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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1937)
THE DAILY NERTIASKAN. WEDNESDAY. OCTOUKK 27. 137 PAGE THREE .JkJ by ED STEVES NEBRASKA NO LON(;ER THIRSTIN' FOR GOOD QUARTER REINFORCE MENT. There are 11 men on a football team, but today we are concerned vith only one. That one is Thurs on Phelps, Husker gtidder of the veek nnd the busiest man on the squad. The heady quart erback not only passed his mates to win over the strong Missouri T I gers Satur day, but also earned himself a o in e belated nationwide giM fame. Playing on the same squad with John Howell, htl.. I... THURSTON PHELPS , Th' Nr ' rum Lincoln Jounni "a lnp Nebras ka spark plug, Phelps has had little, if any, chance to show his wares. Phelps Gets Chance Saturday. Saturday Howell was benched with a bad leg. Phelps was chosen to start. In less than two minutes after the opening; whistle, the Kxo ter flash had generalled his forces into a scoring pisitlon. It was then that he gained his recognition by that rapid fire passing attack. All of his spirals were to the point. Once he laid one into Jack Dodd's arms for a 37 yard gain and on the next play tossed one to Marv Plock on the three yard line, that netted the Huskcrs their lone score of the day. A survey after the game found that, aside' from Phelps' fine kick ing and signal calling, he had com pleted 5 out of 8 forward passes. His kicks bounced along sidelines, around safeties, back from goal lines; In other words, they werj plenty good. Enrolled in "Tough" Law School. Well, now that we've tossed him football orchids, we'll ted you what else the lad can do. The blond quarter came down from the little town of Exeter with only the small backing of the home town, but he had been here onlv shortlv when he had the backing of the whole school. He has left no stone un turned in his three years here. After being a member of Kos met Klub, the student council, and the University Players, (plus foot ball I, he was tapped a member of the Innocents Society. During most of this time when he was engaged in his extracurricular.?, he was working part time. This year Phelps is a freshman in law school. That college, they tell us, tolerates no more than four hours sleep per night. So, our passing quarter is doing double duty and something that few pigskinners ever do, play foot ball and go to law school. "They had me worried over there for a while,'' said Phelps, "but I guess everything's o. k. now, 'cause I'm going to pass my exams, I'll be glad when I have a little more time to study, tho." Has a Good Scholastic Average. His three year scholistic aver Rge is a little better than 85 per cent. Phelps is 21 years old, weighs 171 pounds and stands ft feet 10 Inches. In P'.xeter high school he was given all state honorable men tion. He is a triple threater and is probably the best passer on Jones' squad. Having earned one minor letter here, . he has only one more year of competition. Pittsburgh is opening a drive against too many intersectional games. Krom now on it intends to confine its games to eastern teams instead of taking on the "power house elevens jf the west," announced the Panther officials. "We have no intention of drop, ping Nebraska as relations with them have been very pleasant," nay the officials of the school against whom this paper cam paigned last year. Headline writers had a field day 'ith the Missouri game, writing many and varied head versions of the game. Two of these which caught our eyes were 1, "Mr. Dodds Goes to Town." and 2, "Pass from Thurston to Phelps, etc." BROWNE OFFJO SCOUT PITT End Coach Will Gather Dope on Panthers. Once again Coach Harold Browne will scout the Pittsburgh Punthers. Last weik he watched them tram ple Wisconsin, 21 .o 0, and this week end he has been assigned to scout the Pittsburgh-Carnegie Tech fray at the Smoky City. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN HAS ARTICLE PRINTED (Continued from Page 1.) book, it costs on an average of 86 cents to catalogue the volume. Such types of labor as filing, marking, classifying as to au thor and title, establishing difficult editions, and card work all come tinder cataloging'. Besides the la bor spent on the tasks, labor of a more general type as administra tion comes under the cost per unit book. TYPEWRITERS For Sale and Rent I'.aty Trrmt Underwood ELLIOTT FISHER CO. 1342 P St. B2535 Lincoln, Nebr. Spectacular INniALMA QFFKIfJfi "" iMUIflMl ULLIllllU nnrnnr n iium- HtVtWhL AbAiNM j . r WINNINGHUSKERS Jones Polishes Offensive That Sputtered Last Week at Mizzou. News that Indiana will be at full strength for iU game with Nebraska Saturday at Memorial stadium inspired Couch Biff Joti'es' Husker football team to attack its workout Tues day with gusto rarely seen lure. Still snia lug from its to 0 set bad the H u s k e r s last year, lio M c M i 1 1 i n's spec taenia r Ilnosiers. keyed to a feverish pitch, are re solved to give Nebraska i t s first defeat this y e a r. L, a x t with Cincinnati , 27-0. 6US PETE-RS l-'rnni l.lMn,!n Jcuroal. week they toyed U. and reversed it Tuesday's workout found the Jonesmrn polishing their oifeiise, which locked so drab at Columbia last weekend. In a 30 minute Kcrimmai;e against the freshmen, the varsity chalked up five touch downs, using passes and .straight running plajs. Injuries Worry Jones. Furrows crept over Major Jones' visage as he viewed the casualty list from the Mizzou fray. Klmcr Dohrmami did not report as ho favored an injured leg, but accord ing to Trainer A. V. Corned, the elongated end, who is game cap tain for the Hoosier tilt, should be ready for hani work Thursday. The infirmary dismissed Marv Plock yesterday after he had been there since Sunday because of r ceiving h severe, kick in the leg. Plock d .lined sweat raiments and merely looked or, as Coach Jones hied the Huskcrs thru their steps. Indiana Colcr. Indiana is one of the most col orful dubs in the country, said Coach Adolph Lewandowski, who has reconnoitered the Hoosiers for four consecutive ,veck ends. Fans, who have been bemoaning the fact that they are bored at seeing listless games, have a treat in store b y attending the Hoosier till Saturday. ftazzle dazzle tactics are used by Indiana. Its field generals are very unor thodox and call Itn.ivnnn 1 n ,1 plays frequent. LLpYD GRIMM ' J , ' I'ourirM' Lincoln ly. A picture .imiriu.i. from the Minneapolis Journal shows a Hoosier back flipping a pass from his own It yard line, a trick seldom, if ever, seen in the Big Six bund. Stars galore are found on the visitors' roster, but Colby liavis, 200 pound fullback, is the spear head of their scoring punch. He is a candidate for All American honors at fullback, and is well on his way to realizing this aspira tion as he has starred in all games. Davis a Triple Threat. He can punt, pass and run as Minnesota can well attest, for it eked out a H-0 win over the Hoos iers. His punts average 10 yards and have auled lnstrumenlally in keeping the squad out of danger. This will be the first year that he has ambled on Menioiial stadium turf, an arm infection disabling him last fall. Nebraska opens the last half , of Indiana's schedule, which has games booked with Ohio Slate, Iowa ami Purdue. Cenlie, Illinois and Cincinnati have been victim ized by the Hoosiers while the Golden Gophers of Minnesota have shoved them psii.e, 6-0. Whitney Martin, Associated Press spurts writer from K:nas City, foresees a defeat for the Huskcrs. whom he avers have no offense. The drab exhibition by Nebraska at Columbia prompted Schrivener Martin to make this startling assertion. McLcmore Here Saturday. Krom hither and yon will come sports writers to relay