The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1938, Image 1

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    C r 1
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A A. JlU
Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
zr VOI. WWII. NO. 92.
said a voice.
Five Skits to Vie
for Coed Follies
Bombs Destroy Centers
of Chinese Cultural Life
"You heard me. I said "
said a sleek-looking coachroach.
perching itself on the space har
and insolently thumbing his an
tenna. 'Why?'' we asked, merely to kill
Celing Zero.
"Because of housing condi
tions, that's why," said the
roach. "There isn't a minute
that I'm inside this building but
what I'm afraid something is
going to fall down and crush
"Oh." we said, enlightened, "you
are no doubt referring to the ease
of the fallen plaster occurring in
U. hall on the 23rd instant."
"Yarse, that and more. My fifth
cousin was killed in that catastro
phe and my favorite aunt was
drowned day before yesterday
when she dozed off for a little
nap in a floorboard crack and
melted snow leaked in on her.
Why. I have relations in Spain
and Shanghai that enjoy a gnater
degree of safety than I io here.
At least, they know when to ex
pect things to start fall inji. Here
it's just like a bolt from th? blue."
"Tsk. tsk," we clinked sympa
thetically, searching about men
tally for some idea or other.
"Not only that." wailed the
roach, "but my wife ran ott
with a centipede who has an
apartment over in Morrill hall.
She left a note saying that he
could give her better living con
ditions than I can, so she was
leaving while the leaving was
good. She also hoped I wouldn't
take it too hard and that I would
take good care not to get plas
tered, either intentionally or ac
cidentally. There seems to be a
general exodus of animal lite,
"It is said that rats will leave
a sinking ship.'' wc spread, still
fishing about for an idea with one
hand and currying on the conver
sation with he other.
A V th-Trap.
"They don't trust the old place.
One of the toughest roaches on
the first floor left the other day
and he told me he wouldn't
come back if they paid him. Not
even if they brought back the
old days of the free lunch: This
place is a dcath-trop. he sez to
me, he sez, and if you're wise
you'll pack up your toothbrush
and take up a nice safe residence
in Administration building. So
cial Science, Bessey, or Morrill
"Listen, these .re so old.
and the stair are so worn thai
every time you walk the
paths that thousands of rtudents
have formed in the flooring, you
feel like you're walking in a can
yon. Even E. E. and A. M build
ings aren't as dilapidated as this.
The boys over in E. E have pot a
pool uji with r.umlx-rs from one to !
ten. The numbers st.'ind for the'
numtier ft years the roaches, rats j
and centipedes ov r there think it
will tie Wore U. Hail is ti'in
down. Number ten is the preferred
number. r if they were rx-ttir.c
on th rumbr of years it would
ake V. Hall to fall" down, instead
of being torn down, the preferred
number would be 1."
"Oh. go away," we said, exas
perated. "Weren't you ven listening?''
said the roach, "All ripht. I'll po
find somebody v.ho can understand
"Wish you would." we mut
tered, "cause we've got to think
of something to write a column
about pretty quick, and your sort
of complaining and griping v M
never get us anywhere.
Ew-n Wall I'ofi'
Enjow'd Rlntlini
in ouncr Day
If yon listened to I-ethov n.
S' humsnn. Schubert, and Mozart
an a child and had your mother
read aloud from Shakespeare.
Shelly. Earns, and Keats for your
bdt!me stories, you are likely to
be the belle or th beau of the
hour oarcn whn your college
davs arrive, according to Miss
flora Mae Ellis of the physical
education saff at 'he Oklahoma
A. and II. college. Visa Ellis bas
her conclusions on the authority
fit Isadora Duncan, r,ni! c' ,ne
world's bent Interpretive dancers.
Miss Film say that everyone
fin n child has had ihythm but
that because the leelu.g for music
la transient It disappears if riot
-evrlopt-d, and consequent ly many
Judges Name D. G, Bouton,
Raymond Halls, Pi Phi,
S. D.T. tor ?38 Show.
From the 17 skits entered for
participation in the 1938 Coed Fol- j
lies, the A. W. S. judges last night '
chose five skits and four curtain
acts to compete for the silver Fol
lies trophy cup in the final pro
Groups whose skits won favor
Carrie Belle Raymond Hall; Del
to Gamma; Pi Beta Phi; Rosa
Bouton Hall; Sigma D?lta Tau.
The curtain acts: Alpha Chi
Omega; Barb A. W. S. League;
Chi Omega; Gamma Phi Beta.
