The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Wit's Casfono ftrivcs Past Four Huskers for Elif.l Yards
'JA&HiiO (Pitt) shakes ENGLISH (tfeb) and RiaH&KL&CM (ifeb)
Git IMU Cleb) blocfcnc out.
Ho who laughs last laughs
laughs ( or what ever that ditty
is. Many have flung the state
ment in our lace that the Huskers
couldn't posibly wind up in the
money this week after their trim
ming back east Saturday.
Yesterday we learned that the
officialratlng placed Nebraska
rot 11th, but 6th this week- All
of which goes to show that our
l ids of the Scarlet should not let
fielr hair down, but should feel
that they d(d themselves proud
against Tin. To say that Ne
braska ti a mere 6th means little,
except that there are S teams over
them; but to say that they a.e
this week in direct line for the
Rose Bowl, makes our emotion
fct, not pity Pitt, but pittv pat.
We aren't savin' that it will be,
but we are saving that the Husk
ers are mighty apt to sneak up on
that Flower Field without know
ing it.
The standings this week Include:
1 Pitt. 6 Nebraska
2 California 7 Minnesota
3 Fordham 8 Indiana
4 Alabama 9 Santa Clara
5 Yale 10 Colorado
Making thorn run the gauntlet
of scrutinization we find that only
one of those leading five will be j
In line for the Rose Bowl fracas i :
and that one is Yale. Pitt is nearlv
definitely out, even though they :
are undisputedly the nation's i
champs this year. They have worn !
out their welcome in California
and the cash customers want to
see someone new. The same goes
for Alabama and Fordham. though
there is a slight possibility that the
latter might accept. California
doesn't have a chance.
This leaves It up to Yale and
Nebraska. Two of the leading
dailies out in the state where
rain is dew (California) have
been persistently nodding at the
state where rain is due (Nebras
ka for the Posey honors. They
believe that the Huskers have i
something flashy in football
which p iple out their way have
n't teen. By flashy, we don't
know whether they mean that
our gridders of the plains play on
the backs of cow ponies or not.
However, Californians do seem
to consider Nebraska as some
thing novel in griddlng.
Yale, sticking in the top bracket,
makes things a little more difficult,
for she has a mighty potent name.
She is an old school, venerated
with football tradition.
However, as has been suggested,
the Huskers at least have chance
at the Sugar Bowl, for they have
a mighty sweet team.
Schimmel Watches Celebration.
A. Q. Schimmel, owner and
watch dog of the Cornhusker
hotel here in Lincoln, had a field
day laughing at the Saturday cele
bration in Pittsburgh, for he knew
they couldn't touch a single insti
tution under Schimmel manage
ment. Having nearly $1,000 dam
age done to his place following the
Minnesota game, it was somewhat
to Abe's glee to see the populace
devastate Hotel William Tenn in
Pitt. The mad mob ransacked
the lobby, from which all the fur
niture had been previously re
moved. Three Huskers Named.
From the lengthy list of All
American nominees, Nebraska
had three sons. They were Elmer
Dohrmann at end, Fred Shirey
at tackle, and Charlie Brock at
Pittsburgh had nearly a full
team of possibilities named, in
cluding three ends.
Huskers Lead Big Ten.
With two victories in the Big
Ten conference, Nebraska stands
as nfar the head of the statistics
of that lop as any of its members
If the Huskers should take the
Hawkeyes this Saturday, as the
dope sheet says they will, they
. vill be undefeated in three starts
No member team usually competes
lit any more conference games
than this. In the east it is prophe
sied that the Jonesmen will be Big
Ten member In not one, but two
By Buck Powell.
Shoeless, and with coid feet,
one of the new sports cubs took
look at the varsity splashers
yesterday and found' that Pete
Hagelin the senior tankster, who
acts as coach, is looking for a
man. And what is more he really
wants to find him.
That man Is Jack Barry, the
asy going chap that holds a
couple of coveted Eig Six titles. It
looks as if Coach Hagelin would
like to insure the chances of a re
peat on said titles.
Lettermen Shaping Up.
With the exception of Barry, all
the other eligible senior lettermen
are shaping into a well-rounded
squad that would satisfy most any
coach at this point o early In the
Senior lettermen who have re
turned, include Dick Leask, the
flashy diving artist, Ludwig, Ful
lerton, and Hagelin. Supplement
ing these boys are Jack Redick.
