The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NKBKASKAN. Tl'KSDW. OCHWF.H 26. 1037 PRESS CLUB OFFERS Ajj Meal Judders Kiiumc on Top at Kansas Cilv I II ocietu It s By Johnny Howell Quarterback ami Mary Anna Cockle a-.v " p JOHN HOWELL AS MAKYANNA SKES IT. Last week-end forth a new and different combination, or maybe it was just a matter of who was left at home. Anyhow, Jan Garbcr, which by the way was quite the occasion, effected a rec ord turnout. Let us see, there was Clayton Ankeny. one of D. U.'s lawyer boys, who has aain re verted to pledges. This time the voung lady was Mavjorie Barnett of the latest batch of Pi Phis. And for the first time this year, Beta's Johnny Wachter was strut ting Alpha Phi's candidate for Ne braska Sweetheart. Kva Jane Sin clair. One of the Sigma Nu pledges. Gale Tate, did a very neat job of showing" Ginny Anderson's young sister. Lucille, around, while Dow Wilson ami Frances Goodwin pulled some fast ones in the way of tricky steps. Couldn't help noticing- Olaudine Hurt. Tri Delt. whose golden locks were set off by a simple dress of royal blue, mid Mary Helen Hustead looking very Harper's in some thing tailored. V JANE CATHERINE. THE 2ND. Delt's Lynn Thompson. whose motto seems to be "If at first you don't succeed, try again." has been calling Jane Hayes ever so often this year. She finally went to his house party with him. and spent most of the evening looking out the window at the capitol. The strangest coincidence is that Jane's middle name is Catherine. 1 can remember very distinctly of an other Jane Catherine at the Tn Delt house whom Lynn used to wax poetic over last year, but then what's in a name? ON THE AIR. It may not sound as exciting as being right on the grounds, but I've found that you car. have just as much fun listening to town games right at home. Quite a crowd gathered Saturday at the Lincoln where they could dine and dance and still know what the score was. And at the Corn husker. one of th- big booths was full of Delta Gamma's diagraming the play on napkins. The Rag staff as usual took in the game via the radio. HAD YOU NOTICED? As Joe ii Nataie from KFAB remarked. Nebraska has not scoie J a single time thi.i year during th. third quarter. Unlike b;idge. I guess it's not thud hand high, at this game. WHAT'S IN A NAME? There's a lot in some of the tags our campus bigger shots have col- lected. To cite two good examples. I might mention Bob Gannon whose current title seems to be "Dumpies" at least with the young er set. And then there is Don Eoehm whom everyone is railing "Duke." Make something of it n" you can. There seems to be a oen reason. THEY PUT THE COLORS ON. Phi Mu's latest addition to their pledge class is a little gal named Auair Bnttain. And at the Sigma Kappa house, several young things have deci'd to wear that shiny pledge pin. Nadme Young. Gei aldir.e Hubbard ar.d Mamio Thuis ton are the luck re-.comeis. tRandam, JaAfiwnA, Saw cigb.t Delta Gamma's j:i the "Drug' tfla v.eanr.g eigi.t vari-colored skull taj.s in cor.'