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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1937)
V-;'r'i - :m-Xi-,u .-ii --c -! ;T''' V-,J iv-'-1':'' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. TUESDAY. SKPTEMKKR 2it. 19.J7 PAGE THREE Major Jones Shuffles Squad to Find Aces l ShudiA. . y .. MINNESOTA HAS ELEVEN HORSE POWER TEAM THIS YEAR Simultaneously as stone faced Sig Harris of Minnesota invoiced the 1937 Nebraska Cornhuskers from the Husker press box, Coach W, H. Browne was in Minneapolis on a like mis sion. The tid ings Brownie brought back were none too chPCring, but very definite. Says Browne of the Gophers, "Minnesota has a great team, speed, power, versatile attack and excellent passing." After seeing what the M Nordics did fnAf nnnuuc to the lamb courtnv Lincoln North Dakota jnurnni. State and how they did it, Ne braska will fortify itself against the "power" element. Ten touchdowns were scored by those five full teams and all ex cept one were via the short line thrust route. They Hit Pay Dirt. The half score of tallies were as follows: No. 1, Ruhler on a 1 yard plunge; 2, Gmitro on a 12 yard gallop thru tackle; 3, Christiansen on a 3 yard plunge; 4. Harold Van Every tore thru tackle; S. I'ram plunged thru tackle; 6, Matheny broke the monotony and scored around the end; 7, Christiansen on a 4 yard plunge; 8, VanEveiy on tackle plunge of 47 yards: 9, Uram plunged thru guard for 70 yards; 10, Johnson plunged 2 yards. In fact, there were so many plunges the Golden Avalanche looked like a tank team. COACHES SEARCH DEFENSIVES N FORWARD WALL c LASSIFIED ADVERTISING IOC PER LINE LOST A dork, brown wool skirt at i 16th and K. Call Dally Nobraskan. 1 Reward. j FOR SALE One 'rteininit'in ' reo-indi- , honed typewriter. Call F2-171 after ! S p. m. I FOR SALK Kins prs.-iirvlrs trump't mouthpiece, nnlv 5lihtlv used. c'all yciR SALE One "roronditi" tied R"m""- I inpton typewriter. Call F-i-i't nftcr ' ."W)0 P. M f.l'.MINOTON nl L. C. Smith tvpeuiil-Vs for isle by private party. Rrcondittined anil priced tn sell. Call Pal! NeUrakan Business Office. Amen Goes Back to Flank; Andreson and Jim Mather Promoted Monday. A shakeup in the varsity squad loomed yesterday, two promotions and a shift of one player to his former position being meted out by Coach Biff Jones as the Corn huskcr football team began in tensive practice for its game with Minnesota Saturday at Memorial stadium. Bill Andreson and Jim Mather, quarterback and halfback, respect ively, on the third varsity string, were moved up to the" second team. Paul Amen, an end who was being groomed for a halfback post, was advanced to a flank berth on the No. 1 varsity group. The changes, Mentor Jones be lieves, were necessitated because of the showing these men made last Saturday in the freshman varsity game. Searching for an other end. Coach Biff Jones thought- it best to return Paul Amen to his native haunts at the flank job. Gopher Play Analyzed. Scouting the Minnesota North Dakota State game at Minneap olis last weekend, Coach Harold Browne returned to the Scarlet and Cream campus with news that the Norsemen are everything the nation's newspapers have said they arc. Mentor Browne brought bacV diagrams of Gopher formations and dished them out for use by Ed W eir's yearlings. In a preview of Minnesota plays Monday, the varsity personnel ex ercised very little ado in solving the intricacies of Coach Browne's plays. Time and again, the Jones men sifted thru the "Gopher" de fense for noticcahle gains. Since the frosh are still unfa miliar with the Gopher tactics, Major Jones was still a little skep tical regarding the chances of detouring Minnesota's running plays. However, by Thurs day Nebraska's ability to cope with the Bierman system should be well established as the Weirmen ought to be well acquainted with the new p!ays. Richardson Alternates. fullback. Dobson also saw service at guard on this aggregation. On the third string Preceptor Jones had Ashburn and Kahler, ends; Neprud and Klum, tackles; Alfson and Franks, guards; Bur rtiss, center; Phelps, quarterback: Ball and Hoffmann, halfbacks, and Petsch, fullback. George Porter, athlete from Denver, shaded the duty of calling signals with Thurs ton Phelps. Punter Drilled. Displeased with the performance of his kickers last Saturday, Coch Jones called for an exhibition of booting. As usual, Johnny Howell was the bright light and seems