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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1937)
PAGE TOUR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1937 vis- d Societu By Johnny Howell Quarterback miff Mary Anna Cockle JOHN HOWE AS JOHNNY SEES IT. Cropping up about the cur.ipus are hordes of bachelors clubs most notable of which is the Klondike club. Proprietors of the Hub are Mossr?. Melning and Dodd who state that entrance is gained in vitation only. Memberships now stands at two. The club rooms are located at the proprietor's apart ment (2 rooms) where tnere are rugs on the floor and running water, cold and cold. 1 see that that want-ad coiv rn ing the "brown skirt lost at the corner of 12th and K streets" is still finding its way into the columns of the rag. This definitely proves one of two things; tither tnere is a crying need for a gitatly improved zipper, snap, or Miner skirt holder-upper or the editorial stand taken by Editor Murray of this sheet is indeed commend ible. (See Nebra.skan Sept. 24.) It it were .spring. I might ever, write an editorial myself concerning said camp;is morality. The Dclts have acquired a couple of mascots in the form of two ter l lers. Doc Lynn Thompson, tells the boys that a blessed event is in the offing. Some of the financial wizards are starting a pool on the number of pups. The Thctu's and D. G. s are open housing Saturday p. m. It looks like a phocograph finish between a Cotd and two radios. And the Burney-VValcott leud waxes hotta and hotta and hotta. For more comfortaole waging of the battle, pipe smoking Bus. Mgr. Wadhnms is considering the pur chase of a new overstuffed lor the manager's alleged desk. hobbling about lately. They seem to be a little stiff from '"'sucker baseball" as someone termed that current intra-mural sport. PI PHI KISSES. They say that June Stebbins is having her new Pi Phi pin done in diamonds and sapphires to match Harry Prouty's that she's been wearing since last Saturday night. Looks like the D. U.'s will get their weekly cigar next Monday night. IN THE INFIRMARY Bernard Pe Mars, Hasting. Marjorle Meyer, Lexington. Released Yesterday. Carol Clark, Lincoln. Mary Hammond, O'Neill. Jack Meyer, Omal.a. Phyllis Rothwell, Hyannis. On. iksL Ok. .... SHE'LL PROBABLY BC CHEWING THE RAG. Incidentally, Terry York was a bit burned up about the forecast of her candy passing with Smith Davis. They had planned to treat the boys and girls the night of the D. U, house party, but it's no go now. She claims she's going to eat all the candy herself and Smith c:.ri smoke the cigars. The boys at the barn have been suggesting in a more or less force ful way that Dick Kosman "come across" soon, so it seems to be either cigars or the tub for Dick. O'hile on the subject of TMck, 1 mie-l.t tell von about the cirl who rallefl the Thpta house thr. other ""lurd rirr ..... .. .... ...-......- . .. " Thru X nig nr. ana asKeo lor uick. aii uic little K. A. T.'s and their Kitty sang "Every Night She Calls Him Up" just to make him unhappy. 670th and last to be drawn. Of the organized groups, the Palad lan Literary society and Chi Ome ga sorority were also "talenders" in the drawings. A list of those purchasers who secured five tickets or more fol lows in the order In which their names were drawn. Figures after names indicate the number of sea son books secured by each per son or group. Arnirnr Kuhlnmn 1 l.ol, Hrhm H Hnl Krhrardrr " rriiilt'la MtTlp 8" KlKmu l'hl Kpailim M Krril Mnrh 11 llrla Thus I'l 8ft i:tlwr Mar Hrlm 1 Humid Suck slsma Kappa 113(1 Athletic chit) ... A'H('lll Mr, HnuMn AlWm Onili-rnn I'l , .. Ilnyniiiiiil Hrr.hnfr .. 