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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1938)
V-4 -s-- PAGE TirREE TIIE DAILY NEBRASKAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1938. rn LS Ul ICf S GHALK UP 29-S8 VICTORY SlllUukSu 10 STCD'ES 6-"i"WiiJ YOU CAN'T (JET THE WHOLE HOG IN A SANDWICH COLORADO QUINTET, BROmiEH CLASH III SLAWi BAHG TILT Southpaw Paul Amen Blocks a California Basket Pid you go to the California game Saturday night? There Was sure, a raft of people there, wasn't there? Or should we say a rafter full ? Unofficial count paid that it was a near record crowd or in other words hovered about the 8.000 mark. And, think of the profit in basketball: The next time we see Business Manager John K. Sellork with that "I wish we could pet bigger crowds" expression, we're gonna be awful disgusted with John. We saw him from the balcony going around the coliseum taking a nose count. He looked like the crowd was only fairly pleasing to him. It's a little like complaining because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth in stead of a platinum one. If we are right and Mr. Selleck does expect to get more than 8,000 people into the coliseum for a basketball game, we want to help, because such a feat won't be easy. We can't overlook the fact, Mr. Selleck that some 500 of the peo ple there Friday night couldn't 6ee the game. Of course the play by play description of Harold Pet as he would sav, "please smoke in here' soothed the com plaints of those unfortunate be ings. Incidentally, Petz isn't fool ing when he says don't smoke. You'd be surprised how much a smoke filled court hampers the average basketball player. Getting back to our problem of "putting a size 11 pedal extremity into a No. 5 shoe," we can't overlook the fact either that bleachers completely enveloped the arena and there was about a two coat veneer of hu manity on those bleachers. Where we sat it was just two bad for the man who lost control of his emo tions and stood up to cheer, for wdhen he turned to recover his seat it had vanished just like a1 cow track in the soft mud. A little I farther down they were packed soj light that they had to count off to i breathe. Well, Mr. Selleck, if we're going to get more than 8,000 people in that coliseum were going to have to he ingenious. Kirst of all, Mr. Selleck, we thought that by building balcony ever balcony like a stack of wheat cakes that the capacity could be greatly increased. Then too, think of the number of fans that could be seated if the bleachers were constructed a la ferris wheel. We estimate that the crowds could be tripled. No one person would get to see the entire game, but each would at least get to witness a third of the fray. Two-thirds of the time he would be spent in making the revolution when the floor would not be in view. But think of the suspense as you awaited your allotted glimpse of the action. Still more could be crammed into the field house by dangling from the rafters those canvas and elastic baby seats; you know, the Buffalo Cagesters Bow To Nebraska Speed, Superior Passing. Colorado university's Buffalo basketball quintet bowed to the superior speed and passing of the Nebraska Cornhuskers last night in a slam bang game which ended 29-18. The game was a ragged affair the whole route. During the last ten minutes of the tilt, when Coach W. H. Browne turned the game over to the second team, the crowd of about 6,000 was kept in an uproar of laughter as the two teams tumbled and scrambled about the floor in frantic attempt to gain possession of the sacred pill. Amen High Scorer. The Huskers got away to an early lead accounting for 11 points while their opponents scored but 2. Paced by Paul Amen who was high point man of the game with 12 counters, the Huskers displayed a crisscross offense which baffled the invaders. After whipping the half ended with the Huskers out in front by a score of 15-8. Just after the second half had opened. Paul Amen was forced from the game because of a sprained ankle. At this point the Buffaloes trimmed the Husker lead to 4 points which was as close as they got. The Scarlet imme diately opened up and widened the margin to 15 points, 27-12. Then the Nebraska seconds entered the game and things began to happen. Lloyd Grimm's headlong drives into the basket seemed to bring out the football in the Coloradoans and the Nebraskans retaliated with an equally good brand of ball. Both teams spent a good part of the time on the floor squirming for the elusive oval. In a preliminary game, the Ne braska B team trounced the Fresh man team by a score of 19-9. The box score: .