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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1938)
PAGE THHEE Huskers Take Final Title Fiin THE DAILY NEBKASKAN, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1938. fWldu ! JL to. I Itronnenivn to Shoot the Works Tonight Fired by the determination to knock Oklahoma off of its ped estal, the Nebraska Cornhuskers will shoot the works tonight in a desperate attempt to end the win ning streak of the now famous Sooner "kids." The Norman crew had a close call last Saturday night when the Huskers led them to the tape only to fall before the last minute Sooner drive. The crowd estimate for tonight's game runs well over 7.000. With a large crowd on hand there should be a lot of yelling j and enthusiasm, organized and otherwise. We don't attempt to defend or approve what follows but would like to present this clipping from the Daily California!! in regard to the enthusiasm of the cheer leaders and the organized cheering section. This "As Others See You" was written by a Cali fornia router who witnessed the California-Nebraska basket ball game last month. Under the title of 'Three Cheers" the article, follows: By Betty Stecker '38. After seriously considering the matter, we think Bob Wiley is a good yell leader. Tlease, Bob, don't let this go to your head. We have een the University of Nebraska yell leader, and have consequently realized why an improvised Bear rooting sec tion of three members was con spicuous in the midst of the Cornhusker rooting section. Garbed in the conventional white flannels, and what ired the Cal students a red sweater, the mid western cheer leader trucked about the floor seemingly humming to himself. His assistant, practically con-'ealed behind the deprecating N and U on the front and back Scarlet Meets Sooner Team Tonight at 8 i K 4- Paul Amen Captains Quint j Against Top Ranking Oklahoma Five. With everything to gain and nothing to lose, Nebraska's Corn huskers will take the floor against Oklahoma University's "kid" team at the coliseum tonight. Paul Amen, senior forward, will captain the Husker team in the Oklahoma game. The game will be d e d 1 c ated to Amen in honor of his last year as a Husker eager. In fol lowing home games, each spninr will hp PAUL AMEN named game captain and the game which he captains will be dedicated to him. Still smarting from the 50-48 defeat by the Sooners last Satur day night which put them out of the running for a Big Six cham pionship, the Huskers will prob ably open up and show a brand of ball similar to fast breaking type of toll used by the Sooners. Husker Average Height Rises. Although a victory over Okla homa would not improve the standing of the Huskers it would throw the Oklahomans into a two way tie with, Kansas university for first place in the Big Six race. The average height of the Scar let quintet jumped about an inch this week when Elmer Dohrniann, 6 foot 5 inch forward began work ing out on the first five, replac ing Bill Kovanda and Grant MA 15 TIN OiNLY SE1SIOH ON OKLAHOMA SQUAD FAST BREAKING SOPHOMORES : ':::v.:::Wv:?; i FROM SIGMA NU, 16-15 A.T.O.'s, Phi Gam's, S.A.M.'s Sig Ep's, D.U.'s, Kappa Sigs Also Win. Class A Intramural basketball teams swung Into action for the second time last night. All sched uled games were not played and the competition was limited to Leagues 1, 2, 3, and 4. The feature game in League 1 was the 18-15 conquest of Beta Theta Pi over the Sigma Nus. Center Sid Held again led the scoring attack for the Betas, scor ing 8 points. Townley was best for the losers with 5. The other League 1 tilt saw the A.T.O.'s recuperate from their early de feat at the hands of the Betas by swamping the Phi Psis 22-7. In League 2 Phi Gamma Delta again impressed with a decisive 26-8 win over the Farm House. VCRNON MVUfi 7?lV MESC WSC0 HALhlR JJMMY VCAA7T These four fast breaking sophomores, with Senior Bill Mar tin will be trying to make It five In a row tonight on the coliseum boards when the Sooners meet Ne brsska In a return engagement. The