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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1938)
PAGE TOUR THE DAILY NEBKASKAX, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1938 Societn By Johnny Howell Quarterback uiiil Mary Anna Cockle JOHN HOWELL ' AS JOHNNY SEES IT Wat.-hinj; t'..osc kids entertain the crowd at last night's basket lia.ll panic was a pleasing; diversion for the nerve straining accomplish ments of the university gym classes between halves. Every time dtiqhihqhLL Oil tJuL Civt AS 31 Alt Y ANNA SEES IT According to tax reports there are only 200 diamond rings in Lancaster county, which would seem to Indicate that that kind of ieu-cli-v must he easily disuosed of when the tax collector comes LKIOM'S IJL-IW cell oiwvvo. Ol WI1CU U1C COUUCLOi COIUca one of those acrobats takes to the around. After writing society for air for a double flip 1 grit my a yeai. j-j oe willing to bet that teeth and wond?r how loud the j there are just about that many I'on is Loinir to be when he lands on his neck. Getting back to the kids, I think their scrambling after pennies must have been a proph ecy of what was to come during the second half. The only thing I couldn't figure out was which one was supposed to bo Lloyd Grimm. None of them seemed to be rugged enough. The more I think lOuut that penny tossing, the more 1 wonder there are just about that many eiuiacement lines beins worn on this campus. Wonder what the outcome would be if they levied n tax on fraternity pins, lm afraid they'd have to go beneath the surface and examine a few slips. j One of the Gamma Phi gals, Racial Aldruh. alter pretty well looking over the fellows at the Sie Kn bouse. has almost decided penny tossing, me more i " : ,. , ,, . , , (V, 'how it started. Awgwan Ed- that Julian Mors is the pick of the tor Brii.-o Campbell . Brus Kamul crowd at h ast lor her to those Turks in coll,ge) gave me Hachcl. we i.nght ..M-iUmn. l a. a nivttv good explanation. He hus ; 'i"l'd nearly every lellow ' that a perfect picture of John K. .Kudyi "' and has recently been going Iia.ssen.luU-) Sellcck rubbing in o s with a ji hands a la Simon Lagree as Ins so -she ought to know what she henchmen wring the last penny "IkmR nbmitwhen she warns us from the victims on the bleachers that there might be a pin hanging to replenish the coffers of the 1 m the offing. Nice to keep every atlilct'c department ' ' thp filly too. as her t I brother was a big Lp. Continui'ig nlong the line of. basketball, we understand that Dill, sig Kp man has Kovanda. Sig Kp. is running : mtc wthdruw himself from difficulties m his .love ho. U hen dl.culaU? tWs nl0rC than it was learnecl hat he l ad h b months Ka DoUic May his ,,in on a Phi lhi named Li 1-. . . h hp phine. the frat brothers began to inlnlslcJ witl', hi3 jeweled Sig clamor tor a cigar passing. Bill ... ,cilli-..r ..m.I nnibablv ahlC "l" e'- . m w v v It seems about time wc reveal BY F.LW00D R AN DOL. The Nicholas Brothers, Fayaid and Harold, have been added to the cast of stars who will appear with Ben Bernie on his new pro gram tonight at 8:30 over KFAB. This will round out the variety show which will feature the "Old Mnnsitvn" as master of ceremonies. comedian Lew Lehr, noted dialec tician, songs by Jane Pickens and Buddy Clark and music by "all the lads." Columbia, Duke, Northwestern and Stanford universities have been working with the Zenith foundation on the experiments on mental telepathy conducted on KFAB every Sunday evening at 9 p. m. Twenty-four houses on the Northwestern campus partici pate in the experiments and the report is that when geomet ric symbols were used seven men and two women succeeded in get ting these impressions correct all six times. With the perfect score 5, 2.5 is what would be expected by chance. The average score of the first 12 houses is as follows: Alnhn Omicrnn Pi 4.4. Sterna Chi 3.9, Rogers House 3.17, Lind gren House 3.00, Willard hall 3.00, Theta Xi 3.00, Phi Gamma Delta 2.88, Kappa Alpha Theta 2.72, Sig ma Nu 2.70, Hobart House 2.67, Phi Mu Delta 2.64, Kappa Delta 2.25. Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the cause of the blood curdling whoops that resounded mm me neighborhood of 16th and II streets one night last week. About 2 a. m. when everyone was sleeping peace is ready, willing and probably able to dish out the stocics but there is a little item of parental objec tion which is jamming the works. .! I'll lay the recent swing of pre nied students away from sororities :o Lincoln Oenoral Hospital as ine . - ;,lace to uaie. to a worthy auen pi ; cven :, grt in training lor hw jcais H ' Pnl Dclfa were U med school m Omaha. However, , . .. heart rcml. tnerc is one of the ! in ,.io- j help. I've even heard mcd who has de mi ely ou -fox d campiw cop was about to 7! ,Jqr T i - "i investigate the case. Well, the :;..Tiu - t I.t,.,,t Gen- l'"rormy lcil Jce..eiianu at u.e former head of the New Jersey state police, will join the staff of Gang Busters tonight to replace Phillips H. Lord as interviewer on the program. Lord will devote more time to digging up the facts of the cases which he presents on the air. Schwarzkopf substituted for Lord last March during the latter's vacation from the pro gram. During his 16 year tenure of office as head of the state po liel nf New .Iprsev. Colonel Srhu'arzknnf established seDBrate bureaus of Identification and in vestigation, and brought about closer co-operation between state and federal law enforcement agencies. .Inlin D M Hamilton, chairman of the republican national com mittee, will present ms party s answer to President Roosevelt's message to congress over the Co lumbia network this afternoon at 5:15. KFAB is not scheduled to carry the talk, so try WIBW or KMBC. The Cavalcade of America will dramatize the life of Robert Hare. America's first chemist, tonight at 7 on KFAB. Hare was born in Philadelphia In 1781 and was the chemical wizard of his day. In the early 1800's he developed thc electric light bulb while he was fusing platinum, the idea which later was to make Edison famous. Robert Bellamy, a member of the Master Singers quartet, has been singing all of his life. He was born in Cambridge, entered me university in ia ana re ceived his B. A. degree in '37 at thc age of 22. He was member of Lincoln Cathedral choir for three years. Bellamy's first air work FILINGS TO CLOSE JAN. 15 FOR PUBLICATIONS POSTS Applications for appointment to the following positions on the student publications will be re ceived by the student publica tion board until Saturday noon, January 15: The Daily Nebraskan. Editorial. Editor-in-chief. Two managing editors. Six news editors. Business. Business manager. Two assistant business managers. The Awgwan. Editor. Business manager. Two assistant business man agers (unpaid). Application blanks may be obtained at the office of the School of Journalism, Univer sity hall 104. Material already on file ned not be duplicated. CAYLE C. WALKER, Chairman. Student Publication Board. StrOL aivL Skill came while he was still in school in 1933 when he appeared over KFOR with a student quartet. Joined the present quartet in March, 1936. Has been on "Joe the Gardner" and has sung with the quartet on the Mutual and NBC networks. Auditioned by Harold Stokes, program director of WGN, who wanted to use the singer If he could have stayed in Chicago. Bellamy is now heard on Time and Tunes. Little Chapel of Faith, Morning Reveries. BY DEAN POHLENZ. Starspangled Hollywood Hotel was viewed t'other night at the Stuart and won audience reclaim. Not since Grand Hotel has so much talent been crammed into one pitcher. The cast is something like this, Rosemary Lane, Hugh Herbert, Dick Powell, the late Ted Healcy, Benny