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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1938)
I". SSSSs-b-,, "icAV JND A y ANU AR Y 9. 1938 I III- IJAII.T r Swim- - . Societu By Johnny Howell Quarterback ii ni Mary Anna Cockle JOHN HOWELL- 4S JOHNNY SEES IT. Embarrassing talk about my having a ghost writer has become so prevalent around the campus that now every time 1 leave a classroom I have to duck my head and make a clash for the reserve room at the library to avoid ques tions. I hear that some little sheet up in the stockyards country, I think they call it the World-Herald, is going to tell a story about the column today. First, allho it's a little late, con gratulations to Fred Shlrey and Elmer Dohrmann on their top notch performances in the East West game on New Years day. They tell me that the crowd that day was always in a state of con stant agitation wondering whether Duhrmann was going to come down with snow on his helmet after snagging one of Sloan's passes. I can't tell you whether Shirey's trip to the coast was profitable for him or not as far as his love life is concerned. Anyway, his affair with Delta tJamma liarbara Meyer seems definitely on the rocks. First hint of this came during Christ mas vacation when Barbara came back to her old flame, Sam Sven mn, Phi Kho in nied school, at ;he Marasing formal in Fremont. From then on until school started it was an every night stand, with a counle of extra sessions on New Years dav. Shirey, on the other hand, evened things us, blossomed out at the A. O. Hi formal Friday night with a not-bad brunette who was his one and only a couple of years ago. Pledge Dorothy Cline, of Bloom lngton, alias Bloomdale, remains furious with Don Anderson, Dett, an. I John McDermolt, D. U., for being my temporary stooges. She peems plenty put out that I should have the crust to accuse her of being hitched. And especially to that flash from Midland. The catch is that it was neither An derson nor McDermolt who broke the news. the game might result in a little profit. For Jane'.; benefit I rec ommend the new book, "How to Break Your Jaw While Bowling," by Dave Blanchard. This book may be listed under "The Evils of Alcohol." By the way, I'm getting sick and tired of having little bundles of love scurrying up and tell me what pretty legs Paul Amen has. At a recent election, Charles Tanton was elected president of Kappa Sigma. Which goes to prove that the only good in Beech nut gum isn't for digestion's sake. I'll close today's attempt with a real honest to goodness social note. Alfred Mathis, Alpha Gamma Kho, dealt out the Ha vanas around the house lately with the news that he and Eunice Covey, unaffiliated, were that-nway. to kneel on the dance floor at Vir ginia Shuler's feet these modern Komeos; and Tri-Delt pledge, Mar jorie Lindqiiist, doing the rounds as usual - this time with Roy Proffitt. The members of Palladian were greatly surprised at their formal banquet nt the University club Friday evening when a candy passing announced the engage ment of Lydia Newell to James Marvin, graduate of the Univer sity of Nebraska and now an as sistant instructor of physics at the University of Minnesota. Marvin was the toastmaster at the banquet and the couple was the butt of a great deal of ribbing and jokes by those who gave toasts at the banquet. REGENTS ACCEPT RESIGNATION OP POLLY GELLATLY (Continued from Page 1.) Theater. Besides toeing its director years she has for the last five found time to play a major part in many of the little theater pre sentations during the past ten years. Active in Faculty. Miss Gellatly has also taught children's dramatic classes through the extension divisioon and has been a member of the faculty ad visory committee of Mortar Board staff as well as faculty sponsor to Tassels since this or ganization's establishment on the campus. While in school she was a member of Mortar Board and Alpha Kho Tau, fine arts' scholas tic society. Following her gradu ation from the university she took advanced work at the University of Michigan. The board also approved the resignation of Wentworth Fling, assistant instructor in Romance languages, who has accepted a position on the faculty of Hamil ton college at Clinton, New York. Regents gave faculty standing to two members of the athletic department staff. Roy Lyman, as sistant football coach ana Adoipti L. Lewandowski, assistant football and basketball ccmch, were given the academic rank of instructor. The regents also gave their ap proval to Dr. R. V. Shumate, as