The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
pace roiiis THE DAILY NEBKASKAN. HUD AV. JAM'AKV 1 1. Societi By Johnny Howell Quarterback mi'! Mary Anna Cockle JOHN HOWELL' AS JOHNNY SEES IT STA L E HAH INTEGRATION PLAN CLEANS UP LEGAL PROFESSION That tiily sins f agate atop the masthead of Wednesday's Kag Was ueod news to m.uiv of us who labor over a typewriter for hours everv day tryiiii: to produce some thin: which bordeis oa being cohe rent. The crack was, of course, aimed sarcastically. Hut 1 didn't i take it that way because it was reassuring, yea., satisfying, to find that at least one person has not. i been disillusioned over my scholas- i tic record. I I've been wondering whore the j patriotic fennnes of our university are. While oilier university pals are busy boycotting Japanese silk, our fair coeds remain unmoved. That is, save one yum;; lady, Betty Meyer, who weais nothing tmt anklets (in the. way of so:;t. But she is also boycott ins the smith's cotton. According to a re cent survey which is conducted along the lines of a I. S. Ag de partment survey, it revealed defi nitely that there is more cotton in a coup'.e of feet of sock than there Is in a couple of inches. It's alarm ins but True. konin deal, is, contrary to much discussion I've heard on the sub ject, running- a smooth path. The V. pin which wandered Alpha Chi way last Saturday night is back on the vest of the guy what I owns 11, mn i ne senumeni s uie " same. They're going: to two's a couple it for awhile and if all goes well, there may be further wandering- for the little U. U. nin. Flora Albin thought it was awfully funny when Tri Delt sis ter, Hetty Van Home, called Gor don Uhri "Twink" but later the laugh was on Flora. It seems her favorite name for Billie Gray hap pens to be "Punky." I've heard Bill called a lot of things but that top:-, them all. Dean Foster, Editor Munson Praise Incorporation in Law Bulletin. Hasn't Johnny been a bit hasty in his conclusions of late? To cite nn example, Marj Coriington thinks he ought to do some tall explaining: to her. The other day ho told in his column about the date she broke with that much publicized young man, Bob Me Campbell. As it happened, Marj kept the date and has noi. ns Johnny also stated, ever seen a bowling alley. BY DEAN POHLENZ. Do you look like either of tht two cuts reproduced here? If John Cherry, house manager at the Stuart, or his assistint, Bill Knight, think you do, you can i?o the membership of the bar con to Tovarich for free. This is the sists of men unworthy to be in the first of a series culminating with ProJ?M',,n; fording to Dean, , II. H. Foster of the college of law a contest to see who most nearly a,u, John , Mlinflon, student edi-1 resembles Rosemary Lane as a ,0,. of thc Nrbraj.ka Lavv Bulletin. SUllll 10 plUg IIOIIVWOOU UOICI ,,.h , m.Inlhnr f nr. artielel entitled "Bar Integration Comes to Nebraska" appearing in thc cur rent number of the Law Bulletin. Because the activities of this small fraction of the bar are such that the press gives wide publicity 1 to their misdeeds, there has been a wide spread lessening of respect I fni tli lao-ol rtrnfCiiiin st-ites the article. The bar integration plan recently adopted in this state should promote better understanding- and better relations between the Nebraska bar and the Ne braska public, Munson and Dean Foster believe. Committees Air Complaints. The methods previously exist ing for airing of .complaints were neither efficient enough nor of easy enough access to members of the public with grievances to air. The appointment now of com mittees in each of the ?.. judicial make it easier for Adeline Wedel who is almost a i the public to have complaints in dead linger for Anita Louise. I vestigated. mid also aid in clearing Marie Anderson Page-boy Theta up the complaints which arise AnlU lulp ( Uiidiilf l.ulbrrt. Lincoln Journal. planting the present voluntary bar association, the new integrated bar will be able to speak with au thority for the whole profession. VK.-, iu IVin IKtll State to Probably less than 1 percent of j , ' ,h ' f of bftr orRan. Ization. The movement actually bet; a n within the state, however. Integrated Bar Approved. In 191-1 Herbert Harley. then secretary of the American Judica ture society, urged the incorpora tion of a state bar in a speech be fore thc Lancaster County Bar as sociation A year later C. J. dUqhliqlxiA. Oiv Uisl Ovl 10 CLOSE SATURDAY By Elwood Randol. 