye'n urrhrotra. 111:15 P. m. Iliike l lllntlon'. nrrhrMrn. J 1:00 . m. llenny Onodman'i fireheM ru, KOI I.. H:1M p. m. Itomany r'lrev :0 p. m. Mic nicht rluh. 11:00 p. ni. Boh fni-hy' nrrtirMra. 11:80 p. m. Kay hyaer'n orchestra. WOW. 7:00 p. m. Koyal tielatin program. :00 p. m. l.ood ne of mux with Bob J aylor and rrank -Morgan. :00 p. m. Kraft music hall. Another Nebraska grad makes good ... Lowell A. "Jiggs" Miller, class of '29, succeeds Lyic DeMoss as program director of KKAB... deMoss has moved to WOW in Omaha. . .Miller, an Acacia alum, has been in radio for six years... four of them at KFNF at Shenan doah and the other two at KFEQ in St. Joseph, Mo... While in school, "Jiggs" was very active in Kosmet Klub activities. . .he di rected "Don't Be Silly" in 1928 and also directed other spring and Thanksgiving Kosmet Klub pro ductions. . .he wrote lvrics to manv J? . : L y v -I I c : , I ! . - - 1 i Washington PI KAPPl AITIIA "DREAM "OIRL Florence GeorRe, beautiful Chi caco Civic Opera sinKer no makes her screen debut in Paramount "CoIIcec Swing," has just been selected by the Pi Kappa Alpha frater nity as its Dream C.irl for lfl.18. The selection was announced hy D. R. Oertel. serrrtarv of the 1038 convention committee. Miss f.eorRe will serve as hostess to the convention when it meets in l.os Angeles next Aofust. She is an Alpha Delia Ti of Wittenberg College. COMMERCIAL ART GROUP i LIBRARY HDDS NEW BOOKS FETES PI LAMBDA TKETA Joint Session Hears Review Of New 'Cooperative Education.' Nebraska chapter of Ti Lambda Theta, national education frater nity for women, was entertained TiV-sday by the commrrnnl arts department of the university, un der the direction of Miss Lurivy M. Hill, chairman. The meeting was held at the home of Miss Gertrude Beers. Members of the group are en tertained at each meeting hy a different group which its mem- bers represent. The commercial arts department presented the progressive ideas being used in their field in the line of "Co-operative Kduratjon." Four reports, covering this topic were given by members. Miss F.ilccn .Marshall of Beatrice, engaged in the co operative education work in be atricc gave a report on the suc cess of the enterprise there. Nominations of members foe next year were made. Contemporary Comment Heading (.'oine Widens Cultural Rarkfiroiind Many seniors, taking stock of themselves as June approaches. BY MARVIN COX. AixiK-lali'd (ollrnlatr frrai CnrrrNnondmt. How successful they will be in having a college established does not nmv appear, but the fact that the stmlents are so eager to be. educated thatt hey are seeking a, college as a means to this end rep resents a high water mark for ambition. Slowly, but none the less surely, radio and moving pictures, pri, marily devices for entertainment, arc becoming better established as facilities for education. A couple of weeks ago the gen eral education board made avail able to the American council on. education a fund of about $125,000 to be used for a three year study of moving pictures in education. An official of the American coun cil, m an interview with this cor respondent, pointed out that the object of this particular study will not be to develop movies showing "how" to do something. The pur pose will be to develop educatiomil motion pictures that will portray the "why" of things. Another project to be finance! by the general education board is that of the actual production of educational movies. The Univer sity of Minnesota is the recipient of this grant pnd will, for exam- pie. make a movie showing ha various phases of life in the niedi. cal profession, the disadvantagi s as well as the advantages. Sndi a picture, it is pointed out. will ! help young students in dcieinnn. ling whether they want to be d 1 tors. t I The Progressive F.ducalion ;is. 1 sociation has been taking cnmnicr. ' cial pictures and editing them to I show social problems in a graphic . ; manner. Those departures in the uso of movies for education are quite, i different from stereotype "shorts'' The following is a list of th new showing how to operate en- glllCS OI .H01CI UUIK MUlllrtl. Radio, too, is going to town edu cationally. The big chains c;iry several educational features each week, the most spectacular, per haps, being the "Brave New World" series put on by the office of education and the Columbia system. These programs, on the air each Monday, portray various phases of Pan-American social, historic, political and cultural life and are transmitted by short wave to all of t lie South Amciiran countries. University Acquires Volumes This Week. books added to the university li brary shelves during the past I week: Iceland.' by MfirKHtrl Writinc," by Vy Nnlhanirl by clitors of lMjrncll Bra- "Ttnmnnrf fcvhlftu.'ti. 