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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1938)
IHE DAILY fSEBKASKAN, THURSDAY. MARCH 3. 193 PAGE THREE ( 1 Mia. fchvood. (RjcmdoL SCIIULTEffi LEAUE FOR BIG SIX INDOOR MEET AT COLUMBIA E S SPLASHERS LOOM AS BIG SIX 111 T WINNERS 'BIFF' FORMS SIX SORliAOE SQUADS FROM GRID OUTFIT HUSKERS MAY KEEP TRACK CROWN Nebraska's Indoor track team is the only Husker team slated to win a Big Six crown this weekend when conference squads in three sports meet to decide the cham pions in swimming, wrestling and track. The Scarlet will not have an easy time in the track meet and indications are that the race will be close with both Missouri and Kansas State entering strong teams. Nebraska won a close dual meet with Kansas State last Sat urday and the Wildcats dropped a close one to Missouri the week before. The only way the Husk ers can bo assured of victory is by taking as many first places as pos sible and by having the other first places go to teams other than Missouri and Kansas State. This would leave the Wildcats and the Tigers to fight over the second and third places thus the two strong teams, a menace to Ne braska, would take care of each other. There' all by ourselves we have won the title for the Huskers on paper without even so much ETO Husker Traek Snuad Defends Conference Crown M Against Threats of Powerful Missouri, ! K-Aggie Aggregations Saturday. The first o the Husker 's track championships will go on the block Friday and Saturday when the Big Six indoor meet is held at Columbia. Last year the Schultemen set a new scoring record in winning the indoor championship. Coach Sehulte will leave about noon today with his quarter mile and half milcrs, for the 440 and 880 qualifying trials, which will be held tomorrow after-1 noon. The rest of the squad will I leave tomorrow morning. Qualify ing trials in events other than the 440 and 880 will be held Sat urday afternoon with the finals being run off Saturday night. If early season meets are any Indication of strength, Nebraska should barely nose out Missouri and Kansas State for the cham pionship. In the first dual meet of the year, the Husker track men almost trebled the score over Kansas U, and last Saturday, they dropped the K-Aggies by a nar row score, Kansas State lost an earlier meet to Missouri. Kansas U, Iowa State, and Okla- home are conceded no chance of coming out victorious Saturday. Nebraska Chances Strong. The Jayhawks were over whelmed by Nebraska, Missouri crushed the Cyclones, and little has born heard from the Sooners. The victor may well be de- Husker Mermen May Drop Merit Championship in Meet I Friday, Saturday. ! AT BIG 6 II NORMAN, Mar. 2 How to keep from drowning in Iowa State's backwash as Coach Charles Mc Caffee, jr.'s crack Cyclones churn by will be the chief concern of the other schools in the tentn annual Big Six conference swimming meet in the University of Okla homa's new $60,000 pool here Fri- selves with ciippine the ball. In day and Saturday. I running through fundamental Jim Kivin, Oklahoma Aggie j plays. Herman Rohrig, Vike Fran coach, will act as starter .andlcis, Fdsel Wibbels, and Theo Lieut. George G. Garton of Fort j Thompson were matched up to Slll, who formerly swam at Drake i gether as one combination while and West Point, will assist, it was MEHRING HELPS LYMAN DRILL HUSKER LINEMEN Former Varsity Guard Aids In Spring Tutorship ; Of Grid Workers. Because (if the largest turnout if candidates for spring football in the history of the school, Bob Meh ' ring has been secured as Student i coach to assist Link Lyman with the line. I Mchring, a Bi::iul senior, was i one of the first string guards on ; the varsity team last lull. Law rence Fly, Jnhnnv Williams, and , other notnble players have been Snappv weather ndded to ihe Zest of