The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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nr. T
Mt- ,
BY Till: 11 U'NTKI!
Dullyhooers wore busy Monday
night maltinR t hi ir rounds of the
organized houses. One group,
Alpha Chi Omea, came to the
Alpha i Delta bouse whore
Ketty Chcrny, senior Mortar
Board, answered the buzzer since
she had just arrived.
"Don't you get tired of jumping
tip and clown nnd answering the
door all the time," asked one of
the speakers?
"I'll bet you do,'' put in nn
othcr, "is this your night on the
The activity laden sudor said
The ATO story book ball conies
up Saturday, March 12 and Kent
Tuppcr had bad throe dates lo the
affair, all Thotas. Triple throat
man, huh?
At the Innocent's dinner party
Ihis Kridny, the place cards must
mandatorily be of the ,m wed va
riety and must also be sewed by
the hooded boys as well. Thus the
honored 13 has decided to hold
their first sowing circle Wednes
day evening at Lcbsack's "lounge.''
In front of sosh the other
morning Sam Francis, erstwhile
Huskcr fullback, spied a girl in a
woolly red coat that caught his
fancy. He didn't know her name,
but she was beautiful, as the old
ditty goes. Rani had a class at
that point, so bo bargained with a
friend to trail her in quest of her
name. The friend took up the
chase and 7-igged and sagged all
over town and finally into a de
partment store, where the sleuth
ing ended as she entered "no
man's land."
Wanted The name of the
pretty god in the red coat.
Sam Francis. (adv.)
Joe ruling who is said to have
two loves, one at the Theta house,
and another down I). O. wnv, once
bought two bouquets of artificial
posies. You all know that, nnd
you even heard about bis touching
gift of one of the bouquets to
aiaij nouser in tbe Drug one day,
but the otlior which he 'saved for
second love, he treasured for two
days, and then turned up at the
Delta Gamma domicile with an
armful for Helen Lurnham. And
all of that 'reminds nie of one of
his fraternity brothers who i.s hav
ing his, difficulties at the same
two houses. The one gal is a
beauty queen, the other not far
behind. Need more be said?
It is said on good authority that
Dick rul arrived at the Beta
house in absent-minded condition
one eve. Some of the rooms had
recently been redecorated so Dick
traced footsteps all over the walls
and ceiling and filled tbe outline
in with red paint, which is cer
tainly the nearest the Beta house
has ever come to being painted
And of course practically head
Strike three for Margaret Mc
Kay who now wears the Eeta pin
of Wirt Salthouse. Our Nebraska
Sweetheart has again reverted to
the diamond after having a try
with a five-armed star, imme
diately following a previous an
nexation at the house of Eeta
Theta Pi.
And speaking of Beta's, perhaps
we were a bit raugh on Doug Dort
and Eileen Donley one day last
week. Those two have mutually
decided that law school Is of prime
importance so are going their sep
arate ways more or less. Kileen,
however, sinoo she has taken the
fancy roe road has not been do
ing at all badly, and deserves even
better. We once knew of quite a
few eligible men who were just
waiting for that affair to hit the
Ing the foot loose list Is D. G,
Gerry Wallace who decided not so
very long ago not to go North
any more. Since then there has
been a great deal of commotion
over the whole deal in the Sigma
Nu house, the Sigma Chi place,
Charlie's and any number of other
lodges. We're willing to wager that
that little gal will be narrowing
her choice down again this spring,
but maybe not. Who knows?
Events Today:
Alpha Phi alumnas will meet
at the home of Mrs. William .1.
Newens, 102S Otoe street at 6:30
for a buffet supper.
Pledgings just announced by
panhellenie are: Kleanor Collier
and Alice Yaggie. Alpha Xi Dclt,
and Louise Oddo, Sigma Kappa,
Maxino Wentz of Alpha Thi
fame, and Kenneth Hill, Kappa Sig,
passed the candy Monday evening.
This Is the first candy passing of
the year at the Phi house, but
there will probably be many more
in the near future, for there are
12 girls in the house wearing pins,
who haven't passed the candy.
The D. V. quartet composed of
Don Carlson, Wade Baser, Dick
Smiley and Joe Stephens enter
tained the Delta I'psilon mothers
club yesterday when they had their
meeting at tbe chapter house.
Out of town members present
were Mrs. A. A. Ashby of Fair
mont, Mrs. Charles Hddebrand of
York, and Mrs. Boy Shick of
All apologies lo Betty Ferguson
who was among the guests at the
Acacia house Sunday, She was
with her steady, Max Bailey,
Be sure, boys, not to let the
prom slip up on you. It's pretty
late, and if you don't have dales
its hish time. Note: This was not
paid for by the prom committee,
just a little free publicity.
And the night after the Lamb
da Chi party at the Cornhusker
and the Phi belt party at the Lincoln.
Prom Issue of Awgwan
Asks 'Is Women Ladies?'
(Continued from Page 1.)
