THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. IKIDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1937 PAGE TTITIEE Societu By Johnny Howell Quarterback end Mary Anna Cockle JOHN HOWELL ' AS JOHSM SEES IT Touching indeed was the fare well party given for student pub lication big-wig Murray, Wad hams, Clayton and Linch as that quartette left for a convention In Chicago. Present at the affair was a girl named Mary of Chi Omega who, with a young man engaged in instructing university students, succeeded In getting two tickets away from the nonc-to-steady Mur iny and Wadhams and were all set for a pleasure trip to Chi. As train time neared, the boys of the Nehrssksn were tearing thru their pockets for the necessary ducats. The instructor and the young Chi O, however, returned the tickets in time for the boys to make a flying dive at those high backless stools which are so convenient In modern streamliners. Harris Andrews, to whom we give the title "neatest looking foot ball player," got wise with the 3 Athletic Business Managers office Pjg the other day. Andy marched into the nffirp nnH announced his inten tion to reserve seats for next year's football season. Very ex plicitly he was told that tickets for next year could be reserved by mail. 'in the mail next morning came a postcard. Not an ordinary postcard, mind you, but one about two feet by four feet, addressed to John K. Selleck, asking that seats be reserved for Hams Andrews. They tell me that Andy looked ex ceedingly sheepish next day when he walked into Selleck's office to see if everything was in order. The set-to betwixt SigrA Nu Jack Bingenhrimer and D. G. Bet ty Davidson continues but I think it ain't bona fide. It seems she is hovering between seven or eight Beta's and the lone Sigma Nu. I definitely think the affair resem bles that of the 10.000 Swedes run ning thru the weeds pursued by one lone Norwegian. Bing is way cut ahead, sav insiders. THIS WEEK END. Friday. Beta Theta PI house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Saturday. Delta Delta Delta open house 4 to 6 p. m., chapter house. Acacia house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Delta Tau Delta house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Delta Upsilon house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Zeta Beta Tau house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Raymond hall house party, 9 p. m., dormitory, open. Phi Gamma Delta house par ty, 9 p. m. Phi Mu house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Sigma Alpha Epulon house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Sigma Kappa house party, 9 p. m., chapter house. Sunday. Alpha Tau Omega buffet supper, 6 p. m., chapter house. charm" on all the girls in order to sell subscriptions to the Cornhusk er Countryman. IRIS Johnston tieking down to the infirnie.ry each day to see Dar ren Bauder. EVELYN Brown and Willie Stonobraker seeming to be that way about each other. MRS. LF.NEEMON, the house mother of the grrls' cooperative house still wondering who the A. G. R. was who answered the phone, saying, "So it's you, up to your old tricks again." FARM HOUSE actives journey ing out ag-ward to borrow the ag cafeteria silverware, after the pledges had sneaked and left the rest of the boys without spoons to eat their soup. Sorority pledges at the Univer-1 vinced that the quickest way of sity of New Hampshire are con- losing five pounds in ten days, is I to go through "rushing." OUT AG WAY By Betty Flory. The cold wintry breezes have blown these "tid-bits" our wav to day and here are some of the latest ag' sights and sounds; RALiFH Fltz using bis "super BIZAD GROUPJEARS HALE Delta Sigma Phi Pledges Seven New Members. Merle Hale, commercial engineer at the Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph company spoke to members of Delta Sigma Phi, Bizad profes sional fraternity, of which he is an alumus, at the chapter headquar ters last night on "Modern devel opments of the telephone indus try." Those formally pledged to Delta Sigma Phi are Victor Jscobson of Sioux City, la., pledge president, and James Crockett. Davenport; Neal Hadsell, Guide Rock; Orlynn McCartney, Lincoln; Dale Mon teen, Wahoo; Rolland Welch, Man ning, la.; and Robert WestfalL of Lincoln. OMjitiiv DRY CLEANING jr SIIIIITS BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED Only lOo WITH BACHELOR ROUGH DRY r Flawless personal appearance is largely the responsibility of your cleaner. Evan's Dry Clean ing restores that new, smart appearance. Let us keep your wardrobe in top form. 