The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1937, Image 1

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Official Student Newspaper of the University of Nebraska
pi!h;i: i im; ;i:nts
i ... . n- 1 r-
p Won't Give Oetoltor
Itack To Thp Indians
"What," trills the hard, "is so
riii'o as a day in June?" Frankly,
we say: Lot of things. Take a
hit of lilting Indian summer, for
Instance an afternoon of October
sunshine. For a eoupla those, the
gooey rhymer of old can have his
whole month of June.
October is a transition month.
It's ideal for those who don't like
it hot, or don't like it cold, or do
like it both. It's superfine for the
esthetes who arc offended alike
by the gaudy lustiness of summer
time and the bleak barrenness of
winter. It's splendid for those who
broil on the beach, freeze on a
slcighridc, but like steak fries.
Ah, but it's hell on us guvs what
ain't n no ; pcoats.
Anyone of a somber mood can
find much to reflect his disposition
in an October landscape. Mother
Nature sort of tones down, come
each tenth month, preparatory to
her long winter's nap. The grass
turns gray-tan. the brush, gray
olive. The fields, unplowed and
out of harness, go gray-brown.
Wild flowers tuck in their gay
lined little pusses to wait for bet
ter times. The birds pull up stakes
for a season on the C.nriboan.
Rvcn the improvident butterflies
find another world to owe them a
Goodman Stuff.
Into the fast encompassing ;
briety. however, come a few clar
inet jam sessions, as it were, to
liven up the more serious score.
The countrysides bear unexpected
smears of sumac. The leaves go
to early graves in varicolored glad
rags. Pit tors wect oranges seques
tered groves, wild grapes pin pit
secluded brambles. Hardbound
walnuts inherit the earth on which
they fall.
The sky is a believable, sympa
thetic blue, not summers over
blight, or winter's beyond pale. It
smiles, ju.-t perceptibly. Mona .
Lisa-wise. It is most beautifully
sweetly sad. set off behind pale
golden cornstalks, whispering: in
the tempei amental breeze.
Have you ever heard a field of
autumn-dry corn whi.-por? Like
swishing waves, the murmuring
pines, the rustling gr.irs. its enn- ;
fidenecs can only be surmised.
Perhaps there's gossip of the fall- I
en brothers and sisters, wise nods
over the younger generation, self .
pity for the leanness of the years. I
Or per. '.aps. like those of "a mil
lion naughty little girls in church."
the wliirpers are self eon.-cious
impieties in the face of a too great '
.So this, folks, is October, of la
c!i la-ing. of easy caught colds, of
migrating, hiberr.a'ing nature. Of ,
this, over all other months, we say .
"Gimme it."
Carl Sandburg Reads Poetry Today
What Can Come Of This Marriage?
'People's Poet'
to Talk of Folk
Tales at Convo
Campus to Choose Colonel,
Sweetheart, Class Heads
Five o'clock this afternoon
marks the deadline for filings for
the Tuesday election when stu
dents will cast their ballots for
honorary colonel, Nebraska sweet
heart, president of the junior clans
and president of the senior class.
Three days have already seen a
number of candidacies announced
for the four positions.
The campus will choose between
the candidates at the polls Tues
day, Oct. 12, in the Temple the
ater beginning at h o'clock and
lasting until 6 o'clock in the eve
ning. The student council will be
in charge of the election.
Of the candidates for the four
positions at stake, honorary colo
nel will be the only post for which
everyone in the university may
cast his vote. Nebraska's sweet- ,
heart will be chosen by the men t
on the campus, while the junior
and senior classes will elect their
own presidents.
( I a EtSifflte 3 il "K
Classes Dismissed at 11 for
Students to Hear Famous
Verses in Coliseum.
By Morris Lipp.
The man w ho v. i ote of "h;
j as the citv of big slnnililei s.
of fog as coining on little iM L et
I speaks here today.
He is the man who shocked his
i Both Bands to Aid Cheering !
Griddcrs Depart
From Station.
With student pep at a new high
preceding the fust Big Six game,
rally committee members today
completed plans for a sendoff rally
guaranteed to show Biff Jones and
his srpiad that Nebraska spirit has
not been exhausted by celehrating
last week's victory.
