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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1937)
Daily Sarah 4 Louise Vvv Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska VOL. XXXV II, NO. 60 LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, TIIUKSIMY, DKCKMltElt 16. 1937 I'lUCK IIVK CENTS Isn't II Awful What You Head in the Papers? It's probably just as well Hint more people don't have a news paper complex like that of the late lamented Will Rogers. If they did. they would know, as he claimed he did, only what they read in the papers. Now reading papers is okay, understand even col I itch sheets. Knowing what's in 'em is very fine too. But knowing only what's In the news mediums Is a pretty bad deal. You'd know such gosh durn things. One of the wildst things we have ever seen in the pages of the staid local Sunday Journal pip-tailed the end of Barney Oldfield's movie star question column. Reflections which might be cast from the item, if any, are upon the inquirer, ob viously, rather than the curt re ply: "Jane, HoUircgc: I am not fami liar with who does and who docs not wear foundation garments." Streamlines for Men. There are two probable ficld3 which the questions might have covered. Subject matter ecu Id have been the more or less un tapped material on figure-glori-fiers for fading and aging of the inquiry. We suppose with all ilie stomach puller-inners for men advertised these days, a girl can't help wondering Barb Activities Centered Under Drafted Charter FRESHMAN A.W.S. HOLDS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA SHUMATE HEADS Both Men, Women Students To Serve on Council Of Unaffiliates. Barb organization on the cam pus was given effective impetus with the adoption this week of a now constitution for the Barb council which unites the activities of unaffiliated men and women students for the first time. Hereto fore activities of unaffiliated mot: have been supervised by the Barb Interclub council and those for non-org women by the Barb A. W. S. league. Under the new set-up which needs only the routine approval of the Student Council to become ef fective, the Barb council will be composed of both unaffiliated men and women, and will direct all Esrb activities on the campus. The new constitution of the organiza tion follows. DECEMBER ISSU E AWG W AN APPEARS ON STANDS TODAY Humor Publication Holiday Trimming Of Red Ink. Members of Board Honored At Holiday Meeting Wednesday. A Christmas tea, sponsored by the members of the freshman A. W. S. society, was held yesterday from 5 until 6 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall. Festive Christmas decorations were in evidence, and the tea table was arranged with a red and white centerpiece of carnations and dais ies. Tea was poured by Betty Ann Roach, and Jean Simmons. Ruth Fox and Kdith Knight presented entertainment by playing a group of Christinas songs. Members of the A. W. S. board were invited to attend the tea as special guests. This meeting concludes fresh man A. W. S. activities for this j year, the pending Christmas vaca- i tion curtailinc further work. linns : Plans have already been mapped I to continue the worn niter me holiday recess. RESEARCH IRK FOR UNI CAMERAL Legislative Council Elects University Professor New Director. A member of the political science department of the univer sity, Dr. R. V. Shumate was elected research director for the legisla tive council. He is to serve in this Prom Committee Named; Steeves, Boldman Heads Unclosed in flashy red print .if which the Awgwan staff is justly proud comes the December issue of the Nebraska humor magazine which will appear on the stands today bringing along with it va rious Christmas tidbits in kocpitv, he nui.ii-J with the picture on its cover "Miss rtli-1,. I. mini,, mill miriHISP iii i hi- orgmiifiitiiin 1 hnii i"' i"rl' j under