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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1937)
page mm THE DAILY NEHKASKAN. TM'liSOAY. DECEMItEK 16. 19.17 Societu 2UqitiqILL Ojv Uisl Ovl By Johnny HowellQuarterbctck Mary Anna Cockle Twelve Modem Dnnrers Initialed Into Orchitis casionally slip by. But as these wise women added, if they lived in town there wouldn't be any ex cuse at all to go home early if they suddenly pot bored with their escort, and what could be more wearing than trying to out-bore a bore? tf At last I've discovered a revolu tionary method of cross table talk or other manner of private com munication. Have you ever heard of egp language?" Well, it goes something like this; Degfo yeggou cggundeggersleggand (do you un derstand!. I haven't quite caught on myself, but once you pet it. its just too simple, so they say. Dor othy Smith and Maren Dobson used it this summer in Europe. They found that a good manv peo ple on the continent could under- By Elwood Randol. i straight announcing There comes a time at the end! Mutual's Let's isit program. of the year when our minds turn l'lp "e of ,,h,e ' on lh Street tvpe of broadcast is con to review what has transpired dur- duoted bv JolTy Danzig and pave ing the past 12 months. In order Driscoll. The varying type of in that retrospection in the field of tcrviews and the interesting sub radio entertainment be easier this wJi0?.ihW' Z?l?m JOHN f " VELf AS JOHNNY SEES IT While we were stumbling around yesterday in search of a coiple of items to fill this column we were attracted by loud shouts which seemed to come from up stairs on the first floor of U hail. We dr.Vd upstairs and found the halls ., thing with flustered stu dents. Thinking that the old days had at last returned, we prepared fiM- a omen in An vvhr.t u th.-.p-ht .... . . -j j coming basketball game with South Dakota. But when we got into the middle of tilings it scorned that the students weren't jam ming together in the usual man ner. Instead they seemed to be dragging certain individuals into corners with an expression hover- termination. We didnt think that ! stand their Enclish. hut whn tw this was just the way to run a broke out in epg language, thev i rally so thought a little investigat- were quite astonished! ' " ; mg might be in order. Spying a Maren and Dorothy learned their 1 young man at the other end of , secret code fiom the Petersen' the hail we started for him hoping ; family. Ereia and Vera May. j to get a little inside dope. But j Mclba Devoe claims it all goes over before we could get to hira he was j her head, but when she hears ' being wormed by a shouting j Meggelbegga Drggeveggoe she : group of students who had every- , knows they're talking about her thing hut basketball on their j Bev Finkle and Mary Eislar are ! minds. When the mob had cleared i most efficient at the esmo it hv 1 department olfers its selection of the most outstanding programs, performers and attractions in 193". 1937 ROLL OF HONOR. Special events: Coronation of. George VI and the burning of airliner Hindenberg. Public service WHAS, Louis ville. Comedian: Charlie McCarthy. Best announcer: Bob Trout. top spot followed closely Columbia s e. the People. Hiil and Husing Tops. ; Edwin O. Hill and Ted Husing :are tops in their respective fields. , Hill as a news commentator anJ j Husing as a sports announcer. : Hill has been very popular foi ! several years and his interesting i treatment of background news j makes him the selection of this I department. Husing is far in front of any other sports announcer. He ; can handle any type of sports as- sisninent giving a clear, vivid de- Climaxing six weeks training assignments i period, u girls were initiated into Orehesis, modern dance group, last night at a meeting in Grant Memorial. Those initiated are Ruth Fulton. Mary Lou Betzer, Elinor Acker man, Martha Jackson, Margaret Eaton, Helen Goodman, Betty Dutch, Patricia Pope, Betty Muel ler, Josephine Ley, Lorraine Grant and Eleanor