Wednesdays sprinjj used as student coaches in fall font Ihi II drill ns the candidates worked on punt returns, flat j m'actKe but this ls e first time , , ,, i i i it i j ,i u- , 1 one was ever required for the passes, and shoulder and body blocks under the tutorship ol. , sprmg workout. For the past six .Mentor Biff Jones. weeks Mehring has been giving (ioinjr over the west end of the playing field, ihe .Major ; optional instruction in the stadium had the backfield sidestep from lor inose players desiring personal Sjtein Operates in Advancing Toj Players From Last to Kin-t Squad; Mehring Helps Coach Line. olcli one runner tire to anotner to la- cilitate better footwork, and catch .and Warren Alison Arlo Klum ' help. guards; Bob)- " "" ' - spot passes to familiarize them- Burruss, center; Hugo Hoffman w lln 191' llUne DacKflcla aul CftU1 , , , . . null aim V IRC ...n... wcll Uli and Herman Rohrig, halfbacks; ,,VPn 2(J4 je(.( jU.rman RohriK 2f,?rge ortpl' quarterback; and ,jps tne K(,a,s to J9iKdselWlbbeU as panting, but we find that the l muieu, "a was me case in uu Scarlet camp is not so optimistic, j Missouri-K-State and Nebraska K- ninie meeis, oy me results or me last event on the program, the mile relay. In that event, Missouri and Nebraska both nosed out the Ag gies for the meet determining points Sehulte Says Third. Pa Sehulte thinks that Missouri has underrated herself and that the! best position Nebraska can get! will be third. The track mentor ls! sure of one thing and that is the : Scve,.al conference records are! Adams Not to Make Trip To Ames for Friday, Saturday Event. Several changes in the lineup of the Husker mat team will prob ably be made for the Big Six meet, which will be held at Ames this Friday and Saturday. Most im portant change is the moving of Lee Clare, who started the season at 126, up to the 155 pound divi sion. After the first few matches, Clare found himself unable to make the weight in the 126 pound class. Since then, he has put on weight, and now tips the scales at about 100. Taking Clare's old place for the announced today by Bruce Drake, Oklahoma coach. Preliminaries will start at 7:30 o'clock Friday night and finals at 9 o'clock Sat urday afternoon, Drake said. Iowa State Favored. Thurston Phelps, Marvin Plock, Bill Andreson. fullback. Fourth Squad Takes Defense. The fourth outfit took their turn as defensive squad yesterday while Bill Callihan, and Hugo Hoffman . the other five teams used the of worked out in another backfield ; tensive tactics. Each day the croup. 'squads learn two or three more Line Gets Blocking Drill. I, 190, and Bill Andreson weighs 180. MISSING PLAINE BEARS PROMINENT GRADUATE (Continued from Page 1.1 ami is now aiding in the seach. The plane was lost somewhere With Iowa State a strong fH-; guards through the fundamentals vnritP fnr tho tem title sinee th i of blocking and then formed a , plays and also work on the old m the mountains east of Fresno. 1 u t .. uu u ni 1 "v " "-e" ' ;i whs ihm wren nyiiiK uuwn me L,inK Lyman, wan ine am ' for the defensive team holds up i c dummies to be blocked out. Jack : Angeles from San Francisco. Dodd, Marvin Plock, and Bob Mills Searching parties are handi- tailed to report today and win he ca,,e(1 nv ,,iKnl fei?t 0f snow that Bob Mehring, put the tackles and bridge across the San Joaquin at ad sunk . Srhwartzkopf Bill Pfeitf Ac na they have compPted in tnp Big Six , KerPkhoff is out preventing auto Kaniia Dobson and Bob Mil formed the J ln(1jor meot at Columnia this ; mbiks from airiing ln the search, centers me w tule ernon pr Arl ; week-end. i The ship only carried fuel uyciones recently oruDoeu ne- j " '" F"1." '"i '" '""' .unable to give football their tuil , covers the brush and rocks, The hraska, 1H37 champions, By bt toianoui. nnu u cm uhsii, I attention until next week, after 18 after the Cornhuskers had both Kansas State and oaniy. mieresi in tne most centers 1111c uue in...... '"-. week-end. i The shin onlv on competition in tne individual ; tuum. du.i d.u., ,,..