the Mistletoe." n,. ... ii.i. i,, i. , .hiiii if ueinyea one nay In wrvr ii. Ilir Intpisriiliiu tnrli.r hPtupin llir Biirli liitprrlnh iiniu II mid I hp llurh A. . s. Iniitiir, In iirnnmtp unci ppml hnrh Hi llvltipi. anil ti plrnil barli In fliipnrp Ihriiuch iirciinliiilliinn Hip fllllli. ' hnll.ltlir tr,iw.Vi In Ihe mlWnjinp irllflp II. fiinrlinn: hip Burn i imiirn i.. , w.... w v. hull .nnrlliin viiiiil mllltlp i.l Ihp harh "Man of the Month." A somewhat juicier possihil.ty , Z". r"' in.i.p SllMt:1 nUR hornmcs thc Ma SIihIpiiI 1 nlim Imi1II1ik uliiill I 1 ... .,,.,,,, . . , ha f , u imniu nf thp i-.urii (niiniii. iiimis .i.iii im- of the Month in the pages of the prmlili'il tnim Hip llarli Cumuli Irni-liry npw AwgWan. Th" Roamei' BoV-S inr hpiimiip. in hip ....... . .. ;,,,,,,, iii.l have some 'INITIATION FOREIGHT IEI from the printer's, the jest publication is unique this issue using rod typog graphy on both sides of the cover which adds a sleek, not to say Professional Bizad Sorority Schedules Ceremonies At Lincoln Hotel. r i i I limn. Mc(riiiiii. Wapicr. Kaplan. !lir !iimiii' Jensen, IJosewater, (ilianilM-rlain. ITeetwnod Compose Rulunee. EERS NAME ENG1N BROWN CHAIRMAN OF '38 PROGRAM Involves the girdling of feminine players. Women pour themselves into foundation garments for but one reason: To be more attrac tive. Since most women want most to be most attractive to most men, we may surmise foMhc purpose of argument that women wear girdles to attract men. This is as true of great Hollywood belles as of Ne braska college girls. The moot point, naturally, Is whether or not men find girdling attractive. Although cinema glam our and collegian allure are not exactly comparable, the principle involved is: How firm do men pre fer foundations? No Show. Although some campus lads have to be taken quietly aside and explained to about founda tion garments, a gqpdly .number have complex opinions thereon. The aesthetic aspect of the is sue interests many. Others simply set forth that they dis liked thc noticeably corseted figure. This negative angle is quite prevalent. Girdles that give them selves away represent effort wasted as far as the gents are concerned. Most disgusting are thc garments that must be con stantly fussed with. We heard of one young man who, out of spite, kept track of thc number of times ril ii.irrriiiii . ... (-...,!.. mill Hip llurh S. . S. Lpiikiip In "" '"'""i ii. . .i.-.- linionnl. wlii-n Hip. Kuril uumll iIpiHIph fll st-llniKl HUOi m.'ltlon aPOUl me 'Itr.'SSfl, KrM,jreality of the bewhiskered gentle- iniiiiai on iniiiii ni nil iinu-i. H pitiii-r tnri man wnicn is (lesiincu in seuie un Kuril InlPrrlnh nllli.ll or Hip Burh A H. ,np doubting Thomases for 011CC H. Ipj ri-ppivp. '""'.'"'''.":-" ": ,, fnl, ,,,, ;.pnwi CxxMnr Hints- is designed to help cooking coeds Ihp B.irli 1 inmill Imisnry Hull unmunl ylwll mil hp ilriliirlvd Iron) llii'lr iinint, (rum Hip Hnrh ( ullnrll irnlilln Hip Nimri'p nf till, Inrunip hu. Iippii ri'limftly nitriivpil In Hie Kuril ( .miirll. Arllrlp III. Minihprilili: All nnilir Krniliiiilp Mu.lpnlM In Hip I nlvprnlly ( .Np- lini.ka who urr illilblr l rillnn t" Hip nilln liy thp I nln rHlly M'niilp anil hn nr I iiipiiihcr, ill niirllll raprnltlp nr nnnirlllpi -hull hp pIIkIIiIp fiir mpiiihpnihiii In thp Karli ( iiuiir.l. Thp Kuril I ullnrll linll nM "I rluhliTii nip:iilwr InrlinlhiK Hip iifilnr,; iiIiip hall hp nipii alia nlnp oiiliipn. Ihprp rlKll Hp m niMHiliillvi' nnniliiTs nl I hp lliir.i ( .ilini'll. Thp prrililrnt unit u Miilnl rliulrman "I nlrh Hip Hnrh Inlpr rllih (olinrll anil Hip Kuril A. W. S. Uhkiip iHmrJ Khali aiiluniatlrally hppnnip nirinhi r. nl Ihp Hnrh iiiinrll fiillmvlnn ih. ....rlv Ipptl.m i.f thp Harh lnlprrlilh (ininrll Mini Ihp Krl A. . H. I.piip! Imard. A thlril Mi.ilntpp Irimi i ni h Ihp , Harh lnlprrlilh I'minrll anil Hip Hnrh A. . S. Irfiuu.' Hi.aril ii.iiI lip liampil by Hipi Hnip nl Hit Plpilliin nl iilllrrrd nl lilt Harh t ulllirll. IhPrp Minll Hp Imir hnht-iurr iiipiiiIipm, Ihu nn-n mill Inn mpn. IIipw nipinhpr. ....II I,, rlpplpil l.x Hip Kuril ( uunrll irrhillH In Imp .r.nil I'lrrli.Mi Ir.ini IhP I M.ihniiirp anil jun.'