The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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mm, phi
Race Prejudice? i
No, But Negroes
Aren't Wanted
Krmiifinol X7irve 4 fli ' wtirwo nluv line Til:iviil 'in inimiv.
turn i:rt in a. t. o. victories iins Nebraska wrcsiiers I ravei
yriiv. living C'.iihhan able sup
uirt was Cliineliy Ilertiilon, guard.
Knr the A. T. O 's, the piny of Oil
len and lingers stood out. tktx
Over Championship
Thursday Night.
I'lii fiumma IVlla and Kappa
intramural b:is- ! si-oros of the Ramos:
expressed their
that the game, speeded up
f . i
iiIiiib 'iJilMiiiitflli'tiT ' I
t the Game
Too last:
twine- the. basketball
" -iAn that the
T . o,. elimination of the cc
JnniP was provingr a detriment to
J"" ' the physical
conditions of
the players. A
Chicago doctor'
said that the j
heart action'
was increased I
so much the
blood pressure
was raised an
amount. Also
there is the
danger of ath
1 e t e's heart
caused by
straining the
Reports have also come
officials were becoming
to work the
Sigma gained th
i kethall finals bv defeating Phi
Delta Tin I a and Alpha Tan Ome
I pa. The Phi Gams had difficult v
in gaining a 11-10 victory over the
Phi licit s but Kappa Sigs experi
enced little trouble in walking over
the A. T. O.'s 21-7. The two win
ners are .scheduled to meet for the
championship Thursday night at
IMii (tiintnui lli'llii.
p.-iiini t
T"IHMin f
i w il- ( . .
. Sfllin r . .
! Srhn-i'f
I licilib i; . .
I Tutnls .
To Ames for Dual Meet
Friday, Saturday.
Occupy First Days
of Practice.
Till llilla Thrill.
AMKS. la.. March 1. due ot
1 1' M' 11... ,.l,...-...t llirt- Civ .Mll'.lnf'P
II ; Mir I H'L i.-v
ii ii 4i j wrestling tournaments in history
" n 2 1 is forecast for Friday and Satur-
l k I day when four of the loop teams
u I gather in State Gymnasium here,
o 3 w ' Oklahoma and Kansas State will
give Iowa State a real battle in
their ilefense of the title and Ic
I '.not,' K
( Kliun k
i p. m. : Hun (-(
The Phi n:inii ilid not show the Slum!
same form that gave them a 22-12
victory over Alpha Gamma Klio
Monday night. Again It was Ker
nie Srhcrer, stellar guard, who
kept the Fiji in the ball game bv
scoring S points. For the lvt
Hells, the all around play of Ryun,
forward, was outstanding. The
game was a listless affair and the
Phi Gam victory can be attributed
to n successful last break. i,vn-s f
Wild Bill Cnllihan scored 15 ivif,n.-. .'.
' pninis 1o lead the Kappa Sigs to J!"Jj', '
a 24-7 victory over the A. T. O.'s, Kmwvt'.'
; who were handicnppeit by the ab- l'ftfiwn s
sence of Krnie White, flashy gunrd, ' Tnini .
fi; ft nf lp
i ll 1 4
ii n l fl
; " i 4
1 II ii 2
4) II 3 11
John Williams Is lost to the uni
versity wrestling team and inter
collegiate competition because of
his color. Williams, a Negro boy
from Omaha, was an all-state ,
wrestling champion in high sihonl j
and two years ago he was . Passing, Blocking.
university cnampion in uie no
pound class. Such u man wnuld be
very valuable to the Nebraska
tenia and would certainly bolster a
lineup which has only been able
to win one meet in intercollegiate
competition this year.
No Rule, But
There is no Big Six rule against
Negroes competing in this con
ference, however, there is an un
derstanding among the loop
schools which does bar them from
competition. Because we desire
braska may take enough points (H, inference schools as oppc
KiipiiH Mftnu..
MnriT I
WiPiNinh I
Van Hus-kirl; t
rillilmn i'
Itrinit"'! k' ... .
Slenm'l R
Tnl ills
Horn anv two contenders to give
the laurels to the other.