Senior Prom. Done in eye catching
black and white, this page fea
tures sketches of the seven prom
candidates as queens in a deck
of cards. In the center is the big
question of the week, "Prom girl.
which will reign as Queen of
"ATds for Promenades."
Fashion Editor Carol Clarke
again does her best with "Aids
for Promenades." Her ever help
ful fashion hints are illustrated
this month by a photograph of
lovely models in striking prom
Altho the price for the maga
zine in Canada has been raised to
25 cents and for South Sea Island
ers to one-half dollar, the nominal
fee of 15 cents remains In the
Lnited States.
JM Be Sure
Be Sure
ff to Attend L.ULD b
Fashion Reviie
Living Models Directed By
Presenting the New Styles for
Tonight at 8 p. m. 3rd Floor
Please Use llth Street Entrance
Music by Bcck-Jungbluth
f.uwr.. iiYonwttJ
On. tltsL CUh.
PKOM ;iltL
Spotlight on tonight's radio
broadcast, for university fans at
least, will focus at 7:15 on he
seven prom Girl candidates one
of whom was yesterday selected
by the students to bear the
At that time, over station
KFOK, the publicity committee of
the student council inaugurates its
new series of campus broadcasts;
nnd, in a program, he scene of
which will be changed from the
temple to the radio station and
then to various buildings on the
campus, Eloisc Benjamin, DeLoris
Bors, Bonnie Burn, Virginia Clois
ter, C.encvteve Hoff, LaVernc
Marcey and Peggy Tascoe, will be
interviewed ...
...Andre Kostalanetz and his
orchestra will feature a medley of
tunes from "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs," hailed as the "10
best pictures of the year" by
some. Lawrence Tibliett and
Deems Taylor will also be on the
program. . .KFAB at 8:00. . . ,
...Kddle Cantor will broadcast
from New York this evening over
KFAB at 7:30 p. m....The banjo
eyed comedian will be assisted
by Denna Durbin, Jacques Benard
and his orchestra, and a large cast
of entertainers.
...Ben Bernie tonight at 8:30
over KFAB with Lew Lehr, Buddy
Clark, Jane Pickens, and a drama
tization, "Huckleberry Ben."...
...A preview of the National
Indoor Tennis Championships will
be broadcast over KKOK at :''
tonight... Ted Busing at the mike
. , .oiighla be ond.
Other highlights:
1 1 :l.1 n. ill. KcImiii . Mill.
1 : Stlt p. in. iihtIi' in N.h...l n( tl"
S:SH p. in. iiim swrril . mil Miln'r.
A : 1 A p. in. M:i I III' St reel.
H::m i. in. H..:il,r farter.
tM i. in. I inn mill .Miner, lNr Se
rin! fl:lllt p, ni, Ionic Hinter..
1ii:mii p. ni. I'mite Mrlilir,
lll:4. p. in. llrrln TiM'krr.
H::i0 p. in, Horn.'.' lli-niltTton.
M Oil.
1 1 : 1 .1 i. in. Xiinlrril IIihIkith.
4:1.1 p. in, Vime H iijiiI Vm "
Hum' It
7:'(tl p. ni. l.roritr llUrn timl OM'lir'tru,
:M p. in. I i-c'h l.
lltHIO p. 111. luhll Ul'lllll'V.
lnsl.l p. ni. noli pli.
Hii.'tii p. in, linini llorsrv,
11:00 p. in. 4 it v I rtiiiluinln,
8:110 II, 111. Ilrrnklii'l rlllh tiy 'I
(1:00 p. m. Liiiy W,
11:1.1 p. in. Mr. Kri'ii, i:ircr nl I'M
10::I0 p, til. lil llf llnrliln't or.lirvlni.
ll::lfl p. III. r-klnc IliinklnV onli'S
Iru l.'l.
Dr. Dowry 11. SI nit of teac hers
college will 'leave Monday evening
to attend a meeting of the Amer
ican College Personnel association
at Atlantic City, lie will also id
tend the sessions of the American
association of school adminis
trators. Prof. Linus Burr Smith, chair
man of the department of archi
tecture, addressed the Woman's
club of Norfolk Monday on the
subject, "Art and Architecture -Model
Homes." During the present
season he has delivered a series of
lectures to the local Woman's club.
Dr. Krnost F. Witte, director of
the graduate school for social
work, was elected to the executive
committee of the council of soeiai
agencies at the annual meeting of
(he council held recently. He will
serve for a three year term.
Paul Harris, Jr.. Delivers
Scries of Addresses
To Local Clubs.
Lincoln Peace week began Tues-
(lav evening wun rain ii.mi.-', j'm
director of the peace action com
mittee of Washington, D. C, and
representatives of the Lincoln
steering committees laying cam
paign plans at a dinner at the Y.
W. C A. These "steering' com
mittees are composed of niemliers
from organized business houses as
well as from the university, who
lead other peace groups.
Mr, Harris will be in Lincoln all
week to present a series of lec
tures before organized clubs and
societies. Harris uses the slogan,
"Peace by adjustment rather than
by coercion."
