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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1938)
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NERRASKAN. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 19.t Cook, treasuref, Pavey; E. C. Beed, secretary, of the university faculty; and Dr. Corulra, The pro gram. all ripht but who's goinR to see that it gets its daily rations, an.i every poliifish we ever hnl, neeiied its water changed now and then. A happy home life he's oir. to have, Chalk it up that S:mi Francis is hark on the ran, pus to hot things up for awhile. Wonder who'll manage, to annex him first this time? ers this year are Frank Cole, president. Loomis; Roy Sox. vice president, North Loup: Edgar TKrt n n 4-tii rt FRIDAY! , f, End To. nit "True Confession' 1 Gamma Alpha Chi. Gamma Alpha Chi will Thursday at ,ri nYlork in Smith Hall. meet Kllen : J r " r i ; )u do . . " man ? 1'rtpnrt?-' 1 THE HAUNTER if in this column lhat she was to the P.rta house party. It it you don't mind the pun "canvas" was "in tents," hut has now come to an end be a house remaining that I'ot had an exclusive fling in tins Jpillar, it is because they wotild'nt j pour forth the fluid material: If. we be wioiir, and there is still a group that would like to be fea-, turv.l. let it now speak or else let ; it hope it is picked up on the hit un.i mostly miss system of news' horinq. i Ollli, ' hp-1 our ! I'ened th;it Johnny Weingarten had 1 somehow or other heat Bob Beth- i which If there to! to it witn an invitation, hns just nil goes to prove that there s ncthing stingy about the Beta's in their liating. Once a brother puts his stamp of approval on a g;il her batting average seems to le pretty gio.l all over the )ioum and people say a girl has to have something on the ball to hat in that h'ag'ie. I'iialk it up that a few shekels exchanged hands in the Fiji house When short on material, we can yesterday. Some of the boys had Blways say, without contradiction, laid it two to one that your haun that a girl is wearing a pin on her . tress would tell all about the pri tlip. It has lieen said that, like a I vate life of Bill Wagner. The bull throwing the campus poli-j Truth of the matter is that what lician. it is not news when a girl j we know wouldn't bear printing. Wears fraternity jewelry on the, mi looks like the Phi (Iain's played slip, but rather when she linns a lung stvt and lost, the garment. ' t halk it Up Uial there s a .-nam on the family tie at the l'hi Mu bouse just now. H all started when the pledges were sent out to bring ba V sin h things as Elmer Tuhr mann's sweater and five live flies. But the climax was a dinner at th house last night when each innocent freshman had to When the snow began to melt yesterday, we saw a young army of Sig Alphs start to pack a pic nic "lunch." This must be the rush Season, we've heard about It was leairici thru the usual iishonorable channels vesleidav, I iw WELL DRILLERS MEET TO DRAW RECORD CROWD (Continued from Page 1.) cording to reports from associa tion headquartet s. As special features of the gathering. Gov. W. L. Cochran will address the delegates on Ne braska's water resources, and Dr. G. K Condra will show the pic tures which he took while on his recent trip to Kussia. One of the most elaborate equipment dis plays during recent months will ! shown to the more than 100 delegates and many visitors. Condra Extends Welcome. Dr. Condra. director of the con servation and survey division, will welcome the delegates. while Prank Cole, will report on the 19.';" national convention which was held in New York City. H. H. Brown of Blair will report on last year's meeting. Among the speakers to be heard this year are Dr. A. 1- Lugn. as I sociate professor of geology; T. A. Filipi, sanitary engineer: J. P.. I M tin ay. of the agricultural engi neering