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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1937)
A Page of Items Literally Bursting with Value News -: ' fig ''if 190 Fine Felt Hats 95 10 $15 Hats 55 $10 Hats$ 24 $7.50 Hats 101 $5 Hats 3 Our Regular Stock All Sizes, Shapes, Colors 104 Pair X $5.85 and $6.85 Shoes sular stork oxfords In black, brown and gray cnllskln and suede solid leather or crepe runner soles. High fashions as well as the most conserva tive styles. FIRST FLOOR. Jts&a m Wlun jdincotu Wjoit j Suck a Sale popular ffjen 5 Store o, 453 SuitS'-O'coats -'Topcoats Anniversary Sale Price 1 $9 Here You Hate the Certainty of Big Savings Plus the Satisfaction of Much Finer Quality $21.00 for Suits, Overcoats and Topcoats like these Is indeed very exceptional. Every piece of fabric, every detail of tailoring, every line of .styling bears it out The majority of the suits are long-wearing, hard-finished worsted And twists In browns, blues, greys, invisible checks and stripes, novelty pattern. Sizes 35 to 50 in regulars, shorts, longs and stouts. The Overcoats and Topcoats are in full belted models, Balmaccan, half-belt and fitted double breasted models. Oxford greys, medium greys, browns and fancy mixtures. Sizes 36 to 50. Powerful Values In Boys Clothing Prep Suits & Topcoats The sulti are the newest dou ble breasted styles In worsteds . and ciisHlmercs, size 84 to 88. The topcoats are fine fleeces with full licit, fancy and plain backs. HI 7.s 34 to US. Values to $25 $1675 Long Pant Suits This Is a special value for the small hoy age 6 to 12. They come In eliculo nnd d"ull breasted styles w th fancy backs. Jinny are llo.tH) suits, . $85 Long Pant Suits Here's special value for the boy age 13 to 20. Suits for style and sendee In double breasted models with fancy baks. Regular 115.00 values. $12 85 fcfi Hoys' All Leather Helmeti $1.00 r.oys Laskin Iamb Gauntlet Mitts. $1.95 BOYS' $1.00 SHIRTS These shirts are from our regu lar stock in dress and polo styles snd sizes 12 to 14; i. CHILDREN'S ONE PIECE SNCW SUITS Regulsr S5.00 snow suits for the tnou age J 10 f yens, nam coi. ors of n a v y, IJ 1 Oreen and royal, V H e I m t a to match. LAS K IK LAMB JACKETS Then Jackets are made of the finest quality of Laskin Lsmb and have oenu. I n e horsehlde fl minir HJ49 sT?l sleeves, All fully lined snd retiu $19 jackets. Ages 10 to 20. 05 BOYS' BROADCLOTH SHORTS Regulsr 35o fsst color broslcloth shorts) slso fins yarn French shorts. Sizes 24 to 32. 2-PIECE SNOW SUITS Regulsr 110.00 snow noes 4 to 12. All wool, plnld top plain color pants with zip per bottom. Full lined pants. suits In sf89 Moil's M o n o r a m S?c IlsllltlkorHliofs pia?n white Mnen? & ,S2 $2JQ linro Whho SH.ifi allatswaiu Flne bioadcloth-trubenized collars, it ."VIHTIM fuy ,hrUnK Mon's S2-S2.50 Pajamas -STj.lfl New patterns in coat and slip-over styles Moil's .$;-$ Silk l4ijaiii.islzU Coat and lounge style In all colors and all sizes... -J Kit SI.',..-," Suodo .TnoUols SJntt!) Brown and gray zipper style, lined and unlined.... .Sl.:0-S2 Wool. Silk So.irfs dkrthc Rich patterns In wool, colors, whites and fancies ?02riil In silk wJ' Ur Mon's Wool Hl)ps8fl), Plain colors, single and double breasted, piped and t-H-self trimmed Mon's .S.3 si ml $ Wool II olios X cpo7or,p!" " P Mon's ,S2.r0 Tuxedo Shirts fl Brand new one and two stud fronts - 81.00 T u x o d o How Tios $)c Adjustable, black, purs silk ready tied ties Vlit o 1 Traveling Cases M.OC to $10.00 cases now $2.00 to $5.00 sU PRICE 81 Arrow, Ilolaiiv and Poplill TioS Bu'rto'prtieT0!.. Mon's 81..T0 and 82 Xook- dfcOc ......... Imported and domestic silks, finest )lAn WI'MI hand made fLf V1V 3 FOR Mon's ."5."so Wool Hoso ... A First quality in plaids, Argyle, stripes and patterns 0 Mon's 82.50 and 8.1 Dross S 0 Hii Pigskins, capesklns and plgtwin In Q '""I' gray, black and tan Mon's Sl.SO and 81.75 (fhrthi Wool C.10VOScy9prn.rao' c 8I0.05 Laskin La m 1$ f J .laokois hR0'r,hehc,dv !!?"".t.r'.n;.!?..,!?r J1lP Mon's S2.f $.1.05 Swoat- SflOH OrS Btu',on and xiPPer' new bcks and shoulder y Mon's 8 1.05 85.05 Swoal-,SJ)J5 OI'.S McGregor, Catallna and all American makes 0& Silk Llnod U olios .... Hoilnood 812.05 rohos. 87.05815.05 rohos, 80.05820 rolios, 812.05 Savings You'll Never Forget ANNIVERSARY Sale Entire Stock of Reg. 675 & 7 75 Jacqueline Suede Shoes V Dramatically Priced at Anniversary Savings Glorious, Glamorous, New Millinery Two Groups JJi9k Shjl $3 JJali t ssri i New felt hats In off-face turbans, bonnets brims. Black, brow nary. wine, green rust. Head sizes 21'a to 24. od $5 Mali anJ BaU You'll surely rave over these glamorous new fur felt, suede and suede velour hats. Furls in isplred hats that accent glamour and opulence. Every one a mil linery gem. Black and colors. As ' 11 - v r s . m i a A thrilling chance to SAVE... on the shoes you've sdmired ...snd wanted... The values ars so unusual. . .you won't want to miss out. Please come ss sarly as possible. a or ".Tk so unusual. . .you won't want to f, f VXv miss out. Please come ss sarly I 1. I vvV', po,,ibl, I V J "i AX U4 Vi v VMJ Ob AM Sites but not In every stylsl Ileal Anniversary Sale Values in LAVISHLY FUR TRIMMED COATS TWO G1IOIJPS $26 J ulucs to $39.50 $46 Values to $59.50 Kepal fnshkins of matchless luxury . . . fitted coats and the Important new pencil slim sillinuettes with magnificently furred collars of Cross Fox, Kit Kox, Squirrel, Martin and Persian Lamb. Coots developed In shaps. fleeces, nubs and fine woolens, crepe and sutin lined nnd warmly interlined. Select from Our Entire Stock of Better Fur Trimmed Coats All $89.50 to $150 Coats Now Only for Frid. & Saturday 20 OFF Untrimmed Sport Coats Formerly Selling to $29.50 $1490 Fri. & Sat. Only TV. 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 u A Special Group of FUR COATS Lovely fur coats that have made their mark at far higher price levels. Now Is the time to buy that fur coat. The Anniversary Kale surely brings you wonder ful bargains. I elf A V-) IS 68 n Entire Stock $100 to $450 Fur Coats 20 Discount Mink Dyrrd Squirrel f'nrnrnl I'rrmirr Ihmileit .Sen f)yci Com-)-) Crvf Squirrel Hudson Sen Ombre (tirnnil Kuuian 'inv. Two Day Anniversary Sale Fine Dresses They Are All Dresses from Regular Slock Regular $7.95 Values $10.95 & $12.50 $22.50 $26 and Dresses $29 Dresses $5 $8 $14 Formats Included in the $11 Group V2 PriM' On All Cost nine & 11 Vleve Suits 'Seen in Forma nmf lltirperi llatnnr 1.95 Silk Slips rura dye Satin nnd Crepe slips from regular stock, In tailored ami laro 1 1 1 niiiie J styles, white and lea rose, $49 Women's Blouses Just 11 of these regular 1 95 and $.r.95 Crepe and Batln blouses. $3 95 Women's Blouses In tMs lot are 32 regular $2.9(5 and 3 95 tailored Crepe and Batln blouses. $225 Women's . Sweaters Hers Is a choice assortment of fine sweaters consisting of S3 esshmere sweater coats snd 21 cashmere slip-over sweaters that Bold regularly at (195. , $2 69 For Our Anniversary Sale Group of 295 Nelly Dons 25 Discount All Sizes if i W'A MeCullum & Trezur Chiffon Hose 89 3 Pair $2.50 Short Lots and Irregulars of 1.35 to 2.50 Hose Chl'ffon "W Wr-d Wo omin t 50c Handkfs ritie linen hand mnde hand- ksrcl.lef, whUB ,,,, coll J hrlslmns Is coming, buy II s thsm as gifts, you surely ran . C v .llivill, ffW