'llitfrv ft Hiptniicfll Harry Klmrr Rnrn-s. "Sleep C'liaractcnnl''" Klntrmin. "Bdfkcrnund ef War,' Fortune maHine. "Karlical Tory,' by B. Const ield. 'Life In a h!c Household GlftrlvR Thomson, "IHutrhes I'lcbten mid l'l-okr drr Ailtklnntni; Bis '-.Mm JN by Karl Vietor. "Ponulation Pressure anrl Life In .lai'MO." M n-'iolu Isliii. rinto'F 'onrr't of I'lu 1' is -fliy Hermann f;:oi;s. 'Toward the Twentieth Century Harold V. r.outh "Brbind tnp Sr.HO!Kb r-.trmtdes Jobn Lancdon-ft vies, "Crowrted Hour," b A:ice lo. Itniruorth. "Road to Ihr Noilh." !: J"hn A. Hamilton. "War With the Nnt," lv Caoek. The Ijift T".'ii7a!r'han." by S,i Coke. "Poet Kareel'"' to Kdrrund Wilson. ''Medira! Care for ttie Ane'iran Peo ple," bv the committee tin the eoft of niedi(l rare "Uhnte T.nad tn P:entv. bv A!n W. Tllieker, "Vode-n Fd'iratton " b roo, Park. "Virnele of Hawwh " hv . Ke-trnm Wb" "Phlloso,)iv pf l.tfe," bv A t'T.r.t Smi'h. "Hawt'iiek Crane. " lo r."brrt Suttees ' tOidibra. in the Po,-les,4uc Ttad'ti r Kdard Ames FW -harr. by ,'eve;t Karl John r.. Carde to Gladyce Miller, in 1931. Donna Hiatt was seen getting off the bus with a large of something the othw day. When questioned about it she said it was noap. Looks like Loomis Hall is going to get a cleaning up. We almost said a needed cleaning up but our informant talked us out of it. Why doesn't some boy scout do a good deed and tell Bill Literal' where the library is ? So far all of his studying haa been done at Carp's cafe. That's all for today except for one thing. Keith Gilmore is look ing for a girl who could go for him in a big way. There is a re ward offered for the first one turned in. Quality is of no im portance. Remember, speed may win you a prize. Yours, The Ag-gravater. Sigma Nu, disguised as Gandhi, Wl o r ,;. .'' "M UVVII Ills "i "r:. "J,.7. 6 ' r,. :.. former Nebraska Co-ed his date very angry and upsetting the whole Cornhusker staff, he and his goat gave a running leap for the slide and somewhat molested It. The next two parties omitted the slide, but from untold sources we have found out thct there is to be one this year. At the last party, five Beta's came as the Dionne Quints. They brought along Doc Dafoe and one date for all of them as the r.urse, and what a nurse she must have been. The quints were Dal Tassie, Jim Begley, Joe Roth, Duke Nolte, and Bob Newsom. The orchestra playing this year is George Sheuy from Iowa State. of the tunes used in klub produc-j will decide that college has Last Saturday night (again late, but better late than never 1 the A. O. Pi's had a very unusual candy passing. During their hour dance with the Sig Alphs the boys began yelling "Cigars!" and singing their sweetheart song. Then they ran into the house mother's room where the candy and cigars were hidden. The couple is Fleta Sher wood and Forrest Wilke. tions...he has been married to a equipped them with an adequate whose : training in their own particular name was changed from Gladyce ! fields, but has left them woefully Jack Benny had better be care ful of whom he keeps waiting... after one program, he was told that an Arabian sultan was wait- inc tn coa Viitii ViQebulairn fjn1 thinking It was a gag, he took his 'irulty advisers. Many of time and walked off to make a inadequate in cultural background They will probably voice vigorous commendation for an experiment in general education at Lehigh university, where, lasht February, 44 freshmen began reading in a variety of fields under direction of that group have continued this vear. PLAYERS GO ON AIR IN THIRD CAMPUS KF0R BROADCAST (Continued from Piigc l.i School of Music. KFOR Ar:nnii!b-( r Jack Hanssen. accompar.K'-i by Eva Jane Sinclair, as the Student Council Candid Camera woman. FILINGS FOR A.A.U.W. SCHOLARSHIPS CLOSE SATURDAY, MARCH 19 (Continued from Page l.i io 1- considered in line for the awards. Recommendations from fnur persons, two of whom must be members of the university fitculty and the other two not connected with the school, should be sent di rectlv to the scholarship chairman, Klila'R. Walker, Bessey hall. 14. Application blanks may now be obtained in Kllen Smith hall. Oil 1 who nu- recipients of another gift scholarship while holding the A. A. V. W. award must consult the scholarship committee, which i (o'rposed of Miss Annette Sprunf, Miss Kffie Noil, and Miss Walker. HURRY: 3 more rjayt . . s thrn qonf! phone cal. . .it was before Jack the visitor a Benny fan, besides. . .Jack made apologies for his tardiness and all ended well. ten minutes 'A m'w. !lnd larp:er mr "f f,'(Fh c was persuaded that I nirn wil1 Wf"'k "n ,he P''j-' vio'ln soltl"' Houghton Furr. piano; was a real sultan and rCt Ft'b' 3' Wilh the 0I'rnillE of 8 f"'1 "'''"'l" K.wHTson. n oitan n hoti.ins toeir mpri 1 npvv semester. interlude. Mary Elizabeth Ki. n- i visited tno practice rooms of the' -trZZm-Z PjAf WW ffr. 