1 A novel dramatic description of. living conditions today and in the future will be the theme of thc Co lumbia Workshop when it presents . thc play, "The House That Jack Didn't Build," by Alfred Kreyni- , borg, well-known writer of stories 1 about the underprivileged. A sight-' seeing bus trip will take the listen- ! ers thru the action with thc baiker second semester Daily Nebiaskau actine as protagonist. The drama an1 A VI' P Willi Kt.lffu I1V1S! hi Smyth, president of the State Bar will be presented over a musical n Uw off.(ij, pf (hp M,,i()(iJ of Publications Board Meets Next Week, Announces Gaylc C. Walker. Applications lor positions on the The prize in that contest will be the age old trip to Hollywood. After much consideration the only girl in Lincoln that 1 know who looks like either of the stars is: districts will to be nnue.iUv now I m going and bl Ashton Vickery, Phi Psi, to keeping their Din haneinc a secret. Yes sir. it is trtie. They went and done it. t lie To show VOll that even the host 1 ast the efforts of Courtney ()f pp,Vl,it sometimes rate this col-, l. Alpha Phi pledge, ami Bert umn. let me tell you about the ; awful, terrible, terrific thing one j !f our most prominent Mortar! i Boards did last Wednesday. At j the dorm the girls leave their , wraps in uie knotty pine room ; i incidentally sometimes spelled I naughty) while they eat break ' fast. 'Marty Morrow dashed from the breakfast room, and tore into! I what she thought was her own j fu;- cent, but which later turned lout to bo an even better one. She 1 didn't discover her mistake, how-1 i ever, until an hour or so later. and then was her face red. Can't! ! you just, picture headlines in all I the papers, "Mortar Board Abducts' , Fur Coat?" I Dr. Ixniise Pound dropped routine of her F.n;;i:sh '-M class long cr.rugh the other dav to wel come Elmer- IViiirmaiin ha, k into the fold She even went so far ;is to allow the das.; to Co a MUe hand clapping in honor ol his foot ball perlormance on the coast. n- P,oo Kail, Phi Psi. and Louise Hensoii, Kappa, whose ro mance we lirsl mentioned a couple of months back, now have a new method of counting- thc weeks un til they ar? ma be hiUhed. F.ach successive week end they take one paper clip from a lon chain and chuck it out the window. This impressive ceremony marks the passing- of a week of eourtin' and brings thew a week closer to the 1t?y when. Says the Wichita C. i.ilte; A nrcfess or nt the University of low a h.fis just finished an meter" which he claims ure thc capacity of one might get by as Colbert if her hair were arranged differently. SCOOP. . . EXCLUSIVE!!! David O. Selznik who holds the fdm rights on Gone With the Wind and Metro Goldwyn Mayer who hold the contract of the only suitable player for the role, Clark Gable, broke today after conferences and Selznick an nounced that negotiations were "definitely terminated '.. .. Hollywood know-alls declare the matter is too important for the groups to stand apart very long. They expect a resumption of conferences shortly, even though Selznick threw out a broad hint today that he may buy out United Artists and take a long chance on finding another boy suitable to the role of Rhttt Butler. thru misunderstandings rather than trouble of a more substantial i nature. For the latter, conferences between a group of disinterested 1 lawyers and complaining members ! of the public may be arranged. All inclusive, and entirely sup- association, advocated the forming of such an organization. In 1934 a committee was appointed to draft an integration bill, which was introduced in thc legislature but was never reported out of the house judiciary committee. One year ago, however, rules for an integrated bar, after having been favorably voted upon by lawyers of the state, were submitted to the Nebraska supreme court. On Sept. 20 that body granted the petition of the bar association committee and brought to realization thc dream of many year's standing. "After an intermittent struggle for almost a quarter of a century Nebraska has attained a bar as sociation which has the organiza lit ten especially for the i show, entitled "Hammers. Nails journalism at the noon deadline and Saws." with different sized nails and varied methods of saw ing being used to produce a unique suggestion of building activities. The program will be under the di rection of William N. Robson. KFAB at 7 p. m. Saturday. John Bentley, sports editor ot the Lincoln Journal, will inter view Guy Chamberlin, Husker footballer during the 1914-15 campaigns, on the Sports by Bentley program over KFOR to night at 10. The Saturday Night Swing Club has been extended another half hour and to celebrate the occasion a galaxy or me country a swing tion and power to accomplish the greats will be presented on the purposes for which a voluntary or ganization could only agitate and resolve," Dean Foster declared. "While there may be some Ne braska lawyers who are over-enthusiastic and some who are over critical, let's give the integrated bar a fair trial. No state that has ever adopted integration has ever retreated." TThakaL ski.n on (; cwprs I By Bob Rupp. 