.iast to th-ir sweaters Also f'-lt v-ry . ambitious in one of our duller 1-c- I turf-s and. by dint of ir.u.h f liruj ir.g. arrived at the following ion Humor: J2:2 pe:er,t of th- gill? in aid Ha.-- wore smiilnr .-kull rap. Wish we could 1;: . a i oupl-f-.ore w;!h har.g-abie ri oUns like on reen today. Right in the swu of la.-iuon with her three piece sn-esK,iy out fit worn with a -;;uc green weatf-r and wis L.n.- Weaver. Came Bell Ravn.or.d ball. The yiuare nownerj Robin H'ifH it. fitte.j vest, and iint hu.g ba v.-r-ro of fieen and erf-am woo! I'laid. Lfokf-d plenty na'ty ',o. Kappa'i Like Spec's. The K. K. G ' f-vi 11 r.tly b-h-vf in tr.f glasses of fa.duon. No'ik.i tix pair of Oxford i-( 3 111 th-ir err-up yesterday. Also rn-tt : ; ra! r.-ystal balls fin fh.-nris. 'io.i Infrcti'.n nhowed snap-hots of "bf-kt bf-loved n" Or IH i:-ee; d fip- r-f-xitei i'.or sttvl n!. Hii. 1 rysi .! ball fr.f!'w-'l a I'oubli.'t balp r.uti'iii;- a ki-.t uit of tv.;ii(,'iit biue f.n h V. d.,t, hall girl th- other day. I'age tl.f-old-fashior.f-d hatiakan f.oa.-- it' a jitar.rnr.B. inir.d- i us t- make p-lar.n, for a thiet pw. featmed in a knit siiop in Osnh'i The midnight blue fkirt was a plain stitch, with red ar.-ota Vf-.s1.. n-l a coat of midnight blue whi-h l-vokod likf Persian lan-b or ?.s traka when finislif-d. The unit hand knitted cost Yl' rmlena' an-i help from the shop ame to $2"i Always heard J"ronty guH f.iv-o.f-d nf.thing Mrorgfr than the "DnrgV f-f.kc. But bow about It.r-tx-rr jacket around find about ' CirlK- the practical xouls -s-ern to favor denim - but our heart is -t on Bill Gieh'H horv v of a brown corduroy bfr jaek-t. Glad they're no rul-.i against the Jacketn. anyw ;y. There' Clai in Shoes. I'.'f) f-asy 1o keep ni,Hn eai u, tb grooiid Dowadaya -an-l ey-." tof--with the gfMiAk.?.g I'. KOr ' pstl. W'c love the way thcy'n- 1 It ' up on the instep. And-pradical 1 or not the on tocn. Tne new I blue dubonret and green n!.ade ' ri Xasclnatlriif and re illv r-iakc n f!tfit. Liked Pat Peter: on "efficiency experts" in brown ! uede and kid. They're ties &nd an omart-looklng a thry are t u h AUntial. Altn the "npfctator J rpfirin" piirrpn In brown, riaw "Tiny" Munc-r. Chi ().. wearing 1 tome clever jade green nucde ox-1 AS JOHNNY SEKS IT. After Sunday's abbreviated so ciety column, I will use today's attempt as a clean-up for the goings-on at Columbua. Kirst. there is the terrific beat ing which the genial hosts of Co lumbia took from Nebraska. Ac cording to all traditions of southern hospitality, Nebraska visitors at various bouses were received with open arms and extended all cour tesies. During the wee small hours, however, from various dorms came faintly audible gromblings of "damn Nebraska" as the Missouri boys lighted matches over their beds only to find a Ncbraskan therin. Naughty Boy Page Towtiley, Sigma Nu. after being left in Kan sas City had to wire the folks tor a few cartwheels to buy a train ticket. The joker came when it was found that the folks didn't know he was gone from Lincoln. Wh.