1 ' mi I l.lndoti't Alpha t'!i l'hl ... Jnim Mnrrim- Itiilnnd MnrKHit . . . . Alpha Hi Hit Thrtu . . Mkiiih llh Mil .... Koh Mrkln.rn tirrtnidp ftrfiavrnnr . . Mlldrrd r'lirllshrritrr . (hnrlr s.ilcni Martini .Smllr )r,l MrrrMlk Oavid (llrlla S:indir. r'ranrla Smiknp KHppa knpim l.uitmta, omrvtrvr Hitullnt licilil -inrl.i I'l LITTLE MAN WHAT NOW? Jake. 11 tu M (III 1 lH 3S u 1 14 in 11 H K IK in 1 M H ,1 il 8! 7 a n l: Kd Miiira Alhin lllnrkliiirn Niimmn Hulkrr I nrlon .Srh:iM-r dull Spruut SH1H(III I lift Mllnar r.iinh'f Srhwrdhrlm ft JcHn Slllllt S Does Sig Alpha pledge, Leonard i 'w UmuImu i Jacobson's mother know he smokes I J"1"'.1"' , I I0" 'Hlflll Ill a big black stogie? Shame on you, m.hurd Ma.iuni in i hnppa Alpha I la-la In i 'I'la-fidiirr i ordr ill I Kappa llrlla sn BY KI.WOOD RANDOI.. Thursday Slornlnr. ;0 NBf, llrfakfaal (Inb: WRKN. CBS, Mulr In Ihf Air: KMOX. 11:16 H1', Vaughn dr l-cath, tonca: KOH.. 0:8(1 BM, InatrunwnUllsta: KFAH. U:4J NBf, Wnnrar Knarmblr: KOI I,. fRS. Inatnimrntallata: KPOK. 10:01V HN, Mary lr Tavlnr: KFAB. I0:4.V NB , OrtKinatlltlroi KOII.. ll:0 CBS, Kdnln I. Hill, rommrntn lor: KKAH 11:45 MBS, r Arc r'nur: KFOR. Afternoon. 1:00 VBC, Mualr Onlld: WDAF. 1 :44 BS, Trd Malonr'a Brlnrrn Iht Bonkrnda: KKAH. S:00 NBC, Mint Opira foi WREN, f OS, Thratrr Matlnrr: KM i, KMOX. 2:4.1 ( HS, Do Von Rrmrmhrr?: KrOK. .1:111 CBS, Army hand: KFO. ft:U: CBS, Klnn Hoya; Nra: KFOK. A:80 Kddlr. Uoolty'a tool ball am: KS(J, KMIIC, Mshl. 11:00 MBS, Kvralnc I'nludr: Kl OR. 7:00 NBC, Rudy allrr'a varirly honr: V(IV. CRM, kale Smllh'a hour with Hrnry 011111r1nan, .lira 4ronlry and Jark Mlllrr'ft orrhralra: Kl All. NBC, (.rn. Hugh John son, roninirntatir: KOII., 1:S0 NBC, iriiaT" Bernard Shnyi'a "Rai'k lo Mrlhuarlah:" WI.S, WKMt, Hit ION. H:(I0 NKf, fa pi. Hrnry'n Mawrll lloune ahoiy hoRt ; Nartlnr fonnrr, Ir mnla rrrlll, Warrrn Hull, llaltlr Mr Danlrl, Alma Kniirrr, Thompa Thnmaa, fdillr (irrrn and Mrrrdlih Wllvtn a or rhratra: HOW. I BS, MaJir Roan' Orlm nal anmlrur hour: Kl AH. MBS, J or Kan drra' orrhratra: KI'OH, 11:00 CBS, Floyd (ilhbona: KFAB. NBC, Kraft Mualr Hall: Bob Burna, Johnny Troftrr' orhrtra: WOW, :.iu-i ns, lAim Hrrrar'a orrhratra: MBs, I'rrddy Martina nrrhralra: KI-tlH AS MAUY ANNA SEES IT The Kappa s seem to be getting their little freshmen dates with all the BIG seniors witness the Ann Hustead-Harlan Fergus combina tion they've arranged for the Chi Phi house party Saturday night. And it's really going to be quite the affair. The boys out on "D" street will be doing themselves proud with their Chi Phi Insane Asylum theme. Their parties are always fun. but this one sounds extra special. MAYBE YOU CAN TELL US WHY Tri Delt's Ruth Ludwick and Johnny Folsom of Eeta fame are back together again every now and then. Is he any older this year, . Kuthie? So many little gals have been SOCIAL WHIRL. The active chapter of A. O. Pi honored their national president, Mrs. Patricia Drummond, at tea from 3 to 5 Wednesday. Guests included members of the mothers' club and the alliance. The tea table was done in cream anil brown. BIFF BIERMAN! STUDENT ATHLETIC TICKET SALE TOPS Nl IM l'hl . M. f. A VJ ( hi l'hl 4ft Z.rta II. In Tan U Itonirr Kins , ft Throdnrr