descrip tions of the nationally-important contest to papers over the entire commonwealth. Among them will be one Henry McLcmore, genial sports columnist for the United Press. MiLemoie was here last year to cover the Pitt fracas and it was at this time that he in dited an amusing yarn about the sower atop Nebraska's capitol. Swelled by an influx of knot holers, the attendance for Satur day's battle is expected to reacil the 3H.000 mark, for the second largest '37 home gathering. Min nesota's grid-making appearance here Oct. 2 packed 37,000 football devotees into the stadium. VARSITY BASKETBALLERS HOLD PRACTICE TDNSGHT The second varsity basketball practice of the year will be held tonight at the Coliseum, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. All varsity players and all men who are eligible for basketball are asked to report. Only 21 players reported for the first practice, and Coach W. H. Browne asks that more men report for tonight's practice. W" 'kL. H , It t M 1 V V fa rub. f ' , n O , - 4k Jack Docld is shown catching the Missouri pass late in the first qu.irtcr and running goalward for a 48 yard gain, from the Nebraska 6, One Missourian remained ahead of Dodd and succeeded in forcing the Husker back out of bounds. Nebraska won, 7-0. TEAMS LEAGUE PLAYOFFSJO DATE Sicj Ep. Sig Alph, A. T. 0. Advance Into Final Playoffs. Sigma Phi Kpsilon ami Sigma Alpha Kpsilon today joined Alpha Tau Omega in the intra mural touch football playoff by winning their final games over Alpha Sig ma Phi and Phi Sigma Kappa re spectively. Sigma Nil established itself as the favorite to represent league three in the playoff by winning their fourth straight game at the expense of Alpha Gamma Kho bv a 7 to 0 margin. Sigma Thi Kpsilon advanced in to the finals Monday night when they handed Alpha Sigma Phi a 14 to 0 trimming in the only league four game played. Phi Delta Theta and the Acacias won by forfeit over Delta Tau Helta and Kappa Sigma respectively in the other scheduled games. Sigma Alpha Kpsilon remained in the undefeated class when they won their filth straight game at the expense of Phi Sigma Kappa 13 to 0 last night. The Sigma Chi Theta Chi and the Phi Kappa P.-;i Zeta IVt.i Tail tilts were postponed until tonight. With such teams as Sigma Phi Kpsilon, Sigma Alpha Kpsilon, and Alpha Tau Omega already in the final playoff, it appears tliat there will lie some hotly contests games played before the intramural champion is crowned. These three teams have all displayed a scor ing punch superior to anything their league opponents had to of fer, plus a strong defense. Sigma Nu, the favorite to cop playoff honors in league three, has also displayed a potent offensive and has indicated that they will be very much in tho fight for cham pionship honors. C0KN COB-TASSElTcARNI-VAL OFFERS FUN, FROL IC TO ALL (Continued from Page 1.1 to learn." Ticket salesman sit h gh in their "boxes'' and make change cleverly. The nicrry-go- round "foggs out" its tunes that makes everyone from the town banker to the young first-timers sprint gaily to its march-tunes. Skill kI Science in Games. Put at the coliseum Saturday night the bally-hoo man will have something different to sa. "With a date, disappointed without date, or in general bad spirits, come on in. They're all having fun and there's plenty more inside. Watch Dow Wilson knock the milk bot tles every time, see Klmer Dohr mann make a basket with every ball, nnd by all means, watch Dave Pernntcin play bingo skillfully and scientifically." In place of that merry-go-round will be Ted Adams and his 11 colored swing ai sts. To keep the large crowd thinking of skill and art, Adams will swing out on a hot truckin' number and someone will begin, swinging into that dance craze that has stormed the campus At that point Reveral of Lincoln's best known daiye teach ers will break