The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1938 PAGE THREE AMEN UNLIKELY TO PLAY FRIDAY IN MIZZQU GAME WRESTLERS CN LGGKGUT FOR POTENTIAL MATCHES Veteran Varsity Forward Injures Knee Badly Last Monday. Paui Amen, veteran varsity for ward, probably will not be in the nornhusker basketball lineup next Friday nipht when the Huskers nlav the University of Missouri at the coliseum as the opener of their Bie Six conference schedule. Amen iniured his knee in an un- derbasket scramble during the last half of the Colorado game last Monday night. He spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights in the in firmary under the care of a physi cian. Altho the injury is not se rious, Amen will take a rest to prevent further trouble during the remainder of the season. Kevanda Replaces Amen. Working out at Amen's position last night was Bill Kovanda. Until the California, game, Kovanda was playing regularly at the forward position now occupied by Grant Thomas. Bob Parsons and Al Werner, guards, and Floyd Ebaugh, center; were the other three working on the first five. El mer Dohrmann, center guard, and Dow Wilson, forward, were alter nating in the drill. Old type baskets were put into use again yesterday, the new wire ones, equipped with automatic lights, proving impractical. N CLUB INITIATES ELEVEN Committee investigates the . Annual 'N' Dance. Eleven Husker athletes were in ducted into the N club Tuesday nipht in the club rooms as 40 per ons looked on. The list included Adna Dobson, Lincoln; Willia n Pfieff, Lincoln; Eldon Mcllravy. Tecumseh; Roland McLymont Holdreere: Sam Schwartzkopf, Lin coln, and Art Ball, Fremont, all football players; Alton Werner Kansas City, Mo., of the basketball Bauad: and Fred Bodie, Uncoin Clifford Thompson, Dunning; and Jay Forrester, Ansclmo, rifle team members. A committee composed of Dobson. President Ron Douglas Bob Simmons and Gus Peters will Investigate the possibilities of staging an "N" club dance as an annual affair. Jan. 29 Date Still Unfilled; Colorado Teams Book Tentative Tilts. A mistake was mane in the wrestling schedule published yes terday in the Dally Nebraskan. In that article, meets were listed for Jan. 29 at the University of Colorado and for Jan. 31 with Colorado State. The Jan. 29 date is still open, and no match will be scheduled for Jan. 31. Meets also were listed for Feb. 11 with Colorado Teachers at Greeley, and for Feb. 12 with the University of Denver. Neither of these meets has been definitely scheduled. A tentative meet has been sched uled for Jan. 11 and 12 with the four Colorado schools, but nego tiations for this match have not been completed. I The corrected schedule opens on Feb. 4 when the Minnesota mat- men invade the Husker camp. The complete schedule reads as follows; 4 Minnesota at Lincoln. 8 Kansas State at Manhat tan. 11-12 Colorado U., Colorado State, Colorado Teachers and Denver U. (tentative). Feb. 18 Iowa State at Ames. Feb. 19 Iowa State Teachers at Cedar Falls. Feb. 25 Iowa at Lincoln. Mar. 4-5 Big Six championships at Ames. Mar. 25-26 N. C. A A champion ships at Penn State col lege 1H FROSH FRIDAY IN Knightmen Win Five of Six Starts; Eleven Games Left on Slate. SwiM CLU3JSECTS TCN!0HT Tankstcrettes Hear Hagelin Explain Water Races. Feb. Feb. Feb. Home Economics Class Listens to Talk Today By Resettlement Head Elly White, head of the re settlement administration of Ne braska, will speak before Theodore Bullock's home economics class today. The class will meet in Social Science, Room 301, at 11 o'clock. Any student interested in hear ing the address is invited to attend the meeting. The next game on the schedule for the Nebraska basketball team is a preliminary to the Missouri tilt next Friday. In this game, the Nubbins will tangle with the frosh whom they beat in a prelim to the Colorado frat last Monday. faced by Elliott, Hulbert, Wil son, Duncan and Campbell, the B squad has won five games