Fletcher Spicer, and Jack Davis
representing the cream of the
Fred 'Shanghai' Fairman, the
boy from the Far East, and Harry
Eyck are working diligently and
Indications point to good material
here for future use, as these bovs
are new additions from freshman
;, DUYUJ (Heb) J I ys
1u. -,. I jmmm: .v-w I J ,f w , s vN - f e
MW( -ip V! 1 f -i S V v ' I f ' f j
. . ssv - V
jf' l(! V y v 1( k s - -' - , ' : "
KCuLL (b) finally psta hi
Only one of four powerful men in the Panther backfield was
the ball after he replaced Goldberg, Cassiano netted eight yards
Jay Defeat Puts
Huskers in Front
Of Big Six Rivals
Kansas Fades From Picture
As Oklahoma Advances
to Second Place.
S t
X 1 1
t I 1
pet. Pt. Op.
.1M 411 III
.ton is
.3 SJ I
.IMM1 tl
.X.HH 14 if
.000 10 7
huu . . . .
M Mwarl . .
Kana Malr
lima Wif .
lilim ThK Win.
Nhra.ka v. lima at Lincoln.
Kana stale vw. Ina stair at Amin.
Oklahoma is. Oklahoma A. M. at
Mlftftonrl v. Wnfchinrton at l. Ifnilii.
Kanai Vft. rirona :it Ttfton.
Kroulto Ijl.t Week.
ritthurch lit. -hraka ".
kliihnt . MI-iHiurl .
Kanw HiKtr 7. kntia
In a Malr S, Margnrttr .
It was a glum yet jubilant squad
of doughty Cornhusker gridmen
who returned Monday from Pitts- j
burgh, where they dropped their ;
first tilt oi the season to the pow-1
e r f u 1 P i 1 1 J
Tanthers. 13-7.
The thought
of losing a
game after
leading for
more than 45
minutes showed
its effects on
the squad as it
went thru its
practice in
preparation for
the game with
Iowa Saturday
a t Memorial
On arriving
h Am t h
LLOYD GRIMM Hu!iUe;. found
Vrum Tb. Journal t
perched atop the Big Six standings
as Kansas, leader the past three
weeks, was shunted aside 7-0 by an
inspired Kansas State Crew. Should
the Huskers defeat their next ad
versary. Kansas State Nov- 27 at
Manhattan, they would have sole
ownership of the diadem.
Big Injury List.
A heavy Injury toll was paid by
the Jonesmen in their heart-rending
conflict with Dr. Sutherland's
burly Panthers. Lloyd Grimm, end,
and Lowell English, guard, are in
the infirmary suffering from a
pulled leg muscle and abdominal
trouble, reflectively.
Swathed in bandages was the
pegging hand of Johnny. Howell
while Charley Brock, center, was
carrying bis right hand in splint
ers. However, this duo is expected
to be ready for the Hawkeye game
Saturday. Jack Dodd, Harris An
drews, Fred Shirey and Bill Calli
han received minor hurts last week
but khould be ready for play this
week as they all partook of yes
terday's workout.
Wintry blasts swept across Me
morial stadium yesterday, and the
squad took a 20-mlnute rehearsal
on pass offense and then scurried
to wanner environment under the
east stadium. Methods of combat
ing Iowa plays were explained by
Coach Browne as the varsity
played the role of onlookers.
Iowa Outplay Indiana.
Returning from Iowa City where
he mapped the Iowa-Indiana bat
tle, Scout Adolph Lewandowslcl,
told the team that the Iowans are
to be feared since they outplayed
Coach Bo McMillln'e Hoosiers. It
took a field goal by Indiana to de
feat the victory-starved Hawkeyes
Altho they have won only one
game, 14-7 over Bradley Tech, the
Iowans have ehown spurts of win-
ning football. In Nile Kinnick,
sophomore quarterback from
Omaha, Iowa has a player who can
cause furrows to appear on the
brow of any opposing coach. He
is a triple threat and waa recently
voted as one of the outstanding
sophomores in the Big Ten.
Iowa's Last Tilt.
Iowa, in concluding the Huskers'
home schedule this Saturday, will '
play Its last game of the fall. Irl
Tubbs, the Hawkeyees' new coach,
will finish his first year at the
Iowa City institution this weekend.