-U has happened to the old fashioned home ? Proud indeed are all Delta Gam ma's of P.uth Bryan Owen whose portrait adorns the walls of eveiy D. C. house. Some bright boys of Nebiaska barged into the house and proceeded to turn the place upside down. The gals stood ev erything until they found an ;m tographer poitrait nfive cents a dozen i of Lyle Talbot among the pictures of prominent D. G 's. And no Ruth Oven. . Going into long distance haul ing distance is Bob Hill.sebeck. Eob carted Jane Bell all the way to K. C. wheie she piled out anil had a whooping good time with Hermit Hansen for a couple ot days. Time tn go horn- found her sitting aloofly in the Ilill.sebeck ; vehicle out-of-T.obert. waiting for big-hearted folds with crepe soles. Gay and Ui'ferr.t were S isie Erai'ifonl's peasant sh.'es in brown suede w:t!i ' red and green stitchir.? and a big biass button on the side. But mo.-t of all do we like the f-ll-imneisal' "sad'ile oxforus." They're so j;o.,. for rainy weather, picnics, oi just campus comfort. Hone .-ve.;-o:- wear ; them until vei v iate 'thi.- Have Von .-,-en ill Aii'h.i Dc-ita twins new gr couldn't f,n-! tia-ni whim ins; tor a ci their i harm. Both r. hats? ' i. aite a ii. ge - ad' are :;ey to of jade gtc-rii an 1 Loth trimmed with ted and n.yal Hue gosgrai.n gibix.n m t.crv bands. And anoth'r kind o! hat - a la th- eastern and southern girl's ;;, l .o!s -tile keichu-fs ".-,: n pea -ant style. Ilj-.v about -i r.w fad b.ei. on th..- erimpu.s? A chan-.- lo; every outfit an I if.-y make mdi d.-mure fr.imes f,-.r th,. ;.i ,t hair stvl.-s. Notice I sev.-ial 1. a:!., r b -Its lately sti: Mcf with ti:a-- oi sm-tl;ir.g. giace r.-.r.i::' i.s 'if .:og coliais -seeon-i g!ai i--minda us w- tl like to live ..;,. And the sliuts v.itn st.;' !,-,l -.. s that res-;noIe pkats. Mains th" skirt flare very b-rommgly .1 i,t liear'i vkirts hie up to 17 !:. ix.-. from the Poor m t.h f-jg. M'.n.s nion- wink for Moi.'t i a .-.1m-strc-s.-: But ij-e the tc'lov.s tij-;! DR JOHN D. CLARK TO TALK AT BIZAD DINNER THURSDAY Continued from I'ate 1 '.e. Kb-ct:oriS to lii- -.. basi-l on a thrre y,ii 1..01.. - bv the svid-r t 1 oie .ne ir.a- The winner of th- M.ihr .'. Paine i.-searH) f( iioia h,p w .b o named as will th- r.-rip.-it of tl -Phi Ci.i The' 11 key. Jr-.-.-nted to the highest lar.k.r.j: sera-! -ni ;..t her n-corJ during b-r junior y-ai P.ecij lent? of the Delt . S".--iim Pi s. hoiarahip fe.