'Gussie' Gustafson got a letter in Re. 11 class the other morning.! What these women won't do lo, attract rttention. I Speaking: of Kc. classes. Norrii "emotion I Short would have a liHrd time will meas- getting in all his sleep if it ; mood for . weren't for that 8:00 o'clock cco- By Gene Garrett. Yesterday's convocation was the 13th of this year's series, but it was far from unlucky for those who heard Hermann T. Decker of thc school of music theory de partment. Jean E. Decker ac companied him in his voice recital of folk type music. Fan mss are filled with rave I Mr. Decker opened his program notices lor the new Mne Wist j w ith an English version of Bach's film, Everv Dav's Holiday. As a "At Evening'' from St. Matthew's hiunctte La West is even more at luring. made Taul Bunyan the patron j saint of American lumberjacks, i After these songs, the mood of the music changed, becoming more quiet as Mr. Decker sang "Die I Nacht," "Zur Ruh, Zur Ruh." and "In der Fruehe," all in German. ' Tlu next three nunilters w ere by three Scandinavians; "To the Harp" was written by Jarnefelt. a Finn. "The Fisherman to his Son" is the composition of a Norwegian, Filing; and the most beautiful of the three, "Black Swans" is the work of the Swedisli Hallstrom. A song from thc first act of the Wagner opern "Die Mei.ster Singer" concluded the program. first full hour broadcast .starting at 5;30 over KFAB and Columbia. The stars include Taul Whiteman. Connie Boswell. the Raymond Scott quintet, Louis Armstrong, Fats Waller, Joe Venuti, Jerry Collona. and Jack and Charlie Teagarten. v Senators Robert M. La Follette and Ernest Lundeen and Rep. Her bert S. Bigelow will discuss "I'n employment and Taxation" over KFAB tomorrow afternoon at 1. on Saturday, Jan. ir, according: to Gaylc C. Walker, chairman of the student publication board. The first of next week the publi cations board will meet to con sider the candidates for the posi tions. All students who apply must be available for personal Interview during the time of the board's meeting. Positions which will lie filled on the Nebiaskau staff are editor-in-chief, two managing editors, six news editors, a business manager, and two assistant business mana gers. For the Awgwan, the editor, business manager, and two assist ant unpaid business managers will be chosen. Alice Faye, Alice Brady. Don Ameche and Tyrone Power, stars of the show. Tommy liorsey will explain the history and evolution of swing on his Friday night program at h:3D over KOIL and the NBC-Blue. The history of swing will begin with W. C. Handy's "Memphis Blues" and will be traced to the present. Dorsey's orchestra will re- The second group in competition j produce these basic tunes in the for the Columbia Chorus Quest exact tempo and rvthm mat was 'strcl." After that Great Meat Pie, love by the perspiration m ine,nomics class. palm of the hand. According to the Harold Peterson sat all through professor, the machine is l little a poultry class with a little puppy use to the ordinary layman, as it ; asleep on his lap and then won takes a trained psychologist to in-, dered why thc professor c hired term t-t the routine side of the ; at him when he asked a ouis.i w.i, .k. .kJ.i'.. , have been inspired by the celt-bra readings. 1 wonder if someone , t jn. If bis name had been Mary malic hou-e manager" is said to ' t,on', he1,1 ,n EnlRnJ on the K couldn't invent a ga.igef to meas-, ;in, lt hFu b(Vn a lnmb he was have poured petroleum' on tne I covery of George III. from a long the capacity of one's mood for I holding, it would have been differ- water but crinin" is still prevalent, ; illness- an occasion on which fes i,.v liv the .s.veat on the brow? , ni I 1 " ' ' , tivals were held throughout the Art Smith is taking Mildred Sta- binding and enforceable and not . : n L tl,A lu; f.. e 1 n-i . I . - . . . . .. o ii iiiy V SI' KS 11. iiMio.ii. inr.v i sunjeei lo aionrary re piMiauon. Ann Corio one of the better but not 0 mart of the burly queens is back in the big town denying rumors that have reared their ugly heads about her affair with a minister from Albania. Falk Konitza. Husband Emmett Callahan is not very happy about the whole thing. Burly too has its labor troubles, a near strike took place in a New lork spot the other day. A diplo i Passion, and followed it with the I German "Col raggio placido" from ' Handel. His powerful voice made , the Temple auditorium fairly ring most of the time during the sing- ing of these two melodies, and especially during the second, i which is decidedly bombastic. An Italian folk tone "The Fair of Mast' Andrea" opened the sec- j itv, maintains that a vast educa jond group, and was followed by r ! tioi-al progiam is needed to offset i romantic Greek ballad "The Min- social stagnation wnu n nas per "Without waiting for thc slow improvement of human nature th'u eugenics, great progress tan be made toward the 'good society' by the better development of the capacities we already possess." Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin. profes sor emeritus at Princeton univer- will be the Syracuse University Singers who will be heard at 5 Saturday afternoon over KFAB. The group was formed two years ago with a fundamental purpose similar to that of the Chorus Quest, to bring musical pleasure to the great groups of radio listeners and to encourage the formation of ntlir fcinpinp- rn'Canizat ions. The composer j rjifinij) jiag m-oait.asting- for Syracuse listeners wecKly since its inception. Powell, Lane and Herbert will preview several scenes from "Hollywood Hotel." the flicker, on the Hollywood Hotel radio program tonight at 8. Hammerstein presents Arthur Carron. young Met opera tenor, Sylvia Ftoos, personality singer, Alan Roberts, radio and stage con cert tenor, and Tex Fletcher, a singing cowpuncher, will all be on the Music Hall program which is heard at 7 this evening over used when they were popular. KFAB. Jerrv Mann will devote his UNQER BCHIMMEL DIRECTION scientific achievement t ; time to the field of humor. came "The mitted a song said to run far ahead of development of ' human nature and social progress. The premiere of "In Old ( 'hi-1 , can i Keep a goou man tiown. can' 14. That, if a wife exercises Tl vvfkm 1 we nau-e for that I l'10 r'fcht, claimed for lier bv the , , th'at refreshes ! Wi" pitner ought to be good at! leniinists. of selecting a residence M if voii've -fte'i well ' into 1 f,"cinK the way lie handles a ba-. other than that of her husband, cx-im sti'i.'v a' ("uW of lormals I tnn in directing chorus class. Any-. the burden o! maintaining it talis ' . ' ........ ' W.1V he nuts Tllentv of 'umn' inl.i U l lnsivi-lv nn hriiflf arc aboot on the musi nsi m ie-; ' , , ' " 1 " , ., , . ', . .. 1 vive vou. Mark these dates down land. "The Great Meat Pie." how ever, sounds more like the inven tion of the same characters who cago. another new motion picture which will have its maiden show- I A second cousin of Greta Garbo ' ing in the Four-Star theater on is s student at Weber Junior Col- Wilshire blvd., in Los Angeles; lege in Ogden. Utah. She scored will be broadcast over a oast to j 142 in a psyt-hologival examination : coast Mutual network this ev ening at Ohio Slate and is ranked a at 10-30 over KFOR The parade ; "genius " . of picture stars will be 1M by ptittltl ftl hf mf I" PHI MU t till n h.rrning ALPHA XI DELTA ifnffv it nine . HOME DF THE . Trsty PhstryShdp in your where and when book. To night is the Phi Gam party at the Lincoln hotel. You won't want to miss it cither, because Fiji formals arc alwav.-i fun. Then of course you'll be tiekkuig over to the Cornhuskrr where the l'lu Mil's pre having somewhat of a g-l together a!i top li.-t and wlutc tie if you can manage it. You might just as cell s h.-.lule your plans for tomorrow evening too. when the Alnh.i Xi Lull's will play hostess . bids say the Cornlnisker at nine, so see you there. A i orchid to the dorm 'gals for their good looking invi tations to their winter formal at Carrie Ruyintmd hall Saturday niirht. That ought lo be quite an affair too. exclusively on herself. Seems like there was quite a' l.". That the husband shall not siege of diamond passing and pin be subject to suit for any unlawful hanging ever vacation. Fern Nel- 'act of thc wife, except where son has been flashing a diamond under the law he would be re around on that certain finger the sponsible were some other i last couple of weeks, 'Jocko' Tomich came through with the latest reason why ou ples leave dances during intermis sion. He says he goes out to the car to listen to the radio Charles Yount, freshman, is still in a critical condition at the hos pital. He has had seven blood person, an, I that she alone be made answtraUc lor her own torts. That all legal presumptions that the wife in committing a criminal oflense acta under coer cion from her husband be defi nitely discarded and that a niar rie.l woman he held resnor.sible transfusions so far but is slightly! ""d"' tllr P'' "de exactly as if unproved, according to the latest repent. He has been in the horpi-: tf.l with typhoid fever since ) fore Christmas vacation. Hattie Canada tells me thai all the girls iiave to move out of 221'7 she were s ngle. Husband Hat Equal Authority. 17. That wit.'