to have the task of kicking the Husk ers out of trouble this season. Har ris Andrews, pigskin carrier from Beatrice, sent many beautiful spi rals down the rectangle. Saturday's scrimmage recealed a dearth of extra point kickers, and the Biffer put Johnny Rich ardson thru a lesson of sending the sphere thru the uprights. The edifications took effect on the end as he booted plenty of points thru the bars. 36,000 Expected. Work of constructing bleachers for the Minnesota contest has al ready started at the south end of the playing field. A recoid open ing day crowd of more than 36,000 football fans Is anticipated to pass thru the turnstiles. This battle will beb roadcast by three chains. Reggie Martin of the KFAB staff, will be behind the mike for the Mutual Broadcasting company, while the National and Columbia Broadcasting companies will also send their ace sports an nouncers. Captain for this game will not be known until Wednesday or Thurs day, announced oCach Jones. ING OCT. 1 Historical Society, Native Sons and Daughters Convene Here. A joint meeting of the Nebraska State Historical Society and the Husker's Native Sons and Daughters of Ne braska will be held in Lincoln, Sat urday, Oct. 1, when the principal speaker will be John C. Page of the federal reclamation bureau, an alumnus of Nebraska. First meeting of the historical j society win be held Friday morn PORTION OF COPIIER I.KA TIIKR DEPARTMENT DROP OPENING IIS Minnesota, Pitt, Indiana, Mizzou, Jays, Ames Score Wins. Dame fortune, guiding six of Nebraska's 1937 grid opponents thru victories in their opening games last Saturday afternoon, smiled graciously as King Foot ball officially took his throne for another season. Minnesota, Pittsburgh, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa State, all on the Huskers' slate this year, left the battle, grounds of their inaugural games Saturday with victories. Iowa and Oklahoma, who will match strides with the Jones men, dropped contests while Kan sas State took a vacation. From Minneapolis, wires carried stories that the behemoths of the University of Minnesota ran hog wild in crushing North Dakota State, 69-7. These same rampag ing Gophers will be at Memorial J3 3! Andy Uram. This is Andy I'ram. made fa mous by the Nebraska panic last vonr wlipn he snnn nff Imi'L-Ia in stadium this coming Saturday to I the death bod moments of see how they can fare with the game for the winnin Cornhuskers. ir " tX j , . V,' I i.. ;M 9 Y.W.C.A. 10 SPONSOR Winifred Nelson Will Speak At Five O'clock Today In Ellon Smith. the score. I'ram is considered the "star" nf the golden shitted hoys with speed. 175 pounds, and a 7..1 yards per play ball carrying average. Vic Spadaccinl. With 200 pounds and 6 feet of galloping beef to his credit, Bier man i expecting big things of Vic Spadarciiv leiontly converted to quarterback from full. During their championship season last year he started five games. To welcome freshman women and to acquaint them with tiio campus Y. W. ('. A. organization, the first Vespers of the year will be hold this afternoon at 5 o'clock, in Kllon Smith hall. "Your Y. W. C. A." will be lint topic of the main address to b.j given by Winifred Nelst n, presi dent. Eleanor Kiche will lend the devotionals. As part, of the musical progroni Harriett Byron will sing, accom panied at the piano by Yoe Louise Marshall. Constance R-ikor ami Selma Hill, accompanied by Dor thea Gore, will present flute duels. Vespers are weekly meetings to which any woman on the campus is welcome to come. I'pperrlass men as well as freshmen ate urged to attend today's meeting. Listed on Squad No. 1 were jinc in the capitol. with A. B. Wood Amen and Dohrmann. ends; Doyle of Goring giving the president's Mcnting ano , annress. Three members will be Our Rental Department Feature SAFETY-RENT-A-CARS Reasonable prices. Always open. Fords, Chevs., Willy. MOTOR OUT COMPANY B6819 1120 P St. and Shirey, tackles: English, guards; Brock, center Howell, quarterback; Dodd and Andrews, halfbacks, and Mclll ravay, fullback. Johnny Richard son alternated with Paul Amen at end. Gus Peter. Icterman at the guard job. returned to work yes terday after taking it easq for more than a week due to an ailing back. On the No. 2 team were Kahler and Grimm, ends; Sohwartzkopf and Mills, tackles; Peters and Pfeiff, guards; Ramey, center; An dreson, quarterback; Plock and Mather, halfbacks, and Callihan. elected