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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1937)
iu;e folk HIE DAILY NT.BH VSKAN. 11511) AY. OCTOBER 22. 1937 ED SWES . jfam2 t 4- 1 HUSKERS STALK BENGALS AT MIZZOU HUSKERS MEET STRONGEST BIG SIX OPPONENT IIUSKEKS ST15II' MIZZOU TIGEKS" OK S TIM'ES Throe weeks ago we picked Minnesota over Nebraska 13-7; the pcore was 14-9, Nebraska. Two weeks ago we chose the Huskers winner by 21 points and the Jones boys won by 14; this was our closest deal. Last week our con viction was Nebraska 13-0 over Oklahoma and the Sooners tied us 0-0. So today vc tell you the method of our success. Now take this Missouri-Nebras-! ka tangle that conies up tomorrow .it Columbia. How will that come out, we say to ourselves. Now most people run out and buy up ' all the latest grid magazines to j look up gridiron records of the ; two teams and their prospects. Or they traverse the vicinity of the sports minded people for common opinion or sometimes they cheat by asking the respective coaches about the game. Was Original System. Eut now take us, do we do these things? No! We line the two elevens up side by side. We look at them. Which one has the prettiest colored jers eys, we 3ay? Well, led, on the whole, is the best hue, so the Huskers usually get our vote. We used to use the eenie meenie tninie moe system, till we forgot the cadence and then we stooped to a simpler method. Sometimes we add up all the jersey numbers of the first strings of both sides and then divide by four. When the two results are obtained, we pick the home team. Bengals Due for Slaughter. Other predicting strategy comes by running to the nearest caking house and counting the cigarette butts in the booth ash tray. Thi.s determines the score. Then we have one of our companions think i with his fine of a letter of the alphabet. If the s h owing in letter he names comes closer to I punting and "Nebraska." then we take the 1 play selection, other team, or versa visa. Despite rumors Or then sometimes wc just line that Adna Dob up a couple of U hall cockroaches . son or Bill and dubbing one "Huskers" and ' Pfciff will get one "Foes," let them battle it ' the starting call out for game honors. ! t h e starting So, using a system not yet di- lineup issued vulged to the public we pick Mo Cency Jones' battling Cornhusk rrs to play the best game of their season tomorrow. And unless the Townsend pension checks come thru this week, the Huskers should win some 20-0 over the Mizzou Tigers. That's our story and wcre stuck on it. Remember the Shuckers have lrarned their lesson and have been working plenty hard, scoring 12 Authorities Favor Nebraska1 in Crucial Loop Game Tomorrow. j Intentions of this column were i to write some A No. 1 predictions i ! in verse style a la John Lardner, but the hustle and bustle connected with getting ready to go to Colum bia for the Tiger taming inter fered. Mebbc it's just as well. However, one of these days you'll have the pleasure of reading pre dictions in rhythmic measure. . . : hram, it's starting already! After tapering off with one of j Comluiskcr opponents get the the most "satisfying" workouts of following rating this week: the season, the Nebraska Corn- 1 NEBRASKA won't have it easy huskers began packing their lug- at Columbia, but MISSOURI can't gage for Columbia, where they match the Huskers who'll take the will stalk the i tilt by 6 points or more. Missouri Tiger. INDIANA will coast in far The Big Six ahead of CINCINNATI as a warm content, which j Up game for next Saturday's jam will get under 1 boree. way at 2 p. m j OKLAHOMA, inspired by Its holds a major I deadlock with Nebraska, will portion of the ! squelch the bid of KANSAS for Huskers' con- : BiK six honors. ference fate. ! PITTSBURGH Student at Weeyan i Takes (.lliarge