The defending champion Cy-
t o o lti j cinf j, KrP f,vored to repeat in
in ft pt in ! light of their unbeaten record in
mil meet competition. oacn
n l
Metm Tail OnifRii.
1 0
1 4
n rt ti
ll 1 2
1 1 1
nents ana oo ni wish w
relations, the athletic board here
at the University of Nebraska
feels thot it cannot allow Negroes
to participate in conference meets.
Allowing vuuiams 10 twir "'
Hugo Otopnlik's octet has won non-conference events would rob
i n s 2
(i n n it
3 1
in that
fagged out trying
Yesterday Conch Hugh MrHer
mott, veteran basketball mentor at
Oklahoma said the new rules tlid
not hurt his boys physically or any
other way and cited figures to j
prove it. The team gained weight '
and a couple of the players w ere i
the only ones to report colds tlur-
ing the season. This, he says,
shows that the increased speed of
the game has had no ill effects on
the players.
It seems to us that the danger
does not lie simply with whether
or not the team lost weight or ban
a very few colds and that some
thing more important should be
elchi straight matches, six or
them with Big Ten conference
Wildcats Strong.
Kansas State was second last
year with Oklahoma think The
Wildcats have their strongest
his teammates of much needed
competitive experience, therefore
authorities do not feel that Wil
liams should be allowed to wres
tle. Williams worked out with the
lonm this vear with the under-
conquer. Her ninth book "The
Proud Heart." is her first novel
that does not concern itself with
Numerous freshmen are wonder
ing if Stuart Chase didn't steal
some of Trof. Briggs stuff when
team in history this winter, while standing that he could compete ;
the Sooner squad is on par with . with several of the teams from the. .
... . x-i i... i .ir.lA Kut neenvdine" to
ine one oi lasi season, m-o. , nor n.-i ,. m. - thl)l ,HWition soon. As a w
Has only two strong inoiwou. ainietic .um.-. - Tcn; : j potest most vigorously agit v
cunt prs n lru.sunderstanding. lneycimuim i ,
Oklahoma has a slight lead in i that he was told that he could
the matter ot team wivsuihb chock out " . : f iniments to fill out uncx
championships since the forma- p, as they d.tlnt wisn 0 P'V V. i nire. terms in the senate '
i mat. rne . m. innn Horn geiiinc wwim , ..... ... .... , .
In the second tlay of i ttf
praclice. Major "Bill" .linn s' toot
ball warriors colli Tied a I. w
bruises as more drills ie(iinn.t.
bodily conta4 t were used. ,
The bai'kfield ami etnl.- h;ii
been doing a lot of psi and
reciiving in onler to j;et the ' 1"
of the hall again. As well us lim
ning out and ri'ceivuu. pa-srv
these nii'ii have also l ii i;m:il
a few body and shoulder Murks mi
stationary dummies. The line
which has lu'cn working oui un.iei
"Link" Lyman and ap.iM from
i th. ends anil baekfielil. h.ivt- beer,
i working on shoulder nr.. I lo.iv
blocks. "Biff" so far has been 1 1 n-
Mrs. Williams Says Rights
Of French Women Limited
iContinued from Page 1 i
opinion. The law may gi r l in i
rights that public opinion v..t.
She has a right to be pi -mi '
of the I'nited Stati s, bu; 1 n :
expect anv Women to be elev.i!"'!
the hamlouts that have be.-n given
women bv governors in the s!v'm
ti-I'il.J llis I'lill.e
tin', backfield and
mg I he i nl il e m -I rui lion
linemen to I.yni'in.
I iii v in th
-ii, Yike Fiaiui-. ll.iiiv
..ii I Thin si on 1 M ii i i ei
Il'.g while the n. -1 nl tin
V. e!:t 4l4iwn und-'i I In :i:. S.ns
el. also on! Im n ti.1.1
fWi'iit clothes puiilu.g II
at oiind
SeVelll V-l llt'i i 111' M i In i I,
loolb.-ill SUllS In Pie lll.-l i:i' m
!r;ll. Yrsici'ilay four ,t;.i.- i.mdi
ii.i'es nl'peateii, Pill'. KiiiyiMin
Paul Miller. Clai.'lle. Hil'lnlnil
ainl Bui dell Proi li.islia. hl li.gini
:!:e t.ita In 77. Tiii i' wdi he more
.oi i h i rihf wo; l b.d.iv and on
tin il the m weel; tnttti. By lh..L
nine the Bilfi i will k:.i.w jti-t
ill,. lit w lint to e'r. I tu x; tall
tr. i n s u H Ii
''is iir., leav-
ef tl:
d.iv. l'.iil Alters
lui l.s
iii hi.i
'! OH'.