When the Biffer and his still
convalescing Cornhuskers kavc to
day at .1:1.") o'clock for Saturday's
i Continued on rage 3.1
110 New Members Join, ELECT NEV PRESIDENTS
Ag Group During j
- -
i 7 1
''' Xill
3 Day Drive.
After a three day drive for new
members, the Home Economies as
sociation will celebrate the end of
their membership campaign with
the second all-student mixer held
tonight in the Student Activities
building on the ag campus at
Membership in the Home Kco
nomics association is open to all j Mella
women on the agric ultural cam-I elected as
pus. and freshmen girls are espe- , Thompson.
Carolyn Thompson to Head
Outins Club; Idclla
Ivcrion, Orchcsis.
ENTERTAIN PALLADIANS Winner of Honorary Colonel
Riisncss, Buxton. Rccdy 1
Make Up Musicalc
This Evening.
Receives S15,
With the start of women's ir
tramurals this week several W. A.
A. snorts clubs elected presidents '
9 i at recent meetings. 1
Heading the Orchesis club, a
dancing organization. will be
lvcison. The Outing club
its president Carolyn j
- i Students of the Kngincei mg and
. , ; Teachers college of Palladian Lit-
BCII SmiOn & SOnS Present erary society, will present a va
ll,,li Cnnl-vl run ' lif'tv program at Palladian hull.
MUD Wlin OPeCiai UUP .located on the third floor of Tem
ple building, this evening at
1 9:1.1 p. m.
' ThA nmprani
for Short Acts.
cially invited to join. During the
first two days of the drive. 110
new members were admitted, and
before the period for enrollment s
over, the goal of lt() new members
1 is expected to be attained.
I Bi-weekly mixcis arc to be a
project of the association this year
and downtown students as well as
thoi.e on the Hg campus are urged
, to cttfnd. Kor the first mixer. ICd
die Jungbluth and his orchestra
will furnish music. Admission
prices arc: women, 23 cents; men.
33 cents.
Other clubs have not met yet
but are in the proces.s of organi
zation. Any girl wi.ihing to sign
for archery, rifle, tennis, golf, out
ing. Orchcsis and other V. A. A.
activities should sign up in the
physical education office.
m ucrr uiTU itAc cnnon Marian
Five National Authorities
to Address Delegates
at Meetings.
1 'i. ussions and lecture on the
"Cau.'e and Cure of War'' and
training for lcadiislup in Ihe field
of peace education will hr 1h?
theme of the Third Nibiaska ("oii
fereme on the Cause an. I Cure of
War held today in Firsi Plymouth
Congn gat ioiihI churc h. L'O and I1
Kts. I iu vrr.-il y students are in
vited to ionic to the meetings at
which numerals state aim midwest
authorities on nr will .'peak,
Kli;".abeth l- l'ai kt, assistant di
rector of the Institute of Ad
vancement of Social Sciences. Uni
versity of IVnvcr, will be the prin
cipal out of town speaker at the
Inorniiv; and afternoon sessions.
Jliss Facld attended the F.Mcs
Pari; Student Conference last
rummer where she conducted s
popular di.'cussion ronp on. 'he
fubjrit of world cooperation.
Miss Faiket will i'dh at !t:U0
o'd(nk in t ho iiiornin; session ;n
the subjed "Shall We Concede ihe
Victory to Mars.' and at the . when Freshman students will sign
2:30 o'clok sessu n in the after-' up for activities,
noon on "Marathon Discussion I Because she wag over-pointed in
Croups - Why? Who? Who?" activities, Betty Clements resigned
Chicago Professor Speakt. i from the board.
A review of Ainenc.i's cvolv- "
lnj; foreign policy will lie piv
:'!itM by Dr. Wal'-r H. Laves,
lecturer on political science at the
t'niversity of Chicago anil mid
wcsl director of the league of
Nations association. I 'r. Laves is
the author of numerous articles
find book reviews on the question
of international liadc and finance
In 'he Current History magazine,
the American Political Science
Kovicw. the Political Science; Quar- vious
terly and other periodicals. mister
J)r. Laves will address the au- and v.
j The special trophy preserved by
P.en Simon & Sons, to ie awarded
' to the best curtain ret in the elev
! enth annual Kosmet Klub fall re
vue, has aroused an unusual
j amount of fresh interest for
I groups to file acts of this shorter
! type.
i I'cauime lor iiung curiam ans riaroiu Buxton and will needy.
I falls all o clock tins auernoon. After some organized singing.
Several groups have already filed, a short skit will be presented. Con
while a number of others who had , eluding the program will be cha-
vindtr the direc
tion of James Riisness. liegins
with Adelaide Laux presenting
several selections of musical ges
tures. Following two pantomimes.