Willadsen. by March of Time's Microphone Faces away i ,J left the panting student propp; against the wall we walk ed up and started to speak. "Wait a minute," he said, "I know." "You want your boy on the junior-senior prom committee." "Alright, who it he?" We went away won dering what chance a society re porter has got. in this world of big bad politicians. AS MARY ANNA SEES IT As Bob Gannon remarked we even had electric lights in the P-ag office yesterday wonderful these modern conveniences. What wc did rmss the most were the bells and electric clocks. Arrived at my o'clock fit the san-.e time. Time ter of twelve. Made my or.e o'clock &t the same time. Thie stood still for once. But now it marches on again as vacation draws nearer and nearer. B. 4. We ought to be a little womed about several of the term papers we're supposed to iash off or a few .f the finals that will greet us en returning. One of Mr. Walker's should want to say something j catty, they'd just rattle off, "Eg-! gisneggn't shegge eggawfeggul ?" , I have to admit a mistake in I yesterday's paper. The D. U. tele phone number is FStiSS and if you ' should accidently call FS6ST vou'd i get Hi-Acres. People, they tell me, j often slip and dial the laiter when all the time they really wanted i to talk to someone at the Barn. Chalk my eiTor up to the roor ' r '3& ('TW (. hfK & ft j- , p.- . ,i ' 5 . i "s I 3 ( ZjLS. , V.. . A. . t V. .. .... and Dave Bernstein managed the 1937 prom. According to the Student Coun cil constitution, at least half the members of the Prom committee must be chosen from the campus at large, and the committee per sonnel must be composed of six men and six women. IN POLLY GELLATLY'S 12:00 12:10 12:20 CMPl"S STUDIO Publication Board Barb Council , .Crop Judging Team La Velle. the female half of . the duo nine roamed the Ne- J braska prairies as Katie La Velle. Film companion for the stage show is "Westlar.d Case. I'm going to travel to Haveloclc tonight to see Lee Tracy in Be hind the Headlines" at the Joyo.. . . Permanent gripe with me is the dirty deal handed Tracy because during the filming of "Viva Villa" he became slightly inebriated and forsook modesty, appearing sans clothing on a balcony before his director and just everybody. Why can't Hollywood forget these things? Every star does things just as screwy every day and it s good publicity. In the Dec. 18 issue of Billboard, known affectionately thruout the trade as Billy Boy, appears the standings in the Paramount the ater's poll of the popularity of bands. King Goodman reigns" su preme with a comfortable margin. Guy Lombardo is second and Shep Melds. Eddie Ducnin and Tommy Dorsoy, third, fourth and fifth. "Especially indicative," gloats Bar ney Oldfield, "of the return of sensible moosic." He points ont ! that the second three hands are Leave of Absence. all essentially "sweet." Fred War It was hoped by Senator Miller ing stripped "of most of his talent that it would be possible for Dr. by the Brothers Warner, is run Shumate to obtain a leave of ab- ning a weak ninth. Last year he sence, either in the near future or rated in the top three with Lora- at the end of the college year, so j bardo and Glen Gray. that he might devote full time to i Dramatists Arrange Two Full , his ncw wo'kthc!tvon vvas j ENGINEERS name Performances for First j rrTh'r?v-. erown chairman Children's Theater. : TZZ- 0F 1933 J R0GRAN ; granting of a leave of absence to ; .Continued from Tage l.l James Barrie s immortal "Peter i Dr. Harold Stoke, who left the , the engineering students for elect- Pan' will be brought to life again I university to accept a position for the children of Lincoln when i with the Tv A. Mowing mrec oe SHUMATE HEADS RESEARCH WORK FOR UNICAMERAL (Continued from Page 1.1 about 50 percent of his time to this position. Hugo Srb, clerk of the house and former acting tem porary director, was chosen as Dr. Shumate's aide. In casting their ballots, five of the 12 state sen ators voted against the univer sity