li e rights they Ii
instance, fascist i
ilneei the status
a hiMi i ll, t hui i h
I: a! V eiiiph.isii s
: in. i : io:i.-
ive gaipeii. Fr
iTimuiy has r. -of
Women to
ami i tmkir.;:.'
the pi "' rent ive
l w i mil ii tioin the mu
ll. ny slalldl'.'lli'i. Tlie gral'til'.g of
riglils t't wonii'ti ii; Fiance indi
I'Htes a ilemoitatie tendeiny
i alher than the fascist."
COEDS! Fashion is spinach!
Hid you ever wonder from whence
came those cockeyed hats of Tri
F4'1L fame, or those gaudy, colored
silk socks the Alpha Chi's wear to
formals? Why one tuck instead
of two? Why checks instead of
stripes? Why all the screwy com
binations that are uncomfortable
but stylish? Klisabeth Hawes.
prominent stvle authority and
he wrote his recent "The Tyranny takon six ,SPcond places to Okla
of Words." Herr Briggs as well i hon,.,'s two am n,,, wildcats' one.
ti,., ,,f ilm liic. siv in in2!l. The n,n- innn from gelling
Sooners have won four titles; Iowa I creation and exercise, but he
State three, and Kansas State, ! cciuldn't have a berth on the vai
two. The Cyclones, however, have 1 sitv team in spite of his prowess.
as Economist Chase wonders what
such vague terms as liberty, con
servatism, justice, democracy, and
religion really mean. 1 -think the
answer to fit' all is that one enjoys
easy means of getting out of em
barrassing queries and the other
None of the other Big Six
seho4ils have broken into the two
first positions.
4 Defending Champs.
Four of the 1937 indivitlual loop
champions will be back this week-
The contrast ot the 1-ieinn
tion and German anil Italian ac
tion on women's rights. Mi.-. Wil
liams sees ns "significant.''
"The French move is a ::.t
for in the fascist count i n s Tie
leiiilencv is to lake fiom
4 Gort 1 e.4;!4 1 qcncv'
I ,14411 irl 4114 V'' I .
f-J3 Stu.iit EHIlJ Lincoln. lctK
eniovs' means of obtaining a good, M to defend their titles. Dale
' ... . . ...... I nii,i-oii kunco Stule 13.1 nonnder
income . . . ruiiusners wno usually
sell book rights to movie com
panies arc now dickering for the
taken under observation. In our rrjtjc, will let you know the reason right to publish books from the
meager understanding 01 me nine-; for y0Ur pct st yle peeve. es, 111-
tioning of the various organs of the (iof(i -Fashion' Is Spinach," to be
body there appears one very great published March 22.
danger if the proper steps are not ;
taken to avoid it. That is the ilc- 1 pon't feel bad if conditions ne-
velopment of athletes heart. This C0,Bsitatc your employing a "pony"
js caused when an athlete siuMcniy ,
stops his daily strenuous activity;
and takes up no new sport or one i
that does not require as much phy- :
sical participation as the former ;
sport. The heart expands and con- j
tracts as exercise requires. This is
in the preparation 01 your lan
guage assignment. For many
years, this thorn has been taboo,
but now Columbia, the' Emily Post
of universities, requir"" H fresh
men to read literal translations of
the French. Enclish, German.
to rrovide the proper amount tf ; Latin, and Greek classics. Ne-
Wood to each organ of the body. I braska professors, recognizing the
When the Phvsical activity is sud-1 vni nf the "trot system," are
novel movie "Snow While and the
Seven Dwarfs." . . At one time the
city library burned completely, de
stroying all books on the shelves.