.r ini-iii".' r in ' ri.unrll. Any niplnlipr nl Hip Hnrh min lil hnln KPrpil imp winrlpr hall hp puihip in hp plntPd us a h..lil-nrr iiipiii- brr. Ihprp hall hp plthl iiipiiiIiitk nl thp Harh iinnril Pli. tril at Hip annniil irln r'" Hnn. Ihp H.VI....I. a . Ihp rla hall Hp n. Inll.iu: Hnp ii. linn... rp man, imp MHihimmrp huiiiiiii; Imii turn, tun jininir Hnnipiii iinp .pnliir mail, ne kp ntiir k iima ii. Ihp hhiu "I panillilalPK anil hip limp with their Christmas dinners and insure a success of any party. Thc pictures of four grace one of the pages showing Mary Fislar. Jean Swift, Betty Mueller and Claudine Burt drefsed ready for a ski and a skate in the icy weather. In the regular gore col umn, the military ball and mortar board party go in for a rehashing. Norma Bolker writes a short story "Toby and His Uniform" con (Continued on Page 2.1 F.ight women will be initiated into Phi Chi Theta, professional business administration sorority, at the organization's annual f.'.ll Knim Lincoln Journal DR. R. V. SHUMATE. capacity without monetary- re muneration since he is employed initiation ceremonies to be held in I by the state as a professor here. Job of Secretary-Treasurer Goes to Lancjston In Election. Harry Brown was named gen et 1 chairman for 193S Kngineers week and Hany Langston was named secretary-treasurer yester day in an engineering college elec tion bringing out an unusually large vote. Both men gained vic tory over their opponents by bet ter than two to one majorities. The votes ran as folows: General chairman: Norman Stout 115 Harry Brown 233 Secretary-treasurer: Harold Turnbull 109 Frances Boldman and Kdruund Stcevcs were named co-chairmen of thc Junior-Senior rrom committee at a meeting of the Stu dent Council last night. M-mbcrs nf the committee elected from the council include Phyllis Jensen, Chi Omega: Barbara Roscwatcr, Alnha Xi Delta: Harold Renn, l Farm House; Richard McGinnis, Chi Thi, ami Taul Wagner. Alpha Sigma Phi. Chosen fmni the rumpus a! large were Thyllis Char.beriain. unaffiliated; Harriet Cummer. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Virginia Fleetwood. Kappa Alpha Theta and Howard Kaplan, 7.eta Beta Tau. Stanley Brewster. Sigma Al pha F.psilon, as president of the junior class, automatically became the 12th stU'lent on the committee. Miss Boldman. Delta Gar-ma, and Stcevcs. who is affiliated with Sigma Nu, were also non-council members. Selected from 38 Candidates. The committee was selected by the Student Council from a field of 38 candidates. Forty students ! filed their intention of running for I thc class honor last, week, but two failed to meet university eligibil I ity requirements. Duties of the committee will nc the Lincoln Hotel today at 5:30 p. m. New initiates will he Elizabeth Kcrnoilte, Lincoln; Harriet Lewis, Omaha; Maydene Whitnah. Beaver Crossing, Katheiine Shawver, Lincoln; Evelyn Fenn, Lincoln; Irene Sellers. Custer, S. D.; Alice Yaggic, Yankton, S. D.; and Jean Shuler, Lincoln. Special guests at thc initiation ceremonies will he Dean and Mis. J. E. LeRossicnol, Prof, and Mrs. O. R. Martin, and Dean Amanda I Henpner. The committee in charge ! of arranger onts is composed of Carolyn Dans, Dora Peterson, and Audrey Mabeus. Dr. Shumate plans to devote (Continued on Page 4.) SQUAD IN TRY-OUTS ll .... lHnPnn 91Q Ballots indicated' ' 'that' ' voters j P" ani1 manHRc e nM"a' were primarily of two factions, DOUBLE-BAURELED ANTISEPTIC FIND ATTRACTS DKUG INTEREST one voting for Brown and Langs ton, the other for Stout and Turn hull. The above results seem to bear out