Goodman and his mad men, Johnny Davi3. Raymond Paige and his who look like olu mm fn rnmrmrison. Louella Par- !sons Ken Nilcs, Jerry Cooper, Frances Langford, Edgar Kennedy I and there possibly are more. The i order in which I've listed the cast i is not an indication of their m I portanee i' thc film. This may be I a bit of personal gripe but 1 be i licve that in their efforts to pro duce a good picture, the big-wigs I muffed an opportunity. The film i suffeis from too-many-star-itis. ! Goodman is superb and Paige s j Dark Eyes is masterful. Rumor hath it that there s a jam session a-goin on under our very noses In one of the campus eokeries of a Saturday p. m. 'TIs further rumored that this is no flippancy with tne Doyi cue Is strictly for the betterment of SUH-WING. Two very fine films break at the Lincoln and Stuart next week. At the Stuart is hilarious Tovarich and the Lincoln Navy Blue and Gold. Tovarich has lovely Clau dette Colbert and Charles Boyer who is the likable noble, exiled from his native country instead of the sloppy romantic character that he usually portrays. Navy blue started out to be a second rater and he turned. Cindcrclla-likc, nt one of the hits of the new season, due largely to the work of Robert Young and Jimmy Stewart. Ho rice Rice, daughter of scrivener Grantland plays uie icimne . At the Shows till Saturday: Damsel in Distress at Stuart. One scene in an amusement park is worth the ducat. Lincoln's Ebb Tide in color l Impressive. The work of Oscar Homolka Is especially good. Kiva Is doing adventuresome King Solomon's Mines. Varsity has has-been Maurice Chevalier in Beloved Vagabond with another feature. Liberty for those who like gusty fare will film Firemen's Luck, Sun Is repeating After the Thin Man, which Is so far after that I've almost forgotten it. Or pheum has The Barrier and Hugh Herbert in Shh, the Octo pus. iii ..iiv ntt-n firmament: The praises of Claudine Burt and Jean Swift are being sung far and wide by those viewing the world premier of "I Know Her." COUNCIL FILLS TWO BOARD POSTS TODAY I Continued from Page 1.) gates also utilized the opportunity to swap notes on methods of stu dent government on their respec tive campuses. Host to the con vention was the University of New Mexico. All members of the council are urged by President Moseman to at tend thc meeting in university hall at 5 o'clock today, since, because of the elections, it is pnrtlcu larly important. ei al. He'll have none of it. In- Tri Delt domicile. And it all , ... siaricii as a icr loie mEiumaic. stead, lie goes rign lo uie nea Thprc of the siluamn an J ales o ne of an attempt. the nuil school faculty who has, no monii'l position. Since Christ-1 m:is hnlnlavs ho has bi-on steadily Turzan has nothing on Jack in the company of Miss Kdith Hurry. During the basketball nt 1 r fut imnlnu tin1 pnriilv hv not onoufch MvinpinE down and dropping from ,11 f I 1 41. . L .1. . il.. LI I T n O'Ncil. I.W.l.ili ii iint ......if,.. rniiiiij, uni (I emu .jih Hv t M.'.inirilif ll (Yntrd I ihn h-ir-r rf ihn Hlparhprs T,i fart high's o vn, should be severely be had such a good time, that he i chastised for attempting caveman almost forgot about thc game. Mnff on Miss Cockle. Last Wick enil this luckle.-s lad ha I a couple Oi dates broken in n couple of days. Kirst came Marjory e'or lington, v.-iio paevAly explained that she w-is very, very ill and Afl-r last Saturday's formats, i we suddenly began to wonder just vh-ro all the- Alpha Chi's and Chi i Plus were most of the tunc, but sne w,s very, n . . um , fou dn t possibly make it. It was, i " 1 J . ... ri;ttncs no doubt, that strenuous bowling which I s.-w her iJoin; not lung before, which caused I he physical collapse. :i-st earne Tli'1 It co cream aim told cards , lie I'llV"! l: ' . i. i... i-..., ih are out to the luckv ones who are iji hv t-iiom ..... I. t. , who. it is reported, was also in very bad way. I;i my langua that's a couple bucks saved. I've b"!i holding this for h while to think aUiul it. Try as I may, I slid can't figuie. out how I'.'