professor's election. Senator Adams, one of the ob jectors, contended that a person affiliated with a large tax spend ing institution such as the Uni versity of Nebraska should not be connected with the legislative council. However, his assertion was taken to task by Dr. Shu mate's proponents, who said that anyone associated with the school is well qualified to handle the new post i Polly Gellatlv dons the radiant ' prees and having spent four years j spirit of that bright elf in the first j in the navy. Dr. Shumate is a children's theater presentation of member of Phi Beta Kappa, na- the year, under the auspices of the ' tional scholastic honorary, j Lincoln Junior league, for two ! As research director of the logis j performances at the Temple I lative council, he will do super ! theater Saturday, at 1 and 3 j visory work in gathering fact o'clock. ' ' j finding information. In this type Two years ago Miss Alice ; of work, lacts and not opinions I Howell head of the speech depart- will be examined. A sum of SlO.OOo for The intense fec-lins of each for ' .liihrsior.e Tv-st kr.own lignung system ad the constant , his lin(.s is ref. in 5he Saces sm.tior.s of the voices of Mus-j-ush m the office. ,f y sohlJ Mli Ihe r,,;Ke of Windsor. In i the bottom row are W illiam P.esuming a custom of long : 'hose pi-ogram is the No. 1 news , A.Ums. w bo r,ii)VS o,Mf Justice standing the Kappa Sigs have in-, drama on the jadio. In the top row : Hughes: Wtstbroi.k Van Voorhis. vited 24 little boys suggested by are Nancy Kellv. vour.g charatter ,the narrator, and Dwicht Weist the Salvation Army to be piests actress, Ted Pi Corsia and William j whose f.ut-tar.dir.c role is Hitler, at their house tonight. A turkey . iwan on ine street type: Lets i scnption of the event. His broad' visit. ment. succeeded after manv at tempts to receive permission from s Mr. Barne to present the play their ! which he had reserved for the graceful acting of Maude Adams. That year Miss Gellatlv played her first Peter Pan in Lincoln and since then Lincoln youth have identified her with the myrhica! character. dinner has been planned for them followed by a Christmas paity ; with gifts and money donations. ! Oakley Cox. an alum takes on a ! pretty good disguise as Santa Claus. ! Three more Christmas parties; planned for tonight are the Alpha i-ignia iTii annual buffet supper' when he assigned a 5,(K'0 word thesis. Gingy Dw-er thinks she'll rrate a tnp to the library every night ftr.d hare her date? pick her np there, that is, if she hss time for anv. classes was slightly bowled ever j n xhe house. It begins at o'clock.. and guests f the haj.ter will be the Lincoln alums. The Alpha O's are having their formal dinner ; party at the chapter house tonight, and at the Sigma Chi hous. be-: gir.s a week end cf festivities1 . which ends with their forma din- Speaking of dates. 1 overheard per dance Saturday. Tonight th ! some soronty puis in earnest dis- i chapter will exchange gifts around ; cussion of the subject, hC'W to get the tree, around bouse rules. The general concensus cf opinion seemed to be A. W. S. would "frown" on almost all the methods suggested. A.W.S. is constantly contracted in one The Theta Xi's are closing school -with Christ mas p.any at the house Friday r.ight. It will 7robsbly he one f the last house brow of woe at goings on that oc- parties before spring. AIM I A J 1 mm This fvtr (,U graJ, in his freshman caze, Jduptcd j.'udtous ttuughu end na-.s, He crammed lis Tictrct Top -uilh'act, hut never learned huv me shuidd act. implc arithmetic that the more carb Genera Motors sells xhe gTeatrr this organia t n grows. And the .olid fact back of thai growth is this General Motors cars must con tinually orTer more in terms of extra value to -win those sales. It is only because General Motors is great that at can maintain the re search and improvement program responsible for s'.uch modern betterments as the Turret Top, the Unisteel Dody, No Draft Ventilation, Knee-Action and advanced