this theory. Sigma Tau Vice-President. Brown, a senior in mechanical engineering, vice-president of the Nebraska chapter of the Amer ican Society of Mechanical Engi neers, and vice-president of Sigma Tau, honoiary engineering frater nity, made the following statement when informed of his victory: My Junior-Senior Prom, one of the foremost events on thc university social calendar. Scheduled this year for thc night of Friday. March 4. the dance traditionally closes thc campus formal season. Prom Girl Presentation. Presentation of the Prom girl, an outstanding junior or senior (Continued on Page 4.) Judges Choose Wintroub, ! rieciUm ' onc" t,nc bjRf V",' 3 . ; prises of my life. I wish to thank u. Curtiss, Bstandig, ... . , , . i .1,..,.,, Ihp lllllij nl paniimniPK mill imp r his date at a formal yanked down nd mri, (l( ,.., , P ,,. u,p ... t Dr. Burt Receives Queries From Entire Nation About Ointment. Since the article announcing thc University of Nebraska's "double barreled" antiseptic, chlormercuri carvacrol. has been published in and E. Curtiss. Ernest Wintroub. David W. Curtiss. upholding the affirmative ! of the unicameral legislative topic. j and Eugene H. Curtiss anil Paul will be i 2': percent solution Bstan,lif, negative speakers .were (Continued on Page 4.) AG irelGE AG COLLEGE STUDENT IN HOSPITAL mixed in a base of white petrola tum. Because so many individuals in and around Lincoln are anxious to try the new product. Dean R. A. Lyman nf the pharmacy college has made arrangements to treat a her foundation Garment -a half- inr ,t..ti..n t Minimi ..unni mpiuiipm . ,.. ,..,,,, ,,... Hip piiiti.ri. n.iiill hp hnrh MiMlpnlft, conscious, nan mimy mi. " ...,i..i .,i,, . ture. The count was seven tug- ihi,.,i immriiiuiri) n piunr thp inrn almost every part of thc country. I limited number of applicants who chosen for the varsity debate team at the try-outs held Wednesday evening at 7:30 at Andrews hall. ; Yulctlde Spirit DOIllinateS Other students participating! ' uamering in buiacni Charles Younte of Gcring Becomes III After Thanksgiving. Dr. were Forrest Wilke. Milton Gus tafson, Arthur Hill, Harold Nie mann, Edmund Hollstein and Will iam M. Townscnd. These teams will take part in Activities Hall. pine's In 30 minutes. Even this nil- i".'i.h min.ii ,.r u.r -l"'i""'; I (nig, has received letters, phone time hign IS ciOSCiy Cinwuni tu n,,s rhptiil nl Ihp .nn piiiIh.ii mini current parties. I '-' ""' i ",c l,"r" But one of the most ridiculous bitf of frnunine bu.sinosH is the fimi mrrUnR i.M-ir fin-timi. habit of snapping ginlle garters In ';.Vr;,"Trr.:,;l rJHrJt, th rlassrnnnl The Stol'ieS tohl US i i.r. .l.lrnl. 11 li t pn .lilrnl anil a .ppri lnr by the more candid hoys about school along that line would make offenders weep for shame. All of this, surely tufficcs to how what dadgum thingi one reads In the newspapers. If peo ple knew only that, what gosh durn things they would know. Isn't it simply awful? I T Min t elm i-man of the ; wi" consent lo icnini i.i nieii- h, i department of pharmacy responsi- leal authorities at the university the intercollegiate debates in Janil-! tivitv of the Colli ge of Agriculture have contracted the disease sim ,Z inT: uii',. ti, ,im. .i,,nn,nt Af the nnv, reguliirlv. Only rhai L'e will be the ; nrv and February. Four more , was'held last niuht at the Students , the student health sen lee beg actual Charge oi tnc anusepiic. ispeaKers may ne cnosen nccuruing ; Activity building on tne Ag cam- : operauons in i-nn, n iNuiii i-i Chatlcs Younte of Oning. ag college freshman, who has bee'i confined witn typhoid fever since ; immediately after Thanksgiving The fifth annual Christmas fe.s-, recess, is the second student to ontracted the disease since ;in PURSE SNATCHERS ACTIVE! LUTHERANS TO CELEBRATE IE trpmirpr, 'llip plpi-lnin ill hIIii'it nl Iimi Hmh ( inilii-il nl.iill' I'Iiipp Hllhlii M month t.M.i.ulux thp Ntirlni I'li-i-tli.n. 