The skits were judged Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday nights
by a committee composed of
A. W. S. board members.
"Judging has pone well, for the
most part according to schedule,"
stated Velma F.kwall. chairman of j
the committee, which included i
Martha Morrow. Betty Cherny,
Janet Lau, Pat Pope, Helen Pas
coe, Phyllis Robinson, and Kath
erie Kilbuek.
The silver trophy cup. a fea
ture which the Follies has never
before offered, will be awarded to
the act winning the most applause
and favor of the judges at the
final presentation on March 24.
War Causes Untold Damage
to Educational Work
of Generations.
Thruout the vast territory
China from Peiping and Tientsin
in the north to Canton in the
south, and from Shanghai in the
east as far into the interior as
L'iannci lha YfTCt ft V hi lilll 1 n
S1 ' I I . " i -lAit a li inf a ilocnlv pnnnprl i,l u-ith
i i education, notablv the C
of their former magnificent estab
lishments is a mass of ruins. I'p
to Oct. 15 there were 27 middle
schools and 44 primary schools
in various districts in and around
Shanghai reduced to ashes. In ad
dition, the splendid municipal mu
seum, the municipal library, and !
the municipal athletic buildings
were destroyed, not to mention j
many professional and cultural
associations and commercial un-
Competitive, Requirements
Adopted for Pledges,
Limited to 15.
and equipment of a
of universities, colleges and schools
have gone tip in smoke and are
now in ruins. A report from the
war area states that already 23
universities and colleges have been
destroyed, completely or partially.
The casua'ty list of educational
institutions for the city of Shang
hai amounts to 14 universities and
cnlleces. Manv have been sub
jected to gun-fire and bombs sev- j
eral times, and what now remains i
Col. C. J. Frankforter. member
of the chemistry department, ac
cepted yesterday the position of
faculty sponsor of Corn Cobs,
men's pep society which is under-
education, notablv the Commercial
Press, the largest publishers in
In Canton, the National Sun
Yat-sen university has been twice
bombed. In Nanking, the National
Central university and the School
of Dentistry have been bombed.
These demolished institutions
represented painstaking labor of
countless men and women for a
(Continued on Page 21.
Minister Views
Japanese Bids
for Supremacy
T. Brumbaugh to Explain
Oriental Situation to
"We do not. v c need not justify
Japan's aggression, but wc must
see the f!ag:ar.t case of economic
injustice lying back of it if wo
would k?:ow what is Christianity's
Jean Tikhe Gets
U. S. Citizenship
In 45i More Days
Fischer to Preside
Annual Affair
I 8 rH " "
to " ' iyj. 1 j
"Last August I applied for my
first papers, which I have just
received, and in two more years
and f9 days, I will be a citizen of
the United States." stated French
instructor Jean B. Tilche yester
day, upon receiving his first natu
ralization papers.
In Dr. Tilche's own words, he
is "half and half as far as speak
ing is concerned. "I speak French
half the time and English the
other half."
Already Partly 100 Percent.
"However, a certain part of mc
is already 100 percent American.
I think that any American citizen
should consider it an honor to be
an American citizen, ana i
Pep Club Checks Out First
Block of 500 Ducats
in Awgwan Office.
n lo
With the taking over of the sale
Junior-Senior prum tickets last
night by the Corn Cobs. block
of approximately 500 tickets was
j released on the campus thru
j members of the pep group, a s'-c-iond
block of 500 will probably le
checked out today frm the Daily
of Junior-Senior prom tickets last
N'tbraskan p.rA Awgwan offices.
: the 2.0"0 tickets on hand rapidly."
UH K Jii .jlllil. I'O-c. i;h II III H 1 1 1J!
charge of tickets in the Prom
committee, stated, "the entii-.-student
body will bo given a
chance to sell them. For every 12
tickets sold, one free ticket will be
Closes Formal Season.
The prom, a week from tonight.
A record crowd of water well I is the last chance this war for
drillers, jobbers and manufactur- j students on the Cornhusker earn
ers gathered in Nebraska hall ves- ,0 "TV" .f'jU ?P
laffur marks the close of the for-
terday to open the tenth annual ;mai a..n and the disappearance
also convocation or the Nebraska W ell ; of the tuxedo on university dance
Condra Welcomes Group;
Lugn Discusses Rock
I V "
r ?J'".-i4 i
think that the biggest part of cit- Drillers association. National and ! floors until the Military Ball next
izenship should be duties to one s 'jx-ai nrms exmoitea
machines ' December.