Hydraulic Brakes. General Motoiis meaxs Good 31 cam re imni4vr itic. - ciimwucmiu utru . uinwux . cajmxac News commentator: Edwin C. Hill. Sports announcer: Ted Hus ing. Novelty program: Hobby Lobby and Zenith Foundation experiments. Nt-s dramatization: March ' of Time. Drama: Columbia Workshop. Male cperatc singer: Nelson Eddy. Female operatic singer: Jean nette MacDonald. Male popular song singer: Bing Crosby. Female popular song singer: Kate Smith. Most popular program cn the air: Major "Bowes' Amateur Hour. Reasons. The roll of honor dt-rs rot by any represent the poll ,f the students of this can. pus but is the choice ! this tiepartmeiit and is not the cc nc-ensus.. The -orC'nation of Geoigc VI of England and the burning .f ".he German airlintr Hir.dcr.bure at La k f h ursl.. N. J. share ''.'. ors as U-ir.g the t"p special vent f th( year. The coror.atjnn was j.Ih.micJ far in avarice of the date set fur it vhile the Hinoor.bc: g cisastc i land a place unaer the shows. They are Hubby Lobby and the n.ost recent Zenith Founda tion's xperiments. The foinier presents "he inleretling hobbies of jrsc.r.s from all walks of hie and "he Zenith progtam is an experi ment in wental telepathy. ! Workshop Best Orama. I The- March or Time still hoi is its place r-.s tiei.'.g the best of the oramatjiatifins of the res f the iy. To livir.c P.tis and his Settings Outstanding. The stage setting of the pio I m.s aie iaxs -kui ii i u. oJ w.ond(?r ,a chiMren aulJS ; lovely Judith Allen of the fillums. I prog, ams to the air I KXt uill f"Jt -$. "" - ' ' , ' . . . , 1 .r. . rf". W , pcnoeti oy piano wiie.. 111. uuui ii4iiiu.-jii- uwim-ijjairi another he will remain suspended Jack Doyle, the Irish thrush. Re in mid-air. suit is all would-be Tarzans are A cast of 12 will appear in the donning their loincloths vauss play. Nana, the St. Bernard nurse Judy likes 'em rough and ready, of the Parling children, will be i Vaudeville for the week-end the role taken by X'an liould: Por- : features Brown and Lavelle on the tia BojTton and Art Ball will be Orpheum stage m a revue laugh Mr. and Mrs. Darling, and Wendy, ir.giy called "'.Sketchbook Follies" John and Michael will be peir trayed by Lois Patterson. Norman WaV.e. and Hait Jer.ks. respectively. ing me anil assuie ineni inai i mi do my best to give this campus the finest Kngmeers Week that it has ever witnessed." Langston. a senior in electrical engineering, general manager of the Blue Print, engineering co). lege publication, member of the engineering executive board, and member of the Nebraska chapter of the American Institute of Elec trical Engineering, also expressed his appreciation for the support which resulted in his election nd pledged his aid toward maki.rg this year's event completely suc cessful. In chaige of the election and B. Dun Pohlen. coun.ii.n u u: -a.!". . ie ' . . . C. E. Mickev. Richard Colen sr., Few of the punt and groan G v?k,n PJe B fans at TueMays free-for-all at fhfdrman of last V(.ars the fairground realized that the -e5ler.t of the err,. featured grunter at that clambake es.utlve b,-. assis,el mt lornifr nusranu .'i w has been allocated to the council for earning on its work. SJtaM, and. Stuff. BILL BARNETT 7cr Bitter Haircuts 1017 P Colun.iiia Woikshop prfigram gcK-. . the award fcr the besi dram on ' "he an. The progjam has led the field in i-xpeiirnetitirig with new ways. .l j rfsentu.g lirana broad- ; casts. Most was the intro- i uuftion ,i a iriusical background 1 to provide a u'ifisjihei'e for the piay. Nelson Eddy and Je-awette Mac- , piinaid get tne call for the be-st cijrat:c progiarn. .hile Bing . Cro?ry arid Kate Smith still JeaJ Mi- 1 ;-iti e.f 7r p;i;ar sor.g tingera. Mftje.r Br.;ve-s' or.pir.a! Aaatnr j Hour is protiaMy the most jojiu!ar j.j Ingram on the- air. Part of this jii.pLlanty if. cu to the unique spot it occ upie-s on the Thuis.iay Mhcduii-. A vety close se'cond is the Jark Benr.y program which is heard ".n Sunday. The use of rer was unexpected. The fact that one