.in the home with relerenee to the tauuly policies, the family staiaL.rd of living, and Uie upbringing of the children Holdrege because they make too the husband have nn equal voe-e That IvLons Kors-KIwi Pan- much noise room owr ou migiit l ly loi a here, Denver! MEN FEAR ' RIGHTS 1 ARE ON SKIDS; WANT EQUAL ITY WITH WOMEN. i Continued from Page i female of the allure of sex a? ft means of attaining business or professional preferment be made a penal of fens". .'., accepting the datum of Mr. Justice Sutherland, that "It cannot lie shown that well p;.id women safeguard Ihe.r mi.ials more carefully than those poorly paid," nil lavs lixinr. minimum .V) :, lor female workers lie i.n nullej or repealed or that they be made to apply t" i.ien as well as to women. . That . li.nce t :i Mr. Justice 'it will need more than the N.'aieenth Amend ment to cnnvinec me that there fU'P tin differences between nn n nn.l women." is to he rejects! ;in'l the loctnn" that the ecs are physically, mentally and otherwise to women alone be tdiro j,ated or else etcnoe.l to both sexes alike. Afcc Points Ald.c. 7. That all laws fixing an a.;e of consent, fin Hge of majority or nn age point for any other pur-po.-ie whatever be applied without discrimination to males lis well as to females and that the age set be thc same in all cases for both sexes. . Thai women he compelled to sniiwor. both civilly and criminally icr sex ollense.s, when the ele ments of the crime a'e establish ed, precisely to the same extent end in the same manner as men. 9. That actions for breach of promise to many be abolished en tirely or recovery limited to actual expenditures made In preparation fur the 01 . in the alterna tive, the men he given exactly the s;.nie relief in case of the breach "t s-ii h a contiact as the women under s.milar circum stances. Should Return Presents. Particularly that lie be entitled and 1 authority with the wife IK. That, uheie the wife does ti"t contribute to the maintenance o! the tamily. s"-c be compelled faithfully and efficiently to p r form her duties as the ke,'r.- of the home and that the la furnish the husband some iiie.ins of compelling it. IP. That in case of separation or divorce the husband be relieved of all financial obligation to the to a return of all presents made j wife when she !. independent to t:ie woman, intiuding the en gagenimt ring, and tie reimbursed lor all money expended on tlu woman in the course of courtship. 10. all the conditiins im posed un the man seeking a mar riage license be made to apply with equal force to the v.orni.n, means or an independent income. JO. I hat women be made liable for jury duty on the same condi tions a.-, men and excusable only I for the same reasons. And that tie law in general nuit making a pet of the female and begin to mete out even handed lustiie be. 1 iisci iniimi! -on in this respect l ing J tween the sexes, holding fmr worn- ilfirrr.etion fif 1 ' 1 oi'OL.uiiy Mri nil lujuNuce. II Jliel I lie ccrreiai ive lignts .Mid liabilities of husband end wile he made e'pial. 11!. That, where the wife his sep arate property or a separate in come or Pillows some letnunerii tive pur-tut outside the home, tin husband be released from the pri mary duty of providing for hn . support and that she be made j jointly liable under the law for thc t maintenance of the family in pro portion to her financial ability. j Make Agreements on Support. 13. That where the parties prior ' to their marriage enter into an I agreement fixing the family dom- ! iiile and naming the amount of: financial support the husband is to give the wife be made legally en offenders, especially husband hlllers, liable cxertlv the same as' men offenders, and imposing on I l.i in the sa die penalty. j A coed id Texas A. & 1. college Vi lied at the psychological too- ' in.-ni and as a remilt is soprano soimst in the college choir. Fres Theater TickeLs Leaded Brome Gas Whit G&s ijle Deep Rack Oili holms Ar$t Pretty cut outfmlt hut our tirnutiful dm. Ina room li wtrin end cozy. No 1ooll"0. Comt tin out. Tht Whitt Home. JOTEL LINCOLN Ci 2ii)kL of. Ditifmcl'wii. JJoift OLi Wtel lo Friday Phi Gam f '' 'WU'HI lll,"j;ii'.JW!l(j-, vy-.? ilUfWH) Vll .-, .. ,. . . , ji ' ' . a -.- ' ' - . ., , ... .- . . A.v;; . s.z - y.c' '; ' ? " .'', -- . . . - t;-v'- :-.', ' i f -t ' - --.--:- :,.; - : , - j A NEW DRESS... T , 1 - A NEW YOU! WrM, - rcr that m yc.r ara'rcce-iie .... a re i j V J I - J -ew dress! EsKi'arating in line, crisp and fresh J LA . 'n detail ... see t-c wcnderfyl these dresses JT' '" H ) ht rr8i vou !ocl .... .and FEEL! QJ W rl dpYh All ) f r Black with White! ) Bright NEW Prints! Wl THIRD FLOOR N ) dS.Ti! 1 O00 1-1 I'lj5 & C 1 ,o 1150 ' : E. L. vibur, Manager.