The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1938, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
VOL. xxxviCno. 100.
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We might as well settle the
question of what this country
needs once and for all. The United
States needs a professional group
of barbers who can carry on an
intelligent conversation while giv
ing you the onre-over-lightly.
Shaving Soap-Box Orators.
But 99 percent of the barbers
Seem to also be public speakers
who were thwarted of their true
lifework. They have long held the
reputation of being a talkative
group and not only held it but up
held it.
Just as a bathtub or shower in
variably calls forth music from
the shower taker's soul, so does the
wielding of the comb and scissois
let loose a torrent of words upon
politics, war, the farm problem,
government relief, and spurts.
Many various reasons could be
advanced for talking. One that it
is an attempt to divert the cus
tomer from the business in hand
so that slight slips would go un
noticed. Another might be to help
keep the barber from succumbing
to minor temptations such as slic
ing an Adam's apple, shortening
the ears to fit the hair-cut, etc.
When a barber launches into a
phillipic on capital and labor rela
tions, it is all he can do to cut the
customer's hair or shave him. Thus
he has no time for interesting side
lights such as those mentioned
The barbers nowadays have one
excuse to offer for talking loqua
ciously. Customers are so few
and far between that the barber
(Continued on Page 4.)
'Anything Goes' as Attire
For 'Story Eook' Ball
Takes Shape.
One of the gayest, and certainly
the most weird of the campus post
formal season parties, the tradi
tional Alpha Tan Omega Story
book Ball, slated for Saturday
night, has Htudent party-goers
Scratching their hoads over the
matter of cost Utiles.
Anything goes, is the motto of
the party, and almost everything
does. Tile only costume not admit
ted at the door the night of the
dance -when properly accompan
ied by a bid- is the
spring party attire. Fancy dress ot
every period an every nationality
mixes about on the dance fior.
Costumes this year, for some
reason, seem to go in pairs or in
sets of from four to eight. For in
stance there's thai A. T. O -Deltj
Gamma quartet of Phil Romig.
Virginia Vcm-y, Glen Clark Hiid
Fvelyn Voting ,who will attend the
party in bathing suits and sandals
and long beach coats of toweling.
Another group will depict Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs; that
is, if the complex negotiations
afoot for the proper masks und
ou'fit do not fall thru. I 'ud. it lik
ing these filtn-laineil characteriza
tions are Everett Ieqer, Virginia
Ijuh, Adna Dobsofi. Frances Bold
man. Fxlmund Steeves, Jane Bell
Howard Kaplan and Ruth Rsp
palle. Considerable dissension has
arisen within the ranks of the
chosen elglit, It is rumored, as to
who will take the part of Dopey,
the seventh dwarf.
From the opers. Carmen comes
(Continue! on Page S. (
Geologist Fights Infection
In Throat Only to Face
New Complications.
'Somewhat improved' was the
report today on the condition of
Dr. Krwin H. Barbour, chairman
of the department of geology, who
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Dr. E. H. Barbour.
was taken ill several days ago
with an acute throat infection.
His condition grave, because of
the severity of the illness and his
age. Dr. Barbour succeeded in
fighting off the original infection,
only to be faced by a latent heart
difficulty which was aggravated
by the throat ai'ment.
Heart Beating Erratically.
Dr. John Thompson, personal
physician of Dr. Barbour, states:
"We hesitated to move Dr. Bar
bour from his home because of the
severity of his condition. His
tempciature is once more normal
after the high of 103. We are now
(Continued on Page 2).
"Chita," which it being shown
in the Nebraska Art associa
tion's annual exhibition at Mor
rill hall it the favorite of many
visitors. Painted by Robert
T7S ) Tilt DOC
Lincoln dogs will attend school,
when their school bells ring for
them at 7:15 p. m., March 15.
Only it will not be the fond moth
ers of the canines who will take
them to their first classes. In
stead their proud masters will es
cort them.
The Lincoln chapter of the Mis
souri Valley Hunt club will spon
sor the school and training pe
riods will bo held every Tuesday
in the DuTeau Chevrolet show
rooms. The course is a kindergarten
course. Owners of students will
have to .undergo a special train
ing course. Dogs will he taught
indoor retrieving and obedience to
vorious commands.
Negro Contralto Presents
Varied Program on Friday
Marian Anderson to Sing
Works of Schubert.
Handel, Cohen.
The Lincoln Symphony Onhes
tii association will present Marian
Anderson .N'egro contralto, in a
concert to be held at the St. Taul
Methodist church Friday evening.
Miss Anderson will be accom
panied by Kosti Vehanen.
Tli famed singer, but recently
returned from a trip abroad on
which she received the acclaim of
critics everywhere, will present a
varied program, beginning with
Handel's "To Deuni" and conclud
ing with Negro spirituals.