- '': . XXX-"v. ? -;,.:X I ;. v ;;: x' :t x.'x ; . ;: ; 1 1 I mmmrmm IVX-X::: ''I .... ... .:w. HAit - l3 v""".'y'T'w' , o 0 0 ball around out court for a few i mmr r o moments a Husker would break ! """n -i i aon i loose and drive in for a setup, ine I Totu Nfhrft,ka Amrn I Thnma f hbalU'h r 1'ariMiiiM k Wf rm-r k kovanda f 'lawman f MI"nn f Hlkit , H a x l 8 i l t t f' Colorado I imv f II i hurman f I harvry r I Mriwell ( M Wllroxrn II Srhwarti I 1 Mmmonft f 0 H'lMlrtrk, ( o RavrnMr'H 1 0 fr f! 10 1 1 0 11 , Total! S t 10 r GRAPPLERS HOLD RA-SQUAD TILT NEXT THURSDAY Varsitv to Meet Novices In Practice Session For Minnesota. An intra-squad practice meet has been scheduled for the Ne braska wrestling squad in prepara tion for the first dual meet of the year which will be held on Feb. 4, when the Minnesota grapplers are encountered in Lincoln. The Ne braska squad has been divided !nto two groups for the practice meet the novices and freshmen versus the varsity squad. The tentative lineups for Thurs day's grapple has been set as fol lows: Varlty rtlf W'h.trr H Kuika laire I'id Kurnr) Ink.- lS.t Other Willinm. MS BkovttaaM. knight 1A Horn Hdlfr IBS ftratrt X"'H kind that have two holes thru which the tot sticks his legs. This would avoid any waste space over head. Fans occupying these seats would get a double thrill as they jump to their feet with excite ment, for those seats have no foot board and plenty of the "bouncy bouncy" element. If all these inventions do not suffice our crowd count, Mr. Sel leck. then we have one last sug gestion. We could do away with the playing floor entirely and cover it with bleachers. In this manner we could seat more people and no one would miss any of the game. Huskers Rank as Favorites On Easl-Wesl Classic Trip Autographed Game Spheroid Presented to Biffer's 13 Year Old Son. By John Stuart. "Big Klmer Dohrmann for his receiving of flips and all around play, Sloan of Arkansas for his heaving of passes, and Sweeney from Notre Dame on the East team for his speed on going down on kicks are in my mind the most outstanding players that partici pated in the Kant-West game" stated Biff Jones yesterday. "Biff" also commented on the fine blocking snd tackling of Fred Murey us well as his excellent liandling of the ball on laterals. He thought all the boys from this section of the country which in cluded Kansas. Oklahoma, Mis souri, and Drake as well as Ne braska "did mighty fine" and cer tainly gained the respect of their fellow players from other sections of the country. Came Give Satisfaction. "The boys derived a great deal of satisfaction out of this game." "Biff" explained that this East West gHme which ended in a tiothing to nothing tie was a char iry game, the proceeds of which go 1o the Shrine hospital in San Francisco to lie used for the car ing for crippled children. He staled thHt the players thus felt that it was more than just an other post -season game. About M .10,000 has been raised for this hospital since the series of games stalled and about 100,000 was con tributed this year. Unlike some of the other bowl E&mes, the only compensation thej coaches ana players receivea was a fine sweater and Elgin watch. An interesting trophy lying on Eiff Jones desk is a football, con- taJnlnf the autograph of all the jilayers uid x.lie wbo partici pated In the East-West game, vnlch wu presentel to his thir teen yesr old son, Iwrence, who went with him to Cilifomla. Players Uvt In FraU. The beyi arrived In California on December 20, and dutm iSs two weeks' stay remained at a fraternity house on the 9,000 acre campus. Dohrmann and Shirey were tmong two of the most pop ular fellows on the West team, all ,f whom stayed at this frst house r,nd thus became well acquainted. Jiesldes meeting at the game, the players on the opposing teams bad ,-.! ; No,- ' Yot n.V... Condon Johnnon brA vy Ajidrri Coach Jerry Adams indicated that the probable lineup for the Minnesota meet would include Fred Webster. 