-,. A weif,nt tnHlt is kopt tnwn in Pnotieh to last until 1 o'clock It events. son and Edgar Thompson formed ,tne tllx.ssing ro()m ami eHCh day i WM ' nine hou,,, 0ver-due at Los George HaUleman, fastest fish ; an alternating group. ! the players record their poundage. ; Anceles at 5 o'clock this morning. in the Cyclone bowl, will be fa- j All the squad members have Sam Scn.wartzkopf'8 219 pounds , vored to win whatever events he been divided up and placed onlleads wjln Bol) Mj)g runnjne a, "Unfortunately, intelligence is chooses to enter and are the rival one of the six teams. If a player : cjose seconc 216. Alio Klum often devoted to' stupid ends and It school glad that he will he re-; snows sinning lmpiuveinem.. carries 204 pounds of flesh, Adna ! is often, nullified in its social use- l., u. i 4ui- ,11 u., '"""'""t ic.uiuo o.v. , mKing Glares oiu pmce ior li boys wil b in then T!""".? I "kely to be broken in the finals Bisr Six meet, will be Charley Mei ig inai ine et,.H,, Tai, noon "sat: . 7m ZTJl" world 60 yard against Iowa U last Friday night. Wilson Andrews, dead-beat twin dash record of 6.2 in the first ! ntAAt- n U n,Un nnninat ,mil5 K" U. and if conditions are Anon k,,w Vm h9. JiUP 1 vorable he may repeat that per Anton Krejci, Omaha 440 man, : .., TU f-. aSar nil eH a en minsr.U in nr.f(if.!' ... i..., , - 3 ... . v.v.Vv. o ...1 I, . , VUU, yesterday and probably will not be able to make the trip to Colum bus. Ward Hnylett, the K-State men tor, is as dubious about winning the meet as is Sehulte and he thinks that his Wildcats will do well to place third. Haylett rates jsenrasKa ahead of Missouri. J. P. Hamel, World-Herald cor respondent at Columbia, says that the Huskers will win and places Missouri ahead of Kansas State. It can be seen by this that the gate Is wide open and either of the three teams have equally good chances to bag the meet. Whichever team wins. Columbia track fans are as sured of an exciting and thrilling spectacle. "Fine Sportsmen." Dr. F. C. "Phog" Allen, basket ball coach at Kansas, docs not hold the Nebraska crowd responsible for the most unfortunate apple "incident" that happened at the Jayhawk cage game last Saturday evening. In the Phog is quoted as has been clearing 13 feet consistently this year, and, in com petition proves tough enough, may set a new record. Ray Baxter, Husker jumper, set a new track record of 6 feet 3 1-8 inches against i Kansas, and if his ankle, which he j injured last Saturday, is In shape ! he may better that height in the ; Big Six meet. Coach Sehulte will enter the fol lowing men in the meet: CO yard dash: Jack Dodd, Mar vin Plock and Harwin Dawson: hurdles: Bill Gish, Eldon Frank and Charley Brock; 440: Bob Sim mons, Elwood Pankonin, and Jack Calnon; 880: Beb West and Paul Owen; mile: Al Kuper and Wilson Andrews; two mile: John Brown lee. Pole vault: Verl Athey and Bob Neumann; high jump: Ray Baxter; broad Jump: Dawson and Neu mann; shot put: Bill Pfeiff and Boh Mills. Herb Gish, former director of athletics at Nebrasl'a, will be the Daily Kansan i official starter ln this year's meet. saying, "The i : r stricted to three events! The Cy- is gradually moved up towards clone Medica has done 30.9 sec-: the first string. Those at present onds for 60 yards, f6.3 for the i who are holding down the number Dobson 202, Bob Kahler 201 and fulness by emotions which inter Bill Pfeiff an even 200. Charley ! fere with dear thinking." Eoston Brock and George Seenian each university's Dr. W. F. vaughan. century. 