Oklahoma crew finished ahead of ihe Cornhuikers In Norman last Saturday night by a score o f 50-48. Should the Sooners win, another obstacle in the way of the loop crown will be removed. Chi Alpha 16-12 in the other League 3 game. In League 4, Kappa Sigma sur prised by scoring a decisive 18-8 victory over the Delta Tau Delta who were handicapped by the ab sence of Center Charley Brock. For the Kappa Sigs Herndon, sharpshootlng guard, led the scor ing attack with 6 counters. Johnny Howell garnered 4 points to lead the Delta. In the other League 4 game Foster scored 6 points to lead Theta Chi to a 20-8 victory over Pi Kappa Alpha. Schcrer and Baum led the Fiji scoring attack with 8 points apiece while Stout, with 4, was best for the losers. The other game plaved in LeHgue 1 saw Sigma Alpha Mu edge Zeta Beta Tau 10-8. High scorer of th time was Kaplan of the loseri. who scored 8 points. Sigma Phi Epsllon smothered Sigma Chi 29-5 to hang up an Im pressive win in League 3. Duifee was high point man for tne win ners with 8 counters while Cleve land was best for the Sigma Chls. Delta Upsilon decisioned Lambda -young Once respectively of his sweaiei, musi Thomas who have been alternat have been in charge of the arm i jnfr t the spot all season. Dohr work. It tired us out just to watch j man who had trouble in getting him exert himself to the extent of j under way after a long football moving botn fists up ana ciown ; season, turned in good perform- within a distance of at least six inches while leading a yell. The old idea that cold weather musters energy must be a myth. And you women who think pompoms Nare inane, and who advocate rooters caps for wom en should go east. Then you could wear a whole outfit Includ ing white skirt, red sweater, and red beret even to basketball games. There would be no more breaking of pom-pom sticks either the women there just wave their arms back and forth. We certainly have to hand it to Nebraska for having a wonderful basketball team. They never would i at the hv won that came on the en- Mullen, Lone senior on Oklahoma's sophomore basketball team this campaign is Bill Martin, 180 pound guard, lead hound of the fast breaking Sooner pack. Martin led the Big Six confer ence in scoring last season un til an attack of influenza laid him low late in the year. He was high point scorer of the Okla homa team and outstanding free goal shot in the conference. He will be seen in action tonight when the Sooners clash with the Cornhuskers in the coliseum to night at 8. ances at both Kansas university and Oklahoma university last week. Lineup Unchanged. The rest of the Husker lineup will remain unchanged. Parsons and Werner, guards; Ebaugh, cen ter; Amen and Dohrmann for wards, being the most likely to get the starting call from Coach W. H. Browne. Probable starters on the Okla homa club will be Bill Martin, lone senior on the Sooner squad, and Marvin Mesch, sophomore who piled up 22 points against I the Scarlet at Norman Saturday, guard positions. "Moon" will hold down his usual thuslasm of the student body. pivoi spot, ana Jimmy ic;aii anu In another spot in the paper : Roscoe alker. two sophomores, Lincoln is classed as the worst will occupy the forward berths. tSrsr ; NEBRASKA QUARTERBACK The writer complains that Buck s . r Bootery" is not the best place in ELIGIBLE FDR NEXT YEAR which to get something to eat in j LUUIQLL TUn HLAI ILHII spite of the directions as one of , Lincoln's finest. Perhaps the offi- Thurston Phelps to Have One rer was thinking of "Steves Snarkery" and had a little diffi culty with the alphabet. Y0U Grr "-W j Semester Sumption . 1 FREE PASS f?'-V ff DAILY F'rse "STAND IN" j '7 -"J... IUeBRASKAN bt 11 LINCOLN j I V;f1f ! 