of Wolf I Creek Airway Station ) Wayne Talmer, senior at Ne braska Wesley an, will replace A. G. Topil, second assistant at the weather bureau, Monday. Mr. Topil has been transferred to Wolf Creek, pre., to take charge of an airway station there. Mr. Palmer's appointment re sulted from his achieving a high score in the civil service exami nations, which he took last spring. His position will be that of junior observer. will successfully Missouri has emerge from their stalemate with t wo of her : Kni-dham to run circles around three starts: I WISCONSIN, one to Colorado, IOWA should nose out MICHI State 1 l-U and j GAN in one of the Big Ten's clos one to Michigan cst games of the day. O A At I . -W- T- ...Ml ...... . I. mil unDto., "rI "'" 1 !Na3 9IKIC will iitKe inc OILV. MNUKtSONJ an,.cra,0l . . .... ..... i,..-,-. ' .imirna'i. vvon 1-i-V. Thus celebration for CREIGHTON. far the Mizzou team has cxhib- ( DRAKE should hand IOWA ited power to spare and loom in . STATE a defeat, but the Cyclones the Huskers' path as one of the 1 mav .surprise. tougher barriers. Preseason dope i : had the Bengals and Oklahoma i ! listed as the twin threats of the . ! Big Six and slated to give the Ne- , braskans a run for theii shcckels. I Reports come from Columbia that the Tigers have been work- : ing as they have never worked i before, pointing for the defending , : champs as the high spot of their i : 1937 schedule. The Mizzou lineup will be intact, it was reported yes- : terday. Earlier reports had it that a crippled Missouri eleven j would take to the field. ! Bill Andreson will replace the injured Howell at quarterback. j The former won his spurs last week against ; t h e Sooners yesterday in cluded Lowell English at his rpjnilnv fninrd spot. The ro- PAUL AMEN , ., ,. . Courtfsv Lincoln t u n d Lnglish j.nimsi. has been ailing from a slight in jury and has reported for the last few drills a la sweat suit. Both teams have been well stocked on the other's plays, and consequently have spent the week drilling on special defenses to halt touchdowns per night against the the opponents' drives. Nebraska fro.;h. Huskers to Risk Riclit lo ielorv C7 . Bell in Columbia With the Huskers and their fol lowers tonight will go the Nebraska-Missouri victory bell whose possession Nebraska will risk on the gridiron Saturday. The bell, almo.'t as traditional ns the game itself, has a, long and interesting history. It first ap peared in 1S98 when the Phi Delts and Delts. living together at the time, took it from a Negro church near Seward. The Phi Dells claimed possession of It. and in the ensuing years the two frater nities fought for its possession so hotly that in 192" the nnivisity lnte"ccded. Rivalry Bell Recast. Couch "Pa" Schulte suggested that the bell be awarded annually to the winner of the Nehrnska Missouri game, in recognition of the long and friendly rivalry be has been all fire for the last five ! workouts, scoring 12 touchdowns j Tuesday against the frosh and , making a carbon ropy of this per- formance Wednesday night. As one member of the Scarlet team expres.-cd it, "We're gonna j ! make up for that tic last week. I so pity Missouri!" The last Husker workout, which i lasted until almost dusk, was , j under the direction of Coach Har- old Browne and included Mizzou I offensive exhibition and snappy i passing practice. j Leaving by train tomorrow aft- ; ernoon at G;30 o'clock the squad I will arrive in Columbia at 6:1") the I next morning. A short rally on the i sation platform m noon will be i held by an 60 piece student bund I plu.