THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1937 PAGE FOUR Organized Ag NEBRASKA A! BUREAU SLATES FULL SCHEDULE Climax of Program to Come With Master Farmer Presentations. With sessions scheduled for both Monday and Tuesday, the Organ ised Agriculture week activities will begin at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. At that time the Nebras ka Farm Bureau will meet for a general session at the college ac tivities building with community singing, appointment of commit tees, a short dramatization, and discussion of state and national programs on the morning's sched ule. In the afternoon the meeting will be resumed when Mrs. Charles E. Blomqulst of Valley will talk on "Health for Rural America." A discussion of county and commun ity programs will also be held in the afternoon session, followed by group conferences on the various subjects. A conference on organization will be under the direction of Mrs. Winter: "Home and Community, under Mrs. Robert McMeekln; "Co operative Activities," under Mr. C. M. Westcott: and "Legislation," under C. B. Steward. Banquet In Evening. In the evening the annual ban quet and fun frolic will be held with Forrest J. Scrlvner as tonst master, and Mrs. Charles W. Sew ell, main speaker. Achievement awards will be made at the dinner. Tuesday morning, in the college activities building, the bureau's sessions will be continued under the chairmanship of C. Y. Thomp sen, president. Features of this meeting will be the report of the credentials committee by Fhil Ken field; nomination of trustees, di rectors, artd officers: and a talk, "I Have Livestock for Sale," by Ray E. Miller. Full Afternoon Schedule. On the afternoon's schedule are a joint meeting with the Nebraska hall of agriculture achievement, reading of committee reports, a regular business meeting, and the election of new officers. Also on Tuesday will be a meet ing of the Nebraska hall agricul tural achievement in dairy industry hall at noon, immediately follow ing a meeting in college activities building. The Nebraska Horticultural so ciety will meet Tuesday morning in H In STARS! In THRILLS! In ACTION! Spencer Tracy Hr0 cf "SAN FRANCISCO" Luise Ralner Mar ef GOOD EARTH" 'EMS glW Wrth Charley Grapewin Janet Beccher Eddie Quillan EXTRA! "TREES" "SPORTING PALS" niriiHr "POSTAL- UNION" ; Minnlr of Fan an 4 MiIIt M room 306 Agricultural hull. The executive board will meet at 9:30; reports of officers, directors, and rnmmittrc chairmen will be Riven at 10:00; at 11:15. Mrs. A. C. Nel son of Lincoln will talk on me Na tional Peony Show. F.iontinn o', officers is scheduled for 11:30. Members of the Fed erated Garden club division of the society will attend this meting. Open Meeting In Afternoon. An onen metine of the society will be conducted Tuesday after noon. Talks will be given by Mrs. A. G. Fish, Denver, Colo., the reg ional vice president of Federated Garden clubs; Clayton W. Watklns, Lincoln, of the forestry extension department; Mr. J. FulU of the department of agricultural grass experiments; and O. S. Bare, ex tension entomologist from Lincoln. Tuesday evening, the eleventh annual Master Farmer presenta tions will be held in the Corn himkor hotel ballroom at 7:30 D. m. Sam R. McKelvte will Introduce the Master Farmers and their fam ilies, who will in turn be welcomed hv Flovd W. Snover. nresldent of the Master Farmers organization. H. J. Uliey will spcaa on me ecu nomlc analysis of master farming. Artv neranno. interested in anv of j i i " the topics or meetings on the pro grams are invuca 10 auenu. TORRID HARLEM DICTATORS PLAY FOR BALL FRIDAY (Continued from Page 1.) . star, Clarence Muse, who has been seen in many motion pictures, es pecially those of the late Will Rogers. Ray was graduated from Kansas College in Topeka and then joined a theatrical company In New York where he later organized a band of colored musi cians. Tickets to the "vice versa" party which sees the faiicr sex perform ing all the traditionally masculine formalities, from buying the cor sage, to providing transportation, are priced at $1.25 per couple. They will be put on sale Tuesday and may be obtained from mem bers of Mortar Board or Tassels. Chapcrones Named. Chaperons for the party will be Mr. and Mrs. John K. Selleck, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ramsay, and Prof, and Mrs. C. C Minteer. Special