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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1937)
PACE THREE Jayliawkers Soar to Big Six Pinnacle With Two Wins TIIE DAILY NEBRASKAN. TUESDAY. OCTORER 26. 1037 HUSKERS 1GN0R E CONFERENCE RACE F OR HOOSIER II Plock Speeds Around End for 1 1 Yards Cewandowski Finds Indiana Prepared for Scarlet In Scouting Trip. PIG Knnfum SIX 8TAN1MXC.S. w I t prt - 0 rt. on n kumi in s fbr.k t 1 HSS llswurt 1 .son Oklahoma 0 I 1 .000 hn.. Mte 1 ." . Ste . ... t 0 .CHMI 'ririiik 1. Mlnrl 0. Kuut . Oklahoma S. r,nn If, Cirlthtnn 7. Prnke SO, low SIM (I. Ciftnwn Thl Week. V(rk v. Indiana at l.lnrnbi. Oklahoma m. Kant. Mali" at Manhattan llonrl t, Iowa State at Amrv hantaa n. Mlrhltan Mate At r'.aat I-an Inc. r I f 1 , Indiana is next!" That slocan was uppermost in the minds of Coach. Biff Jones Husker gridmen Monday as they prepared for the contest with l?o McMilnna Hoosiers sauircia,y at Memorial stadium. Besides looking forward to the Indiana fray, the Cornhuskers concocted plans for annexing an other Big Six football champion ship. At present Kansas is leading the race with two victories and no defeats. Nebraska is in second place with two wins, no losses and one tie. k Both Nebraska and Kansas play lion-conference clubs this week, the Scarlet and Cream facing In diana and clashing with Michigan State. The JavAawks come here Nov. 6 to test the Nehraskans and the out come of this battle will like ly decide the '37 conference king. Adolph Lew- andowski. who charted the In diana - Cincin nati battle, re turned to the campus with news 1hat Men- a uwakoowski ;;B off(T Lincoln Journal. ine HllSkerS an arid test. The frosh coach viewed the Hoosiers slaughter of Cinrin Tiati, 27 to 0, and this is the fourth consecutive contest that he has scouted the Bloomington squad. In defeating Missouri. 7 to 0. last week at Columbia, the Jones men came out unscrathed with the exception of lanky Elmer Dohr rnann, end, who injured his leg. Pohrniann, however, should be in line fettle for the Indiana fracas. Yesterday's practice was devoted entirely to pass offense, that phase which ' brought the Scarlet and Crci.m its victory tally against Missouri. Johnny Howell, who sat on the bench at Columbia, donned fwtU clothes and pegged long ac cur.'ite passes into the outstretched erms of receivers. Fhelpt Pegt Passes. Thurston I'helps. junior who so ably guided the des tiny of the Huskers last week end; Harris Andrews and Bill Andreson elsn ironed out rough spots in' their throwirg arn.s. Paul Amen und Hugo Hoffman turned in the best jnhs of plucking aerial heaves. ! and Coach Jones is counting heav- I ily on them to continue this fine , woi k against Indiana Saturday. At a group blackboard 1--; t ire. Major Jones stressed Mm k- j lr.g and accentuated the fad that i the Huskers' methods of using it i must improve if a victory is ex- ' pec-ted over the Hoosiers. The Mor-kmg in the Tiger game f-howed marks of improve-r.:-r,V. Little Marvin "" Mock, who made the tow lidowl and r1ra point gamst Mir.zou. Is in second j lace a ni o n g ,i!i-rrnce scor es with 13 lioiiits. the r- mi'.t of t w o toui h lowr.s and Clarence rioutias.s leading the pack with 22 counters. Olficials for the Nebraska-Indiana game are Ed Cochrane. Kalamazoo, referee; H. G. Hedges, Dartmouth, umpire; Sec Taylor. Wichita V.. linesman, and Ira C'armhers, Illinois, field judge. yw -W V-Wf" r v s v 1 i, " v - ,x v N v - V " 1 . i3l v,r5T s , N t i : f4JtJU iH- Out . ': v.V At-" . R"-.v:: ?u I- - 4 v ' '1 - "i ' : 5 1 i y- - .f a -h k . ' . ' - ' - - " 3 I . - Iv' ' . x", t . J x i ! ; . . f x , , . - - . - . ; ' " r I rt. - - - P X- Ix- - ' " v , .