The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tin: daily m:iu:aska. m:dm:sday. ikuuuaky o. vm.
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... HI J
The Delta Thus are just one
more bunch of boys that has a
fraternity within a fraternity. The
Inner group is known as the S.
O. L. frat. The meaning, so they
say. is the indispensable group
who have been minimized by
males' menace, better known as
women. Thoy have their head
quarters and their activities, the
last of which was a serenade with
orchestral accompaniment. We
know of no better way to avenge
a female's wrong than by a
Their only worry is how will they
Justify dates at their spring
Another Tri Delt story is that of
Maryanna who was taken to dance
at Omaha's Music Box by Boh
McCampbell. But. as Mother Hub
bard goes, when they got there,
the wallet was hare, and we don't
know where they went from there.
Call it publicity if you will, but
there is no other fraternity that
can boast of having four cage
players on the varsity court simul
taneously as the Delts. The quar
tet is Floyd Ebausrh, Paul "Legs"
Amen, Dow Wilson and Bob Tar
sons. A follow up on Wilson tells of
the time, while returning from a
B team basketball trip, he and
his buddies had a flat tire, of the
rubber variety, just north of Au
rora. Four maplesters Eruce
Campbell, Sigma Nu; Bob Elliott,
Sig Ep; Ray Baxter, barb; and
Wilson hailed a car. A lone driver
stopped and Dow suggested to
' Campbell that they take him by
surprise. The two ran up to the
car and swung both doors of the
coupe open simultaneously.
The driver, frightened into rig
idity, pleaded, "I don't have any
monev! What do you want me to
do? i don't have any , money?"
Anyway it would have been
' funny if you had been there.
Wandered past the Phi Delt j
house yesterday, and who should I
be sitting on the curb chatting
away and oblivious to passersby
but Bob Reddish and Millie Wekes-
ser who beat a path between the
Theta and A. T. O. house that is
being taken up by others in those
houses. In fact. Jigger Glass is al
' most to the point of admitting
that Frannic Goodwin is his true
love instead of his boats.
Just one more good bet at the
Theta house out of circulation
after Monday night's sweets and
stogies treat, and just a few sjiort
months ago a diamond on the hand
of pledge, Virginia Smith, and this
from a man at home. Now she's
rooting for Sigma Nu in no uncer
tain terms.
Hadn't ncccssarly made up my
mind to write about Theta's today
but couldn't pass up the chance to
remark about pledge, Marie An
derson's recent conquest at the
Beta house. Lob Pillsbury is the
stricken young man, so don't ex
pect to see those two free lancing
for some time now. All of which
just goes to lessen the once
lengthy list of the foot loose
aroun.: and about this here place.
Looks like the ground hog really
proved his salt, cause the spring
time is the time for well, almost
Heard on rather doubtful au
thority that Delt Dow Wilson and
Lucile Anderson might go the way
of all Theta pledges, and single
time it for a while. It's a shame to
waste such wonderful dancing on
one person, tho. So why don't
fcome of the rest of you try to bat
.in that league? (Two bits Oolie
won't speak to me today.)
As one of the gals who knew
hlrn in high school remarked, Bob
Martin is certainly looking a little
moth-eaten these days. When she
last knew him he was quite the
man. Could collitch life be doin
this to him? or maybe it's S:g
Alph violets you know.
Anil speaking of violets reminds
me that one night last weekend we
stopped to talk to Janet I-au, and
someone asked her whom she was
waiting for. "Oh, the spook." was
her replv. and Just then up walked
Web Mills.
Wagers are running hirh about
who the next prom girl will be. So
now'a the chance to put In your bid
for a few good odds. I've heard
that quite a number of juniors are
filing this year, which is contrary
to all custom, but possibly a good
Just r.m't seem to keep "get-sround-Tanton's"
name out of the
It seems he was taking a fiii-d
exam. He rushed to the scena
early and distributed one stick of
his chicle wares, gum to you and
nie, on each desk, except the
profs. There he placed two. Upon
the board he wrote. "THE LAST
When the tutor entered the
room he announced, "I'm sorry,
but Me exam will be upstairs In
room 303."
When the class arrived at that
chamber they found Tanton already
there with the words, "THE LAST
BEECHNUT," written upon the
"A Good Ttachers Agency"
Com in and Se Vt
Ml Stuart Bldg. Lincoln, Htbr.
' n 'r. y w
By Bob Rupp.
PAUL MILLER running around
with a black eye. Having n black
eye wouldn't be so bad but the
funny part is that Paul doesn't
know where he got his.
1 didn't know that WALLACK
CHALOUPKA was a track star
but take it from me that boy's
plenty fast Whv i"s' t'v ".. r
night a little kid hit him with a
snowball and Ualiy iiui, ... . ...
run three blocks to catch luni.