Opening session of the ac
tion institute will be held at the
Y. M. C. -. this evening id 7:30,
Mr. Harris will discuss "Issues
Facing I's."
The program outlined for the
week will be as follows:
Tilii : Nnn l.iinrlicon ulth MnliirM
mm nl . M. '. V
T:.10 p. in. I'rnce nrllnn lnliltllf.
tlrl n'.lin: "IM.' l lirlnc '"' n
1. M. I 1.
Miiir.l:i : 10 n. ni. Inrnly nautili-
ppiYh, WPMlrymi tinlYFrlly mm iwnl,
N.Hin lainrhnm, iTKiiliir miiit.'H li.mnl
nipriinii n I v. W. '. A. illninj mom.
t'.'Mi p. ni. Vi hi'.litulp.
Mi.nil rl..n: " Colli M.'tlimlii," III
Urtt Chrliinn flmrrh pnrli.r,
I'ridNy: n:.hi p. in. inn riinirrntivfl
YO minute imnt'iiihllrs lit hlirti nrliool,
ArtiTiiiM.n, K;U p, in, iiMU"M.m Hi
Jnknn hlith ni'hmil.
1:0 n. ni, IVnit ni-llon UiHlliHe,
Ihlnl cl..n: "Our .lull In III.1K l.lri--tlmia,"
n 'ril l.rlMli.n rhllri'll lutrlnr.
SHtllritny: hvritlnu Inl.iriniil hour, pt'l
Tnti. hoini'x,
rtnmlnyi 3 p, m. CiiiiIiti'ih'i. vim
Wi.rkir rrlnllvr In nllhl iiiitIIiik.
S n. m. MtiN meeting nl I Irtl riym
nnlli o.itrrn.llnnKl i htin h. MlllJ.iii
"How (nil We lirfentt Anirrl.ti'.'"
ItohcIi (Jul) to Cliaiifrc
( )rgan izal ion Program
I Cercle Franeais will meet to
morrow night at 7:30 in room 30fi
of the Temple. Miss Call Duffield,
In charge of tho meeting, extends
an invitation to all interested stu
dents and faculty members to at
tend, An Innovation into the club's
program will Yt made at the next
meeting. It wld be held on a Wed
nesday Instead of Thursday and
the evening will be divided into
two parts, English and French.
(Continued from Pago L
immensity of the universe ami the
insignificance of man," he said.
"Philosophers are seeking to ex
press this vast nes of the universe
in its entirety, There is a new con
ception of reality and investiga
Devotions were led by Mary
Ruth Rhoadcs. Vesper choir, di
rected by Maxino. Fedeiio and no
companied by Maryellen Osborn,
sang the processional, recessional,
and special number, "Life Has
Loveliness to Sell.''
(Continued from Tage 1 i
and it Is of major importance t0
icpiioiicans inrtiont inn country,
Tho Lincoln hotel will i.r .'i!.
rally headquarters. Another m.
pouam, spcaaer is auss Marion
Martin, assistant to the chairman
of the national committee on party
Following is a eoninletf nm ...... .
of the days activities:
Mnrnlnit Srftftiuit,
f):3ri In nwm lloL'iNirHii,,..
l:iiil l.i lilil.l-Weli'iime.
111:15 lo 10:4.'. -AciiKnriienl of ctiitnn t.r-.
in:4i In I I '4.. .Urirbpr.' !'... '
SprnKer Ml.n I'hiIhii Mmlln.
Noon - Klve litn.'hconii. Itllr Oro.ii.
Ml'-s Marlitn Miirltn.' Vniin., t,--
I'ul.M.'nn cniiip, lifiitv Hulih, riHii-,n.i
l.renulenl, spenlirr; i:x nervl.e men, Luee
Hlmk ,.t Wl.hiln, spn.ker; ITeMimeii, I nS
H.I'Hni'.nn r. . t.l.(u. I...... . .
(ill Timers, A. V, Nliolwell nl Oniohn and
.-nu v.'.. i.i cienirn'e, rnntrmen,
Afti'ni.iiin Semilnn.
VM In 2:nn-rtrcnniriitlnn nrl rolli'Ml.
'" "'k.nni til rin'.i IMIKS r i rt
(lie iTpnlilirnn nrl.v' i.rKnnlriilion l.v K.I.
Jon K. Smllh, Omnhn; llnrrv HHckctl,
Hentrl.t; Arllllir IVnv. nr.. Kmrhilrv? I.
Mot hem, tierlnK, and Mm. W. K. Mlnler,
A:(U1 in 1.1a . ....
,. " union.- n prMtion nun rtec"
llr.n of orrwrn.
n:iA-Hnnmiel,'oln lintel. rrejentH.
. ,.nf 1r' ''""li. Tnlk hv Minn Marinn
Mnr In. T..M lo NrhrnnkK hy J. .e
Hmikln ct Lincoln.
MkIiI Seanliiii.
R:(in I'., i, , .....
c , ,: "-"v ... irirn!hii cm set n.
Speaker, nr. cilenn Frank.
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