M,fiS ir-,m h) j.jj-s of the country a trans-cx-e arnt- broadcasl rivike-s up the advantage the was quite dirigible story might have KaJio station M'HA? m Louis ville. Ky.. is fseleded as the out-' standing ttation in the realm of jiubuc wmoe. When floud wat'-rs-rushed into the Ohio river town the trinounwrs rnd opcratois i WHAS stayed nt their j.ri.ts cii rectir.g Uie1 rescue f thoii' of the lrihiitiitants e.f Louiswiie. Dummy Beit Commedian. With no refi'.ct k.tis on 1 he pr fessieiii as a whole, the' oojne.ji&n that swept the .country by nlorm during was Iuir.ri;y Charlie McCaithy h'e run-ins with W. C. Fit Id and ct.hT Wars hav elevated Eddie Bergen's brail, ciuld to No. 1 s-jiol ainor.g the laugh rs. Bob Trout. Columbia's jii'fm dentiaj arinouricci . in Uie aoe ari tioumier in the rcial evini fi-ld. He is closelv followed by Ko.i i Pcmglas who leads the field j:i PE0M COMMITTEE NAMED.; STEEUES, E0LDMAN HEADS i CorfUr. ue-d from Page 3 i wnnian, iimax.s the prom The Prom girl is elected f y fit uuetrt.s at.t.endit.g the Clarice.. Lain yew ana the f.rarlic of selecting an ity each ueek helps to add to the juijiulamy. Mats From St. Auguitin's. 'Ui.Ktruas iiias- from ft, Aug'us t ill's K' '"atholic hurch in I(s Mo;nes will 1 broadcast over Mutual atid KCdL .n Chnstinas uiy at f ITi in the morning. The llt vt rend Father Francis J. O'Con nell. ji.'.stor of the church will s-jieak on hat Chnstnin Means to Mar.l ind." Included cn tbt jrc gTatn will be a 2S-voice c hoir sir.g ir.c 'Sane 1 us" fr. .in the "St. Cecila Mass" by 0unci, and tk-sus EatTiujio" by You. "The Ki-'.g of J?.i." Paul White-a-iin. will return to the C'.lun.bia net -ot k New Year's Eve on th "bi s" nl K id T'''"gra;ri r-J'ifcfinr Hal Kir:p and his orclifKtra. The I new jna,trc will pre-st-nt a .differ- rt ci sti.L'c and wree n e&.e h j Fncli.y Ti.ght The will tie ; he ard at the usuaj time-. " HO ivr KFAI2. Acli'if-rine .Gfiifith, "27. was re re:ad From girl in a KtJ'ilurig jrre- writatjrin crrrmwiy in Mc ihe .ppcai.J on the coLwura Kt.ige ' de s'.e n.tir.g rtairs rr.ade -of a giant (.ar.f, which clanted actrs an I erioi rrioui. top hat. Jane ' Large Cast Ona Etlh OConnell will be Liza. Ghita Hill will take the role of Tootles. Jean Gellatlv will be Slightly, Eloise Rogers will be seen as Curly, and Ann Seacrest will be Nibs.' The First Twin rolt will be j.layed by June Jacobus, the Second Twin by Rosemary Krause. Captain Hook by Walde niar Mueller. .St.rkey b- Pobert Alexander Smee ty Raymond BrowTi. and Ccco by Laurence Lannr.g. OH:er characters are Cefk"u. R.ger Rider; NcKiier. Jack Gel latlv; Whibbles. Ruth Van Slyke; Muilms. Thillip Weaver; Sky lights. Arlo Klum; Black Joe. Pon Giffen and E.ll Weil; Tiger Lily, Pons Schrepf; ranter. Bud Ball, and the Indian Braves will be Robert Johnston. Shirley Hinds. Rob P-oy Jenks, and Maralee Podd. 'in The Beautiful i:M).ki.h;ht skkvk k I at irt-PK mtiiitli Church r&sh and O Streets 1HK :KllJ O. IIH.II X l(NU M (,IRL llri.L MIUIKS M1JU:: ( IIKNOWKTII Orvani-l and ( lioimiatT Tlr vljir in ilir I Jt-I-" b i lirl ptirr krirn 1YiirMtii I rniic. Ie rrtnW Ihtlt. S OU MYlol. 4 ( nriij fll(l(i If IWW If til 6772 JHHVJLLO brings you this prize value for the Christmas season 1 A 8 A the very fine Monte Carlo Crepe A Remarkable Value At ' c!lors oall soe tin ttj v Add tra dollar o ytiui C'imiH miiH.iicipp.xiuiid, bruiivkaii? r-t. .i tiey tr.pi ri St:j-C:ic:iii. lari t nr no vw yvu'il tiuiiV Sui.tB lim tmli it li tick-ol egMit.Ytiu'il n.icy U vami'.ii ccd ecn.iort d tl. cmootb-iCUEQ but asd the qt uih eluy rpirit at illpwiaBxpera. UK10N BUS CIPOT null mid win. I'hiinr tui-; i fj. -"a-j g- Slightly Irregular Qualities of Fi7.e S2.95 Shirts 4y b In Men's FcTorite Colors While Crepe . . Blue Crepe . . Tan Crepe . . Grey Crepe ; iiz: bce-i tvrs iJ2 vers t r:.e v c!:t:cd v.? ;:ri - 'Jrs 'J Ir-'.ie'i .trad vrcx. Yc.- 7J1 cz'.'z v.J 1: yt'j ?.vs M'jTAe Oris Crc- Srjrr. -' 7 7 HZ !D0VW7A:?:$ ortx nsiTL 9 T. ti. MA MENS I?.ET''.CI..VT i. - i . it THE y s