guests are Chancellor and Mrs. Burnett, Mayor and Mrs. Oren S. Copeland, Governor and Mrs. Roy Cochran, Colonel and Mrs. W. H. Oury, Major and Mrs. L. M. Jones, Dean and Mrs. T. J. Thompson, Dean and Mrs. W. W. Burr, Dean yr j Y Critics every. where ac claim it h:s finest per formance! PAUL MUNI EXTRA Mickey Moute nd Donald Duck xi Hnta llnla In "Hawaiian Holiday" "THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA with Joseph Schildkraut Gale Sonderg.iard And Ihcusandi more! 7 hr 1 tnt' llig I mil.' "STAGE DOOR" with Cmfjrr 0 KMherino ROGERS HEPBURN Adolphe MENJ0U Starts FRI. Week Opens Monday Tassels Hold Special Meeting Monday Night Special- meeting of Tassels will be held Monday afternoon at 5 in Social Science 105 to organize for the ticket sales campaign for the Mortar Board party, according to Martha Morrow, Tassels' president. Since the sales drive begins Monday evening, all members must be present at this meeting to get their tickets. and Mrs. C. H. Oldfather, Dean and Mrs. J. E. LeRossignol. Dean and Mrs. G. A. Grubb, Dean and Mrs. O. J. Ferguson, Dean and Mrs. H. H. Foster, Dean and Mrs. R. A. Lyman, Dean and Mrs. F. E. Henzlik, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Walker, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Reed, and Dean and Mrs. F. W. Upson. Four Sponsors Selected. Sponsors for the Mortar Board party will be Dean Amanda Hepp ner, Dr. Edna Schrick, Miss Mar garet Fedde, Miss Nellie East burn and Miss Lenore Alway. Invitations have also been given to alumni of Mortar Board who are members of the faculty, in cluding: Miss Mathilda Shelby, Miss Kate Field, Miss Eliza Gam ble, Miss Pauline Gellatly, Miss Alice Howell, Miss Mabel Hayes, Miss Mabel Hayes, Miss Mabel Lee, Miss Marguerite McFhee, Miss Laura Pfeiffer, Miss Elsie Ford Piper and Miss Louise Pound. kSUTif NOW PLAYING THIS IS NEWS! 3 GREAT STARS TYRONE POWER Loretta YOUNG DON AMECHE SECOND FEATURE SOLDIER AND THE LADY STARTS TODAY!! you'it Sul sioAL a Just imagine . . . Clark . . . Myrna . . . Rill . . . n nil a Knot t.t Um, tn vorites in this one pmn.i lt , , r Ilus IhU OTiifl bit , , N' k.11 y& mf Iht- l.r t J; .J f .Nrtrkji H tr firl! fc ' iff Si Hi -Msy Alto Till 6 snow:: Be the first in line!! DR. MILITZER TO SPEAK ON MUSCULAR ACTIVITY Omaha Sigma Xi's Invite Chemistry Instructor To Talk Monday. rr Walter E. Militzer. instruc tor in chemistry, will address the Sigma XI meeting to be held on the Omaha medical college cam pus Monday at 7:30 p. in. There will be a dinner served in the din ing hall of the University hospital at 6 p. m to be followed by the program in the north building au ditorium which will feature an address on the subject, "The Chemistry of Muscular Activity." Dr. Militzer will discuss the chemical reactions taking place during muscular contraction, both In the muscle and in the entire body, with emphasis on the appli cations to activity, particularly athletics. The meeting is open to the public. A "date" boycott is in force at the University of Washington against all coeds who wear sheer silk hose. It was started bv men of the American Student Union, a campus group, to stay in force until Japan removes her troops from China. rCAPBO&k STARTS TODAY!! Rudyard Kipling's Grand Story of the Sea! DapTOins couiiaoeous Starring Spencer TRACY Freddie BARTHOLOMEW Lionel BARRYMORE Melvin DOUGLAS POPEYE Cartoon OUR GANG COMEDY Mil oj i.oiirse So Inert use In Price!! Mat. 15C 20c e' 13f r :- 20d r Today! 5 BIO UNITS !N The Best Show In Town . At Any Price! J s : ii u: r -. v BARTON MacLANE 1 ANN SHERIDAN! A He'd Bet Hit RollJT,f On A Horse's 5 &j bpeea . . ur Dame'i Smilel 100 LIBERTY 15c "G - Men" Gum 8nlh The Rhythm Wrangler Comrdy if C ! I Bullets" ! Terry Wnlkei VARSITY: HOW 15c ANY SEAT 15c r THE M;hh Br:FORK IT HAPI'KNK A hntr ejnthlp iMtnt the oceaa froni 4ncKtn lo Nrw York Uh iMiiKniirera for the first time. And yna ru lee It M Kith Anna LEE John L0DER Companion Feature DRAMA KM INC, TO THK Ml BKAT tK H.ASIIIM. OARS AMI HOAR1NI, MINiN Hrtllnc yonr bhMt leaptnc tn thr marlng rhj-lhm nf nu-lnt nrlln. youthful kitr no eoniftu mrkrtrrr : "Jangle Mftiace'1 A hapt. t w - - W Harry Only 4 more 4rn to f Ik fanoirM oktare eier ma , . . Irene Cary DUNNE GRANT "The AWFUL TRUTH" Coming Thurttla J ,H.I.'!-r;-?'"'i ',J.P!!:t.,ul 4yoM i iwi s M mm mmm J; UNMTIOM ' WITM Hit Kit IN r AEDUT'V fVIiTW PAW , i