-X ' ' i v V . 1 ' , , x - : ve.i his .VliUi'.WW.-''"! Little Marv Plock was one of the big ground gainers at the grid interference, principally Gus Peters, 14 yards to the Nebraska 44. tattle i:i Columbia Satuni.iv On this play in tne Dvgmnir.g 01 ihe fouith quaitir. M.i , i-hi' WE POST AT HELM FOR INDIANA Gi FRAY Lanky End to Win Enviable Record of Graduating With 12 N's. Eight major letters is ihe en viable record compiled by Elmer Dohrmann, lanky senior end from Slaplehursl, who was chosen Husker game captain for I!'." . - braska - I n d i ana tilt Satur day at Memor ial stadium. Dohrmann has lettered twice in foot ball, baseball a n 1 track. Should he earn n u m e r a 1 s in these sports this year he will leave this insti tution with 12 major letters, a feat which few. if any. college athletes have rlntilicMi'd. As a sophomoie, Tohi iiiann was an un.ii'i study at end to Bernie Scheier. now playing professional football. He plays center on tlm basketball squad, ccntci field "n t'-.e diamond nine and pegs the lavenn in track. S'andirs ovei a feet 1 inches m height. Doli rm a nn is 22 yeais old and weighs 10. piunis. llapt lii) C.onvaloM'iiic' Allrr AiptiiltMli!iy I'e',. studir.t ci,-i, h of the Muster sTimniiiis team, is I recoverirg ficm sr. anp:id:cit:s j operation at Lir.'dn Geneial hes I pi'.al. Howi-vtr. 'Mas-'im expects to 'he in Mia e to swim lor the : Hui-keis. . v 'i f ' .. - E.OOHRMASN SIuudiA. 5" -4. ID S7iO CS . v Kansas Celebrates as Ja banks Take Lead in Big Six (rid Hare W illi Tm Vietorio. No I)efeal The ranks of in-kfeat tied teams rarrtnved figure Saturday that counte, oti your fmcers !exclud,ng the r-kr. : elevens v. ho.vr s, hcdi;' void of any gi . at c .?, j moved from t i pionshin bonno n,: olun: ern. ana Zi. inA ' 1 a"d mi ll, w n to a co"!d be and toes. O'A-n grid '(.;;.v Pe al rV.a-i i h; we. ': MARVIN PLOCK.'Cn J"ii-nl. 8 conversion. of Kansas is i were .ortnwf! Syracuse. Lomsana S'ia'..-. Eai vard. N;ivy. B.,-t'.n :. :. T. x.-.s A. k M.. Tular.e l:.:t rs and George T1..R !. .-vr the gnd r.i e w.d" o;k n aii i con tenders v. ,1 h evi i a f"::a of a tie f,t:ji h;.e r o: e th'irs r.'i Oitt side ,.;;.-f... cf (): I'V ri '' 't- ?;. :i I. .. i t.r..- Cstifornta. fresh from a Iri ump1! over the Tro,;.ri, losms as ths wcrt coar.t's p3w:rt,cuse and CL-'titrnrting ca-uliriste tor the national championi!.:o. U. C. L. A.. Washingten snd S'.aT'ord rerr.S'n c-i tre Ecrrs s "tc to kt'.p the contest in!crc:t'nn. Pitt anrl Fcrdh?m ?-c f3:trn fsre-s fciriclinq for f; hirer c';sri'.e their roc:r.t t!T.i!o:k O'i'o Vto'c lott to S'uthrrn CaliTf-rniS re cently, but j't 4 Nri'th, -r.'