The members of Delian Union
iLiteiary society will hold their
annual banquet in the Garden
! room ft the Lincoln hotel Satur-
day (Vf ning at 6:30.
I Iviwin Fischer, a member of the
organization, will act as toastmss
ter. Marie Willey and Donna Wil
I lmar.n are in charge of the decora
j tions which will be in purple and
! gold, the colors of the society.
I The theme of the toasts will
center around the word "animate."
the title of each succeeding speech
. beginning with a letter in that
i word. First on the program will
! be a toast entitled "Admiration."
1 by Clarence Mock, president of the
t organization. Donna Williann will
j sreak on "Nobleness" and Chester
Anderson on "Inspiration." Fol
lowing "Melodious" by Marie Wil
; ley. Leonard Focht will play on
i the piano. "Study in Brown." Fol
lowing will be the toasts "Achieve
ment'' by Dick Kerlin. "Tranquil
ity" by lona Ellis, and finally "En
joy mint" by Violet Faig.
country, not the privileges received (demonstrating the advances rvde
from it." i'n we" drilling equipment. hie in selling tickets." Edmund
"I expect to be concerned mainly ne group was welcomes by Dr. 1 Mees. oi me i-rom i tn
with mv duties when I become a:". K. condra. director of the con-1 committee, ceciared. "(..nrr w u
citizen, altho I will not complain
obligation." declared P.ev. T. T.
Brumbaugh who will describ "Ja
pan s Bid foi Asiatic Leadership'
Sunday in an address to be given
at Grace Methodist Episcopal
church. Brumbaugh has ben the
head of the Wesley foundation in.
Japan since 1924; hi? work among
Japanese youth bringing him
Uncoln Journ&L
going re-organization. The new
advisor was elected Wednesday
evening at a general meeting of
the club.
Drastic steps were taken at the
if a few privileges do fall my way.
Long Bought American.
Mr. Tilche has been an advocate
of- the policy "Buy American" for
many years. "In France. I bought
American cigarettes, altho I paid
as high as 65c a package for
them," he stated.
He has studied at many Euro-
into close contsct with the cri-
servation and survey division of.liams offers the campus super- ental situation
the university. Dr. A. L. Lugn. ' smooth music of a variety we too j whiir tr.urinV the Vnited States
professor of geology addressed ! seldom have a to hear. An as a PCtlircr and commentator on
them in the afternoon on the topic orchestra that is going to replace
meeting to rectify the lull in ac-l .h.. inri.uiincr .'he Sor.
tivitv whirh ib. hrMioM rTliim : 1 . . . .
to the group recently. A
posal for a competitive entrance , deirree
bonne at Paris, and LTrbino in
of "Rocks and Formations. How
to Recognize Them."
Wells Deeper Today.
Prominent among the exhibitors
was Clayton Mark whose company .
is this year celebrating its 50th
anniversary. Mark is one of the
'founders of the company and j
OiTin Tucker at the Edgewater i
Beac'l hotel In Chicago needs not
high pressure sales techniq'ie." I
Tickets will sell for SI. 00 a cou- !
(Continued on Tage 2. from whenc he procured a c ms tnat his supplies are sold;
nryftt 1 'all mr
requirement was accepted and a
committee was appointed to meet
rv,mmr.tincr hout various suh-i"lrre B wnue man. ne ponn
L.r. . ; .,in.H 'out that th
the world, everywhere
white man. He pointed
e wells are ha vine m
with the new sponsor to make j ' : had a bljiiuin? o deeper now that drainage of
tontativ nlanc for th i-ninm tii H . . m.- swamns marshes and bocs is low-
- " "'" -"-"lanrl more acleauaie laciiaies lor ..... '.. . . . . ..
... enng ine water level in ine
resllin! Coach
Slops Inebriate
Willi ril Hold Champion
conduct of new members.
Limited to 15 Pledges.
The new plan at present pro
vides for the removal of all fra-
Or.tinued on Page 3.)
simu.m; ri:n plans
rxnlaliii of lMldcts
Of Aprirullurc Main
I'arl of Prop-am.