'I Iip iillipprn nl Hip tlnrn I iimii'il liiill b limlnllpil mill hpln tlirir 4ntp Iiiiiiip nlPlv InlliiHliii tnpir Plpplii.n, Hint H'nill vop until Ihp.r iUTP.Mim Iihp '' n pIpp trit nnil In.lMllril. Artl.'lt- . nntPiiilnipnt: Any .uiinilinpnlH tn thu ftimil hp ti.mlp U n IHii-ltnriU tntp nl Ihp llurh i.imrll mill I n mnji.rily ..I Ihp Harh Intpri lllh I iiuni ll I mill III.- llurh . iJ'nmii'. , I In. riintlllulM.n unnll Iipp.iiiip pltprllvp nhpll Nrrrptril tl N tHii-tlllnU 11tP nl ! H.irh millrtl, it niiiiirll i.t flip rHrli m- r-rlnh rouinll mill llip niirli A. . n mm. inn) tup MiiiIpiii i iinnril, ullh Hip Intl.. Mini utnrh nrp tn ai.l Students Sponsor Annual I np i.rp..iipin, , w rhairmun mm 1 ;imp iilhPr mrmlipr nl thp Hnrh Inlir- Phriatmaa PflrtV ' rluli rnlinr l .nut nl Ihp llurh A. W. calls, and otlicr communications requesting samples of thc new ointment for practical uses. With thc first article on the new discovery published only a i T;W0 Unidentified Youths . week ago, Dr. Burt has received I approximately 100 letters, repre- Seize Student S Bag. ! sentlng almost every state in the, a purse containing attk'les val-' union. He has also received let- u,.( at y2.ri was taken from Mar-' tcrs from foreign countries. garct Reiser, journalism junior, to Prof. H. A. White, debate coach So surprising has been the re sponse to the article that Dr. Purt is wondering how he will be able to comply with all the requests. Only a limited amount of the oint ment, which in preliminary experi ments proved effective in treating various skin diseases, is on hand. Dr. Burt had no idea of placing the ointment on a commercial basis. Before the new product can be pronounced valid ns a treatment for ringworm, athlete's fool, etc., ' last Monday evening when two; u i n rrppn DpcrrihOS hovs knocked her down and ran i IVlaJ- J' Ul llU ""U IUW off with her purse. The robbery I occurred at 1501 S St., vvheie Miss ' Reiser had been working. I The purse was desi ribed as j about five inches square, black, and containing a pair of glasses and over a dollar in cash. i HiMril uliull MUHHiiHtlrullt Iippiiiiip iiniiiliprp The annual Christmas party of i" ""i ""M,''.' . .,. . .IHlitmn hmi lirrn lirwiili-il. In pum IIiphp i in l.ii h.-riin Student club will be i ' ..' ... ..... , held Fridav cveninc. Dec. 17th. rtt ihp .runiniii,n. -111111 n.n hp hiii...i many tests be given It under Sum. at Our Savloui'H Lutheran """"" " '"'r" "' the watchful eye of trained technl rluiteh 2nl 11 ml N sis. President I. ' il clans. Paul Wiildschmidt invites all Luth eran Btudents Hnd their friends. Evelyn Carlson will lie ii, tlv.rge of refreshments and Dorothy St henlebr will lead in the Hing ing of Christmas carols. Each one is asked to bring an Inexpensive gift for the partv Christmas tree. Brief talkn about the recent, Lawrence conference cf Lutheran students will be given by Beatrice Ekblad and Melinda Anderson. I.ilirary to Kniiiiiii Open Ovrr ( !liiilmii Krros The university library has posted thc hours it will be open during Christinas vacation. Monday to Friday the door will be open from 8 to 5 o'clock, Saturday. 8 to 12. It will re main closed all day Christmas and New Year's. BBriti.slicr Offers Ten D'asliiou Dlules lo JBen Style Authority Condemns Lnck of Shoe Shines, 'Loud' Suits. Clothes may make the man, but according to Capt. John Murdncke, British authority on men'n fush lona, It's more In the way he wears his apparel than the price he pays for them. Murdocke believes that any man, rich nr poor, can be well dressed, and while in the United States for a look at American clothes trends, offered these "ten command ments" of dress for would be Beau ErummeU: Ten Dress Commandments. 1. Always wear clean linen clean shirts, collars, cuffa and clean handkerchiefs. 