Ktthlnnim 1 Kvrnlt Vtrialnrr 14 Harold K-rd SS Alpha l'hl 6M Karl Kaplln u l.olllr Hrlnniall & l.oia Baldwin . . ft Srhoot A.a'n 24 Alpha iau Oniraa K4 llornlliv Amlrraou 1:1 Mian Frrl ft v . n. 1 a rhyllla lrll ft Hiirohl Brrry a Howard Hrllrr II orrhratra: orrhratra: orrhratra: orrhratra: NIK' Coeds Let Down Their Hair When lntrainnrals Call 1 first by Murray, with Theodore Kamas and Lois Behm running second and third. Among block groups, Sigma Phi F.psilon fra ternity was the first to be drawn, followed by Beta Theta Pi fra ternity and Sigma Kappa sorority. The Rear Cuard. Prize for "most unlucky" per son in the drawings should go to Alan Parker whose name was the .y nha f.iinio.u Hh.i -1 RECORD AT 4,750 i fi- w " ,, .. . - , I itrllw 11 Continued trom Page l.i I nn i.(Kin . Sam Adnnu 7 Kudolph llrrkrr j Ktihrrt f ainphrll i Hilllani Hoyidin 2K I Irtorla Fkblad ft I Trd .Nelson k I ('annua l'hl Brla 41 I Hallrr lirhrt n I Kappa Sl.-ma fK Manlry llauka ft Knymund Hall i:i ! Krrlfrl, 5 j A- ( afrtrrla rluh X : Alpha XI Drlla S Sliina Nil Ha llrlla Tau llrlla 4n siania Alpha I.PMlon fta Sludvnta Welcome Black's Beauty Service SUPERVISED Pcrmancnts 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Hair and Scalp Treatment, F. W. Inc 50c Shampoo and Finger Wave 20c, 25c Manicure 10c, 15c, 25c L4023 1122-24 N St. Ladies' Riding and Hik ing; Breeches. All colors. All 4 I Styles.. and Up Ladies' Riding and Hik ing Boots. Slip-on or Lace. Very Special 3.95 Ladies' Pigskin Leather Sport Jackets. Zipper Style. Any Color. A $10.95 Value. A To Close 4T J Men's College Cords. All Colors Corduroy. High Waist Band. All QQ Sizes to Close. XTO 6.95 Men's Riding and Hiking Boots. Black and tan. Special This Sale . . . Men's Suede Leather Zip per. Cossack Style Jack ets. All Colors. J Special Riding Breeches. Whip cord. All styles and col ors. For AO Real Wear lTO&Up Sweaters. Brushed Wool, Zipper Style, Fancy Back. All Colors. 4 AO Very Special R.O. T. C. Officer will find our Stock moit complete and Prices Lowest. BOOTS TIES SADDLE SOAP SPURS Lincoln Army & Navy Store 202 So. 11th St. Lincoln, Nebraska Corner 11th A N St. .an icrliig . . ; Mcma hl , fti Rl.liard rt X Kaaln Krrd a lnn Klrarhnrr A I'aul l-'lllpl 7 Jranr I'orbra llrlla llrlla Drlla oX I I'alr Monnlrh ... ft lirlta l.amma rM llrlian In Inn u linn William. ft farm Houar u l.orll Mirhard 9 Brla Mma I'al 4 ( hailr U adr A Knln-rt l.olmmith Ill Harold Wrlthrl !l W 111. 4 trrniahlrr Vi llrlla Sigma I'l II I'riia I pNiion ! :fti Allrn Prtrraon 1 1 Mr( illation la i Harold 4llon , , . in HllUani Hrrry ,'' . l'hl Alpha llrlla ax l'hl Mil ;n I'l Brta l'hl ; hi l'hl v.ania Kappa K j l'hl Hrlta Thita 39 I'll" l.amma llrlta y 1 11 Kappa ri I Kriinriah 4 hriatrnarn n I'l Knppj Alpha 'lift Hirta (hi " ' '1 rninklln Irtor ; dwln I'anfrr ft Ronald Taddihrn II lli.rnlhy I'rrnn 10 I W tlliani 'laylnr . . a Mlldrrd rdinr n I '..'" """ ftX lalladlan aorlrty 1 Laarrnrr Bullrr .' !.'..'!.".." ' il I Alan I'arkrr . . II BIFF BIERMAN (i KOII HUSO CBS, (jrnrjjr ohrn'a nrrhralra: K I B. I Mill 4 BS. Roitrr Trynr'a orrhratra: Kf AB. MBS, Brrnlc ( ummlna' orchratra: KltlR. 