The last time these two outfits
met was in 1P3 and Nebraska re
versed Iowa, then coached by
Ossie Solemn, now at Syracuse, by
a 14-13 count.
Little or no change developed
over the we'kend as far as the
paltry number of the nation's
undefeated teams are concerned.
California's Golden Bears
cinched the host role in the Rose
Bowl production for New Year's
day by whitewashing Oregon 26
to 0. Sectional sport pages are
beating their drums In a noisy
effort to secure the guest bid.
It's all part of the post-season
ballyhoo that keeps the sport
sections alive during the fore
part of winter, but to me, Ne
braska will have to get along
without California's salubrious
and vitamin-filled clime come
January 1. Chances of getting
a Sugar Bowl bid, however,
arent too remote for he Corn
huskers who certainly merit a
bowl battle, If the invitation Is
More important right now is
this Iow frav that rounds out the
uornnustcer nome siaie mis satur-
day. Indiana found the Hawkeyes,
cellar Big Ten team, plenty strong
j out a 3 to 0 win. Every one of
thf)W ,9 vallant Hilars who at-
tempted to stave off Pitt's power
house attack Is tired In more w-ays
than one. Nebraska's coarhes have
the unenviable task of raising the
team morale to complete the sea
son with a Hawkeye victory, and
even those who were rabid Scarlet
enthusiasts B. P. (Before Pitt I are
already saying that the Huskers
can't rebound from the doldrums
that came with the loss to Pitt.
This remains to be seen.
Saturday grid highlights: Kan
sas' 7 to 0 loss to Kansas State
puts Nebraska back on top of
the Big Six with only a win over
K-State neoarsary to give the
Scarlet the conference crown
acjaln . . . Baylor slid down the
grid scales a few more notches
by losing to S. M. U. 13 to 7
. . . D. X. Bible's Texans failed
to keep their last week pace
and lost to T. C. U. 14 to 0 . , .
Oklahoma smothered Mizzou's
title hopes by a 7 to 0 verdict
. . , Minnesota avenged North
western's victory of last year
which halted the Gopher winning
streak and took the Wildcats
7 to 0 . . . Iowa State nosed out
Marquette 3 to 0 . . . George
Henry Sauer's New Hampshire
eleven beat Springfield 14 to 6
, . . Colorado's Whiuer White
1 k
Dick Csssiano. This picture shows the Smoky City halfback hitting four
and was finally downed by Howell and Doyle.
Engineers Defeat Infantry
In Touchfootball
Company D Engineers steam
rollered company H infantry, 26
to 0, as they took over the leader-
ship in League IV in the R. O. T. C. '
touch football tournament Friday.
Hardy, midget quarterback for the
company D, scored three touch
downs on clever running plays be
hind the neat blocking of Samson
and Paradise.
It took company Infantry an
extra period to retain the lead in
League I as they downed com-
pany a rjigineeis Dy a score oi dium 1his SaUmiay. This battle I second touchdown bv laughing -be jon.e.i soo bv a tro of ail
7 to 6. after the bridgebliilders had will mark the 26th time that the j drive from Iowa's 44 vard mark staters. Al Kandail. toweling cen-
tied up the count in the last mm-
! ute of plav on a Ion;? pass from
Lowell to Blomstrand in the end
' zone.
' Forfeit Bugaboo Haunts.
The forfeit bugaboo continued
to haunt the schedule as neither
imnnriV A Infanlrv Vn TV nnr
company B Infantry put' in their
scheduled appearance.
The games scheduled for Mon
day at 4:45 are battery A Field
Art vs. company B Infantry in
League I; company B Engineers
vs. company K Infantry, and bat
tery C Field Art vs. company E
Infantry in League IV.
Standings at the end of the sec
ond week:
to. I Int. t DIIHin lrue in w I net.
I n, A Inc. J I .lli.l. u. In! I IIHHI
I n. H. Int. 2 .mill n. .n I Iihki
Hut FA 1 .mm ii. A Inf I I .Mm
lcairlli' I. I p. I. t ii. M Inf Si .IHHl
luk'iie II 1 iet.l4-ai:ue IV I lct.
o. H I nt I I .Mint o. II l I II llillll
hat. I A 1 I .Mux o. A Int t .mm
o. f Int I I ..'.mil o. H Inf .M
to. K Inf t .IllHita. t Inf I .IHHl
spiked All-American honors by
scoring at will against Colorado
college to win 35 to 6 . . .