Wfirk has begun on the annual
Ag Executive board spring party,
set for March 27. Plans for the
presentation of the Goddess of Ag-
Here's one that isn't "n the rec-
o-riunn in afarona a.u ha tv-. in?ri I i r'P inn in i innriui i i; .c
ft'u", ill o.riui ovii, nr. jnnnif,, . . r . - " "
the Romance Languape depart-1
i . a j a. . 1-1 K
come a more intergal part of the Cheyenne. Wyo. While the mn
university which is vbat it, A of a mn mrhine. ' were in a restaurant there one
should , in any case. j nm fcy a motor nd w uh 41Entfi. , day. a big. 200 plus poi.nd, drunk
Leaky Roof Daunts Students. 'illustrated the new truck type of; staggered in. After findir.g out
"If we had a building which did well drilling machines mat pernii'. ' that the Nebraska iren weie
not leak at the slightest rain, and the duller to lower 20 feet of pipe ! wrestlers, the drur.k careened over
in uhi.h the floor were not iCr.ntin,,.,! p o, i to their table and said. ".So you're
cracked and noisy, perhaps we, ' . ' i wrestlers, are you? Well. I can a;t:vit;ts bail.
. (would be able to attract more Q fl T P CDflUCnDC P 1 1 ID throw any one of you for 40 cents.
Goodvear. General Elpr.tric;. students to study foreign lan- t li Ui 01 UllOUilO wLUU And I thirk 1 11 start in on you,
Beef Features
Decorations Motif in
Annual Ball.
Eastman Officials
Arrive Soon.
Hall brothers of Kansas City.
Goodyear. General Klectric arid
guages. i
In closing, Mr. Tikhe explained j
that after he becomes a citizen, it
Decora' iors including a life size
model of last year s grand cham
pion beef covered w:.h prize rib
bons w;U provide a colorful st
tu.g for the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben
bail to be held in the ag college
Use of t!ie prize sle r in tiie
he said to Coach Jerry Adams. ')eronuv.:.s inoui is paruniMi.y
Tlie drur.k reached and
will be his purposee to bring about j Cadet
"a better understanding Deiween (
the Eastman Kodak company will,lne American ana r rem n
have officials on the campus with-1
m tne next rew days to interview
graduating seniors desiring to se
cure positions with their company,
according to Prof. T. T. Bullock
of the economics department.
Already offers from other lead-
ncuJture will comprise an rnipor- ling industrial firms arc being re
tart part of the work in prepara- ; ceived by a number of seniors
tiori Tor the annual affair. who have interviewed their repre-
Co-chairman for the party, as ,sentatives. One company has noti-
laniiounc-d recently, will be Ixis fied Prof. Bullock's office that
j Giles arid Harold Benn. Other seven were mailed last week to
hurmen and committees named ; students at the University of Ne
;re: Orchestra. Earl Heady and braska. Of the midyear graduates
jMarjorie Francis; decoration. that received places from similar
Marion dishing; publicity, Harold interviews many have voiced their
I Bern and P.ulh Bauder; refresh- j satisfaction with their first posi
, merits, Nila Spader and Denver tions, and one has reported that
Gray: and tickets. DcJoris Bors ! his salary was raised from what
vidual and mutual."
grabbed Adam's wrist and started
Officers to Attend i t,',rtirS- Adams then applied a
Uinccrs to Altena tnancerv V, the man. and st
Saturday Afternoon him down on the floor q ute vn
Social Function. !fnt:'' u? T:'":'y U'V
I his position, the lnebnate rr.i.t
MlSS Jane Walcott, Honorary trl -What hanoonerl to rre?"
Colonel, and the Sponsors club
have issued invitations to all R. O.
T. C. officers to attend a ta dance
tn be held tomorrow t the Corn
husker hotel from 3 to 5:30 p. m.
Dance music will be provided and staggered off
by Bing Miller and his orchestra, j
who have been recommenoed to
the miyitary department for their
To add to the spirit of the th. r.g.
Adams told him that that was just
a sample of what Delos Johnsor.
varsitv heavyweight, would do to
him. The li uf.k puked himself up,
Entries Due April 1; Readers shmic
Vio fnr $100 First I Chairman of the committee in
Place Award.
Rarlt Pool pone Werkly
Daticr I Ulil Tomorrow
The weekly barb darce will be
held Satui'iav evenii.g. Feb. in-
fiHing s.nce the ball, sponsored by
Biork nd Bn.ile eluh. opens two
weeks of preparation for the n-ru-il
Junior Ak-Par-B'-n livestock
show March 12.
An ir.f' affair, t'-e tiall is
open to stuier's t bo'h th ag
aid c.'y camp les. Ti ke's are art
certs a roup'. at tve door. irA
Ml Pes'rrs ovchc'ra wiM pro
vide the nvisir.