'School of Music and listened to. ; 1 1 "J AjffW?!' hSi various advanced students per- WW (fjt I 'fJfti During the course of the radio i A i J rV program, Fiances Spencer played t V J Y j the cello; Duane Harmon, the 1""-J io give cacn student an oppor tunity to "broaden his cultural interests beyond the ordinary course of instruction. The inclu sion of enrrinperinre KtnrWntc nt heard by American radio listeners j Uij:h is part of a trrn,j at nmf for the first time in almost nine inctn,.tir.r, tn-0,.ri v,a Harry Lauder, famous Scotch i comedian and singer, will . be years over NEC next Wednesday, March 16... more than nine years ago, after the comic had made his first broadcast, he remarked, "When a fellow is before the micro phone, he doesn't have to worry at all whether the seats in the hoose are sold or noo.'' The purpose of the program is boitz. high soprano, sang "El.-a's Jrauni from Wngnei, and the school of music orchis! in played. Broadcasts to End in June. The Kampus Kalcndar set its, initiated March 3, the night bctoi-e ,1 T : . r. me jiuuor-.nnior prom, v.-iii con- Hum! I nut 2 Dur MUTINY!! Fridav nicht will feature the ! 1" answer to the question de- Apha Sig Hawaiian party at the ' manding the source of the exprcs- ; Minnesota campus us those wnieh Cornhusker ballroom. The ball-1 si',n p'a and Q's w hich Uncle Ezra, prompted Lehigh to institute the room will be decorated with I 11 ft barren) uses during his pro- j program. The University curricu palms. Chester Field's orchestra I grams, Pat answered, "In the old.liim is usually too utilitarian to will play for the party. j flaJ'S. s tavern keepers kept track permit students to develop cultur ally on an independent and undi- tinue through the rest of March, A-iril unl Itn., dents. No discipline orrestraint Ij't Z M'a ' : j A , . i iuesday night over station KKiP o'clock. Each program will renter about the lending event nn the can.jius for the week or will' rl it ihoitr,. o rn .. .. tion aids the faculty committee in ,, ,.'', " " ' ; ! vet sity. I In general charge of 1be tiro. 1 oiillnltlee of lectual training for technical stu-j dents. No discipline orrestraint is ' wnen lacuny aovisers consider they are doing insufficient work. I A preliminary cultural cxamina- planning reading for individual students. ( The same conditions exist on the is the public ity c tin student Council. I'i',,i. 'pi;, dore Diets is faculty advisor. iieaarnt inp aerku i.f thla tlilp ,( V J! lo.rri.r! 1T- MICKEY R00NEY (lirundint tui nn the ereeii - WALLACE BEERY Mnr of Hd Mmi at flritmt"i "SLAVE SHIP" lth avtK KMI H r M.I K Mi l SO. X Oil IbIm mrp ... I ! and Mil liHitt 1 IIIVM'R HI th BIT." I '"' Ammlirlla Faill Uk IOC m ' Mlv Mm, ILIIIblEIRW' The bids, S50 in all, are leis all , 01 wnat customers owed, they different colors to add decoration j marked purchases down on a slate to the affair. The dates of Alpha I hunR on the wall-P's for pints and .Mgs will wear leis made of " s 1KJl Hu" ,,,ue louiMimnn swer after a few hours of search" work. Fibber McGee and Molly have been shifted from Monday right , adequate return for the increased Tri Delt recently pledged Leola I t0 Tuesday evening at 8:30... IsBC expenditure of time flowers. There will be a dinner at the chapter house preceding the dance, for Alpha Sig's and their dates. rected basis. Such an experiment at Minnesota would entail some extra work on the part of both faculty and students participating, but the value of discussions and co-operative contacts between stu dents and faculty is a more than Starts FRIDAY! "Welcome back. Mad9 Schaner of P.rokpn Row Khn io a freshman in Arts and Science col- j lege. 1 j Phi Gam auxiliary made plans ! lor a lea in April for outstate mothers after the dessert luncheon at the chapter house yesterday. Fourteen were present, and rones centered the serving table. Host esses were Mrs. Daniel C. Puden, Mrs. George Towne, jr., and Mrs, Donald Hodder. red network. Minnesota Daily Hurry! Ends Saturday RICHARD TAUBER HEART'S DESIRE St VARSITY THEATER Saturday Morning 10 O'clock AUSPICES UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Admlnlon SSe Starts FRI. pmim "twM. "imp WW A "GLAMOROUS NIGHT" with MARY ELLIS OTTO KRUGER VICTOR JORY "SNOW WHITE AIJD THE SEVEN DWARFS" Hundred are seeing it twice! mim .,. kiddie. You Can't Afford to miEi it! 231 -100 15? n ( lift mital f (urinating rule kin "Sailie Starts H MRU SUNDAY! riT, " m RALPH MORGAN Coming! One of 1937 's 10 Eestt "DEAD END" QncoEsi- PuramPurrt Picturt ' rvSrr. : -