.ern to op:n the E- Tct C:ro-ie room. Syr.TCUi,e w;nt fie v.y of all "" tea. vis ty t.ut.rifig an ur"t at tht bantis cf f.rry land. Cc-.rge Henry Senior's New Hampihire erven unhr ralrltd and untested cm. nu'S its win n:rg way n N'.v L"cc-ci. hav in3 c''.dc:t:d Lcvm'I, Cites. Vairif, Cs:by and Vermort. Ya'e is ftill in toe runn;ng having jrp. tht um-ri:e t- i- ef the c.-rii'.r pa't cf the season, Cornell. , jr.rlerbi t rvi out a p-'crious oc pc.nt victory over faT''-l L. S. U. ' ; ' ui is 3'--0 e'.iiitunq Ko. 1 Kam honors by virtue of its record to far this year. Huzzahs and toys are running ' rampant on the University of Kan sas campus this week. There is good reason for ali this jubilance at the Mt. Oread institution as its Jayhawks are leading the Big Six football race with two vic tories and no defeats. The Huskers have also garnered , two wins and ni setbacks 1-yt ', tht ir record is stained by a 0-fi tie at the hands of Coach Tom ftid ham's Oklahoma Pooners. In the Kig ?:x conference, tics count as a half win and a half loss, so the Jays sit atop the giid scramble. A football quirk gave the Mt. Oread team a fi-3 triumph over Ok'ahoma at Norman Saturday. With only five seconds of play re maining, and trailinir 3-0 as a result of P'i!ph nordra-.i'.s iirst quarter placekuk. the Jays to.-;:; the air in a desperate f score. Pass Deflected. Receiving the snapback. Don Khlir.g. K. V. back, flipped a pass the end ?.o::e. and ftraiiscly !i..,:gh the ball sti-uck the hands of a Sooner ri aver but diflec'.ei if ir, ihe am s of .ml.a.N Coi-.' h Vce Gie.n ff:ocio'.:s Diake li! them after the P. clones. The race of Nebiaska and Kansas hs weeks was too urn Plate', s, and so thi v Drake, Tl-0. Aggies Creighton. Those trc.'..b;e-makeis haihr.p ti ii.-n "'itian. Kas.. Mentc-r hed htf idoi.s aiiti sent va State Cy- haViiig faced on siuces ih for the bowed to I ! ally ('.cmiinitlc Hrin Indiana l!all IMans All members of the rally com mittee are requested to meet at 4:30 in the Daily Nebraskan office. Plans for the Indiana will be made. All mem bers are asked to be present on tine. Wiltard Burney, chairman of the rally committee, said. MiEGEL DEFEATS SIMMONS: ,s n Kansas At cs to "ji.iha la (Vi.idi March:' Dluij.ivs. The the tducjays' thex.'c: hra v.art7's plia ked 1.V7. Cnif iai F.ic Si:; -hraska ;i i. e- i.' . H-.m,-;5 ("r.: .: .:a:i i'. .. K::r,5 .1 va i,';-t 5 I'.-or.'S ioi1 f.'.'C'ln. ir.alf v.ith.. ut the Ai .ei -c an S.ii.i V !. rs the ( h hicl 1 week to .ont Sch Wil icats feathers. imenls for week. :- t tas". n McM.ji.n s s a amped minded of . I'lay.r.- the in A S( : vices of A ii aii. is. the Husk- --' this S'.cIT.i Ua who V. cek. he e Ihe am s oi l ., Amen: e, sijihonio'e Kansas per former, for a touchdown and the Hie Six lead. Held to a .scolders r iate the previous wee!:. On'h K.ff Joti-s' ii,.:k. arcse jrorn '.he:i il.ndi.i. to hend Missouri it s fust Papue HAcrse by a 7-d count St; tun 'ay ft Coltm.'. ia". Marvin Plock t'...k an c -sv shallow pa'-s from Thurston 1 rain.-' late in th r' oua'tcr to s,:f,:e. and th-n k.i .:! the extra pent for the only tallies of the ir.iv. CIS 1 p, n... to oi. ail. ti-0 I V.V.h the n 13 p. M .zzou :id of tins rtion of . ii'.ar.aped Fl Will. Mi.-so t.-n. Th to a f at the the ill ! : n.-k.'io. mis 1.r at An-cs. i tu p., a St.-t. . f, at of la-t v. ; Kansas S:a" CM" tWO O It 1 .