2:23.6 for the 220 and one positions are Lloyd Grimm, i arf , tje(1 wiln 9K- Leonard Muskin believes something should be dona getting a decision from his Hawk eve ODDonent. Rav Tomes, who has wrestled at 155 all year, will move up to 165. where it is hoped that his speed will bewilder some of his heavier opponents. Jerry Adams, regular 165 pound man, has a job which he cannot leave, and will be unable to make the trip. In the other divisions will be Fred Webster, 118; Jim Knight, 135; Bill Luke, 145: Paul Fidler, 175. and DeLos Johnson, heavy weight. Coach Jerry Adams is negotiat ing for a dual meet with the Cor nell grapplers following the Big Six meet, and preceding the Is. C, A, A. meet, which will be held at Pennsylvania on March 25 and 26. If scheduled, this meet will be held in Lincoln. . 2:29.5 for the breast stroke al-' end; Sam Schwartzkopf. tackle; ready this year. Bill Pfeiff. guard; Charlie Brock, ,. . , center; Adna Dobson, guard; Bob Cisar Unbeaten. Mms tackle. Bob Kahler, end; If Haldeman swims the 60 his Thurston Phelps, quarterback; chief competition probably will Dodd and Marvin Plock, half- come from Oklahoma's Bob Cisar, backs; and Bill Callihan, fullback Nebraska crowd as a whole was completed toniirht at Lawrence made up of of fine sportsmen, but when the Missouri Tigers meet the some were apparently impressed I Kansas Jayhawks as the curtain with the Idea that an apple a day falls on one of the most hectic sea ls food for anybody. I am glad i sons in recent years. Pre-season the venders were not selling pop. j dope had the Nebraskans slated Anyway, it wasn't a core it was 1 to take over sole charge of the the big apple, for It splattered on , loop diadem. In the middle of the my elbow into the faces of Kansas I season, the fans suddenly came to players on the bench." the realization that Oklahoma's The Big Six rage race will be j kids were leading the race with a ! string of victories. Kansas was following close behind. Then Ne braska, who had been fighting for I third place with Missouri, turned on the steam and blast the Soon- i ers from the top of the heap and 1 sent them into a tie for first with Kansas. Then Oklahoma dropped another leaving K. U. in sole pos- ' session of No. 1 spot. The DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE A Good Teicheri Agency" 1918-1938 Com in and Set I t 643 Stuart Bldg. Lincoln, NeDc Jl.TLiJU ;.' Huskers Defend A.A.U. Title In Rocky Mountain Meet Monday. The Nebraska gymnastic squad left last night for Denver, Colo rado, to compete in the Rocky Mountain, A. A. U. in which the Huskers are defending champions. The team was hard hit by gradua tion, and they will miss such point getters as Eddie Reynolds who now is the Husker coach. They will meet the University of Colo rado today, Colorado State Teach ers College, at Greeley, on Friday, ending up with the A. A. U. meet on Monday. Nebraska has won the title for the last three years, but they will be hard pressed to win the affair this year. The team has engaged in one meet to date, losing to the Uni versity of Minnesota, by a score of 811.75 to 694.5. However, the Ueam had not reached its peak and they should be ready for the big meet in Denver. Thug far Eddie Reynold's boys have not been hampered by injury and have a good chance to retain the title. Following is a list of the squad and the events in which they are entered: Huritonlal !)": Proulfiil. Sid hone: (iliu, Caldutli nd Krtl cher. R.niff. KrUrhr. Proffiu, nd Ik PrIHl burf; Krtuclw, PruKItt Mid Clwli. Tumbling: Pmffltl nd Krmthr. unbeaten at the distance this year, P. Ritchie of Kansas who has clone 25.7 for 50 yards and Reddick, Ne braska and Brown, Kansas State. The same field would oppose him in the century with Nebraska's Splcer. who twice has done 59 seconds, probably added. ' Spicer appears the favorite in the 220 free style, having done 2:26 in the Ames pool. Others who might extend him are Fisher of , Kansas, Wempe of Iowa