to the historical board, of ficers will submit their reports, and a number of talks will be delivered. "What Man Is Doing to Make Nebraska Beautiful." will be the topic when the "Native Song and Daughters of Nebraska" convene Friday afternoon at the Corn husker for a round table. An illus trated lecture will be presented by Dwight Kirsch, and annual writing contest awards will be announced. The historical society will elect officers at 5 o'clock Friday, while the Sons and Daughters will have a meetinng of their executive board. I ft-, 1 1, Last To accommodate those who have not been able to get their subscriptions in, the special price of $1.00 for the year has been extended one day torommow the Daily Nebraskan goes to $1.50. Subscribe Now! Pitt Cops Wild Game. Coach Jock Sutherland's Pitts burgh aggregation, 10,16 Rose Bowl winners, massacred the Ohio Wesleyan Bishops, 59-0. Sopho more Dick Cassino, a 165 pound back, scored four touchdowns for the Panthers. Indiana, a Big Ten member, with Corby Davis, a 200 pound fullback, at the helm, won Its opening game by a 12-0 count from Centre College. The Hoosiers' mentor. Bo McMillin is a crarl. uate of Centre College, having re ceived his degree this summer after taking courses by extension. Iowa State, under its new load er, Coach Jim Yeager, eked out a victory over the sunnosedlv weak Iowa State Teachers. The Tutors gained 210 yards by rush ing while the Amesmen obtained dm n years. Mizzou, K. U. Win. Mentor Don Faruot's Mizzou varsity carnaged the yearlings, 46-0, while Adrain Lindsey's Kan sas U.'s first stringers subdued the freshmen by a 32-0 margin. Missouri and Kansas are reported to have stronger outfits than they did last year. Backed bv loval student enthus iasm, the University of Iowa foot ball team entrained from Iowa City to drop its opening game to Washington U. by a 14-0 reckon ing. Coach Irl fubbs. beginning his first year at the Hawkeye in stitution, nut a team arainst the strone Huskies which drew nlentvl Rudy Gmitro Of Draise from snor-fa writnro T.ndv Ctnitrn whri b.ns the best cring the battle. j yard average of any man on the Tulsa Smashes Oklahoma. Nordic squad and' who showed . ,, . ,, i scoring punch Inst week against ,.rw instructor Tom1 thc or naknt,ns r,nlIt;o ta I ff EL T at 1 MarnlV a 1.55 pound-r. hut has rug Biff Jonea at Oklahoma, also ! c.dnes st o snare dropped his first attemnt at , gness i0 spate. tory as Tulsa lateralled its wayjfeit foe. and exam ceitni.ate in o-. mil. nit- uHMiiuiiians i rurni awav. ai present very low showed power in their forward , have them in. The forfeit fee wall as they held the Tulsa outfit ; is S2. to a scoreless tie in the first half, i Bie Six clubs will have a hnsv i IIHI TDIOUIlin Dl UnriirilTC weekend. Nebraska meets Minne- l ICHUnilHU rLHUCmCilli) sota, Missouri faces Colorado. I Iowa State tangles with Rice and 30 Secure Educational Jobs j Kansas is booked for an encarc- in i t tt c ment with Washburn College Through N. U. Service. monts hav horn rppoilod tho ricpartmont of clurntionil sorvice of the fnivpr.sity of NVhiriska. H strolil hint;. I.liirin, IMinni. Hnnr vtrrMin, I iiriin, Ni-lirii-hn. I'niillnr trrl, Itriimnnl. 'rhriik. AiiKflin Kif-h;i, irna, flinila( t(irnrm ln1tirrt;il -Imhii. t:iKKit)Hr ritiT'tn. M. Miir Srmiimr, Si. Murj I My. Mur l:n1 . Itiiliy llll., ItHlliitw-n hI.p, ImkMin, AlfPf.l It. irlrr, t.dllM r ( ollrtii-, UiiIumi, Iflnnchr .r;ihittn. I r.uiKHn. lir:ilit. 1 Miihrl Mrttnnt, U l iil ni. Ohtn. I,:,,l)n Mwij, MnrMr'l. .Nihrnoku. l.Mn Rot , Altttitt. Ni hrirlH, Hrnry ftorliel, .lnriln. Nthrnkii. I'Hna lnl, j4iirl. Nrhrikn. I. O K llrj, . ( iiitirnMirt Km, Hfpt. orlhrrn Mat Trhr. IIi-kii AlirnftYfi. 8. I. Arlhnr iVIiTHim, ItoxnHi-. Nt liniU. h'lf HfnH n, I nrl'i ii, -hr;ikii, llrrttf-ri K'ttli tii, low . fr rnir I fit, ii rtiln. -llf)ih'lh Khirnr, ohioun. Nchr:ikn. t.Hy n lnru. V-hr:ik ( il , Nl. irtion) (or Hlinli. Mfllii N:i, I.;mr1rr. itniini MIU I'lrkiinl, jil'-iil.iM-. . tirnk. ' M"(n liHr. Itrnlrii.-. Ntlirakii. , t'rtilHtw IIiiIIm rl, riU-) n I nit crM , ,ln-iln , N tlirik .1 . 1nlf WhIwik, I n.n. ltH. Ih'-lnin rinroni;, 4nlroltiir, I uloriuto. Mnnttf t4mUxt, lt;rthnrc. N'ltrnk. (H-rtmril itm, h rr-ntiin, mth Ititkula. ! v .17 1 v. i fte-rt k Vy.ii.A.,.:'j,v TVri'WIIITB'HS AH standard make for s.ii or rent. Used nd rebuilt machines on easy termi. Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12 St. Lincoln, Nehr. B2157 Bill Matheny. Another pony hack at 165 pounds is Bill Matheny, fastest man on the squad. He might be compared to diminutive Marvin Dock or Jim Mather of thc Husker squad. o Do You Have Foot Troubles? Dr. Mason Specialist in Chiropody and Diseases of Feet Ground Floor 1126 0 St. FRATERNITIES NTRAMURAL SEASON WITH i;0UCHF00TBALL Three Contests Scheduled For Tonight Starting At Five O'clock. Touch football, the first snort on thc Intramural program, will make Its Initial bid tonight at 5 p. m. Three game will be played, as games are scheduled every night. Twenty-four fraternities have entered, and these arc divided into four leagues, each composed of six teams. The following teams will make up league one: Chi Thl, Pi Kappa Alpha, Beta Sigma Psi, Farm House and Alpha Tau Ome ga. League two is composed of Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epnilun, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta Beta Tau and Theta Chi. Sigma Nu, Beta Theta PI, Delta Upsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sig ma Alpha Mu and Theta XI are in league three. Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Phi, Kappa Sigma, Acacia and Phi Delta Theta will make up the last league. League One Tonight. League one will play tonight, and the following teams sre pitted against each other: Chi Phi vs. ri Kappa Alpha, Phi Gamma Delta vs. Beta Sigma Psi, and Farm House vs. Alpha Tau Omega. To monow night in league two, Sig ma Chi will play Sigma Alpha Ep silon, Phi Sigma Kappa plays Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta Beta Tau plays Theta Chi. On Thursday in league three, Sigma Nu plays Beta Theta Pi, Delta Upsilon plays Lambda Chi Alpha, and Sigma Alpha Mu plays Theta Xi. League four will play on Monday with Delta Tau Delta vs. Sifma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Sig ma Phi vs. Kappa Sigma, and Aca cia vs. Phi Delta Theta. There will be games played every week until each team has had an oppor tunity to play three times. At the conclusion of the schedule inter league championship games will be played. Harold O. Pets, director of in tramural sports, aska that each fraternity has its players' lut, for- THEN as NOW Way back when . . . and ri'jht up 1o t o t 8 y the K VAX'S lias filled the lainl dfrintr and clean ine needs u' X. 1". students. There is mi finer sit' ice offered any where and it costs no more. 333 No. 12th LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS Telephone BG0C1 O.J. FERGUSON APPOINTED E Engineering Head Will Go To Council Meeting In New York City. Dean O. J. Ketgusnn of the col lege of enKineorins at the Univer sity was notified that ilrlogatos to the engineering council for profes sional development will meet in New York City Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 to discuss and pass upon the va rious reports of curriculum studies made at all loading '.iniver.sities and colleges throughout the coun try. As a member of the council examining committee Dean Fergu son has been asked to attend the meeting. Purpose of thc curriculum inves tigation is to bring all courses of study in the engineering field to the same high standard at each institution. The examination of the engi neering departments at Nebraska was completed early this spring, and Just what department courses of study will be approved by the council will be decided at the New York conference. Decisions of the delegates will not be made public, however, until several weeks after. Yes! We Know You're a f A. . noi going io a little Red Schoolhouse III T IIO.NKSTI.Y, from lit" lm.k or fomr nf your tHtlrrwl notrliook. prnrilj., nttd Mirli. we can't lirlp lnt think llicy lx Inns tltc lilllc old rhoolliniiM" day.. W c ngs:fl, now tliat you know jour nerd for llic M'tne tcr, that a new supply in ready for you in otir Mationcry department. NOTEBOOKS . . . a complete lino (lanva onvprs, tandnrd mzc . . ,Jf, ,10c Imitation leather .t.yr. 75c Split ("owhidc Zipprr Cases. .2.2.7, 2.9.7 Top (irnin Zipper Cases 6', $6 .'l-Kitifi Zipper Cae $f Spiral notebooks, 2 or 3 rinp We, 2.7c HISTORY PAPER Standard Size . . . Ileam .7.7r Willi a arecii edee, rounded corners. Ream T.7r 3-Kinn paper . . . Ream 7.7c FOUNTAIN PENS CAMEL l'en . . . C-uaranteed ly Miller & Paine. Each . . .2.50 Pencils to match $1 Complete line of SHEAFFEIt, WAUL and PARKER Pens 7.2.7 to S10 Stationery strwt Kloor mtl I f. PAiTTE I