HERB. JOHNSON has been in
the infirmary the past few days
and has gotten out. When asked
how he liked it down there Herb,
said, "Just fine, that's the first
hospital T was ever in that the
nurses kissed me good night."
been wearing her gloves must
everywhere she goes here of kite.
The reason is a big. glittering,
diamond ring on that certain fin
ger. She's been trying to keep it a
I secret. The man lr the case js
someone from Kansas.
FRANK SVOBODA wouldn't it
be cheaper to go ahead and get
married? It would save those three
n week trips out to the Loomis
house if nothing else.
FER always wears a white shirt in
Eng. 14 class. Couldn't be that
A. O. Pi. reduced he sits beside,
could it?
Official Corahusker prices will
be maintained until May 1. because
many are ordering application
photographs from their C'rn
husker sittings for this
No additional charge. Girls who
used the drape and wish sittings
in tailored dress may have them
without additional expense.
Twnsend Studio
. o.t
Corrnthi l?J8, Lu,nr & Mvtit TomlioCo.
Students Hear Discussion
Of 'Voice Culture'
Tuesday Night.
"Americans have been severely
criticized by Europeans because of
their harsh, uncultured voices,"
Mrs. C. C. Mlnteer told members
of Charm Scliool last night at
the session devoted to the topic
of "Voice Culture." "A soft, well
modulated voice is the surest and
quickest indication . of good
breeding and culture," Mrs. Min
teer went on to say.
Among the "don'ts" that Mrs.
Mintc-cr asked the coeds to ob
serve in their speech were talking
noisily, too -rapidly, mumbling,
using harsh nasal sounds, and
boisterous laughter. Rapidity in
speech, according to the speaker,
leads to indistinctness, which in
turn leads to' monotony.
In the second part of her talk,
Mrs. Minted- described correct in
vitation forms and the proper an
swers to invitations. She discussed
both formal and Informal invita
tions and replies, wedding invita
tions, and especially the use of
the visiting card as invitation and
(Continued from Page 1.)
and only 3 percent very unhappy
while of those who always dis
agree 50 percent are very un
happy and none very happy. Hut
7.1 percent of those who always
disagree nevertheless rate them
selves happy.
Table Manners Unimportant.
Frequent kissing of the wife by
the husband is another sign of a
happy family. So is agreement on
intimate relations.
Agreement concerning friends
and dealing with relatives also has
a high correlation with marriage
success. Relatively unimportant to
sun-ess in marriage are table
.'.i.inncis. agreement about religion
; possession of an even temper.
Having developed a method of
measuring success after the ccre-
moiiy. Prof. Burgess proceeded to
design an objective test to predict
success or failure before' marriage.
This he did by examining signifi
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As a banker Mr. Dodd (Leslie Howard) thot he knew figures . . .
until he. came to Hollywood. Joan Blondell was the shining stand-out
who rescued him in "STAND-IN," coming to the Lincoln Friday.
cant facts in the background of the
successful couples.
Likely to have a happy marriage
is the person whose parents have
been happy. Contrary to the gen
eral belief, the more strongly the
husband and wife are attached to
their parents, the more likely they
are to be happy in marriage.
An only or youngest child is a
poor risk unless married to an old-,
est or middle cliild. Most success
ful mating is that of an oldest
child with another oldest child.
Chances of success are greater if
an individual nWries another of
similar family background, A per
son is a good marriage risk if he
or she attended Sunday school
after the age of 10, better if he is
still attending. Also a good catch
is a person who is a member of
three or more good organizations.
More important than the size of
income is its regularity and the
nature of the occupation of a man
for whom a girl sets her cap. The
girl who worked before marriage
is a much better risk than one who
has not. A teacher or skilled work--er
is likely to make a good wife.
But swains should shun the girl
who has changed jobs frequently.
The longer the prospective mar
ried couple have known each other
the mo'-e likely is their marriage
. . . they light the way to MORE PLEASURE
to be successful. Optimism periods
are five or more years' acquaint
ance, three to five years' courtship
and' at least two years' engage
ment. Marriages of affection and com
panionship are likely on the av
erage to be more successful than
those of infatuation and romance.
Infatuation does not necessarily
indicate a satisfactory sexual ad
justment atfer marriage.
Desire for children is a happy
augury. But, paradoxically, after
children have come, married per
sons are less happy than befuie.
