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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1937)
r All's - hum iWt Daily N IRAN Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska L with, Sarah Louise Meyer YOI XXXVIirNori9: THEI)AIlV NKBKASKAN, SUNDAY, OITOBKK 17, "193; TILT ENDS IN SCORELESS TIE Gentle Kain From Heaven On Players Gridiron, Thespian. The sob-scene that the skies pulled Saturday made the day a trial to two cultural organizations, the football team and the Univer sity Players. Except that the lat ter braved the rain and the cold so early in the morning, and of the evening, and that through a leaky roof, the two groups have a great deal in common. Both, for example, went to their wntorv craves with musical ac companiment. Both, too, had meaty inha for several the eridiron va riety being beef. Both played to weather-stripped houses. Both were graced with the presence of Johnny's big brother. Blue Howell. Both, also required extensive pre-performance "getting up" by the participants, in dressing rooms that make all lives open secret. Both used complicated equipment during t he show, cared for by a crew of athletic underweared or otherwise pro tected slavies. For both, in ad dition, time pre-play and be tween halves was characterized by sparkling dialogue and snap py stories, the only difefrence being that the players tell tales on themselves and the foot ballers. Open Door Policy. werv once in a while some Temple visitor or stray male cast member will whip by an inoppor tunely open dor in the girl's dress ing room. Ensues a full-voiced wahoo. and a scramble to get be hind the nearest article of attire. The footballers, too, have their troubles. There was the trip to Ames, for instance. By some evil chance, it seems, a party of passengers passed ! through the team section of the j train, with women m tneir crowo. They burst in on the boys as they were peeling down for their tumble beds. Johnny Richardson was puiltng his September morn lost in a book in the very middle of the aisle, others were familiarly unadorned. Someone's startled warning, "Low bridge!" came a bit late; the ladies caught many of the lads yet en route to their berths. It is reported that one older skirt, her hands widespread over her eyes, ogled, "I won't look." Pa On Parade. But a lovely young thing, fleeing physiology in the players' stronghold, rounded the corner top steam into the coaches' car. There she came upon Pa Schulte,' very much W. B. O. C Without Benefit of Clothing. Disdaining the hasty and undignified retreat of the gridmen, Indian drawled impatiently at the thoroughly non plussed lass, "Well, come on by:' The Players have their own legend en Portia Boynton, trouper (Continued on Page 2) ECONOMIC EXPERT TO ADDRESS B1ZAD HONORS BANQUET BARBS WILL DISTRIBUTE ACTIVITY POINT SYSTEM Velma Ekwall, President, to Meet With Point Leaders At Four Tomorrow Point leaders from organized John D. Clark Will Speak Oct. 28 at 40th Annual Dinner. Mr. John D. Clark has been se cured as principal speaker at the fortieth annual Bizad Honors Dan nuet. " . 1 .!!. .V. 1 The Honors oanquei, wnicn is to he held at the Lincoln chamber nf commerce dining room at 12th nnd P streets on Oct. 28 at 6:30 n m.. is the most important social even of the Bizad college during the first semester. At the banquet will be the awarding of the Wil liam fiold Rizad Kevs and Pro- fpssor Fullbrook will make the an nouncements of elections to Beta r.anima Sicma. Honorary Bizad t'rnterriitw The speaker. John Davidson Clark, is of wide repute in eco nomic circles. At the University of Nebraska he was a member of (Continued on Page 2) SIGMA XI TO HEAR BLUE PRINT SALESMEN TO ASSEMBLE TUESDAY First Issue of Engineering College Publication Appears Oct. 20. All salesmen and distributors l Olllt icauuia barb houses will meet with Velma for tne Nebraska Blue Print, en i V 1 U.Aal- 1 KKwaii, Daro awo wu t"cs". oHneerin colleee publication, win t$TL saS00Barb ac4- meet tomorrow afternoon in the tivity point systems will be dis- Blue Print office, room 103 of Ne- trihnte.1 and each Doint leader Will hrnakn hall be expected 10 Keep an aui under a new setup oi uwuiuu nnintx earned bv the girls in tn he inaugurated this year. in her group. subscribers will receive their copies Leaders for barb gins wno a o publication rrom me saies- . . HnA..inAy1 htMloa. will I ' . U . tViAi, tMirhaQerl not live in uifca,llcu I........ , men i rum wnvm .. oe seiecieu i wa'w o i i ne oiu sianu m itrvii.i.. WoHnpsHnv These etoups will not v.,,! then be discontinued. ... it ftf I m .I t i . . nnint be formed unui aner me ccm First issue oi uie diuc mm the probation period for activities. tnia vcar a scheduled to be out Wednesday. Harry iangsion, sen mnnairer of the magazine, re quests the following men 10 report at Monday's meeting: Gilbert Golding, Wayne Weigert, Francis Loetterle, Charles ttDerune, naroiu Twnhnil .lames Riisness. Bernard rialtnn Harold Bisnop. frann i"Me vma Smith. Eldon Wiley vvii - Jack Dowling. Bill MileK, urvuie n Pnrpnce Mcwnorters. aiiu Kenneth Garner. WADDELL TO SPEAK AT ALL EHGMEEiai ASSEMBLYTUESDAY Civil Enaineer Addresses Students on Future of Profession. PASSING A J TACKS FIZZLE AS TEAMS FLOUNDER IN MUD PEP CLUBS CARNIVAL GUILFORD AT INITIAL SESSION Psychologist WiH Discuss 'Vectors of Mind' at Meeting Monday. The first meeting of the year for the university chapter of Sig ma Xi, honorary scientific fra ternity, will be held Monday at 7:30 p. m. in social science audi torium. The feature of the meet ing will It an address by Dr. Joy Guilford professor of psychology, who will speaK on -eciois oi Mind." Dr. Guilford, one of the most recent developments in psychology deals wun me an alysis of intelligence and person ality in general into sets of pri mary abilities and traits. The mod ern theory conceives of the pri mary abilities and traits as a sys tem of vectors in an all encompas sing space. By use of the factor analysis method vectors can be determined, and it is this particu lar phase of the science that Dr. Gulford will discuss at the first fall meeting. nr I A L. Waddell. interna- tinnailv celebrated civil engineer v j - . im , has been selected as me speaR" for the all engineering convoca tion in Mechanical Engineering siiriitnriiim Tuesdav morning at 11 o'clock. "The Present Status and Future Pmsneets of the Engineer ino- Profusion in America." will iu he Riihieot of Dr. Waddell's Recognized as an outstanding ncrinfer in such foreign countries as China, Japan, Russia, New Zea land, and Italy, Dr. Waddell is won known in Nebraska. In 1911 honored bv the university for his achievements In his pro fession and was presented witn an hrvnorarv doctor of engineering de- e lion nn this occasion ." Mechanical Engineering building COMMITTEES TO SET Tl MCIG TEST RULES Members to Make Final Plans in Daily Nebraskan Office Monday. Callihan Stands Out as Only Ground-Gainer; Merreil, Huddleston Star. Sloshino thru fimr mmrtprs rtf eruelline straight football nlaved in a cold, drenching rain, the Ne braska cornnuskers and the Okla homa Sooners fought to a score- loss tie yester day in Memo rial stadium, as 15.000 sopped s p e c t a t or shivered in the stands. The underdog Sooners kept the Husk crs back on their heels d u r i ng most of the came and dur ing the last few minutes of play mn.! the onlv BILL CALLIHAN serious threat Pmm I.ininln Journal Of the lrailld on Nebraska's goal. Punt Partially Blocked. Takinc a low pass from center. Bill Anureson, who did the quar terbacking most of the game, got off a kick on his own 13 yard line which was partially blocked by an Oklahoma tackle. The ball passed the lin of scrimmage and it was first and 10 for the Sooners on (Continued on Page 3.) uuimn.fc l , .... ,oti- have was officially dedicated and the -""rrin ad- speaker was present tor cere- esPeCiallv for this party and mony. Dean O. J. '.erguson the conlt wmch wU, be one of college of engineering will invite ' .ttrartions The dance members of the Nebraska section of FORMER TRACK STAR WRITES OF ORIENTAL W AR HORRORS Glenn Funk Entertains Self By Dodging Bullets, Viewing Dead Mea. mm yrt. t ail . Mr.Hrtnw h wrilUm to inm Hnnry hrmmltr Or l.lrna tank, farmrr Hlkrr l.unr. Ur Konk la wllh UK I. H. marine l r r- l in mrtrmt, vhm mr hmt hrrm lnit Dear Coach: I started to write a long, long time ago or maybe it Just seems such a long time, but ?o much has happened in this shoit spare of time 1 find it hard to write at all. The connections are very por with the outside world 1 haven't iiad a letter since the war started our mail is shifted from Manila to Kbs and back again tinil we may have some pretty ancient news to read some day. I suppose you would be Inter ested in hearing about my trip over here I rode the waves wun the best of them but war news eenui so much more present-day over here I'd be wasting time describing the nitrhts on the ocean or Janan. or the Yellow Sea I'd better ret to the business at hand the war. War Sneaked Up. Thi war sneaked un on me was busily engaged in having the best time of my life. Its so very Interesting over