2. Always have your shoes phlned brightly. 3. Always have ynuisulta In prcsn and well brushed. . 4. Always be what Londoners cm 1 1 "soigne" have your luiir well trimmed and your nails properly caved for. fi. Buy us good quality clothes as you can afford- one good suit will outlive three cheap ones. 6. Alternate vour clothes, so that you give them some "rest Clothes arc Just like humun Ings; they get tired. 7. Don't Hppear Loud clothes and loud colors are the thing for country weur, but not elaewhere. . Don't wear your clothes self consciously make them fit into your activities, your movements and your personality. 0. Choose designs that suit you fat peoplo shouldn't wear- square patterns and thin people should avoid long stripes, 10. Learn the art of caring for your clothes. Suits, worn alter nately and hung up properly, trousers upnlde down, should keep their press neveral weeks. To prevent improper use of the new ointment, mid to enable the university to obtain results of clin ical tests front scientific sources. Dr. Burt, is "to cover actual cost thru members of the medical pro fession, small quantities nf his an tiseptic on a cost basis. The nominal charge for the por tions being portioned out, states Dr. Burt Is "to cover actual cost of materials and containers." The form of ointment to be applied Derive (lundiilalo File Applications Ity I ). i All candidates 'for degrees either in January or June are asked by the registrar to file their applications in her office, room 9, by this Saturday unless tr have done so previously. Office hours are from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. every week day ex cept Saturday when they are from 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Also candidates for the jun ior certificate or the teachers certificate, issued by the state superintendent of public in struction, should file their applications, pus when .students and faculty of ' Dr. R. A. Lyman, student health the college gathered for a yuletide I service head. program and party. Yount.', according to Dr. Lyman, Thc musical program, which was returned to Gcring for the recess, arranged by Nila Spader and Karl where he became ill. I'pnn l etui n Henilv included an instrumental j ing to sclixd, his ailment was trio liv Ruth Surlier, Gladys Swift, diagnosed as typhoid. He was ron ar.d Genevieve Leech, and Ohi ist-' fined in the - infirmary the fir. t mas songs bv the Ag chorus, led ; rmir days of his illness, hut sine by Mrs. Frances Pelton. Commim- Dee. 2 has ocen 111 Bryan Meninr ity singing of Christmas carols ' iol hospital, was directed by Mrs. Altinas Tul- j Check Possible Sources, lis City health officials have made instituted five years ago at thc j a determined and serious effort to suggestion of Dr. F. D. Keim, who , locate the suiirce of Younte's caf, had seen the idea woi ked out at hut have been unsucresful In l' the Minnesota agricultural college, j eating it. Water supplies and other the Christmas festival has grown equipment or possible sources have to he one of the most important been checked and deelaied nhfo- l-naianx, nonoraiy i.iii.ia.y . rt- ani j,atherings of students lutely sanitary, teriuty. Tuesday evening in the L, y KnniUv n.m,ers as- j Dr. Lvman stated that there "N- club rooms At the last regu- sistin w,.,. Miss A..lUin, and 1 ' need be no worry on the part of lar meeting. Mat. J. 1. Green. . ,,,,,. ,,, Bt,inlu ,. ns n enl- I naianx sponsor, reeiuinieii a inv incidents which took place during his stay in Puerto Rico. Those decorated with the Pha- Stay in Puerto Rico At Meeting. Twenty-three plebes were for mally initiated into the ranks ot Phalanx, honorary military fra- cav Chairmen of the party coiiiniit-, detnic is concerned. "Thcte is anso- tee were Lois Giles and Harold lutely no danger of any . Benn. The trouo assisting them contracting typhoid," he s lid. "This ....:....;.. 