Presence of undesired children is
extremely unfavorable to marital
Reviewing his findings, Profes
sor Burgess declared they furnish
ed "conclusive evidence that by
the use of statistical techniques,
prediction of success or failure in
marriage is feasible, in terms, to
be sure not of the individual cou
ple hut of the group into which the
couple falls." Observing that suc
cess in marriage "now depends
more than ever before upon the
findings of research in the psy
chological and social sciences," he
proposed establishment of a Mar
riage Adjustment Research Insti
tute to develop even more reliable
methods of prediction.
On. thsL CUa,
...Kay Kyser to play at
Michigan's J-hop tomorrow
night. . .Chick Webb and Ella
Fitzgerald to entertain Yale
men and their dates at the Yale
prom March 12... Dick Jurgens
to play for Nebraska university
Interfraternity Ball.., .and Dick
isn't so bad as far as bands go
. . yhe's made quite a hit at va
rious spots on the west coast
and has occupied a top spot in
Chicago for quite a while...
Dick Jurgens band is still a big
question on campus Is he
good?., .methinks yes.. and the
only way to really find out if
he is good is to go to the Inter
raternity Ball Saturday night.
...Cantor will replace Jack
Oakio on the Camel Caravan...
Oakie, who started to fade at the
beginning of his series, has been
the object of many rumors con
cerning his lack of radio ability,
and the Reynolds Tobacco com
pany is insuring their future pop
ularity on the air by replacing
him before he becomes fad-ed...
Cantor will leave the Texaco pro
gram and the gas company will
continue with another type fit pro
gram... the changes will occur
near the end of March... the
Chase and Sanborn coffee hour
ranks highest among the one hour
programs as far as number of
listeners is concerned. . .It's per
centage has gone up 7 points since
Mae West's questionable Adam
and Eve skit. . .Benny's Jello pro
gram leads the, half hour broad
casts. ...Bob Taylor and Barbara
Stanwyck will try their luck
again on the radio next Sunday
evening, Bob on Jack Benny's
broadcast and Barbara, his best
love, on Chase and Sanborn's
Charlie McCarthy's hour. . .
...More on Dick Jurgens...
can't help it, Dick's been offered
a five year contract by the man
agers of the Aragon ballroom
in Chicago . another thing,
Dick is only 27, and is noted
for his drawing power when it
comes ts ballroom music
...The life of America's poet,
physician, scientist, and humorist,
Oliver Wendell Homes, will be
dramatized in the "Cavalcade of
America" over KFAB tonight at
7... Lawrence Tibbett will sing
with Andre Kastelanctz tonight. . .
KFAB nt 8 tonight. . .Cantor pre
sents another discovery tonight at
7:30 following the Tibbett-Kasta-
It's a friendly glow . . .
that lighted Chesterfield. It
brings pleasure and comfort
to men wherever they are.
That refreshing Chester
field mildness . . . that ap
petizing Chesterfield taste
and aroma,,. makes a man
he smokes.
lanctz program on KFAB... Ed
die discovered both Dcnnna Durbin
and Bobby Breen, so his searches
j bear watching. . .
. ..Ben Bcrnie and his lads. Lew
Lehr, Jane Tickens und Buddy
Clark will entertain you over
KFAB at 8:30 tonight. . .Lehr in
our opinion isn't so funny. . .
. . .Forgot to tell you, some of Tib
bett's songs tonight will be "On
the Road to Mandalay," and
"Cuban Love Song" . . . Andre K'S
orchestra will offer a new arrange
ment of "You Took the Words
Right out of Mv Heart" and the
one and only, "Bugle Call Rag."
...Recent polls show that Benny
Goodman still leads the nation's
best swing band with Tommy
Dorsey second . . . Bob Crosby takes
third spot... Louis Armstrong is
25th with Duke Ellington way up
in fifth... The old master of jazz,
Cab Calloway, is stuck down in
16th place... a few of the most
popular songs on the radio ac
cording to the same selecting the
leading bands are "Once in a
While," "Nice Work if You Can
Get It," "True Confession," "Ro
salie," and "Blossoms on Broad
way". . .Dance tonight over KFAB
at 10:30, Leo Reismnn,. . .11:00,
Guy Lombardo. .11:30. Kay Kyser.
This afternoon at 2:15, KFOR
will carry a British Broadcasting
corporation Symphony concert
directly from Queen's hall in
London, under the direction of
Sir Henry J. Wood. Famous
British vocalists will sing and
the program promises to be
highly entetfaining.
we draw these bits... When you
hear Fred Allen's studio audience
laugh at jokes which his audience
doesn't think are funny, they are
laughing at the get-up that he
and his announcer Harry von Zell
wear... Fred wears a hat three
sizes too small and Harry wears
one three sizes too large. . .work
ers in NBC studios have developed
a new word which is a verb mean
ing to bang, toot, or rattle any In
strument. . .the word KIDOODLE.
Young 0cc