-.s tie hall followers blush their hero Joe !"- a strength from Wheaties. Notables Speak. Gieat and dignified r.ames spon sor products in national advertis ing:. Ingram's "cool ami concen trated facial miracle4' is heralded I v Kied Allen. Boost in c Clox is Cla-.idette Colbct. recommending Lux are Ectte Davis and Merle Ol.cron. Kri and Palmolive. besides the my.-ticid power of numlxis, hel:x-d the Quii.ts to fane. Quaker Puffed Wheat gives Shnlcy Tem ple r. r hri-l:t, winning sn.ile. Tcp.pmg the list is the as.-ur-ani " giv n wo; i led stu.'.er.ts in the siatcti . nt by Paiker fountain )tn nianofa. tuiers: "A college prcdes .or i ed that often it if n't thi ir brains, but their pens that run rt.ey. lausmg failure m cla.-.-es and exams." Husker Pugilist Decisions Golden Gloves Champion At Kansas City. T'se of effective bead hooks en able! Charley M:erfl. Husker pugilist, to outpoint Jack Simmons. 124. Kii'.av night a1 Kansas City. Weighing 131 pounds. Miegel ex hibited his cuile to iieeision the to think that j Kansas City Golden Gloves cham- gn g-.-i ins ,,lon. The Hti'ker txixer. a finalist in Die National A. A. V. touiney at Boston and at the National Gloves mit toumainent in 'h Windy City, assured himself of a triumph by winning the third and a1 round. fW4 ftOt 1'""Ot Jh4 to 15 ruh.hs potatoes ltom 2,"( pound. "Skilled mechanii s. engineers, aitoi.s, aiid ce:e mo:e than the 200 rubles per iuoi few lcc.ive salaii. S'" ae-coi ding t ne.l. H .lf of the w than tr.e a iage - s 1cm rubles." per pound, and to 4'j rubles per managers, authors re aveiage of h. but only a in the thou 1'ean P.ossig :l;ers get less nie ha little as oi e 1 1 -iv.. f ililah' ma r--! bat a :ll ' o : ill. KariM-.s 1ak s a junket pan Sta'e. the f ggtrg; beat Mi7.ze.ii. 2-d. a f. bac k. At Lawrence b am from the car s K. V. 41-0. l' . ar. at f.ts last 1o Michi tion that w weeks last fall, the ate smothered S.".ir ups' ts t d at. t ." vr :'t d t! a I'll' - e a ." r'tr.i.e'r be" oW. in the c il.iahona s and win 6i CZECH CLUB NAMES EDWARD VACEK HEAD .r. untniv VTPPTTON ai Iiun.i I f.",riil f.iTis (Conlinued from l'age l.l i ociptilon': mholnstic ability, are given. Sorrie!to -td these si holarships pay the stu- ; ,,u-a Siat tli-nt 's entire tuition, board. rifl lndiioia, 1; r.K.m. while others pay one-half or . r(.,;t ,rr. h ot.e-lourth. About two thousand i (-im imi,,i , H uderils of Charles university have these scholar.-hlps .and approxi mately one thousand of them pay the full college expenses. The Czechs, us h rule, are good Undents, with a large percentape of Cr.i"h students making honors convocation on the Nebraska campus. While In CrechoMovakia. Mr. I'udeJt visited the home of his prandparenti and found the coun try extremely baauWul. He a!d that he hid the experience o j walking in two cour.tne it tne name time with one foot in Czecho fdovakia and the other on Polish noil. He also climbed, into a dugout in Poland and came out of it in Czechoslovakia. this So, the deavh of these two col lege ntudenU may result in the Having of many other Uvea of atu-tients. Kan; r r las', five f to f'vii :" to 3. rnttin; th .Isyhawk'.! in a ti v ,'h Ni-hia-i-1 for the Big Six title ra-e. f'hio State's 7 to (I win over No.Mhvurt'TO v. a called by this co'un.n, but surprised many ji'ir.a? State .