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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1937)
PACE THREE iffers Protect Title Tomorrow THE DAILY NEBR ASK AN. FRIDAY. NOYEMBEH 5. 1937 hp' id sub is i vl..y1.Yr.,.4 KANSAS HOPES STAND ON RABBITS' FEET The rabbit foot market of Kan sas is bombing! Dusty State citizens talk fast and furiously to themselves during these late days trying to convince themselves that they will take the Huskers Saturday. But when they run out of conversation to them selves they have to lean on a pac liier. That's where the fabbit's ff-ot come in. They take these hare hoppers fid stroke them, believing Till the n'.e that the cuddling of these Amputated members will bring t:jem victory. But why shouldn't they cling to something as non sensical as rabbit's feet: what bet ter could they cling to? Kansans figure the situation this way. If the Huskers were tied by the Sooncrs, 0-0, and the Jays defeuted the Oklahomans 14-6. even though it was a last five sec fluke, then they should win tomor row. They also figure that because thy've kept up their morale and have treated the word jinx like leprosy, that it shouldn't figure Saturday. Then later they stop and think. Nebraska has toppled Minnesota. Indiana, Iowa State and Missouri. We let this stand by itself and of fer no comment. The Jays have a crippled lineup, and the Huskers, Intact. The Jay coaching staff intends to lean on an improved passing attack, if anything, for they have read about the big bad wolf, bet ter known as the Nebraska line. Biffer's men are calm and con ffdent as the game approaches. Having hit the score prediction of every home game within 40 points and 2 ax handles, we predict with confidence a 7 point Husker win tomorrow. Oh, we know that this- sounds inconsistent with what the pillar has said before, but you must also remember that the Huskers are a bunch of conserva tives and feel that they don't look well in big numbers. They aren't 6elfish, all they want is more tal lies than their foes. Nebraska students will get their Kansans Primed to Break Ancient Cornhusker Jinx J Ktf Ted Doylf. flame Captain. TYPEWRITERS For Sale and Rent l.aiy Twin Underwood ELLIOTT FISHER CO. 1342 P St. B2535 Lincoln, Nebr. Major Jones May Be Forced to Abandon Substitute Lineup Plan. Coach Lawrence "Biff Jones put his Nebraska cornhuskers through a light workout centered around pass defense and offense yesterday to round out a week's preparation for the Homeconv ing Day battle with the Jay hawks of Kan sas University tomorrow. The Huskers will take a light signal workout tonight as their final drill be fore the Satur day's game generally recog nized as the crucial contest in the Big Six conference this from Lincoln Journal, year. After a couple of early week practices which were toned down by the absence of several regulars, the Husker's morale was boosted a couple of notches Thursday and Friday as Lowell English, Marv Plock. Elmer Dohrmann and Lloyd Grimm returned to practice ses sions. Plock donned his togs Tues day night after nearly a week's absence from the gridiron. Lowell English was in pass scrimmage last night in full attire while Dohr mann and Grimm worked out In sweatsuits which they have been wearing all this week. The first varsity lineup last night was Amen and Grimm, ends; Shirey and Doyle, tackles; Meh ring and English guards: Brock, center: Howell, quarterback; Dodd and Andrews, halfbacks; and Callihan fullback. Only one change was indicated in this lineup yesterday, Elmer Dohrmann is slated to 6tart the game against the Jayhawks in place of Grimm at end. Due to a lengthy casualty list, although none of the injuries are i serious. Poarh Biif Jones Will extensively against the confer' ence-leading Kansans. With the Pittsbugh game coming up next week-end, the Biffer will be anxious to keep his first team strength on the sidelines as much as possible. The Major may be thwarted in his attempt to keep regulars on the bench, for the Jayhawks, de spite their spotty record, will be a touch opponent and have been pointing for the Huskers strongly. Hopes for a perfect starting line up dropped at Kansas university early this week when it was learned that Dick Amerine, soph November's opening football Saturday finds only seven teams undefeated and untied that com mand attention beyond the limited area of their own cheering sec tions. They