here. 1 emoy sii' tintr for hour iust watching peo pie walk by. lis me nrsi lime in my life I have had money enough to really go and do as i piease. All nf the clubs., riding stables, cabarets, and shows rt-ally en lovable. I knew the war was upon us about a week rcfore things broke nn in the noilhern area. Of course. with a landing party already in Shanghai, we knew it wouldn't be quiet down here very long. The Chinese really started the Shang hai trouble killed a Japanese of ficer or the Jananes made him an r.fficer after he was killed. An m- (Continued. on Page 4.) Rule o-overninfi- the "trucking is contest at the Com Cob-Tassells carnival ana nance ui-r m ana game, Oct. 30, will be drawn un for publication at a joint com mittee meeting of the two pep clubs. Monday at 2 p. m.. in the Daily Nebraskan editorial rooms Ted Adams ana nis ii piece coi the American Association (Continued on Page 2.) of . 4 snsssr NEBRASKA FARMER'S Pi COMMITTEES PLAN NOVEL DECORATIONS its many attractions. The dance has been scheduled as a hilarious reiehration of a hoped for victory over the invading Hoosiers, &aiur day, Oct. 30. in nrder for all nimble footed dancers to prime themselves, the regulations. will be pumisnea wan out delay. A set of competent and imhiaoeH indp-es will also have to be selected by the committee, altho it is unlikely that their names win be publicized. To make this affair a true dance (Continued on Page 2.1 P. B. K. ANNOUNCES SLATE FOR CURRENT YEAR Dr. R. W. Frantz to Address Alpha Chapter in First Program of Series. The Nebraska Alpha chapter ol Phi Beta Kappa, national honor ary scholastic fraternity, Saturday announced its program for the coming school year. The iuitial program of the series, which will be held in the University Club rooms, will be given Tuesday. Oct. 19, when Ir. R. W. Frantz of the (Continued on Page 2) Ag Students to Select Queen at Annual Campus Party October 29. pnmiriiiwi have been appointed and plans have been launched for the annual Farmers' Formal to be held this year the 29th of October in the activities building, ainvon Gustavson and Naomi Kicnmona, co-chairmen of the event, nave disclosed that this years formal will be centered around a unique nian which will include an unusual entrance to the buildine. favors for the ladies and refreshments wrved after the ball. rvmnlcji will be admitted for 75 cents and one of the two must be an ag student to attend. The center of attraction w-ill be the Farmer Formal queen who will preside over the ball. She will be chosen at the door by tne men attending the party. Committees at work on t:ie event are Harold Benn and DeLoria Bors, decorations; Ruth Bauder and Don Maffdanz. publicity: Earl Heady, orchestra; Nila Spader and I.ois Giles, presentation; ana ienver Cray, tickets. PAL DESCRIBES GRID TILTS TO BLIND IIUSKKR FOLLOW LR Ewald Wartisholz Hears 1 Picture of Action In Field Below. One of the Nebraska football's most ardent followers has never seen the Huskera in action, altho he has spent many afternoons in the crowded stadium cheering every gain and suffering at every loss for the boys in scarlet ani cream. He is F.wald Wamsholz. 21 year old blind pre-law student. While the announcer in tne press box is describing the details of the game to his radio listeners, a less professional job of descrip tion is going on in tne stanas where a roommate is picturing the plnv to Warnsholz. Wamsholz ani Albert Drval are both from Garland. Neb., and have roomed wUh each other five years: this is their w-ond football season to gether. Honor Student. Warniholz. nh" stands a lanky 6 foot 1 in his stocking feet, fol lows every doing of th eastern sports woild as wen as oi ine Huskers. With a remarkably oi dcrly and ret-nt:ve memory, lie catalogues in his mind stilts statistics of every soft, and is able to recall a scoie or a particu lar play from games four and five years back A sophomore here. Y.v spent his freshman year at Creighton ur.i-. versity in Omaha where he turm-d his a't tent ion chiefly to studies, pulling down SO's as casually as other persons pull down window shades, and holding the position of highest ranking student of Ger man in the language department. P.ofore he went to Creighton, he attended the School for the Klin.i in Nebraska my. lie pians to practice co:.stit'itio:,al lav . Wins at Checkers. When he is not listening o a World Scries game or transc hImi.i; his Braille class notes on 1 lie type writer, Warnsholz likes to plaV checkers. He has a specially con structed board on which half thu (Continued oo Page 2) r i