-i the Corn Cobs and Ta. scls ' and students. Critics are giving the Huskers. the usual victors of the annual riv alry, the edge, but are also allow ing the Et ngals a fightinc, chance to up?et. l Paul Amen, versatile former Lincoln high alhl"te, was chosen ' game captain for the Mizzou tus sle. Amen will start at end. where from coast to coast : Alabama to stick in the Rose Bowl groove by taking Ueorge Washington. . . Arkansas to smear Southern Methodist . . . Army to parade over Washing ton .. . Baylor to eke out a precious win over Texas A. &. M. in the southwest's classic... Detroit to bomb Boston . . Co lumbia to crush Brown . . . Vil lanova to bump Bucknell. . .Cal ifornia to win by a shade from Southern California in the west coast's super-colossal ultra-mag-mticent attraction . . . Temple to take Carnegie Tech by a small margin . . . Duke to add another tilt to Colgate's losses, but it'll be a sweet contest . . Colorado to crush Colorado State... Yale to turn back Cornell on the re bound, but it's a long shot . . Harvard to defeat Dartmouth in an Ivy league feature . . . Flori da to beat Mississippi State . . t-ordham to take Texas Christ ian in Gotham's biggest show of the day . . . Georgia Tech to smear Auburn . . . Penn to clean Georgetown . . . Lehigh to lick Gettysburg . . . Holy Cross to crush Western Maryland . . . St. Mary's to outdazzle Idaho ...Manhattan to make merry at Kentucky's expense . . .N. Y. U. to play track meet with Lafay ette . . . Louisiana State to con tinue on winning tide despite Vanderbilt, but it'll be good... Michigan State to mess up Mar quette . . . Notre Dame to sink the Navy in another eastern top-notcher . . .Tulane to squelch North Carolina . . . Ohio State to remove Northwestern from the undeteated columns In the Big Ten's No. 1 game . . .Tulsa to trip Oklahoma A. A. M.... Oregon State to reverse Oregon ...Princeton to put Rutgers in a rut...lexas to trounce Rice (Ed. Note: Pretty please, D. X make your Longhorns win as I'm getting tired of missing your outcomes weekly and we're all cheering for you) .. .Catholic U. to slam St. Louis. . .Washington to stem Stanford .. .Tennessee to trip Siwanee. . .U. C. L. A. to whip Washington State. . .Here's hoping: Best longshot tip of the day: "Long Underwear'' to show! Nebraska Fans W ill Flaunl Red Quills at Mizzou Columbia's campus will bloom tomorrow with hundreds of red "N" feathers when Nebraska stu dents pour Into town adorned in the traditional symbol of Corn huskcr loyalty. Eob Wadhams, president of the Innocents society, sponsor of the red feathers, an nounced yesterday that feathers are available to all students mi grating to Missouri at Gold & Co, "We want ..the whole student section at Columbia to show its colors," Wadhams said, "by hav ing each student wear a red feather to the game. It adds much color to the game and will serve to remind the team that the ctu dents are backing them in spirit, if not in numbers." The traditional (;uil!s may be secured anytime today at Cold & Co. Wadhams urged nil students attending the Husker-Tiger con test to keep their feathers until game time "in order to make an impressive appearance during the game." Feminine Sports Scribe Chooses List of Winners Carolina; Northwestern and Ohio State will ' play to a tic -that's about as close us come to pickin; anvone could the winner; Ore- NOW!! STUART TO FEATURE BIG APPLE DANCE SATURDAY Lincoln Colored Couples Will Swing to Torrid Rhythm at Midnight Show. Swinging, truckin' coeds and their boy friends arc catching the merry, mad spirit of the Big Ap ple riancc craze, and pianos in all houses arc taking a terrific beat ing. Students will have a real oppor tunity to see how the dance is done by "them as really does it" at the midnight Jamboree at the Stuart theater Saturday night at n:l.'i o'clock. The rifk of Lincoln's col ored couples arc being used for the event ani the original Big Ap ple Danre Band is being brought to Lincoln to furnish the music. Advance ticket sales for the frolic have been unusually heavy, and students planning to