-. awaide-i to highest ranking senior :; the lej;e and of the Alf-na Kaj.ji.i .'ned,il;iou. j.r to tne si rank'ne tops 1:1 seb ilar-hii tr. P I'-a-if-r.-nip. uiil be anriou:, the Muo.r.t body. Alsj to b t.ior.f-'i an- the r.i.'oe.i id Co are in the upper p if ti.-ir Ha.'.v Price of tr.e baiifjijf t is. .-' five 1 ents -1 t- nt f-f id-, Ii r- for otie semes' it ti.!. yais. Dr. t is v i a or;.-d 0 o tr.f uruvi-r.'ii'y by Iv,:;. am an-l offiejalf !!- woui-i not . -cr p; any p iy f-.r his m i vi-es -.'. , ,,e on tli- uriiv-i .vly Ja uity. and rr. lii'-r.-i.s ji bis Slav or. th- Af'-r lavir.z ti,- 1. !...( r.i'y a' tl.e 1 lost- 1 f lii" 1 i j ; t . n, -..! : last year, b- :.pi t t..u- I. n:'- jr. Wasi.,r.f.'to:.. D. (.'.. woiki.', m connection witn the ,-;;f;ial .--.t.-.-n..U-e of th- r-natf winch is .-.'.ndy..-. the 1 e re,,r. ..-.,' on of t.v.f-f.'i-;-il -tru.'i-i: Dr. Clark ,H 1 workf-l v. ah ir.m-bf-i.s f an a ivi-f.rv t o.nmittee in conn-fti-m tbf iiivesliatioii of 'jve; lapp;;. -overnn.f r,t oflices and burfaur Me is a nationally k.Vwn lawyi 1 and f-d'i' at or. and a o.fiif-r of a la !. oil f i(fi:;i,-.ny. II- r o iv.-l b .-t A. R. i.i-sii-i- froii. Ne biaska in VM:i. Ins LL. D. fKiiii Colurobia two lat-r. and h:s Ph. Ii. iies'i'-c from Johrix ilop kir.s in l'i:;l Ii'ailio Singer !f MAe Dt-liiil in i'.itin I Hoi.- Smith R.illew, on- of ra-no'x fav oiitf sin-ers of cov.U.y KonrK will make hiM ring debut in Lire oln thr-f wi-t-k-f-riii whin h- api-.ii.-; in "Wtntei-n Gold' at the Liln-My the tiler. Our Rental Department SAFETY-RENT-A-CARS Peaionabls price. Alw)t open. Fcrdi, Chev., Wilt; . . MOTOR OUT COMPANY E63I9 H2Q p lu Winning Papers to Appear! In 'Current History j Magazine.' ' Three prizes of $100 each for original essays and certificates of merit for outstanding radio pro- grams have been announced by the Women's Press club ot New York City. The three prize winning es- says will be published in "Cur- rent History Magazine.-' The .flOO prizes will we awanled for an essay on the achievements or an American woman, ;:n essay ( on current jiroblems of money and banking and for an essay on a plan ' for the attainment of world peace. Active members of Women's Press clui)S whether or not affiliated with the National federation of' Press Women and Members-at- Laige of the National Federation of l'rcss Women, are eligible to wiite an v on achievenients of an American woman. Living American women or ttv'se who wile active after lfil'2 .should Iv the s':lii.-et ol tb. which must not exceed 1.S0O wrnls. Amei. .in linyal L.vci Money, Banking Essays. in U:;n:-.i.. City. F-says on mer.ey nn i banking mav he sulimitle.l bv anv woman. .... v-vfi-rMANyposio 'a l Gramiale student woikmg rsSH - - - el College giaduutc. who ma- imv.i i .. co. ,, l. -ke - .! lor dot toi s decil e m conoiuit jore.l in economics or b.inki has bien five yeais in a business or prcfefsion. di Any woman bank otlnei or employee who has fir.i. hcl at least ( one years sjiccial study oi bank- ing either in i allege oi in th. American Institute of Ri:.k:i:g. Designed to focus r.ttention f oi one of the nm.-! nt.rt.'int ei o- . i.,. . i:oi:m j; I'oie::..-, i'i uie li,. i u.c c.-.-av is limit. A to S.'nio woi is. ENDORSES N. U. CANVASS Dr. Swayzcc Conducts Count Of City Unemployment In November. T :.. L::.. ':: Hi..:..! :'..:.- :'.- pi seed its ( mi;. ,f -,v,mv, I on the unen.pioyuei.t 'i:iev tnat is to ' n. ): of Lin-( I:- by D: .'. O. S'.i.ivzcp of t!i- . oil, j... of bu.'m-.-s .I'lmmi. iMtio:;. employ.i..-.. ; r.'in. e,:i !:. ;s . h ::..! .1 to g' t ii:. :.-i v. v.- :!; f.i.-t v.e. k r Nov.-:-,b i ari v.-; 11 pie. .-de by .w-veml d,y. the .out that will 'b.- made by" the ! ., gov.-; im.ei.t .". -i s:':.:;.ii !, .t -tior.wio.- suivy. Bv m.iking rr." co.'.r.t a:- rf Nov 1. f., ,1 .'..,-i--tieian.s will b- able to m.oi" ci,.,. ban.sor,.- b.;v..-n !!: t-vu . - . .:..!a. A: . ii;.- F.n i . ;.i :.: : '. . :.i..l . ha.T. b'-i oi . on.:: i -- : U d th- i !!.,..-;. ,:. :--a.u to Di S .'.. v. - s p- . t "The .!.:.:. d.-i i.'::.v c. -. -.. i vm. :.; (o'j: t b- .: :: -!-;!'.-!' by" th. i: . v ...... ,r. -o lo.:-;; th- pee;,!" ,. i....- o-o;. i:i :: it e:e: t . ii :::.- : ..'.t. l.o !.- V. !.,!' V f.- i . , a... j. .- f '.'.is i.:i. i ; to v .:! ( anv.,.- 11 - -: , :1 f.n.. a I 1 ha: a. I' m:ui FASHION REVUE I0!i!tilT 15 rrc-hwan C.rh Mode! At Hovinad Swnr.on'a Style Show. K:."..u fi-.,i. (-,.', .;; larH :p.-H ;-!.i 'lit- - at ti..- 1 . lii .;,! -.- ' ' ' !' 1 ' !.- ' r '.. 1 vi-r .; u '. 7 t- -it llov!. : ! .-r..i s . . Th- ,:.O.V v..! I... . I -.- Vll- il.l . ' il ..-.. oel, if i-i. I ol 1 Liu.,, 1 hoo. Ti." . :-1.' u. r.:.- - :.:. - .- -.-I I! l-v 1 - n. Aloha "ai ' ' 1 inn- V-!!.-::. a:;.:.., p:,. I't Alpha (1:1. - 1. i-.. . ::. Ln'b La!:.:,-,-, A ';!,' .'ii I - t -. I: hv::,:,i. ();, ' e. .. ,.t I.. -., A:;:- J v.. Ii. It a !.;!:. l-.ti' l-'i n ';:"!. - 1 l It 1 'I.:-! .1. .- -. i A 1 1 1- I bra. kir ; .:.: ... pt.i P-t.i ':,. . , ,.v .1 . . 1 I-'--", K !t- a Aij-i..i Ti.. 'a. lo,-I.'- S -.'.l.- i;: ;.;,o ....'t:,: V, I' Kar.;,ri K .: ; 1 Care,., !: I -n- ra;,., , !;,, ;.! , m ., La 1..-!. pi V.f .i pi , .;. L a -fi'.ro P.--: -. i hail. ar. I h 1 :-.r. Viiu-hn. bi:b L., -co'. -; ;n- pf '., i;,.... t;-,.- Of-it'-i ri'-l'.i I)f!ti ff.r.'itv f:...i,'.r -t La'! 1 nr.r, f-i rt.-:j:k .lo-.-Lively K I,.,,..- f,.,.,, t. , ,.. (i.-l. H- l.:oi 1 " :v -I 11 i.uieb. ; f ft'- i'.a' -f.r.jf to j-a'ti-.i from lor it v ' l.a.i in' ri .... In 'h- t l-M.- of I-,. Iv Wieitb-r p.f-view. piibh'.h-'l 1 V lb- vovernip'-i.t i-.f-aM.- r lain -ri. ; ; I'.ivid Ko-Ii. a ;;i a-.uate i'i.'-:.' i-i ' the -i- p;.fi o i-rl 1 1 ; . o; i:i ,v I. .a m ai'i-!- ,n "Tl.f .'