away from the car nival festivities to choose Nebras ka's best truckin' couple. Coma One, Come All. "And so, ladies and gentlemen, come one, come all. You don't have to truck, you don't have to rianre, you don't even have to be escorted," the man at the mega phone will say. "Buy your tickets here, or better still, buy them from the Tassels in Sosh Thursday or Friday. It's the biggest and best 35 cents that you ever skillfully spent." oosiers Inlwwiils UTigtw Pass to Start Ilisskcr TomHhIowii Drive ' si 1 ' ' t X .v4 ' f ( V 4 1 ( . Lcwunriowski Reports Hoosiers As Mosl Speclaciilar Opponent Indiana Claims Strong' Line, Good Passing Attack And Corby Davis. "Indiana will be the most eoloi-j ful club to appear on the Huskers' j schedule this year," commented Adolph Lewandowski, frosh coach, j who charted the Hoosiers in their game with Cincinnati last Satur- j day. Coach Bo McMillin's Indianaus will pei form on the Memorial stad- ium greensward this Saturday be- fore a crowd expected to approxi-1 mate the 30,0(10 mark. The Hus- j kers downed the Hoosiers last year in a heartthrobbing contest by a 13-0 count. "In Ho McMillin's opinion, Corby Davis, hard-driving fullback, is the outstanding P.ig Ten per former." continued Scout Lewan dowski. "He is an AU-Anierican candidate for fulluack honors and is a triple threat." WW Beta "Gamma Sigma, Phi Chi Theta to Announce New Pledges. A large number of honors will be awarded at the Iiizad Uaiupiet to be held at the Chamber of Com merce dining room at 12th and P o-.ii., on uii. iii o.ou p. in. The William Gold Keys will be awarded for the 13th consecutive year to those sophomores who ranked as the ten highest fresh men of last yea.. These keys are awarded thru the courtesy of Wil liam Gold, owner of Gold & Co. Announcement will be made of those elected to Beta Gamma Sig ma, honorary fraternity. This honorary organization corre sponds to Phi Hi ta Kappa of the Arts and Science colic Those who ranked in the upper ten percent of their class last year will receive recognition and their names will be placed on a plaque which U'ter will be hung in the hall on the third floor of Sosh. Phi Chi Theta, professional wom en's fraternity, will award the se nior, who, as a junior, ri.nkcd the highest in her class and who was the mo:it representative girl in the Lizad college. Allho announced at the Honor's Day Convocation last spring, rec ognition will he bestowed on the senior who won the Miller nnd Tame scholarship in business re search, tho highest ranking senior who will receive the Delta Sigma Pi Award, nnd the senior recog nized by Alpha Kappa Psi for citi zenship and service. "Please buy your tickets now so final arrangements can be made for the Bizad banquet,'' requests Kenneth Ekwall, publicity chair man. If you have not been con tacted, see Miss Shiefen in Dean LeRossignol's office or next Mon day tickets can be secured at the stand in Social Science hall. A DAVE IBAUX TOMTK h Lincoln'! fnvurltp tlMTr'll br fine crowd. Vi ilvmirp SAP (FFATURE DANCE FRIDAY) Tim Munllla Srn-nnrtrni, fiiillirril at Commit (.niT. Bring i i r I , Having lor 1'oui followed the consecut ive Hoosiers weekends. Mentor Lewandowski selects ltob Haak, 200 pound senior tackle, and ('apt. "Jick" Kenderdine, lito pound senior end. as the best lines men on tho outfit. G. L. "Lard'' Fowler is a punter of no mean ability, while Fullback Davis has a flare for pegging passes into the hands of his teammates. "This game should prove to be a battle of centers." spoke "Lew" as he examined a sheet containing Indiana maneuvers. "Miller is an extremely fine center and should give Nebraska's Charley Brock a j I busy afternoon this Saturday." The efficacy of the visitors' pass ing attack should forebode had news for the Cornhuskers. Forty four passes have been undertaken by Indiana and 21 have been suc cessful