'Sort ing U of IS More Than 50 Years' Located on 12th St. Just South of Campus. Expert Typing Reasonable rates. Enperlenced at Ohio Linl., Berkeley Calif. Unl., and Unl. of Nebr. Accepted and ap. proved method! of preparation of themes, theses, and radio skits. Popular rates. Call F-6139 aftir 7:00 P. M. Wear An "W Feather to the Oklahoma Game! Here's Where to Get 'Em Co-Eds Kampus Korner Fella's Men's Store AS MANY ANN SEES IT Your date book will look more like a telephone directory this sea son if the deluge of house parties continues as it is this week-end. Terhaps it would be easier for me to tell you who isn't entertaining than to try to include them all, but here goes. A GOOD BEGINNING. The initial party of the week is at the Beta house Friday night, so it looks like we're off to a pood start. Then Saturday, the Tri Delts are having open house fol lowing the game an opportunity to drop in for food and dancing. DOING THE ROUNDS. We just must give Oklahoma a good run for their money and then some because everyone has been counting on celebrating. You might stop in at the Acacia house Saturday night. They're having a circus with peanuts and pop corn and even pink lemonade. NEXT ON THE PROGRAM. The Fiji's I've heard will have plenty of punch at their shingdig. Anyhow, haven't you been just dy ing to see their house since it's been redecorated? WE CAN'T MISS THIS. There's nothing more fun than a D. U. house party. Everyone of them last year was something ex tra special. This Saturday is just the opening number on their sea son's schedule. NEAR FAME. An evening at the Delt house party would be something to re member. Just think, you might even see such stars as Johnny Howell, and Paul Amen (with all apologies to Paul). RAH. RAH. COLLEGE. The Sig Alphs have gone exclu sive and are having s closed party Saturday night, but then of course thev have to accommodate the chaper first. The party will be very much sucrestive of our "good oie alma mater" with decoration! of scarlet and cream. Incidentally ev eryone's dressing very informally. www HALLOWEEN. Raymond hall, at their house party Saturday are using pump kins and cornstalks for decora tions. Mrs. Viola Eiickson will chaperon the affair. It from 9 to 12 and ia oi.en. AND DON T fOrtUtl. The Phi Mu and Sigma Kappa patties at their respective chaptrr houses. Both are at 9 p. m. and ought to be most exciting. AND ON SUNDAY. The A. T. O.'s are winding up the week end with a buffet supper t the house. I do hope you don't try to take in every party, because well, I'd Just hate to see you Mon day if you did. Time was when you could turn out for almost everything, but those days are gone forever, I fuess. I Fraternity and I Sorority Sections rifas co-operate by J havinp Cornhusker ft il mmuoLmm. numu man n. u . iima photographs taken ) ) immedintelr to avoid s a last minute rush. SS T ownsend Studio AS SEEN IX THE NOVEMBER "ESQUIRE" CROWFOOT STRIPE SIIIIITS by ARROW if 4K f .: r r Consrrrative colored stripes, spaced less than a quarter-inch apart on a white ground, re high style right now. Be among the first to enjoy this Arrow Etquire feature. Miioga jorm-fii .Sen foriird Shrunk $2 JiO S retain in the asm motif - II -SO ARROW SHIRTS and TIES Wanted -75 Cornhusker sittings a day at Townsend Studis. There Is little to be attained In thumbing a ride in the rumble acat of a college curriculum," warna Dean Guy Stanton Ford, acting president of the University of Minnesota. "It is not the busi ness of a university to educate its atudents against their will. What you get out of college and out of life will be a measure of what you put in it" Hear let Hear Yt! THE RCA VICTOR SWING ALBUM by. Tommy Doesey and Benny Goodman Just Out , Sckmoller & Mueller 1211 "O" B-6724 The Best White Shirts in Town Thev'reARROWS r They're our Arrows and the) better because rhry have smartest looking collar in world so Arrow collar. . . . because Arrows are cut the famous Mitoga form-fit de sign. . . . because Arrows are San-forized-Shrunk ... a new shirt litt 'f one ever shrinks. Drop In and see Arrow Hiit, Arrow Gordon and Arrow New Trump the three most popvUr white shirts ia Amci.e. $2 each J I It. 1 . ff few. 1 1 Cattnu's will put you over! No matter what your goal, suit yourself in a gay little Cartwright, designed especially for the Football season, and you'll not have any interference in reaching it. We've any number of these charm ing, gay little frocks, to wear to the game, and to wear for the after-game festivities. Don't deny yourself the advantage of hav ing several of these lit tle dresses to wear for important occasions. 650to2250 First Prize f fAAGEES vrShi . I i So Rare ! Big Gams WlaMkcL Sak. Kampus Eorner V; ' ;,v I r . - :'.v I f ' i i VI 5 ? - i l i -i J 1 . J ; . 1 i ,11 in- SPORTS COATS Camel Hair Princess models and coxed swaggers . . . natural, green, brown, rust. Sizes 12 to 20, jun ior sizes 11 to 17. $15 O BRADLEY KNITS Cashmere wools Kiitrlish worsteds Cashmere blends Classic Bradleys with plain sweaters, pencil slim skirts... Jockey green. rap-Oeon red, biark. brown, rose, natural, duchess. Sizes 12 to 20. 12.95 to 29.50 RUDGE'S FASHIONS Floor Two. NEBRASKA BRACELETS Old filled chain and charm drops . . . football fastener. 1.00 KLIXit 6 Street Floor SILK NECKERCHIEFS Patterned in: Believe it or not Campus Miss America Mixs Radio News and Views 52nd Street Bandbox Cigarette RLlXiE'6 Street Floor ( II? 1 rr i I v O FUR TRIMMED COATS Tweeds Fleeces Nubby Fabrie;s Smooth Surfaces Fiited and loose hanging styles o Natural, green, rust, grey . . . trimmed in raccoon, French bea ver (lapin). wolf, caracul. Sizes J i to 20, 38 to 42. $39 VAN RAALTE LACE HOSE QUEEN S LACE . . stroller, trotter, black. Sirea 84 to lOtt. 1.95 SWAGGER VESH . . . Merrl gold, burnish, tacgo. Sires S i to 10'i. 1.35 FUDGE I Street nHs . PIQUE COLLARS White with four-colored ties... navy, brown, red, white. 1.00 MAXENE SHOES KIM . . . high riding side toa of black cuede. Open vamp. Sizes 5 to 9. 5.00 RtTDCI'S FASHIONS Floor Two, RnsMe & Gneascl Co, r-t- 4st'"--" '