11:4ft CBS, r'raklr' Kl AB. 1 1 ( BS. Rrd Nory o'a koh"' MBS' ,'5'" K'B, 11:4ft NHf, Andy Klrk'a 11(1, U-M) ( Bs, .Nni'turnr: VI R R M laiula I'anlro'a orrhratra: WE NR. Bankhead and Fonda in "Camille." Tallulah Bankhead and Henry Fonda, state and screen stars. will be heard tonight in the lead ing: roles of 'Camille," during: the inaugural prog-ram of Kate Smith's new series which will be aired over KFAB at 7 p. m. Miss Bankhead recently scored a radio success in the CBS Shakespearean production of "Twelfth Night" as Viola. Noted among her successes on the legiti mate stage have been '"Forsaking All Others," "Dark Victory," ' Re flected Glory" and "Rain." She is the daughter of William B. Bank head, speaker of the house of rep resentatives, and this will mark her first public appearance since her recent marriage to John Em ery, actor. Henry Fonda, a native Nebras kan, is also well known on th stage and in pictures. His recent works on the stage have been in "We Who Are about to Die" and "The Farmer Takes a Wife." "Camille," was written by the younger Alexander Dumas, and is a subjective study of the ill-fated love of a woman for a young man of different social status. Others on the Smith program will include Henny Youngman, co median, Jack Miller and his or chestra, producer Ted Collins and Andre Baruch the announcer. Also, Miss Smith will revive the "Com- Whcn attractive dressed-to-the minute coeds go out for a delight ful and charming game of bridge, that's routine. But when these same so-called ladies change sud denly from their sophisticated countenance to care-free unpol ished torn-boys, that's Intramurals. Yes, many a petite young coed has had to Jet her hair down, bury her good old family pride In the waste-basket and go out for soccer-baseball, first and one of the most thrilling of the girls intra mural sports. - Practices for soccer-baseball be gan last week and will continue for the remainder of this week. The elimination tournament which winds up the soccer-baseball sea son begins Oct. 4. To date about 17 different teams have reported for practice, with approximately 225 girls participating. All unaf filiated girls arc urged to sign up for the practices, and partici pate in the tournament which is to be officiated by Miss Shelby, Fat Pope, and Helen Goodman. Houses having teams registered so far are: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Alpha XI Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Freshman Barbs, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gam ma, Phi Mu, Raymond Hall, Rosa Bouton, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Kappa and Sophomore Barbs. DAIRYCLUB DISCUSSES SCHEDULE M YEAR Varsity Group Makes Plans At First Meeting Under New President. Under the new president Arrel Wasson, the Varsity Dairy club met for the first time Tuesday eve ning in the Dairy Industrial build ing. The general schedule for the coming school year comprised the major business of the assembly. No new pledges have been elect ed to the club, thus the meeting wan attended hv old members only. Elwin Willet of Michigan State college and Fredrick Howard of the University of Vermont, post graduate students in the dairy husbandry department attended. The second Tuesday of each month was set aside as the regu lar meeting time of the club thru the ensuing year. Other officers nre Floyd Me chom, Grand Island, vice president; Alvin Ripper, Bladen, secretary and treasurer; and Eldridge Beav er, Virginia, reporter. BIFT BIERMAN! MANY NEW BOOKS LISTED AT UNIVERSITY LIBRARY W. B. Pitkin's 'Take It Easy' Included in Long List Of New Volumes. Several recent additions have been made to the university li brary. The list includes; Humanized Geometry, by