are, reading from left to right and from Berkeley, Calif., to Easton. Pa.: California, Santa Clara, Colorado, Montana, Baylor, Alabama and Lafayette. That's quite a sweep of the na tion to find only seven teams with perfect records." This column looks for the list to be narrowed down to five as Montana and Lafayette aren't expected to clear Gonzaga and Rutgers respectively. The re mainder will come thru with vic tories. Here's this column's predictions for tomorrow: NEBRASKA-KANSAS. Over anxious and hopped up Jayhawk- ers will have their feathers Sig Nu Crowned Rulers of Greek Football Realm A. T. 0. S.'s Defeat Sig Alfs 14-0 in Consolation Playoffs. halfback, who has been the Kans-1 plurked by a good 13 points ans' biggest scoring threat this year, and Fred Bosilevac, tackle, might not be in the starting lineup. Other doubtfuls are George Staple ton, guard, who may be replaced by Moreland; Mason, quarterback, is liable to be on the bench in favor of Weircke. PITT-NOTRE DAME: This will be the nation's best game. It's a tough one to call as anything may happen, but a flip of the coin says Pitt will edtre out n win. IOW A -MINNESOTA: The Gold en Gophers will regain some of j their sheen by whitewashing the Nebraska will go into the game l as the favorites by virtue of four wins and one tie. It has defeated j Minnesota, Iowa State, Missouri I and Indiana and deadlocked with Hawkeves. KANSAS ST ATE-WASH BURN: This one looks like an Aggie vie torv. OKLAHOMA-IOWA STATE: Oklahoma. Kansas comes to Lin-1 On Norman sod. despite Kischer, coin with only two wins at expense of Iowa State and Oklahoma. It has been subdued by Michigan State and Wichita. Another Kansas-Nebraska duel is slated for Saturday when the schools' two bands will duel be- the Sooners look ripe for a vie torv. MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS: Heinie Mahley should pace the Tigers to a good Mizzou win. INDIANA-OHIO STATE: The McMillinmen will suffer their sec tween halves. Kansas is the top J on straight loss at the hands of nntrher hv virtiiP nf its win river a great fctate team. the Cornhusker band last year. The Nebraska outfit is rated as runner ! probably use his reserve strength I cnina V.'.ft!! up. Reports from Kansas say that that school will be represented by ! some 1500 rooters who will arrive here at 11:30 Saturday on the Kansas special. Preceding- the game, the tradi tional honoring of the university dead will be a feature, both school J bands participating in the cere mony. Probable starting lineups: Ntbriskt Kanrat U. Amtn 1 Shirey I M'hrlr.g lg Sntfftvn Brk c wnn f.n,:ih rg roie r Dohrmann r HrU qt R"-P'j6C rodd l.h Alr.t.-;r.e Anlr hh F-j;,:v,,r.t LO'jg.a i first chance tonight to exhibit what they can do with the Major Jones' countenance a la caricature. All i up and down fraternity row the Biffer and his sturdy eleven will FEIT WITH A FLAIR b) Stetson Take it from any angle you wUh, this newest Stelnm with its broad welt-edge brim has the tniartebt lines of FalL The national form sheet says: Alabama over Tulane. Arkansas over Rice, Harvard over Army, Baylor over Texas (sorry, D. X., but we've got to say your oppo nent this time), Yale over Brown, California over Wash ington, T. C. U. over Centenary, Michigan over Chicago, Holy Cross over Colgate, Colorado over Utah, Navy over Columbia, Xavier over Creighton, Dart mouth (sans dysentery) over Princeton, Detroit over Manhat tan, Duke over Wake Forest, Fordham over Purdue. North western over Illinois, Kentucky over South Carolina, N. Y, U. over Lehigh, Louisiana State over Mississippi State, Temple over Michigan State, Oregon State over Willamette, Washing ton State over Oregon, Penn over Penn State, Santa Clara over San Jose State. Stanford over Southern California, Texas A. & M. over Southern Method ist, Syracuse over Western Re serve. Vanderbilt over Sewanee, Villanova over Marquette, and Boston college over Western Maryland. By Bob Dreibus. Sigma Nu and Sigma Phi Epsilon touch footballers battled vainly for three and one-half periods and then in one lightning thrust the Sigma Nu's worked the ball up to the Sig Ep one yard line, and on the next play pushed the ball across for the touchdown that gave them the tilt by a score of 6-2 in the finals of the initial intramural sport played on Russian flats yes terday. Alpha Tau Omega won the hole position with a smashing 14 to 0 win