Such prominent schools as Har
vard, North Carolina and Virginia
have discovered that the student
library room is becoming the cen
ter of the campus' culture. The
guvs and gals like
from the stiff formalit;. of the reg
ular library, and browse among the
fresh, attractive books in their own
cozy and comfortable den. North
Carolina students particularly
eninv gathering in the room: and
Duncan. Kansas State 135 pounder
will move up a weight this season
while Charles Robertson. Okla
homa champ in the 165, will shift
down to the 155. Marshall Word.
Sooner 175 pounder, and Al
Stoecker. Iowa State heavyweight,
will defend their championships in
these weights.
tanuska, and a picture of Miss
Cross Section of Life.
Iowa Favored to Cop Title;
Huskers. Sooners Vie
For Second Place.
ti, vphiasks swimming team
. ' ' . ; Describing the project and some ... . t v0rman. Okl., tomor-
t .t,., -! of the reP,e- Tull' said lha. th.e'lrow afternoon to compete in the
x.' ft nit. fArA Suet ohAiit avOI'OOA Ttf WITPr . . -
for Rent
( I't rjrrl l it til
7 hat's llixht
( fun
223 No. 14th B2772
were just about average, no better j t wnich win be held in ,
flnt nrt u-nrcn than thA rnnimon " , aflin-nimll t. .ti.--. ..j,-...
,.., .... ......... v 1 . 1. v:a.iipi nooi riuinv
denly stopped or reduced the heart I rnrou,apmr students to use such smokii;g and lounging, they en
run. ron 01 mem iiiaive uiius- 1 . c,,,r(iuv
sible dema. s and get impatient j FoecasterV pick Town State as
at delays. While most families winner 0f the meet, while Ne
use wood for fuel, cutting it from i .... ,K Ri ci. winner last
contracts and should this contrac
tion take place too rapidly the or
gan becomes defective.
Athletic coaches have a moral
responsibility to see that their
charges have the best of physical
care. The situation should be in
vestigated by competent medical
authorities and if they find that
the game is too strenuous then
the rules should be correspond
ingly changed, while if the game
Is not too strenuous then care
should be taken that the athletes
are physically fit.
heins in lesson preparation. In
i this manner, more ground can lie
I covered, and the student becomes
I acquainted with language and lit-;
erature alike.
Nebraska, so says a wise Ne
braskan (not the ragi. has two
reasons to expect fame. (II Her
prominent authors. Including such
notables as Willa Cather. Mari
Sandoz, Bess Streeter Aldrich,
Dorothy Fisher, and Louise Pound,
and (2 1 No sales, excise, income,
or otherwise burdensome taxes. At
deavor to ascertain the relative
merits of the ies and isms. . . .
In Ks second week off the press.
Sinclair Lewis' new novel, "Prodi
gal rarcnts." has climbed into the
best seller ranks. The book dis
cusses the problem of parental die
tutorships anil progeny oligarchies
K-ucba ihi Rut Six Winnei
v' will ficht it out with Okla
homa for second place. The Soon-;
or have onlv won one meet thus
far this year but the defeats were r.
at the hands of such strong teams r
least, continues lus
Tho Towa State swimmers have !-,,, n,c former result
the virgir forest that covers most
of their land, some coal is avail
able. "One colonist," Tully laughed,
"insisted on having coal to bum.
When the corporation workers ar
rived with the coal they had dif
ficulty getting to the house thru
s. the trees standing on the fellow's,; thi veal. the Husk-
md what to 1I0 about them And 1 land; he didn't last long. The col- 1 ...v-innp.! Kansas V. and
... ...!...- . .riaimn-...,! -- ...
woven anoui mis paucrn 01 imra- onists ween tnemseives out.
family difficulties is a plot that j Since the project has been set
w::i please all who weie tickled by j rolling, enough farm goods are
Babbitt's Americanisms or who j produced to command a good mar
smiled and cried with Dodswoi th. ; ket. The increased production hs
Slogum House." after a slow , enabled better grading and made
, ; '-s
. , a. . it At 1 num.
as wasningiuu . .
which was champion of the Mis
souri Valley conference last year.
' not won an undisputed Big Six ' lorips
... :' 'll. I
as -MV Amount.
conference swimming Hue wn'fjjuifs," "A White iira rijinn.