-;-ci!-l hoioecemn' g I y a l!"i and I'l'alie- whallci.ed r.u to (l. Patur .lny's foe, pi tin r varsity on the v liiie the rubs sum ar'-.l ':" to 0. I'i'.t plus Bigpy Gol.ibi ip look Wisconsin out oi the compi t wit h a 21 to (I victory. LtU bioh nd dry after dizry week end and unbitten try the ddeat bug are Ntbriika, Yale, FonJham. Pitt, Holy Cron, Da'dmouth, Villanova, Vndcr bilt, Alabama, North Carolina, Duke, California. Colorado and Baylor. Thit column took its wortt htatina ef the eaon th; wttk with 23 garnet ca'ltd right, 19 called wrong snd one tinglt tie contett. Thia make the average for the week come out at a p?r erntaga ef .547, lowest of the aeaaon, but who earn? Juit tt long aa I tan call Ntbratka to win by tix points and they pop uo with a vtn pjmi lf o. k. with me when the Husk-rs come out tha big end Of the victory horn. 6E0.C3Y SOCIETY HOLDS 1 . PLEDS1NGF0R11KEK Si'nia Gamma Epsiloo Gives New Members InstrtJCtions. Pigma Gamma Kpsilon, honorary Ceoiocv fate niltv held its f il -t j :.i mei-ter pledging Thuisday night. Kict. 21, in the club' roomg in Morrill hall. I'ledgcs were given i their instructions for pledge week and quizzed on the fraternity's history. Following ere the men pledged bv the society . ..y evening. In the- armed pei-vice of h,s coun'ry f'u r..'.re than a Hand of a century, the general net'.v i!eoteo l,;s tune to iiiakllig til ad. s against war . calls it "a racket. ' looked upon as equally Mprulii-aiit is the address by Will L'uiant. author of tiie popularly le-u-J "The Ktory of I'liilos.jj.liV' end "'Jhe ;b.iy cl Civilization." Hui int will tab; to the t.-ae he r s on j iobl. ins of evi ryday livirg. Kaculty nienibirs a:.J s. i.icis in the 1';h lu es colli pe aie Im ir.f giarited tickets to the meetings. Louis Ball. Omaha. Bill Homey, Lincoln. Joe Johnson, Llnco'n. Virgil Baker, Curtis. Robert Gutru. Newman Grove. Lee Cornelius, Pickrell. Wilmer Shirk. Lincoln. Theo Kubick, Table Rock. Chester Brown, Overton Leo Hunt, Fremont. TEACHERS TO HEAR WILL DURANT SPEAK 0 AT ANNUAL MEETING (Continued from l'age l.i York university. In addition ther are many lesser lights who will appear on the convention pro grams to supplement the addresses Advertisers Promue Students to Save Teeth, Friends, Suep, Grades, Everything But Mosey i Continued from Page l.i also. I Maids of honor fchocld im bibe Sal Hepatiea and try th''ir own luck. ' InsoniniaiuHtics" should oiperimer l with Ovaitii.e. I'roulh istruken iarniiiF find consolation in Morion's lodiw-d Kalt for at least it "alv. avs pour s " Anxious spinsters learn to their j t)Jlt Il iltl lllrll I lie v.ljt ill n jo.iii n heart is tlnu a Toa-1 'ua -ter Toaster." K".arated and iurluin lover s lemeniber that Tel. phone and Telegraph advi.