out. of the six which it has played this year. The team won from Luther, 41 to 39; Kearney, 43 to 19; Mid land, 29 to 24; Dana, 63 to 22, and the frosh, 19 to 9. The only loss was to a "hot" Peru team bv a 41 to 29 count. The Peru eame was tight until the last two min utes, in which eight points were scored by Peru. Eleven Games Left. The following games will com plete the B team schedule for this year: Jan. 22, Hebron, here; 31, Dana, Blair. Feb. 1, Kearney, Kearney; 8, Wesleyan U., Wesleyan; 9, Peru, here; 11, Wayne, Wayne; 15, Luther, here; 17, Hebron, Hebron; 19, Wayne, here; 22, Midland, Fre mont; 26, Wesleyan U., here. The B squad is composed mainly of sophomores, who should fur nish good replacements for the men who graduate from the var- Tanksterettes will hold their last meeting of this semester to night at 7 p m. in the coliseum. Pete Hagelin, varsity swimming coach, will be present to explain and demonstrate racing starts and turns in preparation for the tele graphic meet. All members of the club are urged to be present since plans for the telegraphic meet will be dis cussed in the business meeting. Following the business session a practice in the coliseum pool will be held. CORN CORS TO WEAR ARMBANDS AT TILTS sity this spring. Elliott, Hulbert and Wilson already have moved to the varsity this year. Hulbert was up for just a short time before he was sent back to the B squad. El liott is still with the varsity, as is Wilson, who moved up just prior to the Colorado game and saw some action in that contest. Men's IVp Club Adopts Official InMnia. Since many Corn Cobs have found it highly inconvenient to wear full uniform to basketball games on nights of formal dances, the men's pep organization has adopted armbands to be worn for identification instead of the tra ditional red sweaters. Suggested by a member of the club, the meas ure was accepted enthusiastically at the regular business meeting last night in social science build ing. The new insignia will be worn only at times when the full red and cream uniform cannot be. The latter will be re-employed next fall during football season. IX II WAX NOW mm a WMtiaMtf umm mm 1 to 6:30 IIM After 6:30 20 liil 25C AdrmlBr ... Sights . . . jT " t. SOiOHONS CfWHC HARDWICKf ANNA LFf f mm a utJtianrt tatnm 4 BIG UNIT SHOWS Main ! Union SI 15 Floor HTT NO. 1 100 A Ik My JAMES DUNN PATRICIA ELLIS In "VENUS MAKES TROUBLE" It b4-rln with a Mrrm and rnriN with a roar II IT Mi. Charles Starrett Donc-id Grayson In "OUTLAWS OF THE PRAIRIE" a Muflfa-Hl WMtra Ni. 8 l.ntrt Chanter 1'rank Buck In 'lnnrk Menace" No. 4 Cant . Frank Hawkn In "Tlir M.vt-rlMM Hot" Tndayl I CH S 200 Adven. Villi p. m. North I ' Ses Thli Big Program Tndayl KEX BEACH Moat Thrilling lure of the rl III with .IACK III FRED fill I MM Tsm Jala Lmd V W III I Starts FRIDAY ! - Endl WV TIDE" lh.e "SH-H-H TH E -jf i rfUf I Barrier octopus- K 1 itO"1 v I k Hurt, H-rnert tfO V ..iA . Jl "YJl X "'V wlth All, fcrtln. ( 1 A O ""tl Vf Wc ' ( 1 Coming. ' 1 ,t"' WHEELER and WOOLSEY K o , V"" "HIOH FLYERS" I ST . -.. .. w I .y, HURRYI ENDS FRIDAY I I LX 4 J 1 jl T FRED . GEO. GRACIE f) T Iff w ft A V V2 ASTAIRE BURNS ALLEN C r N4 K V A-f 1 S Kr OA o Xj-z 'A 1 sy& oortNJ. ii , i LAUOHING1 f V X ' j ; 3i Starts Saturday! (Do ipiL hsuwmb&h Vf" . , . how she made you lauKh In "It Happened One Night." "Ollded Lily" and "1 Met Him tn I'arla"? Hire alie Is aaln . . . more real fun than ever before ... In the ntace hit that haa kept New York. London and I'arla roaring :! Claudette COLBERT "TOVARICH" (Pronounced "TOE-VAf -RICH" and It meant $1,000,000 worth of fun to you.) with CHARLES B0YER BASIL RATHB0NE ANITA LOUISE MELVILLE COOPER AiUUd! CHARLIE MCCARTHY and EDGAR BE RClt N In "Free and Ey" MTET T dllowny "THE MARCH OF TIME" jui. I niinii tnHUKtrv" PENNY I DDIt CANTOR Al I FN PHIL BAKER AMOS 'n ANDY HE MAESTROb" with Call Flusa Moi liluitn Joncu Lift l woi thwhllrl "Sit ii .1firj l i e II r'A ."