.l) Wadhams h.iip'-:i''.l ! vpcnil .New Y'-ar's "e in bed. Maybe a 1'. P.. K. will ohm- t inv rescue. going to the Carrie Belle Ilaymond ball formal Saturday night. From It to 12 the annual winter formal v. ill l.c held in the dorm gills' own o ie off '',1"l"',m- Chaperons will be Prof. ami .mis. ian m. aiii'U, .hiss ( 'Vin.-ntini' Newman, social dux-tor of the dormitory, arid Miss lloiteii.e Allen, house- director. Special quests will be Chancellor aii'i Mrs. K. A. Ituinett and Uean Aniaoil.i llppner and her staff. Stii on Aj: ( iainpii By Bcb Rupp. 'AT Matin.-. Aljlia (iainoia I'.iio tieated the boys lo the 'tv.o-lei.s over :.t the hou.s.- the o!i:(-r rii ihi Me ni.d Killllie ('ovev, iih ifl'ilia'.e 1. have del id'-d that two cm live i.: c h:aply as one. Well. anyA.'i.v ! tin Vie that way aixnd i-ai ii !) i. Alberta Sclimi'lt t i pi-ak.r.g to anyone, these days. She yelbii so lunch at the basl'ett all the other right that fc.'.c lo:,' h'-r oice. An A. 'I. It. fibber ytai.;i V as UV-il to .stan.p the a', uil'-litf HS they rain'- into the 1-M inix-r .Sat unlay night. Sunn- of Die Farm House boys eiion't like the idea of having Alpha Crinnrn Itho Htamped on their hanus. In fnct they Uncut-eni-d to go and waah them. Arr.rdd I'.re.l h.asn t l en burmr.fc m tinii h roionight oil over at rill7 H'.l.lrege here of hit". Uhal f wrong, lid the hous- motr.i r di Jert to th- light bill? Lillian l-riedlar.'ler., v.ns the objeet e,f a pin hanging over the holiday 'I ho .ln laoie from u 1'ir-Mcii at C're-ightnn. Wonrh-r v.-hnt '.'.dinny' J arwell finds tm interesting over the top of the 'Uag' in th" main l'bi;.iy every day. Faint head jievr r won fair ladv, John: WAA PRESIDENT SPEAKS SIGMA GAMMA EPSILON TO SEE FIELD TRIP FILMS Ccological Society Will Hold Open House Tliuiscby Evcnin'.' f'oloi.i! films i.f a Leolo-'ical ludd tup tal.eii his: Miiiimcr by t Mints nl Midlami colli ge will b- t:.niil on tui' h'ii i ii nt the onn house fit .Slguin (Jainii.a Kpsiloii, hirtioiaty geology (-oeiety, Thurs day eve;,ing in Motrill ball. The t( t lit -M Will be shown bV (illbel t Li iiiiiiiKhocni i in room 110, begin-; ning at H o'eloi U. Preceding the showing of the' flllllM, the hollolHiy Will hold its I iiiei-ling mid will Ice t of-I fueio for the c oming i rmexlfr. j 'i 'he oig'ima'ion nrgi-.e anyone In- t'-:i.'!ed 111 the pli ture ; to iitt. I.d. 11.1 well iii nl! tin- 1 1 1 r-1 1 1 - . bi; of .Sign. a flui.'r.a I Ip.-iilon. I Marie Kotouc to Dtucribc Activities of Women's Athletic Society. Tin: aiiiis arid purpoh-x of Ih' V. A. A. mid the manner in which l's r 'iiilattons function will be ill, eil.sis by Marie Kololie lit the freshman A. V. H. ineetlni; Hilt nftKiuoon at 5 p. in. nt Kllen thnith hall. Mb; Kotone Is the president ii( the Women' Athletic nnsoclu tion. Judith Leveiison, ihalrmiin o' the meeting- rcriieln that every mn lie pn-Menl. Lvelyii UibK will net hh secictary. Classified ADVERTISING 10C PWUNE ffillNI'- N-i-r 'I MeiT i"illitr, M'Hi tin v. brioeii purni- eniiliiliilriK ww niiil cor key. Cull Murvln Vimiiii;i, KNIT GARMENTS Cleaned Blocked Perfectly SEND ALL OF YOUR CLEAN ING TO THE OLD RELIABLE Modern Cleaners Soukup & Westover Call F2377 Service EVER SINCE 1904 I r V ';; ' A ' . Si f?f'jr 7 9 A nw- f Piim r. -. t ''A '' V"" r I'S f i ...a date with Chesterfield will show you how re freshingly mild a cigarette can be ... it w ill introduce you to that better taste that smokers like. Chesterfields will give you more pleasure than any cigarette you ever smoked. if. w vsss,w&ywf'- . mm Weekly Radio Features LAWRENXE TlBBETT Andre Kostelanitz PaulWhiteman Deems Taylor Pall Doug us C.ei ,i.:,1h lj. Lioelii k Mii luMteoCo.