Johnny Howell's punting was
perhaps the best turned In by
any Saturday toe expert, aver
aging 46 7-11 yards.
Detroit come to Omaha this Fil
day to play the Creighton Bluejays,
according to our schedule book, on
charges right back to the Auto-
mobile City after the game where
they'll spend the nicht and then
i shove riRnt off 0T Pittsburgh I
where they'll meet Duquesne Nov.
25. That's making the rounds in
a bit of a hurry.
Altho we took Nebraska to
take Pittsburgh by six points
which the Panthers reversed In
ten minutes, this department
didn't fare so badly in grid
guessing. Of the 27 games th's
column tried to call, 18 came out
right, 6 came out wrong and 3
ended In deadlocks, which makes
the average .750 for this week.
Barl) Council Sponsors
Victory Dance Saturday
After Iowa-Hunker Tilt
A victory dance, sponsored by
the bwb council, will be held at
the coliseum Saturday night after
the Iowa-Nebraska game from 9
to 12 p. m.
Ken Nelson and his 12 piece
orchestra will provide the music.
The floor will be In excellent
shape and all decorations will be
"This will be the last chance to
dance In the coliseum for a rea
sonable price," stated Bob Sim
mons, president of the barb coun
cil, "as the coliseum will soon be
taken up by formals." Admission
will be 25 cents a person.
rar W Inner Score
lKa tu. i
1K9? Tic IO-1II
Iks:i Nebraska Zn-m
lW Vehravka S- II
1MIV VrtlH.kl -
isniirie n- ti
ISS7 liiai 111. n
iKiK -
IK l,ma mi.
"'-N'hni.ka 11-
iwi4 rhraska n-
l,w!;Z,;bn;'", "I
im.t ehraka ...'.'.'...Y. is-
l!il4 N.hma. - 7
IHIII Netiranka
M- 1 :
Nehrka , .14-11
s ... IS-
, 1J- 1
1HSI rtm.ka
I: Nehra.ka
ia:ci Vebraka
m:i Nekraaka
!" oa: Nehraaka i, loaa
7- I
'. Tie
From Iowa City will
, Coach Irl Tubbs' Iowa Hawkeyes j
to close the Huskers' 1937 home
football schedule at Memorial sta
two schools have met on the grid
It was in 1934 that the two
teams last met and the Cornhusk
ers eked out a 14-13 win over
Coach Ossie Solem's Iowans. Re-
i lations were resumed on a two
year home and home basis, the
; Hawks coming here this year and
Grades, Gridiron Practice
Attendance to Count
As Requirements.
Freshman Coach Ed Weir ad
vised frosh football players yes
terday that regular practice at
tendance is mandatory for those
yearlings who wish to be eligible
for the trip the squad will take
to Manhattan along with the var
sity on Nov. 27. The occasion is
the Thanksgiving day battle and
season windup between Nebraska
and Kansas Slate.
Weir stated that frosh basket
ball will not start until the foot
ball season is over, so that grid
aspirants can complete the foot-
ba ,e&J)on gun teukelbsU on
; time
Metliodihl Fraternity
Entertains Kappa Phi
Al Sunday Open Hoiim
Kappa Phi, Methodist sorority,
was entertained by Phi Tau Theta,
Methodist fraternity, at their open
house meeting Sunday, Nov. 14.
Refreshments and games enter
tained the fifty-four students pres
ent. In charge of the meeting were
Virginia Ostergard, Jean Hunter,
Latha Shannon, John Liming, Reu
ben Denning and George Dinsdale.
Bing Crosby received an bonor
ary Fh. D. degree from Gonzaga
university, his alma mater. Said
he, "Bob Bums told me that now
I am a doctor of philosophy In mu
sic, I should start immediately to
patch up some of the things that I
have been doing to music in the
last ten years."
Our ftantat Drpartment
Good Can Clean Cart
1120 P St.
Huskers early in the second quarter.
the Huskers going to Iowa Citv .
next fall. " :
The 14-13 triumph in "4 whs '
riods, both outfits struggled fierce-
ly but their efforts went for nil '
; and the half ended in a scoreless
i Les McDonald Scores.