75 ISSUES The campus STARTS FRIDAY f America's Foremost X "IT'S A HIT" P ' v. I 1 1 v5 i - x " fl 1 4fS f DAYS NILY WED., THURS., FRIDAY FROSH TRI-COLOR TRACK More Term of Varsity Competition. Husker grid fans will be glad to hear that Thurston Phelps, the i"F'vptpr F.arthnnnke." will be eli- MEET SCHEDULED TODAY : i?f. lng out witn me Red Squad Set to Defend Lead Gained in Thursday's Opening Match. The second tn-colir freshmen trnrU mot rt thp vtnr uill be held this afternoon at i P. m. The first I meet, which was held last Thurs day, was won by the Ked team, with the Orange and Green teams second and third, respectively. New captains have been ap pointed for the second meet. Del Moore has been chosen to head the Red team for this meet. Dirk Delfs the Orange and Bob Belli the Oreen. These men were chosen on the basis of the point which they scored In the first meet. 1 1 Here's Hugh McDermott, canny little Scotchman who is bringing ! his team of sophomores to the 1 coliseum floor tnight with four j wins and no losses. i The Sooners have finished in the I first division of the Missouri Val- : lev and Bie Six conference races ; 112 of the MFt H years and have ; I won 122 and lost" 80 conference games iui a iiiiiih jt:ncin.a6 i .BU3. "STAND IN" Line O Ever Offered Get the Biggest Bargain on the Campus HOWARD LINCH URGES RETURN OF YEARBOOK CONTRACT THIS WEEK (Continued from Page 1.) Knitnwri Kxrrullve Hoard, rftrmrrt tumml. IniHM-enU. Inirlrmrrnll, Hull oinnilllrf . Inlrrlralrrnlly ( uunrll, Hoamrl hlub. . tlub. N.braaka Alumni Aauillin. Phi I hi Tlhrla. fhl Drlla I'hl. I'hyilral t.duralkill llllb. 1'rmlrlr Mrhminrr. I'hl Taa Thrta. Vahbard and Hladr. Nrnti (iinuiii i.ptlluB, KHma XI. Phi Br la Kappa. Tha Na. Tbxta aiim fhl. Tri-K lub. tnlvtrilly V. M. t'. A. Phi lambda I plln. Phi Kappa lambda. Phi Ma kpallna. Sigma I piilon, A. A. I'. W. Irdrraud hurrh Mnrkrrt. I mala of lh I Jimp. niirroa Na. "'tiler Jndiini Tram, IMIa Thrta I I. XI l'l Phi. ornliiiNkrr i ounlrma. NrbrMRka law Hullrlln, Ordrr nf llir loir. lllrrrlorylrianlll"a. Nrhranka Inw Kludrnl Aaxirlallon. IMimta Hall. Aurlailon nf I ha Hri Oaldon, I'nlvrraiiy l'larra. THURSTON PHELPS Liniuln Journal. track squad. and will report for the spring football s e s -aions which open Feb. 28th. The Big Six rule states that an athlete who lias enough credit hours to graduate in the spring, is not eligible to com pete the fallow ing year. How ever Phelps is fort u n a t e Just 3 Days FOR ONLY 1C FOItMALS lt' so easy to forget them until the last minute: Better get it out now and send it to us for a thorough dry cleaning. X. batti ! enough to be just two hours short of the required number of hours. Phelps saw much action last fall and It was his accurate pass to little Marv Plock that downed Mis souri, 7 to 0. An all stater in high school, he has been hampered by a bad knee, and he has never been able to hit his stride. Nebraska will be In need of a quarterback with the eraduation of All Big Six I Johnny Howell, and the Exeter lad should fill tne bin. The graduate school of social work received ten requests for graduate students for positions in Nebraska, Iowa and wasningion. Miss Nan I. Gerry, instructor In the school of social work, con ducted an institute on case work before the meeting of the South east Association of Assistant Di rectors Thursday. Dr. Ernest F. Wllte, director of the graduate school of social work, attended the meeting of the so cial science groups at Atlantic City recently. Till: (aLOlIK IIIIV Telephone B6755. IN PERSON TYPFdWIIITEnS AM atandard malai for nil or rant. Ud and rebuilt machinta on aay ttrma. Nebraska Typewriter Co. no no. u st. 2187 Lincoln, Nebr. paJik to Go "You' re ad!! only Once Young turdayt n a" llTia" -Wl "a" "Hi iWaHlilll I i nlivad 77it "Informal" Formal of the Year INTERFRATERNITY BALL Sat. Feb. 12 Univ. Coliseum T.fkata on SJe at: John K. Bll-k's Office Walt's Mualo Store 1 I I I T r"i KcA ' J side 0' l' f "THE MjA - . YOU GET 75 ISSUES OF DAILY NEBKASKAN 1 PACKAGE OF SSECH-NUT ORALCENE FREE! 1 PASS TO SEE "STAND IN" at LINCOLN SEND THE "RAG' TO YOUR FRIENDS MAILED ANY WHERE IN U. S. $1.25 ORDER TODAY Leave Table your order in "Soc." or at "Rag" Leave order with Bus. Mfcr. in 'Rag" Office. 2-5 P. M. Phone Orders accepted. Mail all orders to: CHICK TANTON Bus. Mgr. Daily Neb. Station "A" Lincoln