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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1937)
PAGE FOUR T1IE DAILY NEBRASKA!. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1 Societu By Johnny Howell Quarterback Mary Anna Cockle JOhn HOWELL AS JOHNNY SEES IT. I ; night's which was marked by l ho celebration of Nebraska's Inst home victory was in no way slowed down by the cold weather. House parties were responsible for most of the whoopee. With seven affairs wide open those socialites who go in for h" rallying in a big way found that they had nore than they tould handle. board method. If you're the lucky winner you fret a super-snooty electric shaver. Some say that rohson's line of chatter is so good mat even the coeds are taking chances. But then who could re sist that boyish grin of Dohhy's. AS MARY ANNA SEES IT. Bit shut the door, shut the windows. Haven't thawed out from j yesterday's game. There's no if ; about it, winter is here, and with I Tie Big Annie, which is he.iiff . ear fuzzy to wear a little thin, was the bis I kind th,s -vfar in cvor" colon' Saw ' source of amusement at neailv I 3 ,n at he Rame nl,'inff ovA one j ev,y party. The Bur Anole mw! .. - -" --imS unu i to the knot holers about him. tO -J .-h lV-ttlll'l-il w li.rir... lU. . . no --iity at a party. Kveiyone. re-i . . pa uiess ot whether they knew a, Don't sav I didn't tell von so I-ox Trot from a Waltz joined in I The Betas did swipe the Thi Delt the circle. Now the dam e has been eagle, and have painted it a lovely ' altered to a wild jumble of finger ' pink and blue, the ole fraternity' shaking and feet stamping. It has colois. This week-end they had it j begun to take on the appearance i proudly displayed atop the Beta' of the ancient schottische. I residence, set off to best advantage 1 j t'.v spot light They even called ' Many of the guys and gals are!tl,e rhi F1'' and dared them to ; TxvJMhly sitting around with throh-' come ovr lheir party clothes i bing heads today wondering how anri trv t0 Pet tk "Charles."' ' the A. T. CVs got rid of the :V Kn.iay night at the Cornhusker. bottles of Coca Cola they were ;. l Can'1 Take that Away From polled to have, acquired for Uiei. anJ "w hre or When" were party. .e .Vated to the Thi Delt eagle. ; and the hoys from the silo count-' From Yankton. S. D.. on Friday erevl wilh "Smarty"' for the benefit j eve a charming Miss Kreiger OI lne Cl s of 1ear olJ tW-ta Theta ' ni""'i to delight of Kappa Kappa ! !i' ,f time na1 Permitted. there1 Gamma. Dow Wilson and Grant ' miht hlve h'pn hand to hand Thomas. She is a Kara pKW j 00 n"'0'- r, hThV;" who 1 E,n o,a-v a'nj k i, , necessary M over ;he on , h something It ,s only a three Jhy.tI,W one night this weekend i vis:t for her. however and 'h-i p,ii i,,i V. -eenu. back to Yankton . J k f,ft-v cenls tnat ht ' 1 , " . . .ouidnt waik the length of the1 .ina n..h . , Ts'y ras,r-v n the top of booths h "V " Ja'k Cme atr,,ss in Arinj fash-1 abound the t"ni rC'' , """T" . 'n X lh ent of all the . up little eir TLC- P'ck,nPT-tators so Bilhe had to trv the UP a mile ca,;n bv the r,1T1ch sfint too Yon sh-v-M have been there when the manager requested him to leave the place. HI LIGHTS Never saw anyone look as knock out as Mary Fislar in black velvet with a touch of white er mine. She and Sig Ep did Shep Fields together Friday. Jane Sawyer, Kappa pres looked super, too. But what were the bunch of Sig- Ep's doing without dates? For cleverest house paity of the week-end, we nominate the Fiji truckin' party. Favors for the girls were little rubber trucks. Can just picture a sorority house with all the gals down on the floor play ing with their latest toy. The A. T. O.'s ran a close sec ond with savage music and most unusual decorations. Just about the whole A. T. O. chapter from Iowa came over for the game, so there was no end of excitement at the house. Orchids to the Pi Phi's and Alpha Chi's for giving two hou.-"e parties this season, and both of them much much fun. And of course the Delt masenrade was something different. Trust the Delta to show you a good time. I hear that the Kappa Sig party was really choice, an occasion poo. pie have been waiting for since last year. Did vou see the lunning invita tions to the Zeta Beta Tau farm party, an ear of corn with a prize verse. Didn't get to their party but from all reports it was the . usual success and then some. What a week-end: i For that Thanksgiving lull in Lincoln that will ensue the tem porary closing of the university this weekend, those of us who re- . main in town have one event upon which we can rely. The annual festival ball this Friday at the Country club should afford the ample recreation again this yer as it has in the past. Eddie Jung- bluth is playing and due .s are selling at "one buck" per couple. Classic Club Discloses Errors in Vallee's Song tContinued from Page I.) beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful beautiful, admired by me. I came, I came, I came, I came, I came, you are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, adored by me. Paula, dear girl, you are so beautiful. I love you very much, I wish to sing and shout about you." Rudy's version: "Veni, veni, veni, veni, veni, tu sei bella, bella, bella. bella, bella, bella waiting for you; veri, veni, veni, veni. veni, tu sei bella, bella, bella, bella, bella, bella, lonesome and blue. "Palm trees are gently sway ing, my heart is saying how much I love you. Moonlight is softly gleaming, my heart is softly gleaming, my heart is dreaming of you." FARM LEADERS MEET AT AG DECEMBER 9, 10 (Continued from Page 1.) ton attending land gTant college meetings, secured the services of Dr. Johnstone this week. The Washington man will speak about the status of war in the far east. He spent eight months in 1934 in Japan, China, Manchuria and Korea and is regarded as an au thority on the subject. In addi tion; he published just this year a book on "Shanghai Problems." Dr. George E. Condra, dean of the conservation and survey di vision of the University of Ne braska, will be another leading shaker on the general sessions of organized agriculture. He will speak about: "Nebraska's Soil and Water Conservation Program." Condra is a popular speaker with Nebraska farm audiences, prob ably knowing the state's resources better than any man in Nebraska today. A University of Minnesota freshman has had to say "Ugh" 97.000 times in the last few weeks. That one word is his entire speak ing part in a play. TYPEWRITERS AM standard makes for salt or rent. Used and rebuilt machines on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 110 No. 12 St. B2157 Lincoln, Nebr. i 4 (flt m rke Vt ll . V r pmrat. lit t ram. Cam mil tri trmrm intUr, A MATTEIt OF P1K1DE . . SUMMITS Finished For Only 10c With Bachelor Rough Dry Service The person who is particular about appearance recognizes the difference in The Evans' Dry Cleaning. It is a matter of pride with us to run out only perfect workmanship and we have equipment which makes it possible. tAt The Evamn Be Your Vniet' Jabc it Jrom r H -: i t, kit in i Lj ( : -W:'L ( Lincoln's Fashion Center vf? JJolmnt J4owelt and JacL IboJJDiat Oliese fjeiv FORMALS & WRAPS are plenty much okay I650 2250 We wanted the men's side of this formal picture so these two popular gents con sented to give them the once over. And lan sakes they wanted them modeled two and three times. "Some stuff "ez they, "well take 'em all.' So fair lady truck down early Monday while the pickin's good. OVIANHWAWON 4ll I - Ik m w Tin A t A