over Sigma Alpha Epsi lon. It was midway in the final period that the Sigma Nu's got the break that gave them the game. Up until that time neither team had seriously threatened the scoring zones. Then with the ball in possession of the winners in mid-field came the turning point. George "Bus' Knight, stellar uni versity frosh footballer, faded back to heave a long pass to Harry Pitcaithley who had sped down the sidelines toward the Sig Ep end zone. Knight's heave was good for 50 yards into the end zone, but the receiver had encountered a little difficulty on the play. The Sig Ep defense in a desperate at tempt to avert the score had inter fered with the progress of Pit caithley and officials Cliff Scott and Rollie Horney ruled the pass complete. The handicap was too great to overcome. Sigma Nu was awarded the ball on the Sig Ep one yard line. On the next play Knight again faded back and flipped the ball to Ev Deger who took the ball in the end zone for the winning tally. Marshall's try for the extra point was short. j With the period drawing to a : close the Sig Eps penetrated deep into Sigma Nu territory, but a score was averted as Pitcaithley j intercepted a pass in the end zone i and was tagged for a safety. ' Outside of the scoring plays the offense of both teams was glar ingly weak. Interceptions were ! fre-quent and completions for sub-' stantial gains were rare. Defenses were exceptionally strong. Per haps the outstanding playing of! the game was clone by the Sigma -Nu blockerg. They staved off the rushing of 'the .Sig Ep ends and j gave both Townley and Knight j plenty of time to handle the bull ) offensively. But with the Sig Ep offense working to near perfection i this was to little avail. There simply were no receiver.. The Si? Eps were woefully weak in the t protection of their passer. These stout defenses meant just one thing, the team that got the break and cashed in on it would win. The Sikma Nu's du. just that : and made off with the game, the, title, the plaque, and have one j foot on the first rung of the intra-! mural championship ladder. Alpha Tau Omega pushed over. touchdowns in the second and third quarters to top the Sig Alphs 14-0. Vieregg and Shock were on ; the scoring end of the winning passes. the Nrhruskan Issues Call lor Sports l!'i(iltrs In the face of a shortage of sports writers, the Daily Ne braskan is holding an open meeting lor all aspiring sports commentators. The meeting will te held in the Nebraskan offices in U hall at promptly 4 o'clocK Monday afternoon. The field is wide open, thus all students who hold a hidden urge to write campus athletics are urged to report. TASSELS RECIPROCATE JAY JANE HOSPITALITY Husker Pepsters Give Tea for Kansas Hostesses of Last Year. When 4u members of Jay Janes Fl.i Sigma Chi chapter at Kansas university, are entertained by Tassels at a tea at Ellen Smith Sri'iiiivlay following the game, Ya-sels will renew arqiiaintance with the group whirh entertained tlicni similarly last year in Lawrence. Jaj' Janes will arrive on th penal Saturday noon, and will ! r.eet Tassels in the stadium at tiif half. Genevieve Hot'f. rhair I naa. Rilla May Nevin. and Jean i Cordon are in charge of arrange ments fur the tea. of Lineup game. r"nmptpf!l re Austin t l Capron c Galiowii'. r? DfKr t Mow bray Town.e rn MeXifh Ih KnKht ft, Stil,t',t' Munn. Maraha.; championship PI:, '4f.aa Til..n.i THE WKATHEK If Nebraska's chances for the Big Six championship and a win Saturday depend solely on fair weather, the Scarlet should win by a wide margin, for the weather man hints it will be clear and cold on that day of days. Cold and rainy was predicted for last night with clear today. vote over Columbia; Creighton will mp Xavier: Dartmouth will tame the Princeton Tiger; Detroit will bfat Manhattan in a close game; Tulsa will edge out Drake. Duke has an easy game with Wake Forest; Georgia holds the edge in its meeting with Florida; Fordham should take Purdue; be glorified in effigy. m Remember that rally Nebraska attempted a week ago. The one where cars were supposed to be j decorated, but where they showed up two strong and those that did j had less decorations than an old; maid's beak. Well, the moral to the story is ! this: The University of Washing- j ton had a rally last week that in- j eluded 62 elaborately decorated ' floats. A cash prize of $90 was! given for the best one. Kansas U pointing for Nebraska Just as have all other Husker foes w,,.,.. t tha hrd I Mississippi will beat Genrge Wash- Ill t; Ll'll , .ijuiintr.iuiiia itu.ov TYPEWRITERS All itindani miWea for aali or rent. Utcd and rebuilt machine! on tu terml. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12 St. B2157 Lincoln, Nebr. Acquiring Polish SHIRTS finished for Onlv 10r with Bachelor Rough Dry Service may be difficult socially but all tjo easy on your hard finished suits. Never mind The Evans Dry Clem ing is t'.or.e by a method that removes the shine and brings the fabric up soft an.l new again. "Lvl Evans lie Your Yalvt' 5T err LTT migration to Nebraska that ever left Lawrence. The band, that very classy Big Six champion band. pep organizations, students ana townspeople will come. STETSON "The World Famous Hat" In Every New Style at Hiclcey Freeman and Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Scribe Predicts Narrow Hunker Win Over Jays By June Bierbower. Nebraska'! little get-together with the Ktnsas Jayhawks. which will jo a long way toward deter mining thii year's Eig Six champ's identity holde the spotlight locally on a day in which several teams' unbeaten record arc threatened. The Jay are coming all inspired like, but inspired or not. they don't look ftrong enough to whip the Huskers, who will probably go thru thlf tilt a they have the other acoring Just enough to win, and maybe a little rnoie. Oklahoma will whip Iowa Stite in the other intra-conference mix. Kama State ihouldn't have xu h a hard time witn timer Hoim Washburn eleven, and Missouri look better than St. Louis even tho Mal.iey 1 on the shelf with in juries. Pitt Over Notre Dame. In the leading game of the day from a national standpoint. Notre Dame will give Pitt a battle, but the Panther should remain un beaten Aintll next weekend (ahem). Alabama will continue undfeat ed by whipping Tulane; Tennessee look too good for Augurn'f In-and-outen; Arkansas will beat an improving Rice aggregation: Army will stop Harvard; Eaylor will give Texas another beating; Bos ton college will take Western Maryland; Yale Is too good for Brown; California will beat Wash ington, but the Huskies, with Cru ver back, won't be a etup; Du quesne will beat Carnegie Tech; Texa Christian' passe will un due Centenary: Michigan will beat Chicago' haplrs Maroon. Navy Picked Over Columbia. Georgia Tech will whip Clem- son; Holy Ctom I too goori for Colgate: Colorado will "Whizz past Utah; Navy get a weak will cla v the Ulini; Ohio State will give Indiana hncther tough lick-1 ing; Mir.r.ei-ota will overpower Iowa' floundering Hawktyes; ! Lruiv.ana State is better than M:S!ssippl State; Michigan tSatei will beat Temple. North Carolina will put down; Davidson; Oregon State w- :i beat Willamette, but may hav- a tough time doing it if Joe Gray in unable to play; Washington State gets the .. - r. ,, rail over Oregon: t er.n ni u-ai Per.n State; Santu Clara has a breather in San Jose State; I JiquU A DRII1K f DRILV DATED MILK Free Theater Tickets Leaded Bronze Gai 17f2c White Oat l.10 Deep Rock OH HOLMS TlftJsS UNION sopcurrrBA ; Organized Union linn tin lHr T, t ft 1 1. '..i J'll 1) luh u zin .i, li ft IrMnrr, if r.arl Hill, tl J Krt Jin 3 nk-JiiriTjltilri.l,lbwi. Tint HIU. I BIIHll. 4-2VJ4 Kn ('. Cot V.Mllr ( Ink rrrh. 211 o. Mill 1411 tin n. inib rmi t 3 w hi KMll line II. un. mi to. ih . Bloo Km Nrlx-n, 1 2 (XI R HI , Mioirl, M1M my Mrhnlt. 1117 L Kl. . .R1S4T I rrttrr, 1M0 M. Iltk .MI71I fchrffrrt, lit HMt oft tub: Sill W3 It's Here . . SKloifie Com.gig THAT gala time vlu-n tin: Ihhim-h arc overflow ins villi crailuatfn of oilier wars when lire- and parties ir he heein nlil liinclKiiii-, You'll came and poM-uame nith the came for honor. friend and meeting ne ones. I'ut our he-l foot fornard hv adding new aeeents to oiir ro tume. (kaiMohisiA. I TV v liriuhl oils ol hoi In lurk under add ehie to our! Ii an arran of or n eie lour ehin and frock Otlnrs. iii uiflv o iHiturn. or sthilion lit I .V.J i Your School's Colors at Your Finger Tips! Scarlet and .tram wool glotes, villi emhroidered back cure lo make a hit villi vour fellow mate. on I he 150 I.L lipn of noell glutei, with embroider; trim of Mint in, flower, elr. bri(ilit riilr i ...1.93 A new assortment of no ell grained leather hug. Knvel- ope, zipper top and handle type. Brown and black, a few wine. 81 ArrMorlr Mrfrt llwif ajiwm emu ft-u