1934. In 1936 they tied the Husk-1 and Roughhewn," while the latter
ers for the crown and prior to that j nave 10SUitcd only in dirt roads
time they have won four titles and wnjcn everybody cusses, and a la
tied for another since 1929- This boring class for which everybody
start, has jumped into the best ; transportation to the neighboring !
-,..0 v,.i,-. vchinneii
Kansas State, but have fallen at
th. hands of Iowa State and Texas
U.. Southwest Conference v inner
last year.
Records to Fall.
. . .. ill probably be
.New inuein .- 1
14HE'5 TO
vear the Cyclones seem 10 nt
primed for their fifth title when j
the loop splashers get together at ;
Norman this week-end.
George Haldeman, Iowa State
Junior swimmer from the Canal
Zone, has bettered two Big Six rec
ords this season and is slated to
retain his crown in the 200 .yard
breast stroke. His best time xn s
has to pray.
"Prestige Value in Tublic Em
ployment," a new book at the uni
versity library, is the tabulation of
seller ranks. The mother of Man
Sandoz. author of "Slogum House"
and "Old Jules." is seriously ill in
her western Nebtaska home. . .
Analogous to Victor Heiser's
"An American Doctor's Odyssey."
which was the best seller biogra
towns which serve as markets a
paying proposition.
Breakup Pools.
set in the backstroke by Aim-.j;
strong of Iowa State, and in .ne j
breaststroke by Haldeman. also of j
t. ",....i.n nieW Leask of ? r
1 I1M V t,ll'lli". " " "
Speaking of the winter ice. Tully ! hT.ask3 should win the diving event , ..
told of the pools that are made up ., ni0er mav possibly take the '
So swing your fancies
at the
phy in 1036 and 1937, is William time of the spring breaking up of
the ice. Tickets are sold at a doi
each spring to be given to the per-1 22o vard free style event. 1 ne
enn u'hn miecmpa most nenrlv the i i 1,... . chnnlii pet a few
f -.n huekstr4-ike and per- l:
- i haps a few seconds in the relays. ! I
McCartney s "Fifty ears a Coun
try Doctor," which is to be pub
lished caily in March. Forecasters
of the book predict that it will
lar apiece and the pools sometimes i n ora(T to make the proper
are as large as S75.OO0. The en- -.r.nnprti4ins to Norman. Okl.. the
.. . . ...1 I iiiiiii1"' ,,. , ... train
-' - , -. ... f , 01 ine hook iiieuici. umi ii i . uie pool cots 10 one man mm, i ! ,u loam Will ier u
a suivey 01 u.e pusuc ! eniov all the popularity that so , while one person may buy as many 'T'hnrsdav afternoon, returning on
iiuhiie 10 is in Cliuaco. Ot those ,,',.... , o,u 1 u. .....u - - ' inursunj ,.iinnH-
positions studied, the chemist ai.a
the electrical engineer were high
,.ct in the retard of the people.
season in the 200 was 2:29.5 and 'atchman and janitor were at the
for th. 100-vard free. :52.t. bottom of the list, i.auans pie
When the baseballers signed up fl,no,i the policeman job to
the other day for another season s others. Germans, Ki
play they were asked to put down Fnglish preferred to
their names and the position they jgts Negroes and nf
Played. Eddie George. no .eu... cans .u.-j 1 . - po. Iytng expedition to the Arctic.
v-on fiS7 ZWJis .Pi-ton of Wand
.ive inmie me - -- . Inthe voters hardship mixed wun an occasional
the sheet: "Jo Mahatch.e-batter. bK,k was a c l.alle thi,t m(lUes the
Russians, and
be machin-
native Ameri-
characterized Heiser's epic. Both
these books arc the first major
works of their respective authors.
. . . "Hell on Ice" is the February
choice of the Book of the Club.
Commander Ellsberg, author of
the book, spins this true yarn of
the north in the most "vivid and
fascinating" fashion. The book
tells the story of the ill fated le
t'l 1 1'1 u'p " . 1 ...,, In, n-mco tn hlllull aU'.1V Pltl- hi 1', n,iniil nf inn
Campus Philosopher Holds lof the in. "P"1 "; ao 'rn"L '0v. j bar.'ass'-d tears. . . Perhaps the ' jng the shortest days of
iimi " " ,!',,, I most important and most popular j The longest days are 1(
eminent positions.