department; and Prof. M. 1 I. Kvinger. engineering college. ! Officers of the state well drill i M HARDY Q flV0 I J Learn PoliKnrs Sportlight that Tom Davidson, pre-med sen ior, who has been extra curricular- ' jzmg with Elinor Kogers. Theta. ' and Maxine Grant. Delt Gamma. : has a girl back home. Back home I in Casper, Wyo. And he rails the g:rl haek home "The Bu't.illv t,:irl.' i-ast mght marked the secoini meeting of the inter-fraternity fraternities. Ten Sigma Nus am; ten Delta Gammas, who call them selves haters of the opposite sex, met for another evening of what ' they term as "rollicking fun." Each , Wednesday the two cliques meet and draw cards to see who takes whom. From there they set out to daub the town scarlet, with Ml flenses on the dutch basis. The ciowds decidedly turn hitch-hike i fingers down on any p.undriy-go-to-iueetin" clothes. The only flaw in the whole situ- ; li'ion is, "if they stand for rh Jriiic pie of 'anti-dating ' then ! y ' tlale? A few more gofd troni ;a',es have trickled in. Bob Walhaiiis Innocent prejident, is taking Vir ginia Anders'm, Theta 1 ln-au'y. Jack !dd. ea.v.ri's ! si 1 open field runner, is es or '.ing 1 Elinor Parrel. Theta. Who von takin'? RY THE IHI'NTIibS Chalk it up that Doiothy Van Patten was plenty buineu up tm itber day when mention was mane tiirn up wearing a frat pin. We've j heard ways and means of getting around N-fnre but can't yoti picture some chance acquaintance asking J to borrow that little piece of jew-j dry nearest and dearest to your j heart? Besides. 1 hadn't known, there were enough Jeweled badges left at the men s lodges to supply ( a whole pledge class. By this time . of year, you know, they're pretty i well picked over Chalk it up tnat Kdson Fielder. 1 gu.-s that's his name, after ; strutLling two hours to drum a litlle biology into the thick skull ; of y ur hauritress. caught sight of an endorsed paper. Oh so you're j Mary Ar na, he nodded as if that explaii ed everything. Just the ; same we don't like looking at dead fiogs and things And that re-; ii;ind me tbat Mary Jo Henn j brought home the fingernail from , a coi p- vestei.lav fie:t anatomy . V - C- ' ' Ci aJk it up that John Diengins i paternal instinct led lum to the dime stole, the other day an.i thi. with a purpose. Yes. John has al ways wanted golf fi.h of his own. So he Uiught a fish and a how to go aioi.nd it. or for it to get around in What a .v-tup gold-fi-h an.i all, he made a beeline for ' the p;jj house armed with his; treasure. The thing we'll bet our' Mt dovin slip on i that Johnnie' n..;,'t give the practical side of the on. Mioi a thought. A is; I lurry I Friday! Tonishi! "THE HUM! I CANE' YOUR "ONE IN A MILLION" SWEET HEARTS REUNITED IN JOYOUS ROMANCE! Songt: Songs! "Hot and Happy" "A Gypsy Told Me" "You Appeal to Me" "You're the Music to the Words in My Heart" '-" ' J' . ft"", l 31' m ' I. The Mad R'jisU'i of Ca'dor'i r-adio p-ograoi . . te tmglirg tune from t.e hit piraJe . . f jn, romance ... in fact everytrmig ; 4 nfii .irif..n f rutlirr. The 3 Mesquiteers in "Purple Vigilantes' ft 1 1 Now Thru SATURDAY BIG 3 UNIT SHOW Jack Holl Wynne Gibson 'TRAPPED BV G MEN" Ili:i Tin, Jr. .' : nd Crown" Frank Hiivks ' ' Mysterious Pilot" I -is. ur v HENIE 2wAMECHE - li V. ) k a ii h e V?. 2t $ wirh ucPQuniT - l II llftpllWIIWWI XV FTHFI MFRMAN H P 5 A R RflMPRn , r- wiiibi. in i w i. u ti ii ii u in b it u i'y EiLLY GILBERT RAYMOND SCOTT QUiHTET 3 a Scat lor 25C WHIT VRK0 LEAH RAY 1 f '- WK ' j'X " ' j 0 A no in EXTRA! 3 BIG ADDED UNITS! 1. Charlie McCarthy and EDGAR BERGEN i" "AT THE RACES" "THE MARCH OF 1 ' M E" N. Vo'h I tivbinj Prrtwl Bu'tlu MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON "BOAT BUILDERS" Latrst Net E v-U L Starts Friday! STUART IK , r r Coming ! SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS 20c -Jit 6 S1 " v' & j .-WW,. ,9 1 1 7