J, H. Blackhurst. Flower, of Coast and Sierra, by Edith Clements. Rediscovering Illinois, by F. C, Cole. Collected Poems, by T. S. Eliot. In Quest of Contentment, by Mrs. M. L. Greenbie. Source of Civilization, by Ger. aid Heard. Comte, by F. S. Marvin. Conversation at Midnight, by Edna St. V. Millay. How Britain Is Governed, by Ramsay Muir. Integrity, the Life of George W. Norris, by Richard U. Ncu bcrger. Take It Easy; the Art of Re laxation, by W. B. Pitkin. Midnight on the Desert, by J, B. Priestley. The Lost Plays of Shakespeare's Age, by C. J. Sisson. The Conquest of Power, by Al bert Welsbord. The Economics of Consumption, by Charles S. Wyand. mand Performance'' feature which she was forced to abandon last season. Bob Stanley, who during the summer has been heard on from five to eight programs a week over the Mutual network, will reg ularly conduct the important sus taining programs emanating from the east this fall over Mutual. Stanley replaces Nat Brusiloff who resigned last July. , Bobby Dolan, Al Goodman and Richard Himber have been chosen to conduct "Your Hit Pa rade" programs over the Colum bia network Saturdays from 9:00 to 9:45. Dolan made a guest ap pearance on the program last Sat urday and will return Nov. 13 to take up his duties as maestro and will remain until Dec. 18. Al Good man will be heard from Oct. 2 thru Nov. 6. Christmas day will bring Richard Himber to he helm, con tinuing thru Jan. 29. What Arc You Wearing lo ilie Cvame Saturday? Have your top coat and sweater pepped by us SAN1TONE clean ing will keep it looking new. MOm:it LKAXlvUS SOUKUP & WESTOVER Call F2377 for Service TYPEWHITKItS All standard make for tale or rent. Used and rebuilt machines on easy terms. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12 St. B2157 Lincoln, Nebr. lov Portable Display of All Lines for Sale Expert Repair Service Bloom Typewriter Co. 22b So. 13th B5Z33 Grand Hotel! Grand Coffee Shop ! Grand Plate Lunches! 15c 25c 30c 301 N 12 LEARN TO DANCE IXELLA WILLIAM.? Studio chang;d to 138 No. 12th Closer to University. Private lessons by appointment every day and evening Classes Monday and Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 Ballroom and Tip Studio B4252 Res. B4I58 QhsuaisL a. Thw "you." Latest Trend in Fall Beauty Fashions CORRELL'S BEAUTY SALON See Our Window Display 223 No. 12th B2936 V Presents em mm and His 14-Member Show and Orchestra PARAMOUNT FEATURE ARTISTS Returning from Hollywood Attend This First All Uni. Student Affair After the Game Saturday, Oct. 2 University Coliseum 8:1512:00 Men Only 40c Ladies Only 35c Haling Optional A LETTER TO YOU FROM BARRY LEITIIEAD Dear Sir:' iEhis Two of the finest shim my lhe ARROW NEW haj K ARROW HJTT shirty New 1 new kind of soft col J HiU has fcny soft collar starched, yW day-Eilber shirt is just $2 ,ch re Besides inew :"hands0me sort WHITE shirts) I have a nanu went of new patterns. m Ml be at Gold's until Friday WS. donVyoudropinandtalktome? BARRY LEITH1AD, Chicago Representative for Arrow Shirts. l i Show Your rs T ADC?! Wear a Red "N" Feather to the Game Saturday! Get It FREE at GOLDS Get Them Today Co-eds . . . Kampus Korner Third Floor Men Men's Store llth St. irt n big Jin Keathrr villi n creamy "N"' to wear to the game. Stick it in your hat, lin k it in vour curls, pin it on your frock, liul WKAK IT! And SHOW YOUR COLORS. jS; ' ; ; if ' ' ' ' - jrA-. If ' ' ' ' vAO liLig i ij , .L,..z..i.i-:2i :.-:ii. :