attend are urged to secure tickets before noon Saturday at the Stuart box office. The Daily lowan's columnist ob serves that often the best students are those who know their profes sor's idiosyncrasies. By June Bicrbower. Altho last wtek's net total of 34 right, 7 ties, and P completely wrong was nearly as good as the previous week's results, we're still moaning about picking 4 out of 5 "specials" wrong, among which Nebraska and Oklahoma figured prominently. However, Minnesota and Michigan performed in grati fying way to salvage one of the five. Headinr. :his week's bill for Ne braskansi., the Huskers' clash with the Missouri Tiger, which has been tamer than expected this year. However, Mizzou's hospital list has shrunk visibly as Ne braska's has increased, and with the advantage of playing at home the mule boys should play their best game to date. I'll take Ne braska, tho, by the skin of its teeth. Kansas Over Creighton, Kansas State and Iowa State go to the Missouri Valley conference for their weekend opponents, the Wildcats engaging Creighton, and Ames takiiig on Drake. Kansas State should win over Creighton, but Drake will take Kischcr-less Ames. In the other conference game Oklahoma's Sooners should beat Kansas. Ala Alabama will wallop George Washington; Georgia Tech will nip Auburn; Arkansas will Clown Southern Methodist; Army should take Washington U. of St. Louis without much trouble; Texas A. & M. will edge out Baylor; Columbia will add to Brown's hu miliation; California will take an other Rose Bowl bound step by beating Southern Cal.; Carnegie Tech will" beat Temple; Indiana will warm up for the Nebraska game next week by crushing Cin cinnati: Duke will beat Colgate: Yale will beat Cornell; Dartmouth should win from Harvard: Ford ham will put the silencer on Texas Christian. Holy Cross will beat Western Maryland; Michigan will nip Iowa; Louisiana State will come out on top in a close battle with Vander bilt; Michigan State will beat Marquette; Syracuse will beat Maryland; Notre Dame will edge out Navy; Tulane will take North W'alch I Smnrl Crou d Co for This! 8 1 gon State will beat Oregon; I'itt ! will boat Wisconsin; Rice will nip Texas; Princeton will heat Rut gers, Stanford will edge out Wash ington; U. C, L. A. will t.ike Washington State: Villanova will i i,eat Bucknell; Santa Clara will wallop Loyola, and St. Marys will subdue Idaho. Hurry Ends Saturday!! 77i'' His Sln;io Vioir of llii 4 V' i ' ,Vir .Scnsoii.' ta Til n 1 In P.M. 20? tf rVe nol fonUn! Hip c:iyrl cnl-r-tilnm nt In wrd.:! "Wife, Doctor and Nurse" nllli i mil i t vol v; nvi it mTi it IIK.II 111(1(1. EXTRA I lln! swIi'k: Mii ! n Ih Mill Rrillnn nml Hand M PKM." I! -i.j n: r.O( ItV MOI VI IN l.ltNJl I It ' 1 W rra fun ir,'li ., Y liosc i'A fie.vt V '1 mi.r ''jt- THE JONES bdfjBdl FAMILY ?S "HOT WATER" incolnJ Saturday! , M ami: "MARRY THE GIRL" Miry Found Hunll Hcih'il M s.-lij Aurr 'p. Fi.vik K'cHliqh Celebrate with the Gang at the s 1 1 y N Bfif Starts nil Sun. a, Mi( SONJA Ml ir, HEME Pi "One In A If I MWon ,ip Plny'.ng "INTEHNES CAN'T TAKt- MON t ' RARBARA ctANWYCK JOEL M'CREA pin "As Good As Married" oji&ViON OUR STAGE! I irsi i nut; in LINCOLN 11:15 axil Tin! Irrnrhd. rii'f Inkrrh"it (I n n r rrt tv rkht out if tlri doll tli. THE ALL COLORED 4 UMNbEW V ff Willi IV Pirl ll rttlttrri rtitiplr -1 r;th prlc tt ) ..f 1 Ml OIM H I of (I- vill i s romp tnc; fur thr Iml li'n of IMC M roi.oiti i "HK. rri.i; ltnnr Orrliclr. All Seats 40c S::li ntn rrrkrc TAKES THE AIR KENNY BAKER i featured in JlcU B'-nny'i B'f.Tl;.irt) JANE WYMAN ALICE BRADY FRANK McHU 0 ll i fa ) si 10c Mat. LIBERTY tween the two schools. He had j he has shown all s.ison. both in the bell recast, and the original , defensive and scoring roles. Be was discarded. First possessor sidns his football, the dark haired was