! Kar,y in the third quarto. Chief
Bauer, quarterback, flipped a 22
vaid nass in I.lnvd rm.hvHl ta
put the sphere on Iowa's 27 vard
stripe, after which Bauer threw
another aerial heave to End Ies:
McDonald for 13 vards and the
Not to be outdone. Iowa gar
nered a touchdown as I'it k Cravne
passed to Taige for 42 yards and
a score. However, Cravne's x',ra
point boot went astray, and the
Huskers led. 7-6. at the end of the
third quarter.
The Huskers chalked up theii
with Sam Francis gnirg ovrr on a
short slant. Fiancis' extra point i.hampionship squad this spring;
kick was again good, making the ; Bus Kmht. pivotman on the
count 14-6. Nehraska. i Jackson high team, runnerup to
Dusky Ozme Simmons and Dirk . Omaha South, and Harry Hopp,
Crayne led the Iowans to th( ir : Hastings speedster, will join the
second score. Fullback Crayic frosh within the next two weeks,
plunged to pay terrain for the Knight and Hopp are still play
score. ( inc on the freshman grid team,
. whi'e Randall is working in the
Irlallo PTinro nioniiiiA south locker room of the east
AUAMS STAGES nASSLINu U. checking nut fnh foot-
Annual Intramural Grunt,
Groan Tourney Opens
1937 Season.
Wrestling Coach Jerry Adams
is expecting a large turnout for
the 1937-3S wrestling season which
will be inaugurated by the annual
intramural matches open to all stu
dents. Gold and silver medals will
be awarded winners of the meet
Dec. 10.
According to Coach Adams, the
wrestling prospects appear bright
with Sampson, Schook. Candon,
Rosenthal. Wright, Herb Smiley.
Wayne Smiley, Stevens, Anderl,
Luke, Jim Knight, Milburn Knipht.
Schmidt, Fidltr, Wittman and
Webster expected to return to the
Outstanding freshman mat ex-
pens include Baronck, Real. San
dusky, Alexander and Wmegart
ner. A movie of the 1930 wrestling
meet at Terre Haute. Ind., whic h
was won by Oklahoma A. & 11..
will be shown the squad numbers
prior to the first wrestling meet
some time in January, Adams
L'f The Evan
be your ralet"
Beaut ifui'ii
with Bachelor
Rough O'y
Lirciilp Journal.
His first attempt at carrying
Armstrong Directs
Pre-Season Practice
At Coliseum.
For the past two weeks the
Coliseum has been the scene of
heated scrimmages between the
varsity and freshman basketball
teams. Chili Armstrong, who
coached Bethany high to two con
secutive "B" state basketball titles,
has rharce of the yearlings until
' Adolph Lt-wandnwski. head men
tor, is r leased from his work
with the frosh gridders.
1 Jimmy Taylor of Hastings ami
D..n Kitz of Jackson, both all-staters
this year, have already re-
.ported for frosh practice and will
t. r en Omaha Smith's class A
Trill fUJpilirJlL.
Altaiker of Kana
I'. Student Wanted:
Slate (,ive Kenard
LAWP.F.NCF.. Kas, Nov. 13.--The
Kansas Highway Patrol this
wnk posted notice of a reward of
S'..")0 for information hading to the
cirrcst br.d conviction of the man
who assaulted Russell Kelly, a K.
1'. student, who died as a result
c.l his injuries. Cars of Kelly and
the assailant were in a minor col
, hsion on a gravel road between
Lawrence and Topeka the night of
S.-pt. 24. The assailant berated
Kt-lly. th. n knocked him oown and
kit ked him. breaking his jaw. He
pecmeu to be doing well in the hos
pital, hut suddenly began to sink.
The man sought is described
being about 6 feet 1, weight about
19'J to 200, ace about 35; husky
physical condition, rought appear-
ance; apparently violent
; j,nd quite profane,
ir .Sale and Rent
mr Trrmt
1342 P St B2535
Lincoln, Nebr.
For the extra-special occa
sion when you want to
look your best, there's a
professional finish to The
Ev ans Dry Oeaning which
gU'es you the satisfying
knowledge that your ward-'
robe is smartly correct.
K lVv HwT&k