.b-i-oo,;,,;.,. ,, A p- et5 of lia.l. oru.s 1:1 ..'. aaska " ONLY 31 DAYS Left to take Pictures for the ""1 1 a - - i 1 ; f" ; t 1 I f " I j,i- f s t v : " V ' Ne! a s group ol nu .it J' ul; (,s 1V ,.,,(!S!i,:;, ntv ,l;-eriiir iudg- ir.g. i nded viit.-lloii: ti.ll'.is He'll t,n !'. til,' i t' i ..,',, - TOKOMEECSTUDENTS - Graduates Find Well-Paid. Inlcrcstirifi Careers lii Their Work. ,, , ' ' .' '""'' hcn.e . . , p. i-. : p;o:. . . i Ui,M'' ,! ;-""'': people 111 ' i. '.t V. r I to" ;:..::! :n wel! l.f.' ;HV'r;- ''" - '': L.,'..-- ':i ":" II-.: Mi --. L i Cm o- X 1 5 bhs? 6j WALTEn r 'a , i.vv X Jr. 1 'lb 't, I". . (."''.'.' I?. . f- J A I. -.1 m m U KID IJ'-u.. J " ,,iy.('.b..i.'l CPtC.fcLABT.CUShy w..fl,,.W... . (1,..,,c .i,, . . .... ri:n-. I" " PLUS n.y- I y V. 4r4 I : aw I.t-sti-i nmaia ue ( e' rcme inn ' "! 1":.' I;sh was tie I for to;i mdi- vulu, '1 : conrg honors in the event v.lieie the b iys placed various i.n In the pirti'te uliove. Coach P.-vs I Miller of ammal hnsban dry 1.1 i.-.d Tn:, u.i I'lclb n are at the I' i sit y oi' Texas at An.-, tin v.-!i. : .- ' ... 'i Ri!,'. '.: ehildi en. l'ar hn.i and R.llv i at then- lam lies. s.v-r".:5M; ."'"'.'j ' ' '''";' "n' I i. MM!. ,.,iss D.,i,.thy Lmhsmgir s tin ! ,,ion ol'.ia' c as-i- '. At Vo:. In is, in Diy Moines. . K'o.s 1 ( 'rov. . w lio iias com- n'.ii- i bat gr i.i all th employees m ti-..' t. ii loom, a:,, I Mrs. Rath - i line R Ill' s Smiwi ai-- in iiarg". - - i Ildliico ill I'iliii Slill . . .;i;',':l-. ;:mr Line.. MuiLc-ncun- rule .c-Hcuif rule '!;, th a ,::id .I jliet ' is of se -.ti d n v. i: I f '..- :d and bv h. 'X . . t : " tne H.i-ne be fiVdl to :;:" i-iH.'iie in u- ;'U:--t t :r.i with ab-'-blt- f.-i.-hiv ii.-." mi .1 Tab. t.t in- Mo -i i.owyn-.o.iv r v.nt-r end isii.ik. .-pea i van .- ohlai ..X rX :X .. I XX " kX. X4' ' ....:;. !--.' A. t"X' ; -Vv'V,;; 1XX ui--W : . - , '. -'J- -a &y mijo make (I Ct. '-'- i:. i cut Ijy TH0W4T0TI -rn.fl! "" ' mot sen-. ueparimeiu, is pointing oui mo good points on a cut of meat. The: three teammates looking on beside . ;- r!unadcke are from left to right, ' Keminiller. team alter- nat"; Carl n ol KearneV. , and Tom Aitkca of Tcsuin.- rh. IN THi: !M liJMMJY. Marvin Plock, Lincoln. Lill Calhliaa, Grand Island. Ciomloccd. Hah Mac Rcngler, St. td wartl Don Marjd.inz, Pierce. Byron &.-i:llc, Paxton. who ii:il the ndaptiiti'in of the ! masterpiece u!, ii ii opi !..- Ne . 1 at the Lincoln l heate r. I "Not a single hr." of d aiogue i has b-rn adued. but Romeo :-i,d Juliet is nvu e eon.:,'.' ;e',-o; i : ; terj ln lh., f.lm ui.i'i is pos.'ab'ie on t. , ; :1-1'- '-1 .ow..s i i 'ace. Illmed c:..u ! 1 v a ; li.ii,' ,i: e 1 it to i wiote it an-1 into!.' 1 -ayed. I; 1 t:i--.--.'- At of ! l.v I,.,;-s b: o:::.' b .', k ;. : , i , blm i: -nd-.e. 'j'h-V :. In t ar.t th- !;i-;,t to , to v,,: , . th- ...n n ei ok wr. I v..!'