Lone Concert at Noon-Day
(rvintiniipi! from Pace 1.)
v.,ii.!r lauinp his daily I riiirinc the recent German-Aus
tickets as he wishes, some spend
$,")00, the pools have always gone
to some one holding only a few
"We are only seven miles from
tidewater," he explained, as he
picked up a picture of the outgo
ing tide crashing against the in
coming tide, "and here is the sec
ond highest tide in the world."
Crop Outlook.
Showing another picture which
was taken from his cabin, Tully
pointeii out She passes thru whic?i
sunlight dur-
the year.
cri.iav nfiernoon. me iw.o.
ne start Friday afternoon and
the finals will be on Saturday.
(Continued from Tage l.i
to them, their friends and their
parents, how it helps or hinders
them in making their purchases.
Rules of Contest.
Hules for the contest are as fol
j; Here's the I'd o
noondav concert in his otiue. trian crisis. """? . .
Bringing his collection of records f mh repute f.uiM tnorois
from n.m.n nr. Werkmcister .mumbling nu'aningles-sl.v ocr such
plavs every noon while rating t(.,ms as Storm Troopers l ah
lun'ch. He confesses that he has pthluss and Minister f.r ropa
even staved as late as 10 o'clock pamlil and Public
at night to enioy his favorites. ; a ih w complete and authentic ac
Not Sure of Favorites. , count ot the. Hitler escapades has
"Yes, I do have favorites, but i ! just been iinisne.. o -
rinn't t .,. vnu- inst what iney ,,rts. - i ne uouc
om" ri ii-.i..,Dir nai aiioXl- T?oill ' rela
I. I hi. r.,nlr.t l ! ""V"'' .".
hl.h .rh..l. rollrur or yn In
ft,rrrftMinn'nrr m-i" ,
ncnAniflllv 1 :.. ., . I A -,.;i ., . 4 j .... .... rlll ihl.
' I I CH11 lie-in nx ritllT na nyiii I "'' '""rn' . ' , 1 INlll irl
z . mwii nuii . -
hours and
li ligious work of lecent times is ' for 11 ilays during the summer
Link's "The Return to Religion." . there is no real sunset. Seeding
College students and
those who att'n.l me l nitarian i the first killing frost is expected! ' riin-n. or ii
chinch will he interested in the i j ti,e 0f September, but may I rl,. n idr of om- ri"-r.
logical manner with which Mr. i m,t come until the first of Octo- J. iuii nm'. "J
I .ink Hltai ks t In problem. Anil her Moisture is snfi'lileltt for !"' ?!.''.' h mm on
what is more encotii aging to ques-1 good crops and the soil is fertile. ant, .h-fi mucivn 7rn '"J,1'',,"".!, I
that Hitler
T?,,.l4'' i-elntes
l-IPl.l .... ..,r,oflt.l- ' 111 f- t.T-4 Tl Aln.U.
cally revealed "I believe, now- cijmb ot an oumhh- ( ail is iioi. xvosy m nmonau
ver. that I shall never grow tired among hundreds oi i . "'"
tion agonized students, tne con-; "We have a better chance for a
elusion, the leturn to the religions, : crop than farmers do here in Ne
is arrived at in the most comfort-; braska." Tully grinned. "The tem
ing style. . . j pei attire in the valley goes as low
j as 40 below zero In the winter but
j. we no noi icei n as mui-n aa iiiigni.
be expected. The wind is irom tne
omposltions, aa arc- ,,i , ' . - ( the ! tanuska district before the gov-
ous works, are written m the most talked J "Jmtatlons i c-rnment organized the corporation
tone scale, producing the ( x l House and how stron ! in 1935 and moved some 200 fami- I
ieces of hony f ,hc: of 1 ',lp of mi(hvestern farmers into Wit
Bach and Shubert. At the are i the i walls . In , ans'"f the area. sinre thon he has been Bib
of Beethoven's fifth symphony, or
Shubert'. unfinished sympnony
These compositions, as are all the
most famous works, are written in
the 12
thoven. Bach
present time experiments aro be
ng done in the field of quanti
tone harmonies, ami I heard a
coloratura soprano from Mexico
City sing a very charming num
ber written in this harmony."