for a total of 2."7 yards. The Bloomington lads have almost a "i0 percent average in complet ing aerial heaves. DECORATED CARS ADD COLOR FRIDAY TO VAL LEY SPIRIT (Continued from Page 1.1 ill will move down ltith to K. go cast on K to 17th and down 17th to O st. Traffic will be halted on O st. while the pep parade inarches four blocks west to 12th. At 12th st. the rally will head for j ;f the stadium where Head Coach Jones, Coach Henry Schulte and Klmer Dohrmann, Indiana game captain, will speak. That everyone on the euipus may attend the rally ' d that each house may have as many cars represent msr it as possible, the rally committee requests that all houses delay their hour til after the rally. dances un- : PERILS OF LIBRARY j NO APRIL FOOL JOKE j (Continued from Page 1.1 j from 23 to 30 boxes of books were stacked because there are not fa cilities in the library with which to keep or use them. The basement of law college was also filled with overflow of books, and it is here in the utter lack of sufficient light, space and ventilation that those who wish to theses from work on exchange other universities must come. In the basement of University Hall is also another room used for the overflow of books, and it was here that the blushing reporter had to walk through the men's lavatory in order to reach the storage room, and in, Social Science Hall where another base ment room is allotted to the stor age of books, boys have poked their fingers through the beaver board partition separating the storage room nnd the lavatory. "We seriously consider excavating under Mechanical Arts building this summer in order to have more room for our books," Dr. Miller added, "and Dean Foster sug gested stacking books in the tun- Free Theater Tickets Leaded Bronze Gas White Gas IS'fcc Deep Rock Oils HOLMS 14th A W St. JWMte) Team - net of the heating from the univeisilv plant leading to the capitol. ; T1IKKK I UKSIIMKN CATCH .NATIONAL joi kn i,isrs km; Three of Coach Kd Weir's bril liant frosh gridstrrs, Vike Francis. Kdsel Wibbels and George "Bus" Knight, have caught the fancy of Lawrence Perry, nationally known sports columnist. Scribe Perry wrote a paragraph on the capabili ties of these footballers, and said he expects to see them carry on in upholding the national prestige of the University of Nebraska's football teams. The loss of Sam Francis nnd Llovd Cardwell bv graduation last year was an irreparable blow to the Huskcrs, commented Terry. But in the columnist's opinion, this freshman trio should abet the cause of Coach Biff Jones' squad next season. MC ILRAVY CONVALESGES According to the latest report from the hospital, Eldon Mellravy. injured Husker, is getting along nicely, and will ffcohably be dis charged from the hospital within ' a few days. During the last few days, he has been up part of the time, and seems to be almost com pletely recovered. "i Li iii: i:xriTi:Mi:NTr mm and believe nv 'The Prisoner of Zemin' is one of the most thrilling pictures I've seen. You'll enjov every moment if it. You'll see it at the STUART Saturday." Robert Lightfoot Mnnrt Ilminnmi o.y.,E'ic.'t:nt0ut You" Vf .... LINCOLII L . iY;-'fe:; fifl s rH ummtv r-i 1 Wm ,. 11 rFRii ' -Qni Plut football , , tjfm "CARNIVAL JaTltbO . ' LS-7 QUEEN" S,' 10c 15c Dob Wilcox Dot Kfnt ',L't'' . HURRY!! you Can Still Set I V' W "Wife, Doctor l"" andSrSC" EDDIE CASTOR U i" - ! mi, LORETTA YOUNG n hl C"" To Tow Ot WARNER BAXTER "AU B' cn"'1 VIRGINIA BRUCE Ff i tw.? j.,;, Intact . i; - ' ' ' -' ' 'J 'J..1I c -. '. Su'l'htv .I.iiirtiHl :itll H'm. 24 yard line to the Missouri 2 'V" . . Hurry!! Is Tll 'S-'ly! ! Ronton! Coirdy! "7MRRY THE GIRL" with M.ny n-.-,ni Huyh hU'brrt "LANCER SPY" HUi1!! T hf p rlu' tli il bl nuglit t-u ru t. 'i , Je.mette McDonald 'MMPUTV L'unirrTiM nnuuim l7t.Hmr.IIA "BAD GUY" only 3 tMi '" Martha RvV - n t ' 3 Sc. ..,.l