Chiper'ir.s f'.r th Vail are Prof,
ar.d Mrs. P.. F. H.!-r-in and Prof,
aid Mr. F.o M:i'r. Special fa
uly guests include Prof, and Mrs.
H. J. G-an.lifh, P"'- ar.d Mrs.
M. A. Alexander, a-d Prof, gni
Mrs. William L-ef.'ei.
charge of refreshments is Kth-' Kiead of tonight. Th" danc e will
arine Adams, and .Margaret Hen-: Njj, jn.mediately utu r the vars-
nil'i will cui;-
land Don Magdanz.
: he was promised.
Gulliver Gazes on Gyrations
of University Traffic Scene;
Deplores Careless Pedestrian
ity basketball gari.e.
tinue until 11 :30.
Dr. and Mrs Carl E. Georgie
and Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Spun will act as ( hapcrones. Ad
mission Is 30 cer:s.
Lieut. Halthem Denouncei
Studentr Who Drive
Big AutomobUes.
hi .n wnr.Mii.iii,.
!" Th t, hr lklr4 arttrir
I rw rHallnc ihf Mtnrtvm ,.
Ilr l I nlo-r.rtn. VrkraanM. (m.
Imh4 il rwhmr, m4 trll.n, kt, htvrf.
(IIM ml llw tr.llk fmhlrrn. U INM mr-IM-Ir.
.lll.r grit a (IrM Iua4 strm ml
As I was saying. Lieut. Halthem
te.'hrnen come to school unable and I hurried from the Municipal
to dance or even to move their
muscles to the btat of rhythmical
If a child is to be a gool dancer,
she must have training at a very
early age, according to the dance
authority. Tap and ballet dancing
Is not the best kid of early dance
eduiatlon for It fatigues too easily.
Ir.Mesd children should be taught
fundamental muscle motions to
music. If a dancing class is to be
surcenful and beneficial to all
students, everyone should dance
and there should be no spectators.
This would eliminate two preva
lent defects of dancing, self cen
teredness. and self-consciousness.
Officers of Pcabbsrd and Blade
will hsve their Cornhusker pic
tures taken at 12:45 Monday afternoon.
Court building just a little before
boon the morning 1 was released
from Jail. My guide led me to the
top of the building, slightly higher
than those around It, from which
I could survey the entire city. As
we reached the roof, a bill rang
and a few rninutca later, the Inhab
itants of this strange city began
pouring out of every building.
They came from tall shaky
structure with many gables and
cupolas reminding me of some of
the more ancient structures of
my England, r-om long one
storied building, unsightly with its
broken red bricks and crumbling
mortar, from a large hall fronted
by magnificent concrete columns,
from a sky-lighted building which
vaguely reminded me of a rather
poor model of an ancient Gree
Universitas Nebraslcansis they
came flocking.
Fears Automobiles.
They poured down the walks,
some of them to clamber into the
strange "automobiles" which lined
the streets for miles around, some
to continue on foot to their va
rious destinations. I mysWf had al
ready acquired a deathly fer of
these swift arid dangerous vehicles
but. to my axtoiiishment. the ma
jority of the persons on foot would
quite boldly walk across their path
and even jump aboard cars still
tn motion.
I asked Lieut. Halthem about
this and he explained that the peo
ple were supposed to cross the
streets only at Intersections where
there were usually signal lights
which both pedestrians and drivers
were supposed to obey. Halthem
pointed out several of these lights.
They were oblong bor-like affairs
with a verticle row of three lights,
on each of four sides, ascending
in the following order; Red, ytj.
loy, green.
Witches Traffic Lights.
I noticed that traflc, foot and
wheel, moved parallel to the di
rection of the green lights. For
Instance, when the east and west
dricks is head of the committee
To the winner of the best essay ; iuir.g invitations. Each company
on "Libraries Look Ahead." wiil ; sponsor has submitted the names
be awarded a 100 prize by the two firls vhorn she wishes to
Junior Members Bound Table and, present, and invitations have
the A. L. A. "Bulletin." j xh,n-
Anybody, whether librarian, j 1
mnu ;r,ptr whi i!" Geologist Points Out Nebraska's
iween i,'r) ami wnrun in
length, and must reach the com-
Imittee by April 1. The judges of
the contest are Bruce Eliven, edi
tor of the "New Republic;" Mrs.