1.'.....,..;. tl.. Mi.,. ........ i i.icl ..n. nf ttlnue that lanx fugicre are William Abra- ; an,, tvloi, s ' siW' up' every once in a while, nam nauami u. c. ;,y, . n , 1 , .. ,n ,.., f , orations ! source unknown. It docs ind.cate. were Milton Gustafsoll and P.uth'that .!i spile all modern sanitation Bander, co-chairmen, and Deliver precautions, thcie is no absolute, L. Itcruter, Rex W. Bcssire ' Dwlght D. Bonham. Robert P. , Oonnctt, Walter J. Crowley, Jacob C. Ferguson, Orville C. Hansen, JaiiK.i Harris. Robert Hcrdzina, Herbert Heumaii. William Jacobs, Karl R. John son. Carl R. Lauritsen, John F. ' Mayne, Kdward Phillips, Robert J. Shanteen, James Sherman, George 1 Svoboda, William B. Williams, Dale Wolvin, and Mark Woods. Gray anil Naomi Richmond. and final extinction of typhoid.' Schooner Eieynoies lines: eace. ar 'lUvX Vimivs Out by ainlloliiilii It ( J" t - J ' r: Cv- " 7 I . .....J j t V W ,r::W u l I ,- I .i-.l--tt -J Dr mortal: The Man Ginsberg Reviews Life 1 stowed upon a Of Peacemaker Brian 1 Oldficld Article Appears. In Publication. I UnM nm omfM Hp. Catching the keynote of the ...... r,. 11,,, f...i .. ,n the troubled times, the second issue of ( Schonticr with his sketch, "1 Go the l!i:;7-l!i:!M Prairie Schooner, ( f(). .-,.,.e." Cleverly written. Mr. which will app 011 the Hews-; 0,fie,i's article is an account nf stands Friday, is featuring ns Its 1 lvjs experiences in viewing motion leaning article ninn 01 rcace. pj(. (Uri,s nni V(. viewing them. Since Aristlde Brian" by Dr. Michael S. xi) ,H records show that his Ginsberg, of the university classics I ,.Vl,s ,,,1V(, ,e,.,nticd 2.S00 of the department. The edition also eon- 1 j iiVxVOn, feature length pictures. ta'tis a number in siories ny ,e- 1(lt (() nil.nton n excess of -l.soo hraskans and ex-Nebtaskans. shorts 7(i di amatlc stock pel form- Dr. Ginsbui'g's article reviews Brian's attitude toward peace with the poignant quotation. "As long as 1 am here, there will he no war," and relates his feelings when he viewed In Paris last summer the imposing monument in bronze nnees, JIT tent rep penormanccs, 17 circuses, 22 carnival midways, IK "legit" shows (in New York City. Chicago, Hollywood, and htn terlanding thru his home towni' and 216 vaudeville hills (units awl standard vaudeville actsi. Last Dally Nebrnskan staff members didn't even look surprised Tues day afternoon when the camera man's sudden flashlight exposure filled the "Rag" office with a mo. inent of light during the electrical cable trouble. Big and liUle candles rri.m Lincoln Jminvil dotted the U Hall basement as re porters and staff workers labor iously squinted thru the murky darkness to put out Wednesday morning's edition. From lefto right are News Edi tors Barbara Roscwater, Marjorie ture is crowned by the word which Churchill and Harold Niemann, thc expresses all the dreams of this latter surrounded by lighted weary, f rmented human flock: candles which added to the holl- Pax. This monument was dedl- day spirit that prevailed despite , cated by a grateful country to the absence of lights. The flash- one of her noblest sons, Aristlde bulb chaseil away the rhadows Briand, who five years ago entered of a crowd of people, most of them Vt,ir "wm rally" proclaimed Mr. women and children la Y ranee oidfield as the busiest look-see in vivante all with eyes raised In tm oount,y. having "caught" 413 lann ami nope mwarus me genur 0f the 427 eligible films for their figure of an old man. The dulp-1 critin' poll within the prescribed that lurked In the dungeon-like newspaper office, , the portals of History with the must honorable epithet ever be year. Since then he has seen the other 14. Ex-Nebraikan Contributes. Ex-Nebrnskan John Henry Reese makes his second contribu tion to the Schooner with his "Suf fer the Little Children." This story (Continued on Page 3.)