118, Lee Claire, 126, Bill Luke, 135. or Wayne Smiley, Jin Knight, John Williams, or Don Shelberg 145, Ray Tomes, Jerry Adams, or Milford Smith 155, Paul Fidler 165, Carl Lauretsen or Carl Yost 175, and DeLoss Johnson heavyweight. I The athletes' nemesis, ineligibil ity, struck the squad hard, taking Bud Cather 135, and Charles Meigel 126, and may even remove Bill Luke from the team. Strong In 145 and 155 Pounders. Competition is strongest in the 145 and 155 pound divisions, Witn Jim Knight, John Williams and Don Shelberg about even in the 145 pound class and Ray Tomes, Jerry Adams, and Milford Smith battling it out for the call in the 145 pound class. Knight, high point of the Nebraska team last year and third high point man in the Big Six, is on the inside track in the 145 pound class and Tomes is leading the field in the 155 pound division. Whitman, who won a major let ter two years ago. has an injured shoulder and may be out of action for three or four weeks. The match which was tenta tively scheduled for Jan. 14 and 15 with Southwestern State Teach ers and Central State Teachers of Oklahoma has been indefinitely postponed. This meet may be held next semester but negotiations are not complete as yet. The complete schedule will be made public in a few days. i ' ..,. X '" " -- .4, fl i " V f- L x- ' :'"' f - , V; - . , - - t , 1 " t y . , ' 1 i-ft - -V-- - : Cornhusker Forward Paul Amen leaps to stop a basket tossed by Golden Bear Lewis Goldenson, Nebraska-California game Saturday night. Lending moral assistance to Paul are Floyd Ebaugh, No. No. 7, in a tense moment of the 32, and Alton Werner. W. Endres Bahls. who graduated from here in electrical engineering in 1929, and is now with the Ra diotron division of RCA will read a paper entitled "A New Type of Vacuum Seal" at the wint-sr pro gram of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Bahls is a Lincoln boy. "BIFF" JONES Krnm Un'"ln Journal II n m m n i f Even after such threat-taxing scenes, ANN S0THERI1 finds Luckies gentle on her throat. t ,,: A t- .': x " "Sx. X-. '' f ... ,1 K ' i X A: a chance to get acquainted at a dinner given in their honor at the Palace hotel after the game. Of all the games played in 13 years of the East-West series, Jones stated that this la-st game was the most interesting even though it did end in a tie. The capacity crowd was thrilled by the passing of the West team. They completed 14 out of 29 heaves and a player in the back field on the opposing team re marked that he thought he was in a baseball game the ball was thrown about so much. Biermsn Opposes Jones. Commenting on having Bernle Biermsn of the mighty Gophers, Jones merely remarked' that they have always been rood friends, he highly respected bis northern neighbor, and he was very pleased to have such an outstanding man as bis opponent Our coach was not worried In the lesst in the rapid increase of "bowla" wbicn has been going on in the past few years. He wg very much tn favor of the 6hrlne classic. In his opinion, if the bowl situation became more acuta, something; would have to be done aa allowing no mora bowla to prevent an Increase. As for In creasing the length of the plaj-ing season, be remarked that the weather and the necessity of foot' ball players getting bick to their classrooms would prevent any such possibility. Jr."'-, W j? 0 mm; M I. i . rm " www r" X: l.. ! C ? ". I 1 mn ,a ii i ii-ii in I 1. "IN 'SHt'l GOT tVIRYTHING', my new RKO-Radio picturt," aayt Ann Sothern, "thera'a a acen where the girl get married on a jolting truck, and it turned out to b a knockout! ...But for me, at an actress... 2. "IT WAS A KNOCKOUT in a differ cnt sense! Imagine shouting your M do's' above the noise of a truck... and imagine doing it 30 times! Yet, even after this throat strain, I still enjoyed Luckies! They're always . . . i taw mi am s nil r 4. "NOW AS ttSGARDS TOIACCO... Luckies' flavor has always appealed to me very much. So I was Interested to read recently that Luckies are the favorite cigarette among the tobacco experts themselves." wmiKHi WHO KNOW T03ACC0 r a 3."GENTLE ON MY THROAT. Others at the RKO-Radio studios agree with me Barbaia Stanwyck and Herbert Marshall, for instance."(Reason : the "Toasting" process expels certain throat irritants found in all tobacco.) '1 'V 5. AUCTIONEERS, BUYERS AND WAREHOUSEMEN must be able to judge tobacco at a glance. Sworn records show that among Independent experts, Luckies have twice as many exclusive smokers as all other brands combined. With men who know tobacco best.'s Luckies 2 to 1 . NmVwHavtOx III A.M., MOW. tr fl, CM "rout nottYwooD rww nroiis air mwr SATUD.r M..CU (All lOTim nam S I a i