"Der Floete Weich Cefuehel." by
Handel, will be a feature of the
first group of selections. In the
second Schubert's "Ava Maria"
and "Casta Diva ' from Bellini's
opera. "Norma.'1 are the outstand
ing numb'rs. The third group is
made up of songs by four different
The program:
T- tV'irn Hndr'
Tutta Rl.,.i!l ll;eil-;
1W Wei. Il le'd'.li ltr,4-!.
A Bninn Vn rarn!.nii.
lit V'.irl. SWiur -rr.
Av. M-tna. 4 htjvrt.
Vour guess is as good
ours, but we'll hold out for an
othop balmy (lay, as yesterday.
Visitors Prefer 'Child
Brackman, the picture shows the of Robert Henri and
Ceorge Bellows under whom the
artist studied. Recently Brack
man hat just completed por-
Players to Open
Broadway Hit in
Temple Monday
'Elizabeth the Queen' Stars Vera Mae Peterson
Richard Rider in Second Consecutive
Maxwell Anderson Drama.
I'liiversity Players will open their March show Mop-lay
night when they present "Klizalielh (he Queen'' at the Temple
theater with Vera Mae Peterson Yinsrer ami Kiehrtr-1 Ki-ler,
the favorite Players duo of laM year, co-starrin? again in the
roles of Elizaheth and Kssex.
... "Klizabeth the Queen." which
r y I
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Sun. lay J vjrn.'il and S'ar.
Marian Anderson.
Cta Ti va from "Nornn " Bfllliru.
Sme Tini. J mfiol ' j.
Vr-w, Cotien.
!v)nne K-t-jri My I-s Sh'-fjt. J-mn-'in.
H'nr. H'Mir Johrn'-n
Wer V-n VliTt. IJ'i.-Vich.
! 't-rc- No ili-;;:r I'l l v nwn There.
- j
Kun.Lv J"Urnnl irel Slur.
traits of Col. and Mrs. Charles
A. Lindbergh, "Chita" it done
in deep and warm colors which
please the eyes of itt viewer.
was shown on Broadway with Al
fred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine js
the second consecutive Maxwell
Anderson play that the university
dramatists have chosen. Last
month "High Tor," the play
wright's latest show to come off
Broadway was presented by tlia
Elizabethan Age Portrayed.
The coming play is an excellent
analytical study of the character
of the Klizahethnn age and of the
people who lived at that time. The
playwright spent much time in re
search for the work which shoves
a freely used imagination coupled
with accurate detail to portray
some authentic history.
A large cast has been chosen to
support Mrs. Yinger and Mr.
Rider. Robert Johnston will t:ik:
the role of Sir Robert Cecil. Hart
Jenks will appear as Sir Francis
Racon. Claudine Burt will be
Penelope Gray, and Armand Hun
ter will be Sir Walter Raleigh.
Large Cast Appears.
Other characters will be Ird
Burghley. Gardner Handy: Cap
tain Armin. Ravmond Brown: the
Fool, Arthur Ball: Man.-. Ruth
Van Slyke; Tressa. Virginia Nolte;
Kllen. Barbara Birk; Marel, La
Rue Sorrell; Courtier. Gene Ctir
tiss; Captain of the Guards. Laur
ence Lansing; Courtier. John
Guthrey: Men-at-Arms. Robert
Alexander and Frank Sawyer:
Herald. Jack Bittner: Burbaqe,
Max Could; Hemmings. John
Gaeth; Poins. Donald Giffen. and
LadiPs-in-Waiting, Jane Alvev
ami Bvrtle Bash.
$77,000 Collection Contains
Pictures by Picasso,
Eraque, Chirico.
Since Die opening of the 1Mb an.
i:ual art exhibit of the Nebraski
Art association Sunday afternoon
in Morrill hall, mai.y earnest stu
dents seeking appreciation of
painting and sculpture have been
wandering through the galleries
on the second iloor and have
been amazed by steps which mod
ern art is taking.
The collection, wh'ch will be on
exhibition until April a. is val
ued at $77,000. and includes works
of many great French artists as
Well as American painters. Ten
of the pictures were done by Lin
coln artists, mai.y of whom at
tended or are instructors at the
Cubistic Works Shown.
On the west wall of gallery A.
are to be found the suirealis-
j tic and cubistic works of Pi
casso, liraque, (,'liinco and Kil
ling, contrasting with the land
scapes and portraits of the rest
of the room. Chirico explained
surrealism in this way: "In or
der for a work of art to be im
mortal, it must depart comnlete.
i ly from human limitation all
surijects, all thoughts, all ideas
must be put aside."
The cubistic figure done by
Pablo Picasso is an abstract de
sign on the same order as "Nude
Descending the Staircase'1 which
has raised so much comment. The
cubistic school of painting is be
believed by many to be responsible
for the abstract design that has
been appearing in architecture,
(Continued on Tage 3.)