Jim P.iisness will sir.g several dit
ties, accompanied by the ocarina
duet which played on the Pontine
program last spring', composed of
rades by all the members.
All unaffiliated university stu
dents are welcome to come.
Members Appoint Committee
to Plan Sponsorship
of Active Women.
All presidents of organized barb
houses are requested to meet with
the I'.ai b A. V. S. board officers
Thursday. Oct. 4. at .1 o'clock in
Klleii Smith Hall. Velma Fkwall.
president, announced at the Pail)
A.W.S. board inc-tini Wednesday
A committee was appointed to
plan 'he sponsorship 'if ac tive bath
girls. Beatrice ICkhlad is chairman
of this committee with Ruth (Jreen
and Faith Medlar her assistants.
This v.oik will begin on Oct. 21.
Kicld States Plans
for First Early Spring
Horse Show.
Sixty members have paid their
dues of $3. 7.1 lor the horsebae il
riding iluii of liie W. A. A. which
was organized for the fust tunc
'his year. Fify members are tid
ing every week. Meetings being
; held on Monday, Tuesday, and
Thursday afternoon and Saturday
I and Sunday morning at t:ic
Shicvcs liding academy where
i each member receives individual
j instruc tion. I
I Marian Kidd. president of the j
1 W. A. A. spoils b'jaid announces I
! that there will be a 'urge horse!
show eariy in the spring, and if I
'the weather continues warm, one'
j may be held late this fall. j
I Any giil who wiblies to be a:
; member s lould pet in touch with I
1 Marian Kidd. !
previously filed full stage arts
arc reported to be switching to
shorter skits.
Filings for 1H37 Nebraska
Sweetheart close this afternoon at
.1 o'c lock also. A number of girls
have entered and the complete list
of candidates will be announced in
Sunday's paper.
Time Limit on Acts.
The new trophy will be ahou'
two-thuds as large as the loving
,ups presented io the .cspcrtiyc Corman. Englund. King Will
men s and women s groups whose , i
full stage acts win most acclaim.
Technically the two types of ac ts i
are just what they sound like the j
full stage acts are present eel on,
Judge Breeds Saturday
in National Show.
Fifteen dollars will be awarded
to the student submitting the best
plan for presenting the
cadet colonel nt the 2!nh annual
military hall to be held this year
on Friday, Dec. 3. in the coliseum.
Announcement of the contest was
issued vtsterilav Sv Maior Charles
E. Speer of the I; O. t. C. staff.
The rules of the contest:
, I fil-t:tnl niil. .eil'tnet llirlr .':n
tn thr iptt-Mir .f MilttMr? mlrr nd
turtle-, rnllllur) tfi-r,ir1inieil. in .Nttir:it.k
H. ll iiImm. milt H.' lurtt.'d In iM.t
latci' ti4il S:cmi l. ni. cm llturdM. .. 4.
S. rnienltle- ' ealf i.tfi.'e.r will
III Ihr -hlrK- nel pa Iht M t ljn
n II IM-I Our for Mpliri.tial.
The method of selecting the pre
sentation plan thiough student
competition was inaugurated by
Colonel Oury in l!'3t. In 19;;6.
Richard Rider, a law college sen- 1
ior. submitted the plan finally
used to present Honorary Co)on-l
Marv Yoder. This years contest-1
ants niigbl get a suggestion from
his idea. Preceding the actual pre-,
sentntion were thiee tableaux il-,
lustrating the motto of the Ne
braska R. O. T. C. unit. "Patriot
ism, Citizenship and Courage."
Patrick Henry. Abraham Lincoln
and a Nebraska pioneer family;
were the central figures in the re-'
spective scenes.
Commenting on this yea. . r n-
tries. Colonel Oury. cornniandar.t.
said. "We want t ode slants to u.-r
their imagination in eieve loping a
theme that will he otigiual and'
I recital garbed in an old s',-e.itc
! audience once by appearing fr a
'with a guitar. He is the man cT
shaggy eyebrows and of n-.ussed-up
hair. He is Carl Sandburg.
J t'niversity classes will be eh..
I missed at 11 o'clock this n:on,,r;
I in order that all students may to
' to Ihe coliseum to lira:- A :ti - i '
poet-troubador read his poems e.f
the people, sing his ballads, and
strum tile folk 1 1 R T )ir Iv e
honorar' collected in wan.jenr.c aroti:: i ::
count ly for many years.
Radio" to Carry Address.