State, 1 and Mickey Anderson of Okla homa. Ferguson of Iowa State has made the best time in the 440, 5:29.9 in the Ames pool. Others in ! this race are Nowossinsho and ! Fisher of Kansas, Hargrove; of Iowa State, Ethan Walker of Oklahoma and Furr of Nebraska. Nobody wants to argue with Iowa State in the back stroke. Armstrong has done 1:46.7 already this year with Gibbs, a teammate, close". P. Ritchie of Kansas, Dav idson of Nebraska, Erickson of Kansas State and Walker of Ok lahoma are all possibilities. Jack Davis of Oklahoma, now at Hutch inson, Kas., lumberman, holds the Big Six record ln this event and will be here Saturday to check the timers and measure the new pool in case a new mark is set. Haldeman to Repeat. Haldeman Is favored to success fully defend his breast stroke championship against other breast strokers such as Simons, Iowa State, who did 2:32.3 against Grinnell, Carl of Kansas State, Brown of Kansas, Smith of Ne braska and Eddie Boddie of Okla homa. Pattison, Kansas State's State's champion diver, is back but will face real competition in John Jarrett and Jim McCall of Oklahoma, and Youngher and Lousk of Nebraska, White of Kan sas and Harris and Nolan of Iowa State. Iowa State can probably name its own time in the medley relay. Armstrong, Haldeman and Wempe swam It ln the phenominal clock ing of 3:06.9, 13 seconds faster than the Big Six record, against Minnesota, while Armstrong, Coch rane and Hargesheimer did 3:19.3 against Nebraska. Those who are at present assigned to the second squad are Kenneth Shindo and Frank Trochaska, ends; Vernon Neprud and Edgar is 195, and Bob Burress comes up to make thinking more productive. Going to the Junior-Senior Prom? Make your evening a complete suc cess by sending a Frey & Frey Cor sage. We specialize in the growing of all popular corsage flowers. Made of orchids, gardenias, or bright spring flowers. Place your order early. FREY & FREY 1333 O St. B6928 All Coring? Order Delivered in Trantparenl lioxei All Hotren Produced in Our Own Green Houe "A liberal education provides a broad base for living, and the broader the base a man has ln ex perience and training the less like ly is he to be overturned by the vicissitudes of the years. The coun try today needs more liberally trained men In business." Albert L. Scott. Brown nuiversity slum- nus, points an unwavering finger at one of the noncommercial needs of today's business leader. ONE VltYIttV WEEK IT'S A FUNFUL SWING FEST! Companion I k. V Feature I Adults 15c Kiddies 10c 4 hot n.. brunt) dirk with a mmi K en hrr Hp 4 'old fthlvrr In hot pou: HON Tt.HHl RITt HMWOKIH WVN ( AHOON In "WHO KIM. Kit (.All. PKI.HIOV THE LAST G AN 3 STIR. STIR. LITTLE CA' CAESAR. THE LA gangste: LITTLE CAE THE LAS :aesak. th: ST GANGSTE, LITTLE CAESA R. THE LAST GA NGSTER. LITTLE CAESAR. THE LAS ST GANGSTER. L! LITTLE CAESAR. R. THE LAST GANG ANGSTER. LITTLE LE CAESAR. THE I E LAST G ANGST ER. LITTLE C ESAR. THE L T GANGSTER ITTLE CA THE L STER. L3 SAR. GAN3S LE ( LITTLE " R ' ' -v. " Tar r Aga'ng' K y 11' IH Lit A II V V. . I r ri .:, j--. XAr4t -fc---. fx 1 m Starts SATURDAY ORPHEUS Hurry! Hurry' Ends Friday! "THE HURRICANE 7 ) STARTS TODAY!! Tim Midi u4 right. AaJ TiM.-n AC RAINDO1 END To? l,ll,t(, Starts FRIDAY! " ymuAoL, JolliL, and. ad Winchell and Bernie stage the greatest return match In hiss-tory! ... but Simone Simon scores the surprise knockout! . . . Just wait'll you hear her sing! Cgmt tarly tor ring tide seat I He x.'i WINCHELL- BERNIE SIMONE SIMON W0 o I. BERT LAHR JOAN DAVIS x PUS "SEPTEMBER IN THE RAIN" Merry Melody "ALIBI TIME" Riot with th Redio Bimbiere "HAVE COURAGE" "MAN-PROOF" V I ' "WhUOe While X , V l X MiiKir.AL I , I NOTE: I S .VlL a mm 1 ro.MTti I In order to r.ramodele the mny children wentlno to tee thie picture Doort will Open Saturday At 9 A.M. STUART 40 Children 15