-c. ".cay it with Uo-A'ci." (fi.tlerrie n roe t!ie l'.ar basol beauties admitting "I've got a weakness lor Uaibasol faces" and scramble into the drug i-tores Inrioeent university rtuuents LAWYER S' DIGNITY TAKES EEATING AS DERBY CIRCULATES i Continued from Pape l.i are vey good, for instance thi ' one. The professor of a class in criminal law was eliscrssirg lar ceny and cmtezzeme!!t. After cit ing a case, be af ked one of his Mu dents if it were an example 'if em be7.7denent. "No," replied th ficshman. "Is it en example e,f li.ieeny?" pursued the prof. Again, "no" was the answer. "If this isn't a case of either emrx-zzl'Tnent or larceny." patiently prodded the 1e-ae b''r "what is it ?" Why." said this very embryonic lawyer, "I'd call it just plain stealing." While lh. reporter was in the law library, a very lemiinne senior came m and askc. lor a noon oi ( . wssion laws. "Whrt year?" a."ked ; the librarian. "What years do you j have?" Fhe flashed back, i They Took Him in. ' Many appropriate remarks o! Dean Foster are still bung re-pe-atcd. A re-cent one attributed to him was of a Uiblical charac ter. A j southerner came up north and was ; badly in need of money, so badly m fact, that be asbented with his i t yps open to a swindle in whu h he wais the victim. The Pean was re I mmued of the quotation from the lEibie "He was in a strange land l so they took him in." i LIBERTY 1 OT i t; . . . ami V.f Tift AAi titutt .f t- Da? I ,f th,- (Utl II . SMITH BALLEW u M T..ll visit a c't F j w oi 'it C' S'r "jf. . S F Olt vr ,1 Mf. Vsn ' Plu 'FOOTLOOSE HEIBEiS' w th ANN SHEPIDAN FAST "d FLP.IOUS FUNl "SMILING IS EASY FOR A CASHIER 4 'A My njinw n I fl r'tlU- Wimi ant- n tiie ri.vfi kr mt iUr Mu mn I fnd r-hi ft a I p i im In hatpin'. I hrinK l-r!rnninl. mi h't ' m tip . I f "1 n Pr1n r of Jt oV' M r'ftll. ,..IL, It m!r 111! t thr Mu ml rU Sal 'THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" . . Ihr.lMnf hi-,fii H' now: i "Wife, Doctor and Nurse" LORE7TA YOUC VARER BAXTER VIRGINIA BRUCE NOW! VJ & f, incQtn I RUSSIAN LABORERS EARN TSN UOLLAKS MONTHLY SAYS DEAN (Continued from Tape l.i suit, from V0 to 412 rubles; felt to TiO rubles. Food Pn&et Low. In a direct contrast to juice on dothing. the pricen on f..od are relatively low. another n-nw.ii why the Kussians survive. First trade N-e-f is priced at 7 to 12 ruble-s per pound: sausape, from FRIDAY! ! 'THE TOAST of NEW YORK" Cpv CBT FPANCES FAPVER JACK 0XIE EDWACD APNOLU J Liujhil 11 f Laught! I ! t Laughs! ! ! "Marry' The Girl" w .th VABV BOLASD ml&m Htf n e p T 11 '-Cm A A'JEP f B A K M'MttM ALLEN JESK INS A'to i l "LANCER SPY i5c5i33ni!E!20c I Fr.tfjy' I ' Scoop l, lh. Ktd.Blii.ri frnm f.nt f.f Kth e. nave UH1I' lirilils I uuciv u i.-.-i iiv vicdory. etpecially Hnd share with their fellow teath en their successful experiences, philosophic, and classroom tech nic; uea. Keynote of the tssociatlonal meeting i the quet-tmn: ""hat shall we teach our youth, .ncj bc.' murhT' mat tne answer, wna rumblinps of war reverbfraur.p around th earth, and with ail manner of new aortal and eco nomic trend, will be difficult to r'jpply. ir r:lf e ddent. General Flaya War. Mrt looked forward to, la the addrcsa by (ienerai Eutkr on Fri th e vaiyiriR pWdure of Santa Cli-iiis fating Whitman's choco lates, t ibing in a I'hileo. or piving typewriters, Camels or Prince Al bert tobacco to fortunate.. Ease- Watches Cleaned $1.00 I.Tain Springs 51.00 Witch Cryrti'i S5c "d 2x WORK GUARANTEED L. R. PRIGGA ir? No. K JEWELET 117 No. M Where Students Eat YOST'S CAFE 132 No. 11th r ,- stfXXs-'v Swell Short (jbjecUl Toot