The poet's address "Ann ncan
Folk Songs an 1 Tall Ta!'-" r.iA
his music will be earned by ra i:i
station KFAB and orr a special
public address sysTin .!it
been installed in the coliseum 'o
acf -omniodate the large crowd that
is expected, rc It sailor.:, are lx-i:
s-'"t to the convocation fiem Ur.;ou
iCon'ii.ueei on Page 2 i
Coeds Invited to
at Ellen Smith
i i"
suitable to the r.ature ol the oc
J the entire stage while curtain ae ts ; Members of the university dairy t easion." He added that tin- n.ili
are given before the curtain, using : cattle juelging team will go intoitary depaitmeiit h"ie. y receive
action against leiireseniatives of I at leat 23 or inanuse npl. The
'only the front part if the stage.
Full stage acts are limited to
ten minutes and curtain acts to
I five minutes. Klub members urge
I i Continued cn Page 4.1
Stadium Keeper,
Campus Cop Lose
Battle to Skunk
Life of the Outdoor Scene
Artiht Become That of Lost
lnspiratioiiN.kirM'li Bclieics
23 other American anil Canadian
universities when they apxar Sat
urday in the national dairy judg
ing contest being held this year
in connection with the National
Dairy Show, at Columgus, O.
Loyan Corman of Fdgar, Wal
lace Enflund of Chappcl, and
Thomas King of Albion, members
of the team, left Wednesday with
their coach. Professor R. F. Mor
gan, for the contest, whtrc they
will display their skill in rating
different cUsses of all the major
breeds of dairy cattle being exhib
ited at the show.
Two fooli.Oi quest ions, the in
evitable "Whatclia demi'?" and
the equally inevitable and oh-
Are ya paintin' a pitcher,
" are the most persistent
itating plagues in the
dience at thp noon luncheon on of the artist who attempts to do
the topic "American Foreign Pol- ; outdoor scenes according to
icy from Washingte.n to R.oose- j Dwight Kusch, head of the uni
vclt" and at a mass meeting at 8'ersity fine art department and
u in the eveninir on the sub-1 artist in his own right.
uct "International Danger Spots." Mr. Kirsch is presenting
; man show of water color
present Far Eastern situation and; aqua tints as the first exhibition
the American att.tude toward it. I of the fine art department. Open
Dr David Fellman. of the vim- j S yesterday, the exhibition will
vemity political science depart- ntuiue free to public until Oct.
ment will address the banquet ;." Mo,r,n11 l13,1 . ,
rrowel in the evening. His theme "A"y flattered to have
..tu i. ' people notice hts work, but when
I;' . tem orV fom whl- continually interrupted by
he ha.' recently refused. . Ptaf Ppta ,
spectacle of a real genuine artist
at work I must confess my Inspi
ration leaves me." Professor
Kirseh raid that even while work
ing in the sanelhill country where
Ihe houses are ,1 to 20 miles apart
people will come to watch anil ask
I (Continued on Tage 4.)
The temperature rose to
high of 68 degrees yesterday
fW a low of 3fc. Fair and
tnmewhat warmer is predicted
for today.
r i
1 ..V'
A myttery that is not a mystery
That is what the men who work
at the stadium were trying to
solve Thursda afternoem. Every
one knew' that there was a l.unk
.vmewhere in th- ;.st sta'.ium: knew just where he ould
be loc ateci
It all starte ei Thursday Triorning ,. " '
while croundkeeper Jerry Carter ; Mane WiUcy Plans Program
was using the hose on the f'x'.ball
lield He felt something i.l'ish
against his leg, and looking 'i.wn.
discovcicd a large tso-s'riied i -
! skunk evidently trying to -nake I McmU rs of Lvhan union will
Menus. Mr. Carter, however, wa i P'nt a program under the su-
pervision 01 warn: v my. yw
cram, at the orcanizationb hall
of Mock. Ruth Griffith.
and Dick Kcrlin.
length may be jirlced ;:,.m last
year's sc ript v. hi. li. in its final
condensed form was lour type
written, double-spaced pages.
As a new feature, the r.rtillery
and engineering units, i.deiej to
the university R. O T. C. last ;
year, will have a part in the pre
sentation ceremonies. These l-o
groups have about 4.10 men each j
and have made a fine showing'
during their first year, according
to Colonel Oury.
The weekly P.aih hour .lam e
sponsored bv the I'.aib A. W. S.
lmard, will Ik- held tonight irmn
7:"i) to !i :;il at the armory. Ma
rine Schlie hting. and Mr mvl Mrs.