Missouri, who had wen tin- flankman jiImvh baskctl;;.ll and V.I27 panic, but they kept it for ; bas"bnll. Just one year, because ihe Husk- j Probable starter pis won in 192S and have not lost Minuri Mnce then. Jnnoeinis society has charge of the bell, and will display it en the field at half time Satin day. If Nebraska wins or tics, the bell will come back to Its resting; place for the Inst nine venis in the V rlnli- ' M.ihin . .... it t.. ; 1...M Munu m lunula. ii iti i jii I i v iii.. iiiu ucii Mnmti t.'ltj ,. Kirk . lV!wr Murmv KlmiUin will stay in Columbia until braska heats the Tigers. Nc- M:in4lialn Nriirl.u lr tnrn .11 Milrev IS M.-hrlna , c . Hrnrk r I ii"II'i rt Ilnvk r1' Ilohr imllil ib nilr-in hl Dudd hb AndrrMH f b alllhan TOUCHDOWN REWARDS W give the team A J1.50 PUREX PIPE for etch touchdown nmde thu season BIO LEAGUE CIGAR CO. 1 12 So. 11th "Altho theie is a much lauded Aniericr.n tradition of 'working' one's wav thru college, the fre quency with which students have , actually been able to earn their I maintenance dining the four year period in which they completed the Bachelor's. De;:ree is so small that to attempt lo do so may.... be considered poor judgment." - C. L. Murray, Registrar. Ball State Teachers' college, Indiana. COLLKGK ;UU)S CAN 'LAND JOBS AS DA TK ESCORTS Many business men and indus trialists prefer college trained men in their organizations, hut tarely does any occupation exclude en tirely employees who have not at lemled college. In Washington, however, there is one business which employs college men only. The National Escort Bureau, which furnishes -for a price personable young men to escort dateless women to the capital's night spots, will not consider any applicant who does not have a college background. So. if Htiy young college man looks forward to picking: up a little t.tra money by serving as a professional escort, lie may well appreciate his opportunity lor col- . lege training. ! Incidentally, the National K.s I cort Bureau is strictly business and no monkev shines. 15c 10c Last times Friday . . . "Charge of the Llqht Brifladr" plus "She Asked For It." Another Top Notch Pair of FIRST RUN Films Starting Saturday, October 23 "Texas Rangers" "The Plainsman" and now! . . . Adventure with a "G-Man of the day's of '49! . . . Sent by President Lincoln to wipe out the Gold Shipment Bandits of the Wild Old West! Radio's Singing Cowboy SMITH BALLEW Six foot five of fighting hc-man ... the newest western thrill star . . . your cowboy favorite Number One of Tomorrow! In Harold Bell Wright's 1 r-. HERE ET 15, GANG! Thv Mu:i l Nil Thnl tt ill 1.t Xou'sr (wiiyn nml ) nn'sv i.(tl Nv IHHIU.U DOUBLE FUN! DOUBLE ROMANCE! DOUBLE HIT TUNES! DOUBLE EVERYTHING! Plus fast and furious fun in this comedy of a gal out to get her man . . and no holds barred! WITH RNN ShERIDkN CRAIG KYNOIDS ANN NICCL V., ik ui riciui 1 J mm! IJM ST1JIIKXTS II V Amuiuncv Tlw Completion of Our Now Mo!krii Koofli Sorvire Designed for the Convience of Large or Small Groups The Best in Food from Chili to Steak Dinners New Wurlitzer Phonographs for Your Entertainment Come in at Any Hour Day or Night r We Lost the Key Long Ago fiCr.lE CHILI PARLOR Corner 14rh and 0 Sts. Starts V:?yt - SATURDAY V .r t One! t 2 Til, TIM S.-IMI T ' - ! . jVf Klilitif. hie iinMlnw f ' FLASH! LISTEN TO THE GAME WHILE YOU DANCE Football Special THE Lincoln Hotel Presents Sat. Afternoon Football Dane Direct Wire Play by Flay Reports of the Missouri Gam 1 Featuring :en nelsen AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing Start uith the Kit koff 25r Prr Pcrnon r rs I! J Off J L mm S I ......I 'I I.: '- 'All tu llurrvt I'nil Tonlti"! "THE BRIDE WORE RED" J..nn (HWMdHII Kmnrhut TON Y. Kolwrl V(l NO STO Hi ns: .Strictly MonUcy E'sinps.; "AVIATOR SHORTY" . Cnlor Cartoon EDUCATED r:sH" I