sociate professor of political science, to become research di rector of the legislative research council. Prof. L. B. Orfield of the college of law will address members at tending the Phi Beta Kappa meet ing January 10 at the University club on the subject "The Social Se curity Act." NEW DEAL BARBER SHOP Hair Cut 50c 1306 "O" St. B-8154 AS MARY ANNA SKI'S IT One of our last final flings be fore exams a gala week end, started off with a bang at the D. U, orchid dinner dance Friday night, and what an evening. Seventy-five orchids and then danc ing afterward to Anna Mae Win burn's orchestra, then on to the Cornhusker for the A. O. Pi dance and that too turned out to be some what of an occasion. Before I go further let me tell you a choice bit about our friends, Dclorbt Bors and Elwood Pankonin. For them, Friday night meant a pin hanging, so now that little Alpha Chi is just another dream girl of Delta U. Pinky Burt who was all dated up with Bill Pachett for the orchid party found she had a play re hearsal, so Bill dined with Theta j pledge Mary Marnell, and after I taking her home, called for Claud j ine to escort her to his formal. You've heard of late dates; well this sounds like something new and different. Saturday night turned out to be a two star final also, beginning with the Chi Thi Cocoanut Grove where we dined and danced and the eirls leceived dainty combs with the Chi Phi crest on the case and the fellows just had fun. I've heard about the Chi Phi Cocoanut Grove parties, but seeing is believ- .. i.- u u. H f all nlnrev 1Mg- rroin ine noici l-lll' "HI i-virijr- cvent which happened of all plates , , . ,, . , th rn,.hsUp, It run. " " - - I'm still writing this. Among the many things that I don't understand is how Howard Linen and Bill Clayton, Cornhusk er bigwigs can get any work done wi'h all sweet bits of feminine lov liness around. Solomon didn't. I have a prize New lears eve Dclt As in an eievaior in uhmiia. Don Powell. Thi rlc dee and Liz Hedge, Kappa. the New Year came in the two wcie riding up in an elevator. For a period of one minute every light in the bidding was turned off. When the light came on again Powell was huddled sheepishly in tiie corner, his face the color of a Jn-sh washed radish if it is a red raihsh. Liz couldn't understand It and delved for the answer. It m .-ins that Powell had been wrest ling with the elderly, mustached elevator operator for a full minute without knowing it. P. S. Liz was disgusted. P. P. S. So was the elevator boy. i For the past week Mary Anna has been digging into the love lives of many of Nebraska's stu dents during the holidays. I hear that Mary Anna didn't do bo bad herself. But one night, the night of the Tri-Delt fling at Fort Om aha, she definitely put her foot down on the caveman tactics of Delt pledge Bob McCampbell, the tall dark man in her life. Maybe gentler technique will turn the trick. (oinphnienU to Sarry "Around and About" M-yer for a very vivid description of the A. W. S. court. I understand that it will be her last for while because that hatchet which is the scourge of fcihlete haj invadi-d the rag office and taki-n the ace columnist. For free bowling Home cold dHy I s'lgR'-Ht roping Jane Barbour in n a loser nay proitosition. You en t lose and by betting a nlckc-l jn huan-s and a dime, on strikes again for the Alpha Chi dance which was its usual success, Hi-lights of the week end: Kitty Adams looking ultra-smooth in white satin chatting with Mary Helen Hustead, who wore one of those smart two piece affairs black velvet feu skirted topped with a fitted jacket of pale blue lame; Dick Kosman looking very Esquirish as he handed out orchids at the D. U. dinner; A. T. O. Wil bur Rogers even going so far as Free Theater Ticket Le&dd BronM Gai 17Vic WhiU Gai lS'jC Dm Rock Oili HOLMS LADIES' HATS ANY STYLE OR SHAPE WE CLEAN AND RESHAPE Only 50 Send All of Your Garment Cleaning To the Old Reliable MODERN CLEANERS Soukup & Wevtover Call F2377 for Servic EVER SINCE 1904 It's Time You Broke Into PRINT! Refreshing Styles 1000 iwNl 12 to 18 l I Gay flowers in a froth upon dark backgrounds. Bright spring frocks 1 peak beguilingly from under dark furs. And the whole world seems brighter because relief is in sight i from dark winter woolens. You'll love I V these new arrivals that we're show- A.k I ing with their interesting style details. J 1 . jA The New Spring Designs in Cartwrights -: -py --, -r- " - I Come to Our Kampus Korner and See These Gay New Stylesl Sizes 9 to 17 KAMPUS KORNER THIRD FLOOR 1