Dr. Wei kmeister is especially in
terested in African and oriental
music, and has at the present time
order blanks filled out for this
type of music.
Music Parallels Development.
"What intrigues me most is the
fact that music runs parallel to
Rreat periods in the development
of any country. From the end of
the 17th to the end of the 18th
century, the world was staid, slow
moving, apathetic, and the music
of Bach was the same. Then from
the end of the 18th to the 19th
century, there was a general free
ness in the ideas of the world;
there was a gradual loosening up
and broadmlndedness or aiutuneH.
Dr. Werkmelster's love of music
has been cultivated since the time
he was a boy in Germany. There
he studied six years of piano, nine
years of violin, and three years
of musical theory.
corporal when captains were com-
U it n(1 small matter for one
of such common lineage to become , versity.
'Utopia,' Says J. J. Tully north and blows the damp air
(Continued from Page l.l ! south, and it la the damp air that
He was living in the Ma-1 feels the coldest.
Roberts produces the most recent
expose of Kuropc's arch criminal
and most esteemed citizen, demon
strating to all that truth is
stranger than fiction.
lecture students who have won
dered about the origin of Pro
fessor Yenne's famous Mumbo
Jumbo poem may obtain the orig
inal poem in Monroe and Hender
son's "The New Poetry." Mumbo
Jumbo is really Vachel Lindsay's
"The Congo." . . . Author of world
famous "The Good Earth." Pearl
S. Buck turns to other worlds to
in close contact with the group
"I think it has been as success-j
fill as it could be. If they had
given the colonists more say in the
management, tho. they would have
got more done. The colonist want
ed to go ahead, but they were held
back qiute a bit. When the gov
ernment moves out, those who are
lc't will make it all right."
Tully showed the reporter a
large number of snapshots taken
in Alaska picturing the Yukon, the
ice as it broke up in the spring,
beautiful mountain scenes, the
colonists at work,, dog sleds, which,
incidentally are not used in Ma-
utheran students will meet
with Rev. H. Erck for the regular
Bible hour at 5 p. m. Thursday in
room 203 of the Temple building.
Corn Cobs.
Important meeting tonight
7:15 in Social Sciences 107.
April 10. I
. ' .. . .......... 1 1 1 4
4. 14i!i.ript. nml Iw nwlki! or df
llvfrfd In Ihf Omaha or!41-Mf nun ..
tontfM Mll"r bfloff muniim.
'?'l nnii.rrll.. nllff ""
hv thf WorM-llfr.141 1 Jodrf..
lon.rdfd lo dfMl.ln. ll- lo
lit thf n.llnn.l f.j ronlf.l nd will I"--
ronif thf propfrlj of .m'nnini .-..-.
m.nilrrlla will of rrrnro
H. Thf dffl.lon nl the jiid.f. will nf
fln.l. In of a f. dupllrnlf prlrrt
will bf wrdfd.
.Nnlf H.hor.tfnf.. of fnlrlf. will run
fount. Wmplv wrltf rlmrlj nd Ifllhly on
oaf ldf of thf pnpfr.
Heard On the
Airlines Nightly
Peacock Court
Scabbard and Blade.
Active and pledge officers of
Scabbard and Blade for both se
mesters will have their pictures
taken Wednesday at 12:45.
. wy . Tnii,..iiaii I.llprnrv srirloty pill.
r-i., nlmn.4! call 5.13.139. FultU
Med I nr.
Mldwfl'n I'ttdlnf N4ivflt- R.ind. t
AdmlliiD 4 f nil. r- j . t Jl
mm., rail
Ur - ll ll
r Distinctive Corsages A
) 147 No. 33rd St.
Opes and cezVenn day and night. Yr
I rruiu ' l
A" . -r:' .. 1
r.r y vr;. j
If-l X Mu.ic Corpnrtion of America f
Tickets SI. 50
o Presentation of IMS Prom Girl
Who will it be? ? ?
Be There Friday Night! The Last Formal of the Year, jj