Beatrice Sawyer Ronwdl, editor of
the A. L. A. "Bulletin;" and Ger
ald McDonald, chairman of the
Junior Members Bound Table.
Besides 100 in cash, the win
ner of the contest will publish the
manuscript in the A. L. A. "Bul
letin" and the "New Republic."
Second and third prize winners
will receive hooks from the com
mittee as well as possible publica
tion of the entry. Trie three hon
orable mentions will also receive
books as prizes
Substantial Underground Water
Supply in Speech to Well-Drillers
temple I had once seen In myjKr"n lights flashed on. th esst
chlldhood. From every one of th west traffic .moved forward and
mongrel structures which made up I (Continued on I'age .)
Bjron "Whizr-er" White, Colo
rado university's All American
halfback, turned clown a 115,000
contract to enable him to go to
Oxford university next year on a
Rhodes scholarship.
White rejected the contract
which was offered him by Art
Rooney. president of the Pitts
burgh Pirates of the National Pro
fessional Football league. He has
asked Rooney, however, if he was
Interested to keep him on the
Pirates' roster If he should change
his mind next aummer and not
go to Oxford.
White also Is an all conference
basketball and bsssball player at
Colorado university.
Lvgn Claimi State Not Arid;
Filipi Vrget Protection
of AI Wells, Pumps.
"Nebraska is not a ban en and
waterless state even tho the sur- 1
face of the ground may look like ,
It," Dr. A. L Lugn, of the geology j
department, told delegates attend- ,
ing the tenth annual convention f j
the Nebraska Well-Dnller asso- j
riation being held Thursday and j
Friday in Nebraska hall. !
Dr. Lugn slated that except for j
about lu,00 square miles In the
eastern end of the state and about
.V0O0 square miles In other local
areas, Nebraska has about 60,000
square miles of water bearing for
mations which are capable of
yielding as great if not a greater
supply of good water as almost
any other equal area In the coun
try. Steps in Sanitation,
Nebraska la fortunate, he con
tinued, in having excellent supplies
of water underground, thus mak
ing It possible for the future devel
opment of those industries which
are more or less dependent upon
substantial and dependable sup'
iiiiiii a wwnii wt " l !' 1 1,1 1
- . " ' S ''
I- '
-' . "!
I - ' ?
y - . J v
V " Ik
Ectty Chrr.y Lists Ushers,
Style Show Assistants
For Coed Follies.
Jarie Barbour, y:'-jlii of the
Associated Women Studer.t s so
ciety, spoke Wednesday itfternoon
to trie merr.hen- of the Freshman
A. W. S. at t-.eir las', meeting.
Explaining the j. eposes r.f the As-
' sociated Wr.-.i r. i Tuden's she
spoke in favor ef the women's
poir.t svs'em.
I Following hr talk. Btv Cher-
nev, A. n . b"arn mc:rer in
charge of the f-eshmsn group,
announced tie i;?hrs and door
men for the Coed Follies, and th
committee to an! in th production
of the siyi" show, t'shc-rs and
d'Krrnen aie: Marian Mrlle',
Marian Brudstreet, Dee S hill.
Mi lit h Kr.iL'l.t. Marv Bullock. Jean
! Sin.mons, Betty I'. se, Betty lA-h-I
man. lJe'.l v Ar.n Roach, Hel n
Abel, Lucille Cox and Jean Mi
Alisler. The cornnii'tie to aid the
production of the style sho' mc
Elrna Ruth tollman. Gertrude
McArthur, Prici!la Chain, Ma-y
Lou Daly, petty M'Klnnie, Am
Hustead. M.irgarrt Krause, an 1
Judith Levenson.
DR. A. L
Unrij'n Journal.
tions. Most water wells range In
plies of ground water. Dr. Lugn I ""J" "'P11 ,rnm 500 to 200 Utt
v-..i,.'. --.i. i in the state.
bearing format. nn. .re generally , T. A. F.llpi. sanitary wtor
rtfvt sandy and porous nature, such ".partrn-nt of health,
as aaniUtJM and limestone Xorma-1 (Continued on Page 4.)
I'lmerMty 'V Groups
lo Hold Joint ItHreat
t'nlversitv Y. M. and Y. W.
C. A. ffiembers will hold a joint
retreat ton.ght fmm 6 to S p. m.
at the Hi-Y building at 22nd and
J sts. Chuck Schwiezo, popular
regional worker for the student
Christian movement, will ad a
fireside discussion concerning as
pects of the student associations'
work. A supper will be served at