-, it i..r a v !:- ..i. ' ... .km:,-. i,:,,';.. , ,! i : ,, k mi..;.... m-al at ti:e . i . .--v- '.w-.-4- '.i - WTil'X;- J,;. f f - ' f-M . .h : ::. t i " ( " r :" ! -'' ' j ; L t- " . . , 1. ir. -': 1 :. A--.. . ! , ')' wo'.v i; !:. . j .., : !...i,!y the :.. . t ...: r.y I ,, ,;j ur co;.y oft'- I'-.-t . -', players the best THAT'S FOOTBALL FOR YOU that (m at Tragedian and Washington University Coach SEE THE 1933, CARS y P.a;;. ff Color fill, f i ilmj; i d', rrtiv i.i. n ', .-fVKWirishe IC'ji. ,'ilil on.'bl'if Diu 'r --,o. ri' t snow in it'.Hf ' 'i h- tat', C.r t i '.lie f-f I be Fat uiday Kv-rmiK I''"' in ii y ' ' : " I. -'-" 1 1 - j C' I (' Captains of Competing I Teams Predict ! Goal Passed. i Predicting that the -1 -1 1 ehm : will exceed its goal of 100 inem ! hers when the membership drive draws to a close this evening, i iptains of each of the two eom i pctmg campaign teams ate striv ing hard to procure the most new members and be entertained, as a I result, by the losing group. At present the "Greens" side is ; ahead with about (iu new members and the "Whiics" tallying clos". i Mvlan P.oss is chai inuin of the "Greens" and assisting him is Kus Pficler, Fern tjlenn. P.ex Brown, Wayne Domingo, and Faith Benu. Head of the "Whites" team is Kd l'.ousek, assisted by Kd 7,ahn. i Kaihervn Cooiev, and Margaret ! Randall. i "Freshmen are responding veiy ! well. Most of the former 4-li niem : hers have jiuned." seated Kos.;. i Any former -l-H member or leader on Ag campus is eligible tn join on payment of 2."i cents dues pi r 1 vear. Some of the highlights of th. activity ) rog ram of the Hull 'sire the Apron and Overall party in the eiitci t;iinnicnt of -1-11 w inneis duriiij: Huh week, and a mixer on Nov. 13. -Mclvin Beerman, !esi ient ol the club announced that the oi-g.-, nidation lias a full all"!. ii. At the Hi:, ax of the member ship diive a meeting will be be . I when Kd Kousel;. Kric Thor. I Verne Fetei.'-on. Ralph Bush, an 1 .Mi lvi;i P.eerm.-ui will icport on IM.-ir nip to the Conservation of Rum! Rife confeience which was In i . lit Manhattan, Kas., la.t Week. !M u I 1 1 i K-iin Ini!Mir I'irnic Oct. 2.'i Fur !Iuir SliitJrn!' M.i F!i. I'.psdon. honorary iuusic li. !y. entertained sophomore, and : e.-.ior women taking it an indoor pit nic at the liV Mil'iir.c. Pccorations lii-' iii'H'.' imiiih.I nil! i -ibdlov.f.n theme. M;. Ma'oe Lie. dim tor of div- al enx at ion for women, ha I -en invited to b' come one .f fie- A !:.! i-;.!i members of the Ger- lean ..e.i. 'my of physical educa- tio.i. l.;'. ..V----s:-."C'-'-:; 1 f:c- at 1,U Vi:.Kno-.c;i tctni cf c:: , .!, to k:-k its v. ay f-ut ' f ''.'.. :.:: ;:-,:; l.'niv t -it y in - ' 1 ' :-; rV.VoH :- " :'!' i-A of a rercuv T 1. ,;'..!;r.a ...-.! -a!. at not, -1 ' v r r-..-!. You'll wear iM' f;i-:i'i-.. t ' V v:;"ii '7XH fxxmm A f X . 3