, Wise will ihap' roijc the affair.
Admission is l"c p"r person.
H Ro
Ic as
This Afternoon.
To lilt roeiU'-e !'l e-llMC'l ;
the activitie-s of th- V. W
mi tea v :l i" !
day and next Tliue v
clay at KMe n Si, nth h di. 'I'
tin Me gills to at ' I nd . 1
not be present th. f.'vt 1
yi'Slnday. The groii;...
smaller, allov ing ! .!
alter.' lo'i to l g.'. i..
Evelyn Tayl'M . r. .
c hail man. is the g' :.' ' -d '.i
for all n-.e tea. K jt!
's c hairman 'f the Thn
with Kathrrine Rireit'!ad
ine P.ubt.itz and Franr-r.
assisting t'ci . 1 i m.i;'
Poldroan is hairmati
lie Motl and Ma.:r... S-e,
gist jr.ts.
Dunrg the !( lie... m g vcc k .la '"mi
Bracken v. ill be n e harf of l) -'
Thur sday Ha. v. hi!. If I.ris K'-r..
Kathenr-e LnvjbUd. F.!e anor l.i' h'
an. Eettv Cherne y a? a"i.-'-
ants. Friday. Iy.rr.iine F.:.i.-rg )'
c hairman, with Fran. e M.i rsli.-!'
n! Ka'hc-nne Lindblad a.-nstiri'
T)l-..' t as lla e ! Hi: il 1
so that to ill pl'cclr the lurc
her shin dl Hi . V. hie I' .tail;. ' '
U and lui v. ill be lu ld .I'irit
oriver. All freshn::.
rnrdial'v invi'e.l ti
these teas
t he
in no mood for making: fnem!
with the liille aiiim J. and, retreat
in? to name distance, turnee' the " th ,Uli, J f!"'r of, Temple build
Cuurtt)i Unrein, J.jurnti.
hoae on the skunk, llr. SkunK re.
taliated with a telling blow which
won the field tenripjiarily.
Skunk Under Bleachtrs.
Mr. Carter called Sergeant Reg
let, who thought that the ocean
ion would be ideal lor a ;it:e tar
get practice. However, by the
time he arrived, the skunk hvj re
treated under the bleacher, nnd
could not be persuaded to '.ome
out; so Sergeant Regler lost his
target prs'-tire, and the aKunk
continues his residence under the
l-ste in the slteiTonii. there still
remained well-dein -ej anel unmis
lakahle , evidences of
ing, this evening at 9 p. m.
Clarence Mock, an active mem
ber of th society, will give a
short talk. Speaking in a comical
dialect, a skit will be presented
by huth Griffith and Dick Kerlin.
Students from the school of music
will entertain the organization
with several musical numbers.
Games will follow the program,
and as is the custom of this organ
ization, refreshments will be
served. All students are welcome
to come.
The officers of Delian union for
this 'tnester art Pirk Kerlin.
pre.sideht; William Townsend. vice
president: Donna Williams, sevre-
the day's jtary, and Chester Anderson, trees-
I urer.
Cc'iimis of I'nickin on llii-ki r
Campus IlVcals Artist in Kcry
1 louse. Hivalrv for Championship
an item e.f supi.
; "All my true king
been in overalls."
"1 used to drive a
III. pllt tel. I C .
( x pi ne lice ha 1
.urn d 'hut k.
till. V." He iid-
L'p and down lrutrrnity row,
feet are shuffling and fingers
waggling. Everybody' trucking!
In every organized house theie lll,t.tHj however, that he f. ,-ls in
are one or two inaster true ki-i re- .r(.rt heart that he could tur
fpectifully recc.giuzed a. the tops j,,. hnntelf in tails and white lie.
by lesser artitts. Your rorrespon- , Hilarious Truckiua.
dent set out to take a census. I
In the DelU Gamma house it s Sigma Nu orf-red to put Cal.
small Virginia Wheeler. How does Tail against any other man on the
she do It? "With her feet." the c.mpui. PWjw. describing Tail s
sisters explain. Virginia covers a rtii.try over the 8,gm., Mi , phor.r
lot of floor space .n a very short bwame ineohrinl. lie can ni.k
lime -t. h., in he ,rm ,r, he SO- ''" T" -r be rl.M rovrr 1-111-
torv. M run truck with or v iihujt
Kspps Ptgm, Chuck T.n.nn rnn- "h b"'h ""f"
I aiders the costume of the trucker I tCoritmue'i on l as 3.)
"i - t "-: